"What You Hate In VMK"

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DIS Veteran
May 28, 2005
instead of just ranting... i am inviting anyone and everyone to rant with me!!

What I hate About VMK #1: Those people who want to trade and are like "I am poor, please give"
#2 People who think you are a total idiot #2b and try to tell you things you know are not true.
#3 (I know this gets ranted about alot, but...) duh duh mummy and bay be stuff... AHHHHHH!!!!!
yeah... thats about it .. i might think of some later :idea: ... post your "Things I Hate about VMK"
Most recent example of your item above occured last night. Some "Guest#####" was in the Haunted Mansion Lobby was offering to trade Bat Magic. When I asked her to let me see it first, she proceeded to say she didn't have it on and was trading the code for it. Fortunately she caught me in a good mood so I didn't report, but made sure I warned her that she better knock it off or she will have a ban in the not so distant future.

What peeves me the most is how the little kids are the ones who fall prey to this kind of stuff all of the time.

And not to stray from the topic too much:

I hate when you are having a record setting type game in Haunted and you crash mid way in the third round.
the things on vmk that drive me crazy are

#1. when ppl think ur stupid and try to trick you into giving them free stuff, or when they say that pink teleporters are rare(ya and im beyonce)

#2. I HATE TH GF BF THING IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!!!!!( and i get mad too cause the boys on vmk are always like " she is so hat " and im like :scared: what the heck is wrong with you :scared: ) I HATE IT

#3. i hate it when ppl show off that they have inferno. im not saying everyone does it!! so dont be like OMG I DONT DO THAT BLA BLA BLA. lol sorry

#4. i hate it when ppl lie to me on vmk i get so mad.

#5. and the biggest thing that when ppl say im going to report you if you dont do this or give me that. and when they say they are going to boot someone when its ur room.
Somethings I really hate:
1) are the constant disconnects.
2) is being unable to play on a mac correctly.
3) are "families".
4) are the never ending "I'm poor, give me free stuff or I report. It says that in the rules, you must give free stuff." Guess what happened to her? Whoever guessed: booted or reported or both are correct!
5) I really dislike that we can't type some words that are essential to conversations. Some words are: word, congrats(I hate typing congratulations), and being able to type sarcastically. No one ever knows if you're being sarcastic.

But, we should really concentrate on good things about VMK. yavn designed the game for kids to have fun. He did it by his own free will!
I think VMK is a really good game. We should be glad its free! There are only a few things I dislike about the game:
1) The taken thing is really annoying. Ppl come out of nowhere and say "ur hut or hat", or "can you be my girl/boy". Oh and those looking for a girl boy rooms. :crazy2:
2)The contanst disconnecing or crashing when you are playing a game.
3) Not being able to say certain things that aren't bad, maybe you just want to talk at a more "sophisticated" level.
P.S. So sorry, but who is this famous Yavn I keep hearing about?

princess: ReachfortheStarz :wizard:
I suppose I like most of VMK. I am amazed how many people want to be my friend... people I have never spoken too.... I have 4-8 new freind requests everyday, mostly from Guest6millionand twenty...

Two things that really bug me... Being sent to a different lobby and even sometimes seperated from your buddies, when you leave pirates.... and not being able to type numbers. Just seems silly to not be able to at this point.
Being rejected from a CL position I applied for four months before I got my rejection letter.... And I did not mess up the answers like the stupid canned messages said.

Canned messages.

An event I was disqualified for because VMK staff are to lazy to read the email....
Other than the disconnects and randon craziness when it comes to items (like how long they're in the shops and the whole crate issue), I'm pretty happy with how things have progressed since beta days and that horrible summer event, waiting for a parade that never came and never being able to find staff to even try to get inferno.

As mentioned in some pf the previous replies, it's not VMK, but rather some of the players that can make the game frustrating. The taken thing and the whole mummy/baby thing can get annoying... and sometimes I wonder how it got to be so popular. And I'm amused by how many profiles have "I heart Green Day"... I like Green Day and all, but it seems like it's a popular fad to put it in your signature... another thing I don't quite understand.

But all of this aside, the one thing that annoys me more than anything is the some of the trading issues. The people out there who try to scam you, the people that send you 40 trade requests when it clearly says in your signature that you won't trade what you're wearing or to ask before trade. The people that follow you around begging, claiming you are rich because you have a beta piece of furniture, when rich has nothing to do with it - you just happened to actually be playing when it was beta.

The other day I was going through some trade rooms asking if someone had the HKDL Disneyland pin and some guy said he had it and wanted to see what I offered. I showed him, and he says to accept it and he'll go get the pin. I said no way, I want to see the pin... pins are always on you, you don't "go get them". And then he said "trust me, I'm staff". I closed out of the window entirely and logged into vmk again. I hate having to do this, but it bothers me when I see people getting reported and banned because some scammer lied to VMK about something. It was obvious that he was lying, and this happens to so many people, many of them kids who end up learning the hard way... I just felt like ranting about it now...

I've never had a successful trade other than those from the DIS boards. I don't know that I ever will... I get tired of dealing with scammers or people who will take nothing but the rarest discontinued items, beta and quest for things. I admit, for 2 months I stopped playing vmk to focus on my coursework and unfortunately that was during Halloween, so I missed many of the special costumes and pins that came out then. Thanks to some fellow DISers I've been able to trade for some, and really, the point of this reply is to say

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU ON THE DIS BOARDS!!!!! I have enjoyed playing vmk so much more since I've joined. I thank all that I've been able to trade with, all that I've been able to talk with, and all that I've been able to have a good game of Pirates with. You guys have made vmk worth playing for me, and I love reading all the threads on the boards. I found the DIS by Googling "vmk" to help find a hidden micckey and I've been hooked ever since. I don't know what else to say, except how much all of you rock! And thanks to Mal and Lori for their awesome moderating skills! I look forward to many more posts, games, friendships, and fun. Thanks to all! :)

:grouphug: :disrocks: :thanks:
Heh, just the day before yesterday this kid in the Music Mix room askedd if I had a mansion suit. I told him yes. He asked if he could borrow it. Of course I said no. He said, "please please I need it or my girl will be really mad at me." Of course, I told everyone not to fall for it and reported him. They didn't do a thing about him, all that happened was they told me not to lend the suit. >_<
Here is mine. I might have forgot some stuff;) so dont count it has my REAL hated things :teeth:

#1 Family and Taken stuff

#2 Host rooms that get too popular before I enter it

#3 When I get stuck in some rooms

#4 When people ask to trade without asking ME FIRST!

#5 (Dont know a #5)

1.The dcs
2. People saying wut or wat OMG so annoying >_< Sorry LOL
3. The long lines!
That's all ^_^
I hate when people say 'wat'!! It makes them look so stupid! For some reason it really makes me mad. And I also really really get mad when someone does magic in a guest room, everyone's like 'no magic' and then five more people show off their stupidity by their magic pins and the game goes dc! RRRGH. And of course, dc has a way of showing up at the worst possible times... *sigh*
I hate it when...

6) __________________________________ (CENCORED)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc: :badpc:
Raineforst said:
And I'm amused by how many profiles have "I heart Green Day"... I like Green Day and all, but it seems like it's a popular fad to put it in your signature... another thing I don't quite understand.

I don't understand this either. :confused3
I remember listening to Green Day back when I was a kid (I'm 23 now). They were much better back in the day, before they became way too mainstream. I really don't see the appeal. But of course they have had some recents hits and of course you're only cool if you listen to the top songs.
today, i really needed a buzz cup pin, and a girl wanted quest for it!:furious::furious:
desprate girls asking to be taken!:furious:
Yay here beings my list (no mad faces=annoying, 1 mad face=very annoying, 2 mad faces=can barely stand, 3 mad faces=I will blow up if I see anymore):

  • The puppy, cat, animal thing, "animal day care"
  • Taken thing :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • the sister, brother family thing-sharing rl info "it's ok she's my sister" or cousin :mad:
  • the baby mummy duh duh thing :mad: :mad:
  • how sometimes VMK staff will ignore your questions when you go in their rooms :mad: :mad:
  • the RUDE players in VMK :mad:
  • the homeless or give me free stuff people :mad:
  • the people who wont stop PMing you saying come here plz plz plz plz until you come :mad: :mad:
  • the people who say trade or I report :mad:
  • once again THE TAKEN THING UGG! So annoying :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • how VMK closes all the time and sometimes a whole day so some can't enter the yeti quest or ride the ride-a-thon :mad:
  • how slow VMK is sometimes
  • how you always get dc after an hour :mad: :mad:
  • all the bugs in VMK (I was playing pirates and the red and blue ship got combined so I couldn't hit the blue and had to sit there till time was up
  • how people want to get married on the game and they don't even know each other in rl, they have rooms to marry in :mad:
  • how some people are so perverted on the game they go back to their "crib" to do "things" and "out make" which I report :mad:
  • these "night clubs" I can't believe they allow those some even pretend to have alcohol in them :mad:
  • how brainless some people can be in the game :mad:
Tiinkerbelle said:
Yay here beings my list (no mad faces=annoying, 1 mad face=very annoying, 2 mad faces=can barely stand, 3 mad faces=I will blow up if I see anymore):

  • The puppy, cat, animal thing, "animal day care"
  • Taken thing :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • the sister, brother family thing-sharing rl info "it's ok she's my sister" or cousin :mad:
  • the baby mummy duh duh thing :mad: :mad:
  • how sometimes VMK staff will ignore your questions when you go in their rooms :mad: :mad:
  • the RUDE players in VMK :mad:
  • the homeless or give me free stuff people :mad:
  • the people who wont stop PMing you saying come here plz plz plz plz until you come :mad: :mad:
  • the people who say trade or I report :mad:
  • once again THE TAKEN THING UGG! So annoying :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • how VMK closes all the time and sometimes a whole day so some can't enter the yeti quest or ride the ride-a-thon :mad:
  • how slow VMK is sometimes
  • how you always get dc after an hour :mad: :mad:
  • all the bugs in VMK (I was playing pirates and the red and blue ship got combined so I couldn't hit the blue and had to sit there till time was up
  • how people want to get married on the game and they don't even know each other in rl, they have rooms to marry in :mad:
  • how some people are so perverted on the game they go back to their "crib" to do "things" and "out make" which I report :mad:
  • these "night clubs" I can't believe they allow those some even pretend to have alcohol in them :mad:
  • how brainless some people can be in the game :mad:
true that, and they pretend to have alcohol in them? Thats just wrong!Sometimes when I pretend im the manager at golden horshoe mercantile, ppl ask for a " bear " which means beer! that is really unsafe and bad! what is happening with VMK!?!?! :guilty:
Tiinkerbelle said:
Yay here beings my list (no mad faces=annoying, 1 mad face=very annoying, 2 mad faces=can barely stand, 3 mad faces=I will blow up if I see anymore):

  • how sometimes VMK staff will ignore your questions when you go in their rooms :mad: :mad:

I wanted to address that one issue about VMK staff rooms. Some rooms
have in the room description that they are working and might not be
able to answer questions.

I was once in a staff room knowing fully well that while his avatar was
there, he could have been working in other windows, and many people
were asking him questions he wasn't "there" to see. This staff member
did have "I'm working, but feel free to hang out" information.

My biggest issue are the liars in the game. This includes the scammers,
the staff impersonators, and the kids who need to add drama in their
little lives by trying to play mind games on others.
I get so frustrated while in the haunted mansion game --when the score is tied 1 to 1, and I am winning the 3rd round..and oops...disconnected! I feel like :badpc: lol Also, when my character decides to get stuck and sit there waiting for the other team's ghosts to get it! lol

Oh, also most of the above that has been mentioned, except for the bay be and animal-like pretending... Younger kids need to have something to do to pass the time on vmk. I don't mind it because it's harmless fun for them.
For the most part, I have to say that VMK is a lot of fun and, except for a few glitches here and there, pretty well-run.

However, I do have some things to get off my chest:

1. Being told "ur mean" and being called "a beach" during a competitive round of Pirates aggravates me. Sometimes I do win and while I am competitive and like to win, I don't do it to be mean and I am certainly not "a beach"! (it took me a while to understand what she meant the first time I heard it - and had to say it out loud to get it!! - I know, I'm naive!)

2. Not being able to say what I want to say, and reading ridiculous words spelled wrong when they can be written (ex. "wat", "ur"..)

I guess that's it. Thanks everyone out there whom I talk with and have fun playing Pirates with - you're the reason I come back, day after day after day...

(one more thing, special thanks to my family in real life, who have been so supportive and fun to play with on VMK - mbike, CL_FrontierSuzy, and FrontierEmma - you're the best!!)
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