Whats your favourite "first sight" in WDW?

There are so many but the Welcome sign is the first thing that gets us all excited.

Here is a video from our trip a few weeks ago.

When I get into the monorail and here the words, "Please, stand away from the doors.."

Then, when I see the train station at MK,
Mine is the first sight of Main Street when you walk into MK, I feel like I have walked into another world.
Mine is the minute I walk into the Magic Kingdom and walk under the train station to main street, or I could really say the minute my flight lands in Orlando and I walk off the plane, take the tram and go to ME. Kind of a feeling like ahhhhhh, I am actually here. Even though I have been many times I still get that magic feeling in my stomach every time.

73 Days till Christmas at Saratoga Springs :mickeyjum ::MinnieMo
1.) The gate as you enter the WDW property. That's when it really hits me that our Disney trip has begun.

Same here! Ten years ago on our first family trip, when we stopped at the light outside the main gate I (without thinking) squealed "MICK-EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" and it's become a silly tradition on every trip ever since. :) My husband says that's how he knows we're finally there!
love walking up to the gates at epcot and seeing the spaceship earth dominate the view as you walk into the park....but coming from Maine in the cold of winter the single biggest thrill I get is leaving Maine at -20F and landing at MCO at 80F and seeing the palm trees at the airport, this just lifts my spirits and gives me goose-bumps:goodvibes
The moment I see my first palm tree as I'm landing at MCO does it for me. Also, the "mini monorail" at MCO. It's preview of what's to come!
I'm basically with Elon girl.....There's a process....First it's the terminal at MCO: the mini-monorail, MousEarsport (or the other Mouse store), outside is a fountain I love (looks like a big stone bathtub bubbling over)....From there, you see the WDW billoards (notice there's very few WDW ads facing the other direction) and the gateway into WDW!

The first view of the Castle and the Epcot ball always give me pause too.

It's the whole sequence that I enjoy.
I was going to say the moment when I slip through the tunnel and see Main Street for the first time. (I'm a huge Main Street nut, even if they have got rid of all the cool things, like the Penny Arcade.)

However, I have to say the first time I really get itchy is on the drive in, passing the signs. Nowadays I do it by bus, but I still remember driving in, tuning the radio station, etc.
this one takes the cake


For me its the Welcome To Disney World sign as you are driving through. It gets me everytime! :cool1: :cool1:
After the monorail to the terminal at the airport, I love to see the Disney store there ... think it's called The Magic of Disney? It makes me feel like we're finally there! :)
this one takes the cake



I have to agree on this one. However, my husband gets excited as soon as the plane lands and we are on the transport to pick up bags and he says, "ahh the first of many rides".
Late post, but for us it's the welcome archway, too - and since we live in Mickey's backyard, we're there all the time! We all clap and yell "yaaay!" as we enter and rub our eyes and cry "boo hoo!" as we exit - EVERY TIME! We have our friends doing it, too.

Queen Colleen
I got tingly just reading all these!!!

For me, it is like many others...walking through the archway under the train and seeing Main Street with the castle at the end of the road. :cloud9: Each trip this is always the very first park we go to. I feel goosebumps and get teary eyed each time. I also get teary eyed each time we leave too. I hate leaving "home"!
For me its all of it. I love the anticipation when its a couple months away. Then flipping the calendar to the month of the vacation and counting down the days. I love the week before we leave and the feeling in your stomach as it gets closer. I love to pack and load up the car the nite before and then trying so hard to fall asleep. Waking up before the alarm clock even has a chance to go off and rushing everyone out the door. Sitting in the airport watching all the planes and waiting for ours to be called. The whole flight there we're just excited and planning and then when you land and get to the Orlando Airport Monorail you know its just a matter of minutes before you're at the Magical Express bus and on your way. I love the bus ride and the sites and just the whole experience of seeing all the resorts as people get dropped off and then finally seeing yours. I can't wait till December!!
I would def have to say when we are walking down to the ferry and you can see the castle across the water!!! Brings chills:goodvibes
Our excitement really builds when we finally get off I-4. This is when we know we're at Disney.
The lobby of the resort after check in.

It's like a bubble bursts inside and I fill up with joy.


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