Wk of Feb 11--WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.


Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
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blueroses WA
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chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload Dawn GA
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crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
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disneybelle Darcey NJ
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escape Susie AR
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magslite Maggie IL
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mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
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outonarun Teri CA
panthergirl Susan NC
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perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
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rKyDeX Chester FL
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scuba diver Jim FL
skfulkers Steve OH
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stitch lover sith Erin
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taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
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westcliffemom Stacey CO
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Looks like Lightning McQueen blew a flat today. 12 miles in 2:35:55...I really needed a 2:30 to feel comfortable with the 2:45 that I'm hoping for with the half in 3 weeks. My five mile split was 1:00:34 :( And I ended up walking most of the last 3 miles. It was warmer than last week and maybe throwing in a day of XT this week when I haven't in 3 months was a bad idea :confused3 Good news is that was 6 minutes faster than the 12 I did before the WDW half and 14 minutes faster than last year's 12.

Tried the Accel gels today...I got them because they have some protein in addition to carbs. I may actually like them better than Gu...better texture!

So...we (the fam) were talking. Which do you guys prefer...a loop route or an out and back route? DH and DD14 prefer the loop because they don't want to see the same scenery twice. I prefer the out n back for the mind games...it's like only running 6 miles then you just have to run home :) What's your choice?

Sorry to be brief...I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow!
Hey Mel - Don't think of it as flat tire run. Great times... improvement on pre-Disney. And don't forget the extra push of race day excitement. I'm sure you are going to meet your goal.

I much prefer a loop to an out and back. I kind of make it a mental game trying to get the route to match my desired distance. I usually even try to do goofy things like not crossing my own path and stuff to keep my mind occupied. I don't listen to music and usually run alone so it helps pass the time.

KristiRed - Maybe they'll give Chad the key to the City (Hey then you could pronounce March Goo Goo Dolls month there).

Stephanie - Way to gut it out (no pun intended) with your run. You will be more than prepared physically for your race. Don't let the mental aspect of you minor training setback get you down.

Terri - Like others have said, at least this is a good time to have surgery and get everything corrected. Good luck.

Maggie - My current training plan is a Hal Higdon for beginner marathoners. It has a rest day the day before my long run. Long run then XT the day after. Finally a rest day after the XT day (2 days after LR). I like it.

Jackie - Great job on the long run.

Vic- Tell Mickey we said Hi

All's well on the training front. This week's long run was a drop back to 7 miles. Had to do it on the treadmill due to family schedules. Won't post a pace since I know that darn makes me run harder than when I'm in the great outdoors (alright, slightly under a 10 mpm). Building up to a 12 miler this next week. Hopefully I'll get outside for that one.

Take care all.
Tried the Accel gels today...I got them because they have some protein in addition to carbs. I may actually like them better than Gu...better texture!

So...we (the fam) were talking. Which do you guys prefer...a loop route or an out and back route? DH and DD14 prefer the loop because they don't want to see the same scenery twice. I prefer the out n back for the mind games...it's like only running 6 miles then you just have to run home :) What's your choice?

Thanks for the heads up on Accel. I'll have to try it. I just bought some PowerBar gel because it has 4 times the sodium of Gu (I get leg cramps) and I also got tired of the Gu flavors. I used one yesterday and it seemed fine.

I don't mind a single loop or an out and back. What I don't like is doing a repeat of a loop or an out and back. I did Avalon Park in Orlando last November. We repeated the same loop 4 times. The first two times were not bad, but the last two were incredibly boring. There was nothing to keep the mind off the pain. :(
Good Morning TEAM:

OK, I've had computer problems recently and couldn't post (or read).

Mel/Chimera- Please don't get down about your run. You're doing just great!!! Keep up the good work.

Yesterday I ran 10 miles outside in the cold. We missed the big snowfall that Oswego, NY had. Boy, we've been lucky so far this winter missing the big snowfall in Buffalo to the west of us and the huge snowfall in Oswego to the east of us. Kathy, how are you doing out there? Did you get much snow?

My 10 miler went pretty well. I finished in 1:42.17 min for 10:17 mpm pace. I wanted to finish in sub 10 mpm, but the headwinds started to hit me at the end and I started to tire and slowed up. Here are my splits:
Mile 1: 9:34
Mile 2: 9:38
Mile 3: 10:15
Mile 4: 9:34
Mile 5: 11:54 (took 1 min break to eat GU)
Mile 6: 10:24
Mile 7: 10:04
Mile 8: 10:23
Mile 9: 10:40
Mile 10: 10:18

I'm feeling like I'm getting in good shape for the Flying Pig 1/2. I'd love to finish it in under 2 hours, but I have a ways to go.
I prefer a loop to an out and back. Because I've seen the scenary once, the coming back is boring. The loop gives me things to see that I haven't and I'm less likely to think about the distance.

To all in NY: I'll keep my fingers crossed that the snow lets up. We've had no snow at all here that can be measured. A dusting now and then but it's melted quickly. I'm hoping we don't get dumped on just to remind us who's in charge!

After a really great run yesterday, my hip hurt in the late afternoon. I took some ibuprofen. I was really concerned b/c it would mean backing off and I don't want to do that. It seems ok now. I'll take it easy today but I'm a little bummed. :worried:

Hope everyone has a great sunday. Off to make cookies for the family.
Good morning team,

Just thought I would stop in and say HI before I got out for my LW, weather isn't -30 anymore only -10 going to feel balmy out there.

Have great day all.

Hi there WISH Team!

I missed a Lot I know. I've gone back some and read that I missed WISHing Monica a Happy Anniversary!

Out and back or loop? For me the answer is Yes! Meaning, I love to be out and right now having some restrictions I'm going with I want to be out anyway I can. I train on an out and back and love it so. However I do mix it up by varying my starting points. I haven't raced on an out and back but may do our Towpath event this year which is an out and back.

Yesterday I had good plans to do eliptical 5 miler but that did not work out for me so I went on TM and did 4.5 pace set at 15 min (4.0) and for 10 minutes I upped the pace to 13.+ just because I was feeling ok. Today my plan calls for XT for 60 minutes and I'm not sure but I'm thinking I am going to try for the gym again.

In 14 more weeks we Minnies will be basking in the glory...
Mel and Scuba - (and anyone else out there) We use the powerbar gels and we like them. It's funny you posted about that cause I just told DH yesterday I wanted to post that!!

Speaking of yesterday, instead of training went to Disney for the day :mickeyjum Not very smart considering Gasparilla is one week out and i only ran 2 days last week !!!! :sad2: - Just SOOOOOO busy with school :teacher: But I just missed my kids so bad and wanted to go do something fun with them - so it was worth it !!:thumbsup2

Anyway I much prefer the loop, when you have to come back the same route all i can think about is how I just saw all this and how much further I have to go. I do like to see something different the whole trip to break up the boredom.

Going to run later today, let you know how that goes after the non-running week and the junk I ate at Disney yesterday.
Morning team!

I train on an out and back trail--I like it b/c on the way back I know what to expect and how many miles back to my car. I also know that when I get out on the trail I can't make any short cuts back to the car if my mind is telling me to quit.

I had sort of a revelation yesteray about my marathon training. When I started my training months ago, my only goal was to be able to finish in the alotted 6hrs since this will be my first one. Well, when I started training, I realized that I was able to go a lot faster than I thought I could. And as my training progressed I changed my goal from just finishing to finishing in under 4:30. So when I hurt my ankle and then got sick, I was crushed! Not b/c I thought I wouldn't be able to finish, but that I wouldn't be able to obtain the new goal I had placed in front of me. I got back into MfM and reread the part about the goal being "having the courage to start" and that whatever happens between the start and the finish can't be determined until the race starts. I realize now, that I"m as prepared as I can be, and that come hell or high water I will get to the starting line on March 4th--and then whatever happens, happens!

Thanks team for being a sounding board for all my rambling thoughts. DH is, I'm sure, tired of hearing me go on and on. I told him that come December he'll understand!
Hi everyone! Just a quick driveby here. Hope ya'll are doing well these days with your running/walking. I need to spend an afternoon catching up on everyone!

I wanted to ask you DISers about something that I experienced yesterday. DH (Steve) and I entered a local 5K as walkers. I normally do a W3/R1or2 (minutes). However, Steve, with 2 bulging discs in his lower back, can only walk so that's what we did. We averaged a 14.3/m pace....which is pretty good for us right now.

Prizes were awarded to walkers and of course, the runners. At ~45 minute finish, Steve came in 2nd place in the walker division (among a lot of slow walkers, ha!), and I came in 3rd (even though we crossed the finish line together). The person who came in 1st had a 9.3/m pace. I guess this speed is possible for walkers but I just can't believe this particular guy walked the whole way.

Now, don't get me wrong....I'm in no way upset over this. :teeth: This was our first 5K event and we were happy to be there. However, I'm just curious about the guy getting first place....if he ran just a little. Anyone else experience this?
Stephanie, I haven't been able to read all your posts but from the ones I have read, you are doing great!!! I think you'll be amazed at how the crowds will pump you up and you'll probably run better than you think you will at this point.

IMHO, if I were you, with this being your first marathon, I wouldn't concentrate too heavily on making a certain time. Go out and have fun. Enjoy the race. I'll be rooting you on in the beginning. I'm going to run in the 2nd half of the relay team so I might be able to see you at the finish line as well. I'm plannin on wearing the WISH shirt so you can't miss me. :teeth:
:cheer2: Susie!!!

The guy with the 9.3 was probably a racewalker and YES, a 9.3 is very doable for them. He really did walk the whole way. They use a specific technique..Windwalker/Dave can explain more. Congrats on YOUR award..oh, and DH, too!! :goodvibes Anne
Just a quick drive by this morning---I went out on my LR this morning. I did
4 miles in 36:55 min. That is an average pace of 9:11. I was very psyched to get outside today, and am very happy about my workout! I feel so much better running outdoors. Although, the pace was slower, I would rather be outside running anyday. We may get some BIG snowstorm here this week, so I wanted to try to get out today and one day before the storm hopefully.

Angie--You are SOOOOOOO.....Lucky to live so close to DW! I wish I could just take a day and head there for some good ole fashion fun!!

I am not sure who asked at this point, but I prefer an out and back run right now. I enjoy running in a local park and there is a nice trail and I do an out and back run on that. Works for me so far!

I will check back in later and catch up with everyone else!!
:cheer2: Susie!!!

The guy with the 9.3 was probably a racewalker and YES, a 9.3 is very doable for them. He really did walk the whole way. They use a specific technique..Windwalker/Dave can explain more. Congrats on YOUR award..oh, and DH, too!! :goodvibes Anne

Hi Anne! :wave2:

Normally, I wouldn't question this. However, I'm not so sure about this guy. But, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. :thumbsup2 :)
Hey everyone... My motivation is in the dumpers. I have so much stress on me, that I am just plain exhausted and mopey. So not much running or anything physical happening. Plus, my knee now hurts, ever since my TM run on Wednesday. I am 14 weeks out from the 1/2 marathon I want to do, so I need to get back in motion. I thought training during the holidays was hard, but I think my time schedule is even worse now.

Soooo, last night I volunteered at the Father/Daughter Sweetheart dance. Well, I kind of had to volunteer since I was on the committee. I am just plain exhausted today and my legs are achey... so I am calling it cross training!!!!

Mel - When I am doing 5K and 10K races, I like the out and back. I think it is easier for me to gauge where I am at and where I need to be. I tend to have better times when it is an out and back.... THO, I have never had a Garmin before to tell me where I am at. So now that I have one, my thoughts may change to a loop because the scenery is all different. I will have to update you once the whether gets warmer and I can run outside again.

HI ANNE!!! I've been missing you around here!

Stephanie - You will do great on your marathon. From all the training posts you have had... you are ready!! Now get yourself better!!

Oh and I love the Powergel Vanilla flavor. It's really the only PG that I have tried. I did get a GU from the WDW 1/2, but didn't use it. It's still in my waist pack. I had just taken a PG when I came to the station that was handing out GU. I grabbed one just in case and if I didn't use it, I figured I could try it later.

Mel - I think your 12 mile time is AWESOME!!! You still have a great shot at meeting your time goal. And even if you don't, any PR is a PR. I think you will do great. I am going to shoot for 2:45 at my 1/2 in May (if I ever get back into training)... but I will be happy with under 3:00, since that is better than I did at WDW.

Have a great day everyone. Today is cleaning day since it's the first day I have been home in months. Oh and our washing machine bit the dust on Friday and it is about the same price to replace it versus fix it, so we got a new one. It was 9 years old and had broken down 4 times... this time the cost could be $250-$300 to replace the water pump.... nope. New one is being delivered on Wednesday. Now I have piles and piles of clothes EVERYWHERE. Our house is a MESS!
I did get a GU from the WDW 1/2, but didn't use it. It's still in my waist pack. I had just taken a PG when I came to the station that was handing out GU. I grabbed one just in case and if I didn't use it, I figured I could try it later.

That's not a Gu- it's a ClifShot and boy is there a big difference. I took an apple pie(sounds promising right?) Clifshot during the marathon and it was the most disgusting gel I've ever gotten. I'm a fan of Gu in any flavor except chocolate and espresso love and I like the Powergel brand too. Another that is pretty good w/ decent texture for gels is the Carboom brand.

We have tons of snow so have only been getting one run a week in outside and the rest on the dreadmill. Today's was in 20 F weather w/ 10-15 mph winds making for single digit windchills and it was the warmest out of the last 4 weeks. However, the running surface was the worst w/ lots of drifts and ice where the front end loader had scraped it down, it becomes a real running specific strength workout. Yuck, I'm so looking forward to running on dry pavement and warmer weather again.

Currently doing surgery. Long hours but I really like it. Pediatric surgery is looking interesting:)

Take care everyone, train hard, heal fast.
Good Day from cold and snowy NY.

Went out for an hour walk on the paved path at OLP. They were just in the process of plowing it out because of the drifts. The walk included trudging thru drifts up to 24" Luckily, the karate class had been out and stomped somewhat of a path thru the drifts. I managed to get 3.86 miles in under those conditions. While trying to hurdle the drifts, I ended up doing a face plant going overt the 4th drift. I ended up with no skin on my right knee and a big bruise/lunp on my left elbow. I ended up with a 15:32 pace. Makes me wonder what I could do on dry pavement. I used the run every time my NIKE + said I was at another 10 mins.

Mel - great time on your 12 miles.

Stephanie - you will do great on you race. you have put in the steps and the adrenilin of the race will will help.

Lilly - good job on getting the steps in. Take it slow so you don't get injured.

Dave - we have alot of snow but not as much as Oswego. My deck needs shoveling for the second time in 3 weeks. I normally only have to have it shoveled once per winter.

Jen - good luck on getting your motivation back. You will do fine with your training.

Everyone else - have a great training or rest day.
I'm on the WISH team! :goodvibes

I'm still getting inspiration from the thread! DH does loops when running, but doesnt mind there and back - I tend to do loops...


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