
I have several tattoos (eight? right now) and am scheduled to get my next one next week. My husband doesn't have any and would never get one, in fact I'm the only one in my close group of friends who has a tattoo. I can easily cover them if needed but as I've gotten older I have pretty much stopped caring if they're covered at work, most people are pretty shocked when they discover I have tattoos. My largest one is a watercolor space tattoo with my kids' bday and scorpio constellation going down my inner arm, I get a TON of complements on it.
I sometimes see small ones I think are really pretty, but I generally find large ones unattractive/distracting. I do get used to them on people I know, and eventually stop noticing, but it's not something I'd be likely to try for myself.
Tattoos yes, piercings yes, scarification yes, hair dye yes, all yes.

Bodies are impermanent, self expression is part of life, and living.

The same thigh you want to preserve for your octogenarian pride and aesthetic ideals may be mangled in a car accident, altered by cancer, burned, or otherwise altered.

I find it absolutely ridiculous that people overall are so shallow and short-sighted, but they are, and that's something that needs considered. Any body modification alters the way you are treated by those around you. They make judgments, apply stereotypes, re-file you in their collection of mental boxes. Let them talk, stare, judge- if it matters that much to them, it's likely all they have.

Yourself is the most beautiful thing you can be, whatever that looks like. I truly think the inside is what counts-the body is just a shell.

I do think decisions should be made carefully, done properly, and considered long-term. Consequences should be weighed upfront- body decisions are deeply personal. All art does not appeal to all audiences, and tattoos have been historically used in malicious ways. I completely understand why they would turn some people off. Allowing yourself the room to grow and change is important as well.

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I want a Cinderella Castle Tattoo on my arm. Still deciding if I want it on the outside upper part of my arm or lower inside part of my arm. I want to be able to see it so I'm thinking inside lower area.

My husband thinks tattoos are tacky and doesn't want me to get it. So I haven't done it yet. I'm thinking of making an appointment to talk to a tattoo artist the next time he's out of town to find out how much it would cost.

I don't have a problem with tattoos at all. One thing to think about is if you will have to cover it up for your job. Not a problem for me nowadays but the ad agency I worked for said no visible tattoos so one woman I know who worked there and had one on her foot that you could see had to cover it up every day with a bandage.
The way I see it you're a cancer survivor without a tattoo. And you'd still be one with one. So what meaning and significance would a tattoo have in that regard that you don't already have without it? You already have the significance and meaning of beating cancer without a tattoo don't you? The way I see it you do. I'll leave the choice of whether to get a tattoo up to you.

how magnanimous of you
I have a tattoo on my upper leg, doesn't even show in my swimsuit as it has a skirt. Had it over 20 years, not a bit sorry. I have always worked in corporate finance and most people think I am a straight laced business woman, here's a secret...the majority of our female executive staff have them. I don't advertise I have one but don't hide it either. I have had over 30 surgeries with more coming and had it to commemorate the first serious one. It reminds me, I am the only one who sees it besides DH, that I beat death the first time and I will beat it again.
I have quite a few. My husband is nearly done with his sleeves and I love it. Some I have had for nearly 20 years and I have never regretted a single one. I guess it just depends on what you get as to whether or not you'll cringe over it later...
I have one on my upper arm. I designed it, and the tattoo artist faithfully traced it onto my skin and colored it in. No one sees it unless I wear a sleeveless shirt (so... just at the gym) or if I take my shirt off.

I thought about my tattoo for over two years before I got it; had to make sure I actually wanted it and that it was not a phase, or responding to a current fad.

I’m very happy with it and it’s a very, very personal symbol for me. My spouse doesn’t mind it, but rolls their eyes when I talk about getting another on the back of my calf. Been thinking about that one for 10 years, so I’m not too attached to it as a concept and it will probably never happen.

These days I’m more interested in dyeing my beard, anyway. I look amazing in blue and get a ton of compliments every day.
I have no plans on getting a tattoo. Yes, I do judge people who especially have them on their face or neck.
It is very personal and i don't think anyone has to defend their reason to get one or not. You do you! I have none but I want one and it's a phrase my dad always said. My niece and my sister got it and I want it too but I haven't decided where yet. Once I know where to put it, I will do it. I don't want the world to see it, its really just for me. I will be discreet about it because that is what I want.
I don't have one but have been thinking about one for years. I want something Disney related but have not decided yet what. I know I want it on my lower left leg above my ankle. I know I want it so that when I wear shorts and low cut socks it shows but when I wear pants or crew socks it does not show. I like to see them on others in casual settings but I am not fond of them showing in a work atmosphere. I will admit to judging when someone has them on their neck or face. Otherwise to each their own. Unfortunately even though it is your body in the world we live in professional appearance has to be considered.
I have one and am planning on getting my second later this month. Neither are especially glaring, though both can/will be able to be seen when I'm fully dressed depending on my choice of outfit. The designs are very meaningful to me personally, and I put a lot of thought into them.

My husband feels the same way yours does - he hates tattoos and would prefer I not have any. But ours is a very "opposites attract" relationship and this isn't something new I've sprung on him. He knew who I was going in and has enough respect for me and my different view of things not to make my tattoos (or piercings, or hair color) a major issue.
I have an anklet below my ankle bones with flowers and oldest DD’s name. It’s looking a little sad these days but I don’t regret it at all. I’m thinking of having it freshened up but it was a pretty painful tattoo with all the bones and nerves in that area. We’ll see.

DD had a gorgeous one done about six (ish) months ago. It’s big, bold and bright and was well thought out and planned with the artist. Right now we are in the planning stages of the mother/daughter tattoos we’ve been talking about for years. They’ll be of the same thing and the same style (same artist) but I imagine they’ll be quite different beyond that. She’s puzzling hers to fit into the other so it will be quite large. Mine will be decent size but not near as big and above my right ankle bone on the outside. Will happen in the next couple of weeks or in two months depending on her schedule. Her birthday is in August so Mom is paying.

It never occurred to me to ask DH if he was okay with me getting them or not. The only real discussion we’ve had about it was me asking if he was good with making that DD’s birthday present. He has none and as far as I know doesn’t want any.

The only issue I have with tattoos are poorly done ones and ones that have no thought about placement. My youngest brother has done this and they look like jailhouse tats. Randomly placed and by the cheapest places he could find. He seems okay with them and that’s what matters.

As to what they’ll look like when I’m 80, I imagine I won’t care.


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