What is your least favourite type of Tattoo?

You’ve said this more than once and I’m wondering if you can elaborate.
PS: C&Jx2: But also, I do think that it's often the guys who get finger/knuckle tattoos, right?

(I think it was you that made some comment a while ago about finger tats, if I'm not mistaken.)
That's too bad. I have 16. All tasteful. I used to only have tattoos that could be seen only if I chose to have them seen. But, last year I bit the bullet and had a phrase tattooed on my inner forearm and recently spent $6000 on a Disney sleeve on my other arm (that's where the bulk of 16 are). It's Gaston, the Beast, Grumpy, Scar, the Tree of Life, The Castle, Tower of Terror, Spaceship Earth, Haunted Mansion, the phrases "Let it Go" "Dead Men Tell No Tales" and "Welcome Foolish Mortals"

I think if you tried one, you might get hooked. And, I completely agree with a previous poster that they are, indeed, therapeutic.

I would love to see a picture of your sleeve, it sounds awesome. I don't have any tattoos, mostly because I change my mind on what I like too often and I feel like a tattoo should mean something. But I am not against people getting them. Except the tribal tattoos when that is not your heritage. I feel that the Pacific Islanders have a rich connection with their culture and their tribal tattoos mean something to them. I feel it is a bit offensive for others to get one because it's "cool" at the moment.
I would love to see a picture of your sleeve, it sounds awesome. I don't have any tattoos, mostly because I change my mind on what I like too often and I feel like a tattoo should mean something. But I am not against people getting them. Except the tribal tattoos when that is not your heritage. I feel that the Pacific Islanders have a rich connection with their culture and their tribal tattoos mean something to them. I feel it is a bit offensive for others to get one because it's "cool" at the moment.
Well, I don't think that Pacific Islanders are somehow banned from getting specifically Western-style artwork...
PS: C&Jx2: But also, I do think that it's often the guys who get finger/knuckle tattoos, right?

(I think it was you that made some comment a while ago about finger tats, if I'm not mistaken.)
Wedding bands and perma-rings are also popular. My husband and I both have our wedding bands tattooed. Me because of my vocation and him because he doesnt like to wear jewelry. But we both also like that its a part of us and not removable.
I got my first tattoo at 35 and every time my grandma saw it she’d act all surprised like she’d never seen it before. Then she’d shake her head sadly and tsk. I would just laugh ...

wenrob: (to answer here) Sounds like you learned to start having them done wholeheartedly without regrets.

I have quite a few. My husband is nearly done with his sleeves and I love it. Some I have had for nearly 20 years and I have never regretted a single one. I guess it just depends on what you get as to whether or not you'll cringe over it later...

Sounds like you too for years have gotten them done wholeheartedly without regretting any of them.
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