Wk of Feb 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi, everyone!
Mel -- great pace!! :thumbsup2

Just wanted to say that I've decided hip-hop music can be fun to run to. Sunny exposed me to techno and I've been loving that as well as some country and pop and rock, etc. And I enjoy Eminem's "Lose Yourself" for what it says at the beginning. But I'd never considered hip-hop. But I used my ipod video on the TM for the first time yesterday and was watching "Step Up" and found the music really motivated me to run. So, I downloaded some to my race-day mix.
Just wanted to share that observation!

Lynne -- so glad you are doing okay with all the snow! And I think you'd be wonderful in anything to do with pediatrics. I know if you had my child in your care, I'd feel very confident
Kathy -- OUCH! I am so sorry you took a fall. I am thinking maybe you should find the nearest treadmill until the snow melts. Sending pixiedust:

Well, I am at work and am going to get back to it so I can try to get to the gym tonight on my way home.

Have a great day, WISHers!
OUCH, NYcpa/Kathy!!:sad1: Hope Lynne is with you so that she can doctor you!! You don't need any more injuries that will sideline you!! That lump isn't on the arm with the shoulder repair is it??!!

:wave: Jenn117 (must designate as we have two!!::yes:: ) Please chase those downer demons away!!:wizard: You have come so far this year, kiddo. Look at that person heading toward the finish line in your siggie!! You don't necessarily need the whole 14 weeks to train for your half marathon, Jen. You won't be starting from "0!!" Getting some steps in, though, might help with the stress. Where's that Paul, boy??!!;) You've been traveling and working..take a few days off from training..and don't feel guilty about it!

Bob Harper (Biggest Loser) was on Ellen deG.'s show (I was on the TM) the other day. He's getting her ready for the Oscars. Anywhooo..2 things he said I wanted to pass on. Stress causes weight gain. Not just 'cause you eat when you are stressed, but, according to him, a hormone is released that causes weight gain. The other thing is when you are sick or are recovering from being sick, do NOT push yourself to get back out there and train. The best thing you can do is rest and recover. Judy, he said a lot of people push to train with colds and then end up with bronchitis.

Mel, you had an awesome run! So, what that it was a little off? You got out there and got er done. You are still flying!:thumbsup2 I'm with the other half of your family in that I like a loop. I use gmaps to plot out my routes so that my cool down ends at my house. The closer I get to my house,though, the more mental it is to stay with the planned route as the finish is in sight!!:lmao:
Hockeygirl/Laurie, what a great pace!! You are doing so well with your training..indoors and out!!:banana:
Mouseskywalker/Dave, You, too, are just doing so well!! Hope you are running that cemetery with the hills to prep for Pig! So glad to hear of your sweet time with your DD. She needed that, just as you did!:cutie:
RedDragon/Martha, We know that pirate: at your house is looking out for you. Are you giving yourself a rest day, even though you think your increments are small? You still need that rest day!:)
nucpharm/Stephanie, fantastic about your revelation! Stephanie, you are flying as it is..So glad MfM helped to clear your thinking! You are far and away ahead of so many people just getting to the starting line..

Been meaning to say how wonderful it is that our Canadian contingency is growning!!:jumping1:

Got my ten miles done yesterday. Now we taper for the next 2 weeks. I know we are not to compare ourselves with others, but... I was :lmao: when Dave finished his ten in 1:42 and I finished mine in 2:27.....siiiggghhh oh, to be a runner! That's ok...I know, my medal looks the same as Dave's!
Monte/Monica, You are doing AWESOME in those mountains!! How's the weight challenge going? Happy belated anniversary, too!
To Mel and everyone else who is experiencing some ups and downs in their training. Remember that you cannot expect and will not get a series of good days, one after the other, each more wonderful than the one before. Once in a while the planets are perfectly aligned and you have a perfect run. Other days you feel the bear on your back every step.

Or as we say at the Adventurer's Club, "some days you eat the bear and some days the bear eats you, but always dress for the hunt."

Jen - I feel your pain. I have been a crazy ball of stress lately too! And Anne is right - that hormone does make you gain weight, or bare minimum - makes it extremely hard to lose.

I just got back from 42 laps around the track at the Y:
1:11:25 :woohoo:

I had a revelation about my running intervals while I was out there. ;) A few times, I ran one complete lap. Each time it took me 1:20. On this track, 7 laps = 1 mile. So, 1:20 x 7 = 9:20. Even though I feel like I am already forcing myself to slow down when I do my running intervals, I am still running way too fast for a running newbie. I think I should work on the running thing on a TM at some point so I can regulate my running speed better.

Cam - I need more music ideas since I am starting to get a bit bored again. I am going to recheck yours & Sunny's playlists on the other thread.
Lynne - Oh, you are so right... It is a Cliff Shot!! I heard others say it was disgusting, so I just shoved it in my pack for later. Hmmm, now I wonder if later will ever come!!!

Anne - Thanks for the boost... DH Paul is here telling me to get myself back to the gym, for cross training if nothing else. I am starting to think that the extreme cold temps, work stress that doesn't allow me to sneak away at lunch for 30 minute work outs, and the lack of sunlight are all really adding to my problem!!! I need to just suck it up and get something done.

Oh and Anne - What race are you tapering for????

Kristi - WOW, your times are nothing to sneeze at. You are doing GREAT!!!

Cam - Last winter I remember running to some of Gwen Stefani's upbeat songs and I liked them. Anything that moves fast and has a good beat works well for me!
I finally got some training news to report!!:banana: I did 3 miles 14:42. I was happy with that pace since I havent hit the pavement since the 1/2 & I did several stretches of much slower walking because I was losing energy. Didnt eat right before I went out. But I did it!

And I signed up with Curves this week so I can be better about my XT. I think I'm really going to like it, very convenient to the house!

I'm doing a 5k next weekend during Mardi Gras in Mobile. The Joe Cain 5k. We leave on Friday & the boys are excited to see the parades.

Cam-I never got the chance to congratulate you on running for a full mile. That is so awesome!:worship: BTW, do you EVER get a day off from work?

Jen-I am so sick of the cold too (and my cold nowhere near compares to yours) DH is right, get thy butt to the gym!

Anne-you are doing awesome! If I dare hear you talk down on how you are doing I will personally come down there & kick your booty!:love: What race are you tapering for?

Kristi-you are flying as usual! Great job! Hows Chad & Zach?

Mel-I like an out & back. Its mostly mental for me too. When I run at home I always do the mental games, run to that mailbox, walk to the end of the cul de sac, etc. You are doing great, do not worry about 1 slightly slower run.

Stephanie-I agree with everyone else, as long as you know you can finish in the required time, dont sweat your time on your first marathon. I know its easy to get caught up in goals, but get to that start line, do your best & have fun!

Have a great week WISHers!
Tiff -- I am so glad you found some time to train. I know how crazy busy your life is. And yes, I took yesterday off. It was wonderful! I went to the gym, got my hair done, went grocery shopping, cooked a whole wheat lasagna for myself and real lasagna for the rest of the family, cooked other food for the week, did DD18's tax returns (hey, $48 is a LOT of money for a college student! ;) ) and took care of a lot of paperwork. It was bliss!

This morning was a Mass of Thanksgiving at Andrew's school and he played set (drums) and sang and it was just so wonderful to start the day that way. He LOVES worshiping through music and is so incredibly talented that I thank God that he uses that blessing to lift the spirit of others. So, having left there feeling renewed and truly blessed it is easy to spend the day here, being productive and taking care of some tasks that will make the week easier.

Kristi -- amazing pace, sweetie! I can't even run that fast! :confused3 I do find that it is easy to run faster on the TM but not for as long a duration. Experiment with the treadmill and let me know what you figure out.

Hi, Anne! I have been missing you. :hug: Yep, same medal! Same number of miles! How many people do you know that "did 10 miles" this weekend? :goodvibes: Enjoy your taper!

Hi, Jen! Sorry your life is so stressful! If I lived closer, I'd kidnap you for some retail therapy!

Martha - I am sorry you experienced hip pain after your run yesterday. I am glad you are doing better today. :hug: Enjoy this rest day.
Woo Hoo for Tiffany getting back on the training wagon & joining Curves too! Chad & Zack are good - thanks for asking! Zack had a blast playing with your son on the Boardwalk, by the way. He talked about that for a long time. I'm sure I have pics of them somewhere that I should send to you.

I meant this mention before: I went to Walgreens on my way to the gym and I noticed they had the Jelly Belly Sport Beans on clearance. They are normally $1 per pack, but they were now $.50. I grabbed a bunch. They taste just like jelly beans to me and are easy for me to eat during a walking interval. I know they probably won't work for those who strictly run. I just thought I'd throw that out there if any of you like those. Maybe all Walgreens are clearing them out - who knows! For me it's certainly cheaper than GU packets.
And yes, I took yesterday off. It was wonderful! I went to the gym, got my hair done, went grocery shopping, cooked a whole wheat lasagna for myself and real lasagna for the rest of the family, cooked other food for the week, did DD18's tax returns (hey, $48 is a LOT of money for a college student! ;) ) and took care of a lot of paperwork. It was bliss!
This is your idea of a day OFF??? :rotfl: Oh my gosh, am I lazy! :rotfl2:
Tiffj/Tiffany and Jenn117/Jenn, we have the Snickers Half Marathon in Albany, GA on March 3rd. Matt and Cheryl will be there, also! Tiff, I NEED a half marathon in Alabama. Mobile is within striking distance. Matt will also be doing the Mardi Gras Half marathon next week. We'll be riding in a truck float on Tuesday, so that half is on my calendar for next year.

chimera/Mel, Is there any way to make the calendar a sticky at the top of the board? It's just so neat to see what people are planning. If no one posts to it, though, it gets lost...

Cam, It's so nice to see you here on Sunday!! Give Andrew a hug for us. What a talented young man! So glad you had a "restful" day. I :lmao: at the "retail therapy" comment!
I am still running way too fast for a running newbie
:confused3 What on earth are you talking about???!!! I do remember someone zooming :car: past me at the Minnie LAST YEAR! You are no running newbie, my friend!! Fantastic run!!
Drive-by post for me! I've been away from the computer for a couple days, so I'm totally out of the loop. Hoping to have some catch up time tomorrow.

I used up all my energy today cleaning up my scrapping room/office, so I'm skipping out on doing a walk. I figure I did enough lifting boxes, etc, to count as cross training. :laughing:
A quick post before I get to go to the next item on the weekend list. Unfortunately the weekend is almost over and the list is nowhere complete.:rotfl: I will probably catch up on everyone later tonight.

As for training, I got out yesterday and did 12.5 miles with an 11:11 pace. One calf was tight for the first part of the run but got better. Today it was still a little tight so I guess I get to do more stretching now.

Then today my cross training consisted of mowing, spraying and edging the yard. It is just wrong to have to mow the yard in the middle of February. What's worse is that it needed it since January and I the dog was starting to give me dirty looks when he had to go out. :rotfl2: I will gladly take any snow that people want to send us.

I'm being bellowed for now so I better see what DS is getting into now. :eek:

Mel - Don't look at it as Lightning blew a flat...look at it more as slowing down a little to make your victory a little more dramatic.:banana:

I like both the Powerbar Gels and GU...depending on the flavor. Darcey prefers the Sport Beans by Jelly Belly (so I'll pass on your discovery to her, Kristi1357, maybe our local Walgreens will follow suit with their clearance).
Took today off from training, just ran errands and whatnot. Yesterday I did 2 miles, but since I worked the night before, and only slept about 4-4/12 hrs...wasn't feeling too strong.
The weather is supposed to turn nasty tomorrow morning and hit again tomorrow night and last into Tuesday morning, freezing drizzle/rain/snow.:furious:
Hopefully you WISHers in the Northeast don't get any more than you already have had dumped on you.

Sounds like everyone is doing great on their training! Keep up the good work and kick butt in your upcoming events!:thumbsup2
I had a revelation about my running intervals while I was out there. ;) A few times, I ran one complete lap. Each time it took me 1:20. On this track, 7 laps = 1 mile. So, 1:20 x 7 = 9:20. Even though I feel like I am already forcing myself to slow down when I do my running intervals, I am still running way too fast for a running newbie. I think I should work on the running thing on a TM at some point so I can regulate my running speed better.

I had the same sort of revelation on my run on Saturday. I was trying to be patient and run at a relaxed pace, but as I got closer to the 3 mile mark I found myself pushing harder to see how good a time I could have for a 5K. I realized I was running way too fast, so I had to force myself to slow down or I'd never be able to finish the distance that I wanted to. Good thing I'm on the TM during the week! (I did, however, shave 3 minutes off my PR for a 5K!)

DH is doing very well...3.28 miles today at an 11:05 pace. He's thinking about registering for the WDW half. We're thinking about ressies at the Contemporary to make it easier to watch each other.

Jackie...great pace! congrats on your PR!

Andrew...I like that way of thinking ;) BTW, welcome home! Which DVC resort are you buying?

Bill...congrats on your 12.5! DH did some similar XT in the yard this weekend as well.

Anne...I'm not a mod so I can't sticky, but Lily can help with that.

Ang...welcome back!

TIff...welcome back! Good luck on your 5K...Mardi Gras sounds cool!

Cam...I kinda like dance music with the heavy beats to run to :dancer:
I can see how hip-hop would work too.

Sunny...Neurontin is a great drug for neuropathy, but might make you sleepy initially. Glad you have someone who's willing to try different therapies with you.

Good training week everyone! Only 11 months til marathon weekend!
Well all that time off this week pulled us back down, the 9 miles today was rough :worried: But it's ok, I'm so thankful to just be where we are at.
Speaking of thankful - Laurie - I am so blessed!! I love Disney more than my kids I think. And no matter how busy we are, we can just spend the day there, having fun and reconnecting. And amazingly enough :confused3 we never get tired of it. While we were running out by the beach tonight I was thinking I was sorry for complaining all of the time about where we live, because it is truly a beautiful place.

Martha - I hope your hip is feeling better!! pixiedust: Maybe some "Disney Magic" will help.

Stephanie - I know exactly how you feel. When we gave ourselves a few months to get ready for Disney 1/2 I just wanted to finish (being our 1st one) Well when we finished, with a good time for newbies - 2:16, I wanted to kill that time at Gasparilla next week. We were doing good and last weeks LR kicked but, then I got so overwhelmed with school and 2 kids and ran once this week. The 9 miles we did today was horrible (in my eyes) but as we came to the end I realized that a year a go I could not run that far if my life depended on it. There was a lady running in front of us at the Disney 1/2 whose shirt said, "the miracle is I had the courage to start" That has really stuck with me.

You will do great and you will amaze yourself on race day!!:thumbsup2

Jen - I hope your stress gets better.:flower3: I can relate (you have no idea :) ) Maybe you can make a little time to get back into that training - that always makes us feel better. I hate it when it seems like everything is overwhelming - and then the washing machine breaks!!:scared1:

TIffJ - I'm glad your first one back went so well. Good luck at the Mardi Gras, that sounds like fun:rotfl:

TXAng - I saw you mentioned scrapping. Are you coming to SDV at Disney in September?

Happy Training everyone !!!

Phew, I'm glad I had such a good racing weekend last weekend, because this weekend's long, boring, 7 miler was a stooooooooonnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

It was actually supposed to be an 8 miler, which I then tried to shorten to 5 or 6, but I was running in a new area and everywhere I turned was a culdesac or a road bending the wrong way so I ended up travelling almost the whole distance anyway. Was just generally sore from like 2 miles on, and by 4 I really didn't want to run anymore. Confusing that after 9.3 and 13.1 races suddenly 8 miles is like an insurmountable distance... I guess everyone runs into stonkers...

I even walked the full last mile to see how my time compared to you racewalkers, giving it a good pace I still only managed about a 14:00. So yeah 9 seems a little ridiculous, and you people who are solely walkers in the 11's and 12's need not look at my race paces and feel that I'm out of your league, because when it comes to your speciality you're clearly out of mine... ;)

Still planning on the Pensacola HM on Sat and potentially the New Orleans one the next Sat, then potentially a doubleheader the weekend after in Albany GA and Seaside FL, but that's all dependent on how sore I feel I guess. Sounds like more crosstraining days on the bike...
Now to catch up a little...

Matt - Sorry about the run this weekend but those bad ones always seem to make it into training. The races should go much better and if they aren't well marked, then you got your training on finding the right roads this weekend. ;)

Angie - Sorry to hear that the 9 miles were tough. We also love going to Disney and while it is hot most of the time, it is nice to be able to spend a few hours with the Mouse to calm down.

Mel - I think you did great with your training run and I think you are still on pace to break 2:45. Race day will have added adrenaline to help you out. I think I prefer loops since that is what I tend to train with. Granted some of the loops are a little odd looking since I might change them mid run and have to do some odd paths to get back home. Your DH is doing great as well.

As for gels, I used to love PowerGel but they changed their mix and they aren't my favorite. I like a couple of flavors but that is about it. I do like Gu and am starting to use them. As long as they don't change their formula, I will be happy.

DJBounce - Good job on getting out there to do something. Just getting over that hurdle is sometimes the biggest thing in training.

Mike - Good job on getting on the TM. That pace is still great and nothing to be ashamed of.

Dave - Great job on the training run. Your paces look great. By the way, I think we missed out on the huge snow that NY had as well. ;) Glad to hear the weather isn't too bad where you are.

Lily - Glad to hear that you were able to do something yesterday. Great job on the faster pace.

Stephanie - That sounds about like when I started. I just wanted to finish then I saw that for short distances I could go somewhat fast and figured that I could do the whole 26 miles like that. Then shin splints had me move my goal back to finishing and being happy with doing that. It is hard not to have that emotional letdown though.

Susie - I have been passed by several pro walkers on some of the Disney courses. A quick glance shows that some of the records for racewalking have them doing a marathon in just over 3 hours, which would be a 7 minute pace or so. :eek:

Laurie - Great job on the run this weekend. Hope you miss out on all the bad snow if it comes your way.

Jen - Make sure you don't hurt your knee any more than it already is. 14 weeks is still far enough out that you can take a week off for healing if you need to. Better to do it early though. Sorry to hear about your washer. Although it does give you the opportunity to get a much better one. :rolleyes:

Lynne - Great to hear from you. Good luck in your rotations. When are you getting the really difficult one in Hawaii. ;)

Kathy - Sorry to hear about your run. If your time was that this round, you will be flying around when the snow finally disappears.

Anne - Great job on the 10 miles. 2:27 is definately fast enough to be considered a runner.

Kristi1357 - Great job on the run. 42 laps is probably 36 more than I could stand, don't like running in circles like that. I probably get enough at work to last me. DW is constantly telling me to slow down during the runs but it just doesn't feel right to slow down. If I could sustain some of those paces, I could win Disney without any problem though.

TiffJ - Great job on getting out. I hope that you enjoy Curves and are able to continue with it. It sounds like a great place for cross training.

Vic - I will have to pass on helping if it doesn't involve any destruction. ;) Getting to play with new toys is the only reason to do remodeling, or is it because of playing with new toys you have to start the remodeling. :rolleyes1

Judy - Glad to hear Logic is a little better. That is what I was afraid of on taking the temperature. I wouldn't want to do it that way to anyone who is bigger than me and has the ability to knock me across the state with one little hit.

Bill, Matt, Angie, and Anne

I'm really impressed that you guys are doing long training runs so soon after your January efforts. Heck I didn't do anything for a good 2 weeks after the marathon and my fitness quickly disappeared. Good luck to you southerners who have races coming up.

And you're right about cross training by pushing a lawn mower Bill. Here we have shoveling snow x-training, mowing x-training, raking leaves x-training, and we get to repeat it every year. After year, after year:mad: .


Thank you all! I can’t tell you how much your support and encouragement through this ordeal has meant to me. Lisa’s post asked about Levaquin and I realized there are a lot of new WISH team members who haven’t heard my public service announcement. So here it is:

If you or a family member are prescribed a flouroquinolone antibiotic don’t just accept it without asking questions:

Quinolone antibiotics are not intended to be a first line defense; they are very powerful with far more side-effects. They should only be prescribed if other antibiotics failed, or the doctor has reasonable assurance that the strain of bacteria you have will only respond to a quinolone.

If you must take a quinolone antibiotic: drink tons of water, DON’T exercise while on the drug or for a few weeks after. That means absolutely no weight bearing exercise, no weight lifting. Read the entire warning label and be aware of adverse side effects. If you start to experience any of them, call your doctor immediately and state that you are having an adverse reaction. Doctors are aware that senior citizens are at high risk of tendon and joint injuries; my research and own experience suggests that endurance athletes are also at higher risk for these injuries.

When I first started warning all my athlete friends I was a bit more dramatic and basically said quinolone antibiotics are of the devil (well, not in those words). I’ve calmed down and respect the need for them in the appropriate treatment (i.e., you’ll die otherwise). But many doctors are too quick to prescribe without certainty that it is required and without properly educating the patient.

Keep in mind these are "rare and serious" side-effects. Most people will not encounter them. But once you become part of the less than 1% group, "rare" doesn't really hold a lot of meaning.

The FDA keeps upping the warning labels, there are some who say they will soon have “black box” warnings—the highest warning level the FDA uses.

Here are a few links to check out:


http://www.fqresearch.org/levofloxacin.htm (this site is run by a former athlete who believes his body was destroyed by quinolone antibiotics and has done extensive research but has no medical credentials.)


oops, Lisa, to answer your question: I took Levaquin for 14 days starting May 12, 2006. I have had nerve pain in my buttocks and legs ever since.



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