Wk of Feb 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

Just a quick note. I'm finally getting back in the swing of things! We're getting a good amount of snow this morning, so my friend and I are going on a snowshoe hike after work, which I'm really looking forward to.
Dave-- How's the grant writing going? Keeping up with your training is great and probably helping you keep sharp. Here's :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for the finish!

Stephanie-- When MelR told me about Hogeye in person, I thought she said "Hogeye in Fatville":rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I'm not used to an Arkansas accent! Your revelation is great! That's the runner's mindset. That's what it's all about. You are definitely ready for your marathon:cheer2:

Cam & Craig-- Yes we had trouble. Craig you slipped through the net and walked? Maybe we had trouble because hit the lobby right as the last bus was pulling out. I guess if you miss the last "secret bus at 5AM", then they'll let you walk?

Kathy-- I can't believe how much snow you have. Here's :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: to melt it away. Paul was just saying this weekend he'd like to drive up there and see the snow. Normally he plows all winter, but we didn't get any snow this winter. So we'll be even more broke than usual soon...

Angie-- Congrats!:cheer2: I second Minnie as an untrad. adult learner-- be proud!!!!

Dana-- that's funny about the accents. I've started to "read" the accents of some of the WISHers I've mean RL, too. Of course I don't have an accent:lmao:

Martha-- we'll be waiting for a 10K race report!:cheer2:

Lightning (aka Mel)-- Flats happen. Ha! That should be a bumper sticker:rotfl2: I always use Accelerade gels (I use the term "Gu" in a generic way). I actually prefer Gu chocolate but I agree that the protein is worth using Acc. instead. I also use the Accelerade powder 'ade. I hate it. But I hate all 'ades. I bought a new canister from roadrunners.com and nearly died when it showed up. It's huge:eek: I could provide my family of four all of it's fluid needs for a year with that thing:rotfl2:

I totally prefer an out and back. I actually consider my self "done" when I hit the turn around point. Later on I'm always reminded that isn't the case... but there's something about that turn around point.

Jen-- I'm so sorry you are stressed. Here's:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Lynn-- I grabbed one of those "apple pie" clif shots, too. GROSS! and on top of that, it was another 100 yards or so to the water! Ugh. Avoid at all costs!

Cam-- Another 43 yo mother who admits to listening to hip hop:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I'm ashamed of some of the songs on my playlist, but they sure are great to run to!!!!!:rolleyes1

Jackie-- Way to go! 3 mins off a 5K PR is huge!

Mel-- The neurontin is messing up my head big time! I can sort of calibrate my brain with Soduko puzzles. I am having a tough time doing the "easy" level:lmao: I always have trouble speaking and it's much worse right now. I was told it might make me a bit "fuzzy". That's an understatement. I don't mind as long as it's transient. And if it's not and the stuff works, well, I'll just find a new job. I prefer fuzzy over pain anyday. I'm still in the ramping up phase, but I think I feel some relief already. It's hard to tell since weekends are always better anyway.

I finally got to try out my new 205:woohoo: It's great. I was disappointed at the signal acquisition time, but it was the first use, so I'm hoping now that it knows where in the world it is, next time will be faster. It was still much faster than the 201. I love the new software, too.

My LR: 6 miles in 1:16:16 avg pace 12:44. Temp 22, "feels like 12". Course: Mountainous:rotfl2: According to Garmin, I ascended 2100 feet during a 6 mile course (and of course descended 2100 feet). I consider that mountainous. I was happy with the pace under the conditions (I'm also a bit dizzy and weak from the Neurontin).

I got in a weight-session and elliptical on Sunday, completing Hal's requirements for week 3:banana:

Today will be a 6 miler. I signed up for a 60 minute spinning class on Wed for xt. I don't know if that will work for me, but I'll give it a shot.

Sorry I am really trying to keep up with this thread but just a crazy weekend and only got a few seconds to check in, no time to do any reading.

Hope everyone is still doing great health and training wise.

Sunny - you are doing so awesome! Even with your 'fuzziness.' ;)

Chad wants to sign us up for some stretching type class for "athletes & runners" at the YMCA. I think I may like to try it, but I feel like I am not an athlete or a runner. I think I will be very out of place in there! Chad thinks I am being silly. I am going to check out the description more and see if I feel better about it.

Feeling sorry for myself. Have had a cold for a full week now. I went to the gym last Saturday feeling a little off, but ran 5k on the TM in about 34 minutes. I ended up with a full blown cold that night and it won't leave!! I haven't run since, though I have walked some.

My daughter (7) and I are signed up for a Bridge Run (5k) next Saturday. Their logo is something like "Nothing but bridge!" That should have been a warning. I'm worried I'm going to have to drag my child up the bridge, and try to stop her from rolling down the other side! She really wants to do it, so I guess we'll just line up in the very back and think positive thoughts. I really want it to be a good experience for her- I'm starting to stress about it.

The weekend after the bridge run there is a 10k/5k event. I could in theory do the 10k at 7 a.m. and then do the 5k at 9:30 with my daughter and husband (and baby in stroller). I was thinking it would be a good way to get a feel for the Minnie. Of course now that I haven't run in over a week I'm totally losing faith in myself. (And when I had to run in one of our walks to grab something the baby dropped, DH laughed at me-- now I'm wondering if I look like an idiot running!)

Just wanted to whine. Maybe when I stop coughing, I'll find a new attitude. (Cause right now, if I'm freaked out to do a 10k, why am I signed up for Goofy?!)

Hello friends!:)

I feel so out of the loop now! I've been down and out with sick kids.:sick: and didn't get much training in last week. Today was a good day, though. I ran 4 miles at 1% at a 10 minute pace.

Still trying to figure out why some days running 4 miles is a walk in the park and other days (last Friday) running 2 miles felt like torture!:confused3 One thing is for sure....I sure can appreciate a good run like today after the last felt like I was hauling a cement booty around!:laughing:

The snow is supposed to hit us tonight as well. 6 inches. I was hoping to xtrain tomorrow at the gym but it may be shoveling again! *sigh*:rolleyes:

Happy training! I'm hoping to read through the thread today to play catch up.
GOOD MORNING TEAM!!! Guess where I am going at lunch...


I didn't do anything yesterday except clean and help out the kids. I had some quality time with my DD6, who is stuggling with kindergarten. How do you struggle at kindergarten??? Apparently she isn't as "smart" as the other kids and isn't picking up on the lessons as quickly. She knows it and tells me she is dumb. That is not a good thing for a kindergartener to feel. We bought Hooked on Phonics and it should arrive tomorrow. I am also spending MORE time working with her on sounding out words. I just don't want her to feel "dumb" at such a young age. I know she is frustrated. It's just one more thing to add to my list of stressors. :rolleyes:

BUT I AM GOING TO THE GYM AT LUNCH!!! I should be able to get in a 30 minute workout... either the elliptical or TM, depending on what's available.

Sunny - WOW, you were post happy this morning. It's good to see you back more frequently. I hope your fuzzyness is short term.

And to all the Stonkers out there.... A stonker is better than a did not run!! I have been doing the did not run too much lately... I am hoping for a stonker soon!!

OK, I need to unbury myself at work.... Have a great day all.

They had a net at POFQ this year? Wow, I didn't even know that. I got to the lobby about 5:30 and was out the door by 5:40. By then there were about 10 runners all stretching and making the last minute walk to the start of the full marathon.

If possible I'll be in Old Key West this year the night before the full. I cannot make that reservation until June 13 since our home resort is the Boardwalk Villas, so hopefully I'll be able to snag a studio for the night of Saturday January 12 2008.

Good for you doing the run outside this weekend. My lovely wife also will run outside if it's at all possible, but in the cold I'm an inside kind of guy. I ran 60 minutes yesterday on the treadmill at the fitness center, varied the incline and pace. The best, or worst, part was they were showing the Pebble Beach Pro Am on the TV in front of me. Seeing Carmel Bay and the California coast was wonderful and torture given our cold snap here. The funniest part was the commercials, all aimed at 50+ year old men of some means. We're talking prescription drugs to solve all, and I MEAN ALL, the troubles of aging, plus lots of expensive and very cool toys. I'd like the toys without the troubles. Hey I guess that's what the pharmaceuticals are for. Better living through chemistry:thumbsup2 .

Jackie – WTG on a new PR! :cheer2:

Angie – No SDV for me, but it sounds like a lot of fun! We’ll be in CA that week. Are you going?

Matt – Sorry to hear that you had a rough run.

Hoosmi – Hope you feel better soon! Good luck with your bridge run! I hope both you and dd have a fabulous time.
Sunny - you are doing so awesome! Even with your 'fuzziness.' ;)

Chad wants to sign us up for some stretching type class for "athletes & runners" at the YMCA. I think I may like to try it, but I feel like I am not an athlete or a runner. I think I will be very out of place in there! Chad thinks I am being silly. I am going to check out the description more and see if I feel better about it.


Excuse me, but how many half marathons have you completed? How many other various races? Not an athlete?????? Kristi, don't even dare to get away with that! Go to the class and then fill us in on all the things you learn:thumbsup2

Craig-- yes they had a net made out of men in yellow shirts. There was no getting past them. Paul and I hit the lobby with about a dozen other runners all planning to walk and we were all ushered onto a bus very "assertively" (not sure that's a word). Don't get me started on the pharm. marketing to consumers:mad: :mad: :mad: ....
Sunny - re: Garmin aquisition time. I usually just set it on the window sill while I put on my shoes and get ready to go. It's always ready when I am and that way I don't look like too much of a doofus (no comments please) doing the Statue of Liberty pose waiting for Sputnik to pass over my house. BTW, I'm often a little fuzzy even without the benefit of Neurontin. Enjoy the excuse.

Bill - Speaking of the Garmin... Last fall I wore mine while mowing the lawn just for fun. We have about 0.4 acres, not all of which gets mowed due to a little patch of trees. I clocked in at a little over 2 miles. Not a bad workout! Too bad the pace was something like a 34 mpm. Good thing we don't run races by going 50 ft, stop, turn around, repeat.

KristiRed - All I can say is "Good Luck". There's going to be hell to pay when the rest of the team reads that "I'm not a runner or an athelete" comment.

I'm scheduled for 6 miles today. The weather is a balmy 30 degrees so I should finally get outside. Yeah!
Morning all!!!:wave2:

My resolution for this week is to stay on top of this thread!!! :goodvibes

Jen-- Exhausted and moody?!? Right there with you, sister! :lmao:

Sunny-- I must have missed something last week-- I hope things are getting better.

Gels-- I'm personally a fan of GU... their flavors are much better since Powergel changed their formula. In particular the Espresso and Vanilla flavors

Throughout everything lately, I have been working out pretty regularly, which has done me a lot of good. When I add it all up, I'm down about 12 pounds since New Years, which is amazing to me.

Saturday I hit the treadmill for 45 minutes and went 4.72 miles, so sub-10MM, :banana: Inspired by Cam, I actually tried and RAN the ENTIRE time. :banana: :banana: Today was mainl weights this morning before work... if it would only warm up, I could get outside this evening for a little jog. (But of course not...... ;) )

In some non-running related news, I have decided that it's time for a career change and I'll be leaving my current job in June. I still have one more year to complete my degree, but I just don't see that happening with my current situation. Luckily I've been able to get lots of feelers out there and it looks like I'll be able to land something before that time. :thumbsup2 Of course this opens up my race schedule considerably, which is exciting. (Anyone up for Toronto Waterfront Marathon on September 29-30??) I have to figure out a way to get down to WDW for Goofy, of course, but where there's a will there's a way. :thumbsup2

I want to thank everyone again for their support lately, even when I haven't been the most active participant on here. It has meant a great deal and I promise to be around more.

Take Care!
Kevin :earsboy:
Morning Team, training update. 8 miles @ 10:20 on the TM this morning before work. This TM stuff is mental torture though. I do seem to get into a groove after about 45 minutes though. I think my mind just starts to wander and I stop thinking about the distance.

Mel - if you are testing gels give hammer gel a shot. I have used them the last 3 years bike racing. I know gels are a personal preference just wanted to let you know of another choice. At this point I would prefer any route other then the running in place one i am on now. I haven't run outside yet.

Jim - another option for your leg cramps are Endurolytes. They are electrolyte tablets. Your cramps may be more then lack of sodium.

Kristi - good job at the track. The treadmill is one thing, but I'm not sure I could go around the track 42 times.

Kevin - good luck staying on top of the this thread I try every week and by Tuesday morning I give up.
Kristi--Sunny took the words right out of my mouth!!! Whatever, on not being and athlete or runner!!! You better go to that class--and be proud of your athlete-self for being there!!!!

Kevin--good luck with the job change!

Sunny--awesome run! I have probs. with my Garmin aquiring a signal quickly. I should remember to set it on the outside of my car when I get ot the trail, while I'm loading myself down with all the other techno stuff I can't live without!;)

optimator--I had to LOL about your description of the Statue of Liberty pose with the Garmin--Laughing b/c that's me more often than not!:lmao:

Jen--good luck at the gym today! Hugs to your DD!

PD for all those not feeling well out there!:wizard: I was there last week and not fun! Take care of yourselves and get well soon!

Well, I got to the gym today--and conquered those demons brewing in my mind! I did 4 miles in 36:00 and then another 20 min. of arm/ab work. And I feel great! :thumbsup2
Monte- I can't wait to hear how the snowshoeing went! I would love to try that someday. There was an article in the latest WALK magazine that I just read about it.

Well, I'm back from the happiest place on earth, now trying to restart my training. I didn't get much of anything done down there, not even swogging, since it was so very cold! (FL cold feels much colder to me than CO cold!)

I got in 3.31 miles on the treadmill this morning.

I hope everybody's training is going okay, in spite of the sicknesses, and bad weather!
Good Morning, team!!

I'll be leaving my current job in June.
Best of luck with that. You are such a talented person, may the job offers be plenty!!:)

KristiRed - All I can say is "Good Luck". There's going to be hell to pay when the rest of the team reads that "I'm not a runner or an athelete" comment
::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes:: And Sunny has started it off...I have already PM'd the girl..siigghhhhh:cool1: :cool1: That's booty being kicked.. And I just recently started setting my Garmin on the windowsill while I dressed!! Works fantastically! No more Statue of Liberty pose!!:rotfl2:
wfloyd/Bill, Thank you, kind sir, but I am a walker. No aspirations to be a runner....yet.;)
Calcio/Craig, Thank you for that reminder. We did just complete an event 6 weeks ago.:rotfl: My DH is always saying that he is betting on medical technology to keep him going for a long time..
Tinks/Vicki, So good to see you back here! Hey, shoveling snow IS crosstraining!! Make sure you read Calcio/Craig's postings. He is our resident guru of wisdom and addressed the issue of not so good runs/good runs.
hoosmi, is there a time limit to finish the 5K? Have you not seen our shirts with our DLF>DNF>>DNS??!! Have fun with your DD! REST with your cold!! The Goofy is waaaaaayyy down the road. Get yourself well for Saturday. Where is south GA are you? Near Albany?
nucpharm/Stephanie, so glad you are feeling better! :hippie:
angietuck2 and westcliffemom, welcome back! Know you had a great time at WDW. Did you go to EPCOT and imagine running through it?:wizard:

OK, enough for me. As I type this, more is being posted :happytv: I can't sit here all day and keep up. Off to the TM... :goodvibes Anne
Hi, everyone!
No chance of catching up at this point, but I wanted to just say:
Kristi -- I am going to kick your bottom next time I see you (especially when you are blitzing past me at the Minnie, girl!) :cool1: <--- I'm with Anne -- that's a big old can of whoop-butt for you! :rotfl:

Kevin -- I can't believe I inspired you! Glad to be of service, but you remain a hero in my eyes, juggling all you do and maintaining your cool throughout. I am so glad you sound so confident about your decision to change jobs, and I am sure you will have many opportunities from which to choose. Just be sure to choose one that gives you plenty of time to play with your WISH teammates! :thumbsup2

Jen -- Hope you enjoyed your lunchtime outing to the gym!

I just wanted to report that I did another 4 miles last night. I ran the first 1/2 mile after warmup but then just settled into a comfortable pace and watched the rest of a movie on my video ipod.

Total for last week -- 5 days to the gym for TM time -- total miles 18.68
Tuesday -- 2.0
Wednesday -- 3.43
Thursday -- 4.33
Saturday -- 4.92
Sunday -- 4.0
Most weeks I don't have the luxury of carving out this many sessions or that much time, so I took advantage of it.
Still hoping to get on the ball this week with some consistently scheduled and executed strength training.

I am proud that Howard also went to the gym for a while last night and did some time on the elliptical and the bike, I believe! :woohoo: Now that his classes have started, he has so little time. I am hoping he will get into the habit of taking a book to the gym and riding the bike for hours and hours each week as he reads the tomes for his 4 MBA classes. :(
I'm am drowining in the WISh threads and feel hopeless. Is there a job pandemic going around? Mine's got me in a huge funk and I don't think it'll go away until I do. I have at least on erelly good, lead, though.

So, here's what's in my memory banks:

Kevin - :grouphug: So sorry that htings have gotten so bad!!! Are you staying in the area to finish your degree? I hope so. I may have only seen you locally twicein 2 years, but I like knowing you're here!

Terri - So sorry about the surgery. Sounds like they are at least trying ot make erecovery as easy as possible. :grouphug: :wizard:

Mel - 1. If I came down to use the TM, I'd be running outside. I do hear it's been a bit chilly, though. Mom said they had to move to an indoor table at the restaurant the other day. I replkied, "Yeah, we haven't done much eating outside lately either." ;) The Sarasota info is for what may be a scream team for you. DH did mention tha the wished air fare was not so high, though, as my aunt will be in the area that weekend too. Then again, I have not done more than 4 miles since WDW, I don't think I can be up for a half in 3 weeks.

Matt - So sorry about the stonker!!!

Helen - Sorry about your fish! :grouphug: I'm quite certain that htere must be a creek that the Rainbow Bridge spans.

Sorry to all those I have not caught up with. Special apologies to all of you who are new. I'm usually much better about keeping up!

We X-country skiied 5.3 miles Saturday in lieu of an LR. Arms and cardio got a great work out. Not so much for hte legs, though. Scheduled fro 40 min on teh TM again tonight.
Confession: I went to GNC after our ski excursion to pick up some accelerade. The man asked if I was an endurance athelte. Ummm, yeah, I guess. He asked what I do. I quitely said we run. WTH? I've done 2 marathons. I hsould have replied that we are marathoners and heck yes we're endurance atheletes. Why do we do this to ourselves? OK, KristiRed, let's make a pact. Next time we're in the postionm we will adamantly affirm that we are atheletes!


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