What is that "cheesy" Disney detail that you love so much?

They play the Time Warp when going to POP? From Rocky Horror? That's awesome.

Sometimes they do. The tracks that play when you are on your way to Pop are mostly soundtracks, so they might play some TV Themes or famous movie theme. Timewarp is definitely on the loop somewhere. I love how each resort has their own signature music on the buses.
Seeing Tinkerbell fly at MK, I cry every single time and I'm 60 years old. I jump and clap and am in awe, even though I know the magic behind the magic. One time I swear she waved just to me and I was in heaven. My son hates fireworks but he will go to that just to watch my face when she flys over.
My favorite is the ride queue music at Jungle Cruise. Maybe not cheesy in the way you were thinking of, but the jokes are VERY cheesy and kill me:
"Any travelers who may need to exchange foreign currency during their voyage needn’t worry. There are banks all along our rivers."

t's such a well-crafted soundtrack with era music and funny jokes from Albert Awol (the voice of the Jungle). I love it and listen to it all the time. It's a fun detail that gets you immersed in the world of the ride before you get on board!

I absolutely adore Jungle Cruise. I cackle the entire way through it, but it makes me so sad when people don't get that it's supposed to be cheesy.
We actually like DinoLand U.S.A. and the whole back story that goes along with it. Lots of folks think it is cheesy for a Disney Park but that's the whole point of it. We like eating at Restaurantosaurus for its ambiance. It was pretty cool this year being there late at night.
For me, it's Carousel of Progress. The old-school animattronics are pretty darn cheesy, but I really like the story line and the song, "It's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ". There's just something about it that makes me smile.

The modern era of CoP has to be the cheesiest. It is so hopelessly outdated, but I still love it!


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