Why is Le Cellier so disliked on here?

I know this will probably sound daft, but I really want to go there however I wouldn't get the steak I love the sound of the soup and the poutine. Do you think my boyfriend and I would get judged too much if we got a starter, a side and a desert for lunch?
I've done it. I didn't notice any judgment.
I guess for me I would say my dislike for LeCellier stems more from my disappointment than anything else. I went there prior to it being a signature and bought into all this hype that it was a minor miracle to "score" this difficult ADR and once you do you are sure to have an out of body, almost euphoric experience while there. The reality for me; A 45 minute wait past my ADR. A service staff who found it humorous and often joking among themselves about those who are not well versed in the necessity of having an ADR and attempting to walk up for dinner. A simple, "I'm sorry, we are full" would suffice, not what I witnessed in full view of those waiting in the area to be seated. There was a real arrogance that this was the place to be and so popular.

Next was a very dark, very cramped dining room. I get the idea behind the theming, but it felt more like a dungeon to me. I was seated right next to the entrance leading to the restroom and right smack next to the server station. When I asked (and yes politely), if we could be seated the hostess in her exact words were, "NO." I asked to speak to a manager who came out to our table and she said, again exact words, " We cannot move you to another table, you can sit here or you can feel free to dine elsewhere." My wife even said to me, "WOW." The constant flow of people walking past us to use the restroom, the sound of flushing toilets when a door opened, and the constant flow of servers complaining about customers and their tips at the server station did not add up to a pleasurable dining experience.

And on to the food. Perhaps it is clouded from my experience up to this point, but I personally thought the steak was extremely heavy in sodium and was not really that much better than a Longhorn or Outback Steakhouse. I will give them credit, it was prepared correctly. I thought the risotto was not all that great and really seemed more like Minute Rice mixed with Campbell's Mushroom Soup and put on the plate. However, the beer cheese soup was very good and the pretzel bread was as good as everyone raved.

I personally wanted to give this place just one more try and chalk it up to a very bad day, but when Disney decided to turn this place into a signature restaurant and do nothing at all with the theming and very, very little at all with the menu, I simply will not pay those prices to once again experience that menu. I know that Disney restaurants are expensive, but this personally for me is almost like a slap in the face to do so little to the place and now call it a signature. Since then I have discovered Yachtsman Steakhouse and will go there any day over LeCellier. For those who love LC, I'm not questioning your taste or experience, it's just not for me and doubt it will in the future.
I absolutely loved Le Cellier, but I don't necessarily think it's worth 2 credits. If the seating was a little more intimate, maybe.
I think it has to do with it becoming a 2-credit restaurant. This year is the first we'll be returning there following that change.

That said, while the atmosphere is not as nice as the other 2-credits we've done, I would say I enjoy the food at LC more than I did at Jiko, Artist Point, and Narcoosees. It's one of my favorite restaurants at WDW.
I'm more underwhelmed by LC than anything else. What's so "Canadian" about mushroom risotto? I always think the whole idea of that place is just a big bait-and-switch.

The meat IS, in fact, mid-level steakhouse chain quality (and that's not an opinion), and if you're going to rave about a filet (which is notorious for having no flavor and only being tender), there better be a good sauce that accompanies it. For flavor, a well-marbled ribeye or NY Strip with a good sear and properly seasoned with salt and pepper is the way to go. And quality does matter, as beef is graded based on, among other things, marbling of fat. Fat equals flavor.

No one is "wrong" for liking LC, but the fact is that it is nothing more than a mid-level chain experience (even considering the boil in bag-quality cheese soup). It's just not the "Canadian" experience it promises to be, and I hold Epcot dining to a higher standard than that.
Personally, I think when you DOUBLE the price of a restaurant, which is what they essentially did when they moved it to two credits, you should see a serious JUMP in the quality of the food, not a maintaining of current quality. I think it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths, if you'll excuse the expression.
Personally, I think when you DOUBLE the price of a restaurant, which is what they essentially did when they moved it to two credits, you should see a serious JUMP in the quality of the food, not a maintaining of current quality. I think it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths, if you'll excuse the expression.

On a cost value basis, all Signatures are a poor use of two DDP points. LC's menu had a dramatic jump in price when it switched to a Signature model. Shouldn't that make the people who are hung up on points feel better? :)

I remember when Beaches & Cream used to be a QS (or was it a snack?) credit.
For me Le Cellier fall, began in a awful meal, steak so tough I wouldn't serve it to my neighborhoods' dogs.

Then there the all day Dinner menu, So bascially top cost all day. No way. Haven't been back since.
On a cost value basis, all Signatures are a poor use of two DDP points. LC's menu had a dramatic jump in price when it switched to a Signature model. Shouldn't that make the people who are hung up on points feel better? :)

I remember when Beaches & Cream used to be a QS (or was it a snack?) credit.

I hear you, but again, it's tough to choke down the move from one credit to two, whereas the other ones have always been a poor value. ;)
I hear you, but again, it's tough to choke down the move from one credit to two, whereas the other ones have always been a poor value. ;)

If you're selling widgets and can't keep them on the shelf, what do you do? You raise the price!
I won't use 2 credits on any signature restaurant when on the Dining Plan . . . and definitely wouldn't use them on Le Cellier when there is California Grill, Narcoossee's & Yachtsman. If I go to a signature, I pay OOP. I enjoy the tiny appy size filet and cheddar cheese soup thimble at Food & Wine and that's good enough for me. Given the backlash against the step up to 2 credits, and the lessening of demand for ADRs, it wouldn't shock me if Le Cellier went back to 1 credit in the near future. I believe Coral Reef had a similar downgrade in the past. Of course, it also wouldn't shock me if free dining also went the way of the dodo bird in the very near future. Although some will continue to purchase the Dining Plan for convenience, in the bigger firestorm of free dining, this all may be a moot discussion in a year or two from now :upsidedow
So many guests like it that it is still relatively hard to get a reservation. Of course, it's a very small restaurant compared to many on WDW property.

I don't "hate" it but it is not worth having to jump through hoops to get a reservation. Dining plan doesn't enter into it, as I do not use the dining plan. Plus it's in Epcot where there are so many other places to go.

They didn't really change things much, just doubled the prices (to make it look like it was worth 2 credits) and removed anything that didn't fit that mold, like burgers.

Beaches & Cream was never a QS credit except for a few months one year when it "experimented" with serving a QS breakfast.
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. . . I'm wondering why Le Cellier is so hated on here but loved on review sites like Trip Advisor? Is it because it changed from a 1 TS credit to 2 TS credits? Or is it because some of the menu has changed? Or is it just plain bad and not worth 2 TS credits? . . .

1) For the most part, it is AVERAGE.
. . . the was a lot of hype due to the difficulty in getting ressies
. . . and, Trip Advisor is made up of a lot of vacationers
. . . vacationers usually are still enthralled by the Magic, and over-rate things
. . . even Tony's at MK gets good reviews - which should prove the point
2) With the change to 2-TS, they didn't upgrade, much, just charged more.
3) This is exactly like Mickey's BBQ.
. . . many, many people on DDP do not consider the worth/value of a credit
. . . so, many spend the credits blindly
. . . and, if people will grossly overpay, why not keep overcharging?
4) Lastly, I don't like the idea of artificially enhancing meat to make it seem more expensive than it is, and not noting it as so.
. . . most of the meat items are infused with sodium, or the sauce is laden with it
. . . this activated certain taste sensors/receptors on the tongue and mouth
. . . makes the beef seem better than it is *
. . . this is one of the reasons the Turkey Legs seem so good, especially on a hot day (2+ days of a grown man's daily sodium requirement)
* We have interest in a Blue-Plate-Special breakfast & lunch diner. For some of the lunch meat dishes, we infuse sodium, as it makes simple cube steak seem almost like premium meat. However, we make plain reference on the menu that those specific menu items have "sodium added", so no one is confused or fooled.
Hi! I've been reading this thread because I would like to give my daughter and her friend a nice French dinner. We aren't doing DDP so that's not an issue, but of course I would rather not pay for way overpriced food. The "French" experience is what I am after though. Suggestions? They currently have ADR at Monsieur Pauls. Thanks!
M. Paul is the most authentic French experience. You'll pay for anything at WDW, including M. Paul. Expect typical Signature pricing.
OK thanks we will keep that. I know it will be expensive, kind of just wondering of one vs. the other in terms of overpricing. But the experience is the key. Thanks!
We enjoyed Le Cellier a couple of years ago, not so much this time. The food certainly wasn't bad, but in all honesty I had a better steak at San Angel Inn a couple of days later. I think it just doesn't live up to its reputation anymore.
I actually don't understand at all myself. We absolutely LOVE Le Cellier in my family. One of the best Steaks you can get on Disney Property. Besides the fact that the rest of the food is all on point too. Service is usually top notch as well. I don't get it. Le Cellier fans forever! :)


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