Who Invited My Mother In Law? A Moderately Deluxe TR All New X 3 & PTR Link 2/3 !!

Ok, I have spent the last two days reading all your updates up to to the end of the evening with the Luau. I've kept a Words document open to write down my comments, so be prepared to be inundated with comments.

Ok, I take one thing back about wanting Claudia to be like Maddie. I’m hoping Claudia is fearless when it comes to rides. :rotfl: But good on Maddie for trying HM. You buy her one plush toy for every day of the trip? I’d love to do that, but Ron would kill me. And I wouldn’t know where to put them...

I too can weave my way through a crowd pretty quickly due to being short. Years of practice taking the subway to get to college downtown also helps.

MMY is such a great show, I don’t blame you for crying. I’m very excited to see what new show they come up with now that they’re changing MMY but keeping the same technology.

Wow! You got some great shots of the fireworks! pixiedust:

I’m glad that MIL was okay with separating when she wanted to stay for EMH and you didn’t. She came back at 2:30am though? And she bought all those gifts for the other grandchildren but not Maddie?! How insensitive! :faint:

How strange that it was that cold in Florida in May. Usually I hear people complain about how hot it already is, despite not being summer yet.

I’m way late, but “Hi Bryan!” :wave2:

Whipped butter is the best!

You took some very nice pictures of Africa on that first morning! The ceiling of Tusker House is breathtaking. Great pictures of Asia as well. I agree that AK is a beautiful place!

LOL at Maddie saying you need a “guy” to keep you company while your husband is not there. I’m sure the yeti has protected you well.

I don’t really have any interest in meeting Pocahontas (boo to being bored), but Meeko looks adorable! Oh man, poor Dug having to “chase” squirrels all day.

I keep seeing people order these fried wontons from Yak & Yeti. What’s in it exactly? Is it just cream cheese?

Boo at MIL for making Ohana a bad experience. It sucks that your meet with Katt was so short, but I’m glad she didn’t take offense. :rotfl:

I think you would have been good with using the Jamaica bust stop.

Haha, yes let’s hope for your wallet’s sake that Maddie doesn’t want a Disney wedding. Though I’m sure you’d love it (besides the money part). :p

Yay Bryan for telling his mother not to join you for a few pictures! :goodvibes

That is such an original idea to have everyone but the bride wear white! Maybe for a vow renewal...

It’s weird how it was a bit chilly when you went, enough to wear sweaters, yet another TR I read that took place in May it was hotter than August.

It’s awesome that the Fairy Godmother played along in “inviting” Maddie to the BBB! princess:

Phew, Maddie did not get too terrified riding Stitch’s (not so) Great Escape.

Maybe that guy thought you were somebody else and was then sorry to have bothered you??? :confused3

I’ve never heard of a single-rider line for Space Mountain?

I LOVE the princess Jasmine outfit. She’s my favorite princess because I love her “exotic” look and outfit. Maddie has very good taste (not that I ever doubted that).

What an awesome FGMIT!!! And obviously Maddie looked GORGEOUS after (and before) her transformation! :thumbsup2

I was about to say good riddance to MIL leaving, but it’s nice that in retrospect you enjoyed her being there and that she enjoyed her trip a lot.

Mmmm, chocolate mousse!!

I totally get you with finding a gazillion ornaments that you want to buy from the Christmas store.

Even little princesses need a time out once in a while. Glad it was resolved quickly though.

I can understand non-Disney employees to not go the extra mile and do all that pixie dust stuff. But to not even help people asking for directions or where the bathroom is??? :confused3

Pompom palm tree. :cheer2:

I eat my pizza with a fork and knife, cutting every little piece. I don’t like eating pizza with my hands.

Coyote Ugly! I haven’t watched that movie in years! I used to watch it all the time. I think I had a VHS copy though, so I probably don’t have it anymore. :-( Center Stage is pretty good too. I watched the 3 new Star Wars movies and thought they were okay, but that’s it. The Star Wars border really does make the picture look awesome though!

Muppet Vision 3D is a favorite of Ron. I quite enjoy it too, just not as much.

LOL @ you wanting to bribe Maddie to get on RNR once she’s tall/old enough. I’d totally do that!

Love the picture of you guys kissing and Maddie covering her eyes.

OMG, Maddie is hilarious with her keeping her moves like jagger away in a safe place! :rotfl2:

I love how kids can fall asleep in a second, even in the middle of doing something.

Mel, thanks so much for taking the time to comment on the whole thing! You're a trooper about catching up! Now I'm playing catch up...

Yay! Updates!! It looks like another lovely evening! WS is one that can be explored so many times, Epcot's so pretty at night!! Love the pp shots you got.
Ugh...cheerleaders... haha

Wasn't F&G great? I hope that we can get back there to see it again one of these days. It's amazing.

At least the cheerleaders weren't noisy. Just kind of ... everywhere... :rotfl:

I'm glad to hear that Bryan's aunt is doing better!! Continuing to send lots of good thoughts her way!!! :goodvibes

:rotfl: at your Queen and Princess shirt story!

That is really funny that the PP photographer was entirely confused as to why you'd want them to take your picture! That is definitely something I'd do!

Thank you!

I have no idea why the photog wasn't more quick to adapt, but I'm glad we got the pictures. We love Beauty and the Beast, and I love how those pics turned out. I do hope that I'll be able to be more vocal about magic shots in the future. I just love them, and we only got one this trip!

Whew! I had gotten behind. First off, I'm sorry to hear about Bryan's aunt but it sounds like she's doing better. Second, congrats on the new job!

Now, on to Disney. I've always said that I wanted to go to dinner at Cape May Cafe but we haven't gotten around to it. From your review, it sounds like I need to put more effort into working it into our plans.

I laughed outloud at Maddie's comment to the yelling cheerleaders! She's such a cutie!

Thanks for the prayers and kind thoughts Lisa!

Cape May is so good. We've really enjoyed our meals there, and we will certainly be back next trip. I hope that you work it in one of these days.

She makes us laugh every day.

What a lovely evening stroll around WS. I love F&G, the topiaries are so pretty and really add to the ambiance of WS.

Glad Maddie liked Soarin' better this time around, I can't wait to take Everett on, just another half inch!

Her "moves like Jagger", Maddie is hilarious! :rotfl2:

I knew that I'd enjoy F&G, but I wasn't prepared for how much I loved it. It's so beautiful! I could have strolled WS for days!

I hope that Everett makes the cut off next trip! It's such a nice family ride.

She's a nut.
All hail the Queen and Princess!:rotfl2: People should bow as you pass.;)

They Should!!:lmao:

I just love seeing all the topiaries! I think some day I need to go during the FLower festival, such beautiful arrangements everywhere!

Oh my gosh it was soooo beautiful. You have got to check it out some day.

Maddie is on her way to a career in posing! I know, I have a poser!:lmao: And moves like jagger! Kadence says that's her jam.

:rotfl2: I love it.

Great update. What a fun Epcot evening! And you got some great PP shots!

One of my favorite stories ever! :rotfl2:

It was a really nice night. Thanks Roni!

OMG it was so embarrassing at the time!

Congrats on your new job!

And I'm glad to hear that Bryan's aunt is doing better. :goodvibes

Sounds like y'all had a really nice evening in EPCOT! All of the photopass pictures are so cute. And I love Maddie's silliness!!

Thanks Amanda! It's going well, and Bryan's Aunt is doing great too.

It was such a nice night. Even better that it was kind of a 'bonus' night.

She's a goof.

What great PP shots!!! I started to quote some but then I realized how many were good so I decided not too!! :thumbsup2 But they were so good! I wish I could get Keith to cooperate on PP pictures!!

These posts brought back so many great memories with Cape May and Oreo bon bons plus the Flower and Garden pics....thanks for the memories it brought back!! :goodvibes

Thanks! Maybe by next trip Keith will join in-he's becoming a regular Disney lover now! ;) I love that it's only $100 and we actually have the chance to get all of us in some pics.

So glad that you have the same great memories. Isn't it great at that time of year?

Hello, I am all caught up on both of your T.R.'s. So glad to be joining in.:thumbsup2

Welcome! Thanks so much for joining in!

I'm sorry I got so far behind Shannon!

First of all, I'm so sorry about Bryan's aunt but I'm so relieved she is doing better. I will send good thoughts & prayers her way.

Congrats on your new job!:cheer2:

Your pics from Epcot are great! All of them are so good, it looks like a great evening.

Maddie is too funny! And I love the Queen & Princess shirts story!

Omg, I can not believe the schedule difference from last year to this year! I feel like I have zero time which is why I have hardly been on here. Tessa's schedule is busy & then when Anthony gets home I want to soak up the time with him. It's good though & I hope you all are doing well.:goodvibes

No apologies Megan, you know I understand.

Thank you for the well wishes.

It was such a nice night in WS. We hadn't planned on going so it was a great bonus trip around the world.

I was so embarrassed about those shirts. :lmao:

This Kindergarten thing is nuts. I had no idea we'd be so busy. I thought there'd be more of a transition from preschool to crazy.
shannon, you just take care of your job and family stuff first!! we'll still be here! good luck on your test.

I hope you & Maddie get over those colds soon & best of luck on your test!

We will be here whenever you update so don't worry!

No need to apologize to me...you know I'm the Queen of Having to Put Off Posting Replies. :rotfl:

Goodness! I'm surprised you even had time to come on her and post today. I hope that you start feeling better soon and things slow down a bit.

Hope you're feeling better soon hon! Don't you worry, we all understand....we'll all be here when your next update is posted! Get better!

Aren't kindergartners the best at sharing? Germs, that is. :sick:

Don't you just love all the wonderful germs kids carry home with them? :crazy2: I hope y'all get to feeling much better soon! :goodvibes

And best of luck with the new job & your test! I'm sure you'll do great!! :thumbsup2

Hope you are feeling better, and good luck on your test. :thumbsup2

I hope your studying is going well, Shannon.

What a wonderful night at Epcot...just walking and enjoying. Great pictures of the topiaries, but I love the photopass pictures even more...especially the one of you and Maddie sitting on the bench.

Maybe next year you can get something at the German shop after Cape May since the Oreo Bon Bon's are gone.

No worries - we will be here when you have time. :thumbsup2 I hope you are feeling better! :hug:

You guys are the best! I hope that you all know how much I appreciate your friendship. :grouphug:

I am feeling almost human, and Maddie only has a bit of a cough left.

I passed my test with flying colors, and am through the crazy training schedule. I'm starting to settle in and I think that I'll be much happier at this job than the last.
Love the dress! Love that Maddie gave you until Monday to get back to sewing.

Have a great weekend.

Thanks Kathy. I've been reading along with your TRs even if I hadn't had time to comment. I'm so sorry to hear about everything you've been going through.

She's such a slave driver! I did get a 2 day reprieve out of her though. I'll begin making the dress on Wednesday.

Love Maddie's costume! She's going to be adorable!

Man, she's a tough boss, huh? Only giving you until Monday for that Merida dress. :rotfl: I can't wait to see a picture of it!

Thanks Amanda!

She is a toughy. I got an extension though. I have until Wednesday since I still need to buy a zipper. :rotfl: She keeps showing me the doll and asking "Are you sure you have enough gold fabric to make the belt thingie? Do we need to put more gold fabric on the list mommy?" :rotfl2:

Well of course you did. No self-respecting princess would be caught without being properly accessorized. Make sure to post a pic when she's wearing it! :)

True, true. I will definitely share pics.

Oh my gosh, that dress is gorgeous! I kinda want to wear it for Halloween! :blush::rotfl2:

Did you actually think you'd get out of the store without accessories? What self respecting wedding-day princess doesn't have gloves, tiara or shoes! ;)

Maddie is too funny! Looking forward to seeing pic of Maddie sporting the Merida dress and the Cinderella wedding dress, I'm sure she will be adorable!

I kind of want to wear it too.

I did have an inkling that I'd be in for some accessories. ;) You're absolutely right.

She is a tough boss. I'll share pics as soon as it's done.

I love the Halloween costume. Good choice Maddie :thumbsup2


What a gorgeous Halloween costume! Maddie has great taste, obviously. :thumbsup2

Thanks Mel! Are you getting excited to start buying stuff like that?

Oh, I love that dress! Maddie will be adorable on Halloween. :lovestruc i sure wish I would have had Halloween as an excuse to buy that dress for Willow! :rolleyes1:

:lmao: I was sort of glad to have Halloween as an excuse to get it! I was kind of hoping she'd pick Snow White though. I also tried to ease her away from Cindy and Rapunzel knowing that she'll want to be one of them if she ever gets to go back to BBB;)

Oh can't wait to see how beautiful Maddie will be in as a Princess Bride!!! And, can't wait to see your Merida dress... congrats on the new job.... I know you'll do well with the test and hope you are feeling better. Best to let Maddie that she doesn't have to share everything!

All the best, Karen

I will share pics as soon as I have them! I think the Merida dress will turn our really well.

Thank you so much Karen!

I love Maddie's costume!! I always say Madison will only be young once and do everything I can to do what she wants. Sounds like I spoil her but she really doesn't always get what she wants! :rotfl:

I have been so far behind on updating my own TR and catching up on those I follow that I always feel like I am making up an excuse of the week also! :laughing:

You know, I really feel the same way. She'll be over the princess thing far too soon, so I like to indulge her while it lasts. If mine always got what she wanted we'd own a toy store!

Thanks for understanding. I feel like as soon as we get into a routine, a monkey wrench gets thrown into it. That's life I guess.

Hmmmm... I wonder where you could find a shop full of Aerosmith stuff? :confused3 :rotfl:

:rotfl2: I looked there, but everything they had said RnRC somewhere on it. There was a good selection, but I wanted something more Aerosmith and less Disney.

Ok, since I've never been to Cape May, let me throw this scenario out there. You haven't had any dessert yet and can have your pick. What would you rather have, Oreo Bonbons, or something from the caramel shop? :confused3

Ohhhhh that's a good question. Honestly I think I'd choose the BonBons.

That's great! I'm glad she enjoyed it. :thumbsup2

She claims it was her favorite ride in Epcot, but we'll see what happens when Test Track re opens.

Don't worry about excuses. I'm only about 2 weeks behind anyway. I've been busy and had trouble keeping up lately, so I appreciate you helping me out! :thumbsup2

I hope everything has been/is going well with the new job and training.

You're quite welcome! Glad to oblige.

Thanks so much.

Ca-Utte Dress! :thumbsup2

Hope your catching up on everything including your well health!

Thanks Carey! I am finally feeling like I've got a handle on everything. Here's hoping that life can return to normal.
I love Maddie's Halloween costume. I'm sure she will be beautiful. You will definitely have to share pictures.

I'm glad you did we'll on your test & are liking your new job!
:wave: I'm back and so glad to see you have posted more updates (also glad to see that I'm not the only one who took an inadvertent time out from the DIS) To comment on everything I caught up on today:

- Nothing better than getting multiple rides in on TSMM! Makes you ok with the fact that you know you'll probably not have the chance to ride it again during the trip

- YAY on Maddie conquering ToT! I do love getting off a ride at Disney and hearing from a child (or adult!) that it wasn't so bad after all.

- Cape May looks DELICIOUS. Any buffet at Disney is always open to consideration as far as I'm concerned, and there seems to be more non-seafood items than I realized (DBF has a shellfish allergy so we don't often eat at seafood places). Definitely on my must-try list!

- Leave it to Maddie to find a M&G before the character is there! Hahahaha

- If you ask me, it's very satisfying to leave a park before the fireworks - there's something to be said for knowing you won't have to fight off hundreds of people to get on your resort bus.

Sorry you were feeling under the weather (and Maddie too!) but it's great seeing all the stuff you have going on outside of the DIS. Can't wait for more!
Mel, thanks so much for taking the time to comment on the whole thing! You're a trooper about catching up! Now I'm playing catch up...

Wait, I have more coming... I finished reading the TR and typed up all my comments, but waited to post the rest so as not to overwhelm you. :rotfl:

Thanks Mel! Are you getting excited to start buying stuff like that?

I already have a hard enough time not buying her every single Disney piece of clothing I see in Walmart despite her drawers overflowing with clothes and 3 boxes of "too big" clothes waiting (at the rate she's growing, she'll be a year old before I reach into the "6 months" box...). I've also been looking at every Halloween costume I see, sad that even the smallest one is too big (as if she will be going trick or treating, but who cares? :lmao:). I don't know how I'll be able to say no when she can talk and asks me for all that wonderful stuff!

So I guess the short answer (too late for that! LOL) is YES!!
We rose bright and early again on the 6th day of our trip. That morning we’d be heading to Epcot. As usual Bryan and I got ourselves ready before waking our sleeping beauty. She was a little groggy that morning, but once she heard where we’d be having breakfast she perked up fast.

Knowing we’d be dining with royalty, Maddie decided to wear her Arial dress that morning. Luckily for mommy, she chose a simple hairstyle to go with it.

We hopped a bus for Epcot and were there within minutes. We breezed through bag check quickly but there was a huge crowd gathered at the ticket gates. Turned out they weren’t letting anyone in until 8am, so everyone with an early breakfast reservation was gathered at one gate.

Eventually they did let us in and we made our way toward Norway. Am I the only one who thinks that Epcot can be crossed quickly? I was surprised that it took us at least 15 minutes to walk there, and we’re speedy.

Experience includes Complimentary Imaging Package: One image package per group of four paying guests; 2 packages for groups of 5-8 guests and 3 packages for groups of 9-12 guests. You get a photo package including:
4 prints 4" by 6"
One print 6" by 8" print with one of the Disney Princesses in a themed folder
Package is delivered to you during your meal. Additional photos may be purchased.
Characters will appear on a rotating schedule, that is, there is no guarantee which characters will be appearing on any given day.
"Princesses" who MAY appear include: Belle, Jasmine, Snow White, Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Mulan, and Mary Poppins
Cinderella does not appear at this meal. You can dine with her at Cinderella's Royal Table in the Magic Kingdom or Cinderella's Gala Feast each evening at the Grand Floridian's 1900 Park Fare.
Buffet Style
Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, potato casserole, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, and fresh seasonal fruit.

We checked in with the host at Akershus Royal Banquet Hall at 8:15 am, and our names were being called by 8:25. We’d made this reservation with very low expectations. Our dinner here the year before had featured food that was underwhelming, and the atmosphere really isn’t very royal. However, there are princesses there, so we decided to give breakfast a try. (That some DIS friends had hinted at salami being on the breakfast buffet didn’t hurt)

Once we’d been granted entry the first stop was a meeting with Belle. Photos are taken with her about 10 feet inside the door, to the left of the entrance. Maddie got an autograph and a hug, and then we were led to our table.




We were seated in the room to the left of the entrance and as our lovely server Sebastian explained, that meant we’d be amongst the first to see the princesses. He told us that we had about 10 minutes before they’d be around so we hit the buffet.

The cold buffet included breads, muffins, bagels, smoked salmon and herring, assorted fruits and SALAMI! When I returned to the table my plate held only a cinnamon roll and plenty of the salami goodness. Bryan’s looked very similar, and Maddie had loaded up on grapes, strawberries, and watermelon.

I humbly nominate myself for the 'Worst Food Photographer Award' :rotfl2:



We’d had a few minutes with our cold buffet selections when Sebastian appeared with our family style hot breakfast. This consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a potato casserole that I’d heard very good things about. The eggs were very good-standard scrambled eggs, the bacon was sad Disney bacon, and the potatoes were…. Well…

There are a few phrases I’d never though I’d use in regards to food. Among them:

I think I’ve had enough bacon for today, thanks.

It’s too early in the day to eat salami.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts and cold Pepsi sounds like a terrible breakfast.

There’s too much cheese on this.


These potatoes aren’t very good.

But, the potatoes weren’t very good. And, there was too much cheese on them. It was weird. The potatoes must have been very overcooked, because they’d sort of disintegrated beneath the mountain of melted cheddar. Even as I type this I’m thinking-that doesn’t sound bad, who doesn’t like cheese with some potato bits? Maybe it’s because I was expecting home fry type potatoes?

In the long run it didn’t matter, I filled up on the delicious salami, eggs, sad bacon, and cinnamon rolls. I didn’t exactly leave hungry.

Not long after our hot foods were delivered, Akershus delivered on it’s promise of princesses.

Aurora arrived first, and she and Maddie exchanged pleasantries and hugs before waving goodbye to one another.



Next we saw Cinderella who apparently does NOT appear at this location any longer (info courtesy Allears.net-updated September 2012. According to the fine folks at Allears Mulan and Mary Poppins now appear in her place. That’d be cool-Cindy’s everywhere) Anywho, we were amongst those lucky enough to be visited by Cinderella and she and Mads had a short conversation most likely regarding wands, gowns and shoes before Cindy had to dash.

It seems that Cindy was suitably impressed with Maddie's wand




We met Snow White after that, and she made Maddie giggle with her tales of a silly dwarf named Dopey. Best Snow White we’ve met at a meal by far. She was really chatty and sweet, and Mads had a great time with her.




Ariel quickly followed, and again was sort of ‘bratty’. It’s weird-every Ariel we’ve met at meals has been sort of quick and bratty while the ones we’ve met at M&Gs have all been lovely. Having said that, Maddie has never given a whit about Ariel’s shifting personalities. She loves her and this day was no exception. She was immediately charmed because Ariel made sure to mention that they were dressed exactly alike right down to their hairstyles. Maddie was pleased to have her style choice vindicated by someone so fabulous.





Right after our visit from the Little Mermaid, it was parade time. Mads took off toward Ariel faster than you can say “Princess” and happily paraded around the restaurant behind her. This was one of those days when most of the grown ups disregarded the recorded announcer guy’s pleas for everyone to stay seated so that we could all enjoy the parade. I had a hard time getting pics, but honesty it was our 368th character breakfast and 8749th princess meeting so I wasn’t too upset.


After the parade we’d pretty much done all the damage we could do to the buffet and seen everyone we’d come to see so we settled up and left. The meal only took 30 minutes.

Akershus is one of those places that no one really seems to love. It’s all about the princesses. Those meetings are such fun, and the little moments with them are priceless. The food isn’t bad at all, it’s just not spectacular. It's redeeming factor is the fact that they offer salami for breakfast, and frankly who doesn't love that? We’ll likely be back for this meal so long as the little princess is into it, and I'll be the one in line for the salami.

I love Maddie's Halloween costume. I'm sure she will be beautiful. You will definitely have to share pictures.

I'm glad you did we'll on your test & are liking your new job!

Thanks Megan! I'm going to be done making her Merida dress tomorrow, so I'll share pics of that one too!


:wave: I'm back and so glad to see you have posted more updates (also glad to see that I'm not the only one who took an inadvertent time out from the DIS) To comment on everything I caught up on today:

- Nothing better than getting multiple rides in on TSMM! Makes you ok with the fact that you know you'll probably not have the chance to ride it again during the trip

- YAY on Maddie conquering ToT! I do love getting off a ride at Disney and hearing from a child (or adult!) that it wasn't so bad after all.

- Cape May looks DELICIOUS. Any buffet at Disney is always open to consideration as far as I'm concerned, and there seems to be more non-seafood items than I realized (DBF has a shellfish allergy so we don't often eat at seafood places). Definitely on my must-try list!

- Leave it to Maddie to find a M&G before the character is there! Hahahaha

- If you ask me, it's very satisfying to leave a park before the fireworks - there's something to be said for knowing you won't have to fight off hundreds of people to get on your resort bus.

Sorry you were feeling under the weather (and Maddie too!) but it's great seeing all the stuff you have going on outside of the DIS. Can't wait for more!

Thanks for checking in! I'm also glad to hear that I wan't the only one DISabsent. Love the comment about Mads finding the M&G before there was one. :rotfl2: You are so very right. :rotfl2:

Cape May is so good-give it a try!

I was so pleased that she loved ToT this time. She was so proud of herself too.

Gotta go get caught up on your TR now!

Wait, I have more coming... I finished reading the TR and typed up all my comments, but waited to post the rest so as not to overwhelm you. :rotfl:

:rotfl2: I'm not overwhelmed! I'm touched!

I already have a hard enough time not buying her every single Disney piece of clothing I see in Walmart despite her drawers overflowing with clothes and 3 boxes of "too big" clothes waiting (at the rate she's growing, she'll be a year old before I reach into the "6 months" box...). I've also been looking at every Halloween costume I see, sad that even the smallest one is too big (as if she will be going trick or treating, but who cares? :lmao:). I don't know how I'll be able to say no when she can talk and asks me for all that wonderful stuff!

So I guess the short answer (too late for that! LOL) is YES!!

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: The mountains of clothes sounds so familiar. I kept EVERY outfit Maddie had ever had and finally sold them all at a garage sale this spring. Many customers asked how many little girls I have. :rotfl:

I can't wait for you to get to buy this stuff! It really is lots of fun. Really looking forward to when I can read a TR featuring Claudia's first BBB trip. :goodvibes
I love getting to see the Princesses and so does my DD. Glad that Maddie got to se Ariel and get the matching dress picture. That's always something my DD loves to do. Why can Disney have such a big variety of how food tastes from one place to the next. At least you had a great experience with the Princesses even though the food wasn't the best.
well, this wouldn't have been anywhere near considered with Jackson, but hopefully in a few years with kaylee. I would LOVE me some salami for breakfast!!!!
That's strange that they wouldn't let you guys in until exactly 8! Epcot really does take some time to trek across!

I had no idea Cinderella wouldn't be at Akershus anymore!!! I mean, not that I don't like Mulan, but that seems like a bit of a random choice - is her movie still that popular? :laughing:
Well....did you think I had forgotten about your fabulous TR?! :upsidedow No way!! Like you, we've been ridiculously busy. Back in 2008, we did the F&G and loved it!!! It's amazing what Disney can do with flowers and shrubs. Too bad Stephen, 7 at the time, couldn't appreciate all the work that goes into such displays. We haven't been lucky enough to go again during this time. We liked Akershus, too, but probably won't go back again for the princess breakfast. One aspect that we really loved was getting into EP early! We had an 8:05am ressie, so we were like the second car in the parking lot that mornng...no lie! Here's the proof :laughing:


We did get some wonderful pictures while walking in...think they allowed us to go in at 7:30ish. Being in the parks when they're empty is so very different...love it!

You got some awesome shots:thumbsup2 Keep the pictures coming!!!
Great upates! We went to Akershus for lunch last time we were there and my middle daughter ate her weight in salami! My husband and I had the cauliflower soup as part of our lunch and it was to die for!!!!! Cindy was there when we were there and my girls were happy, don't know if they would be thrilled with Mulan or Mary Poppins.
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: The mountains of clothes sounds so familiar. I kept EVERY outfit Maddie had ever had and finally sold them all at a garage sale this spring. Many customers asked how many little girls I have. :rotfl:

I can't wait for you to get to buy this stuff! It really is lots of fun. Really looking forward to when I can read a TR featuring Claudia's first BBB trip. :goodvibes

I'm very much looking forward to her first BBB trip as well. princess: I'm even more looking forward to her first WDW trip, which I hope will be this January but it's not certain at all. That's why I don't even have a ticker. Trying not to get my hopes up. :sad1:

Here are the rest of my comments. I think I was at Hollywood and Vine. (Speaking of, so far I've been watching Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse and Special Agent Oso with her. I like it!)

I can just picture Maddie telling you to “hurry up and get going” for her oh so important date with Jake. ;) 20 minutes with characters for a 30 minutes breakfast? Awesome! I’ll keep that character meal in mind for when Claudia is old enough.

That’s a good thing that you did not listen to that CM in the restaurant, otherwise you would have missed the early start to get to TSMM! First riders of the day??? Wow, awesome! :banana: I wasn’t sure what to think of this new thing of soft opening DHS, but so far it seems great, especially since we’d usually get there around 8:30.

Maddie would make a great CM one day, warning others about possibly getting wet, and no flash photography! :thumbsup2

Ooooh, those PP pictures of Maddie in front of Beauty & the Beast are very pretty! :cloud9:

I think it would be quite funny to dine at 50s Prime Time, but Ron would disagree with me. Still, I insist that we at least try it out if we ever make it there with a big group of family members or friends. Haha, so funny that Bryan kept his elbows on the table on purpose. I’m glad Uncle Tony took notice! :lmao:

I’m not a big fan of the Great Movie Ride at all. In fact, I almost fell asleep on it when we rode it 3 years ago. I do want to give it the benefit of the doubt though, and say that maybe we just got a boring narrator, but Ron insists that the ride just plain needs a major refurbishment. :confused3

Yay! :cheer2: Good job Maddie for being brave enough to go on TOT!! It’s the only ride that DD13 (then DD10) refused to ride back in 2009. She had ridden it at 7 and hated it. We told her that since she’s much older now, (and since there are so many other things that she was “scared of” that became her favorite attractions), she has to try it again one more time. If she truly hates it, we won’t bother her again. It may not become her favorite, but I have a feeling she won’t hate it. Especially since at the fair this summer she went on a similar ride (well, just the drop part). I made sure to wait until she was strapped in and the ride had started to rise to point out the similarities and that if she could do that one, she could do TOT. At the end she pretended not to like it, even though I clearly saw her smile.

LOL @ you wearing a Queen’s shirt while Maddie has a princess one.
I always love it when the PP makes the parents kiss while the child covers their eyes. Cute! :rotfl:

Maddie was in a very silly mood that night giggling away during the short ride back to the resort. Once off the bus, the silliness continued. She sang and danced her way across the bridge. There were groups of cheerleaders everywhere, and as we were stepping off the bridge Maddie heard one of them begin to scream. She shouted “Don’t be scared- it's just my ‘Moves like Jagger’!”

Oh Maddie! She’s such a funny and spunky little girl. :upsidedow

And now the newest update : It takes a while to walk through Epcot, but you don't really notice it because there is just so many nice things to look at.
Character meals are really all about said characters. Great food is a bonus, but certainly not a requirement. I'd love to see Mulan at Akershus!
Oh, how the honesty of a TR stings:sad1:!
We discovered a love of breakfast and a disappointment in CRT this trip (just wait 'til THAT update in my TR:sad:), and for next year we were discussing a change in Princess meals and of meal time. Now I am greatly reconsidering, at least meal time. See, the thing is that I don't quite enjoy lunch or dinner at Akershus, either, so I'm kind of stuck. And I just don't know if I can bring myself to do CRT next trip. Perhaps salami makes up for it, but who screws up potatoes!?!? Even I don't screw up potatoes, and that's saying a lot:rotfl2:!
Also, that one picture of fingerprints on Maddie's seat kind of creeps me out, since I know there was no one there before you and the chair hadn't been wiped down from the day before. Leave it to me, with my house days past needing a cleaning, to find fault in someone else's cleaning job:lmao:!
(PS--I've never seen Mulan or Mary Poppins there, not in person or in anyone else's pictures. Way to go, Allears.)
Shannon, great update. We did NOT like our lunch at Akerhaus back in 2008 (Mark insisted we go as a celebration of my successful cancer surgery...he thought I should be with the Princesses :lmao::lmao::lmao:). Breakfast doesn't sound too bad, except I don't eat scrambled eggs, but I sure would love that Salami! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

When we were there, Cinderella was not. We had Aurora, Belle (at the entrance), Snow White, Ariel and Jasmine and Aladdin. So they seem to change it around which is good.

And congrats on passing the test and enjoying the new job. :)
Well, it sounds like Akershus (did I spell that right?) was sorta kinda a good reservation to have had. You went into the meal with the right frame of mind.....we're there for salami, Princesses, and salami. :rotfl:
Sorry breakfast wasn't all that spectacular. I remember doing that one when my daughter was 4 years old, and we pretty much felt the same way--we're glad we did it...once. At least Maddie had a nice time.


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