what has been the most stressful day of your life

I was half way through my shift, got a call from my father that mom had had a stroke and was nonverbal.

I couldn't afford to leave work and I had no way to get home anyway. But I don't remember much about that shift- my coworkers said I was white and shaking like a leaf.

Turned out ok though. 5 years later, mom is still alive and kicking and doing her best to drive me up the wall.
The first Christmas with the in-laws :) I was so nervous! Newly married two weeks before and I was terribly shy and my MIL said we weren't giving gifts but everyone else had brought gifts. Of course everything turned out fine but man oh man was I stressed :)
The day I made my ex husband leave. It was worse than waking up in the hospital, unable to breathe, speak, or walk.
Probably day 3 after leaving my XH. After years of telling him I was going to leave him if he didn't fix his crap I woke up one day and said this was it (I can be indecisive but once I make a decision it's a done deal). I told him I was leaving, I packed up what I could fit into my car and left with my kids while he was at work. I felt a weird sense of calm that day. I stayed at my aunts house. Around day 3 it all hit me. I didn't run back though. Eight years later it was the best decision I ever made in my life. We are still friends, he's a good provider and a good father, but he's not husband/relationship/marriage material.
The day DH had to rescue me from WDW when I threw my wallet and keys into the trash can along with the remains of my Pecos Bill lunch. The worst day of my life.

You are truly a survivor and inspiration. Thank god you had your cell phone, or you could still be roaming the Magic Kingdom. Forget about kids being macheted to death in Burundi, or attacked by bears, or whatever tribal warlords utilize, you are amazing:)
You are truly a survivor and inspiration. Thank god you had your cell phone, or you could still be roaming the Magic Kingdom. Forget about kids being macheted to death in Burundi, or attacked by bears, or whatever tribal warlords utilize, you are amazing:)
I'm honestly too embarrassed to share the story of the day I remember being the most stressed out and almost panicky because of it. It was far from the "worst" day of my life, and the story wouldn't even seem stressful to most people, but for some reason that day I thought I was going to break.

Losing my father was the crappiest day of my life, but stress isn't the emotion that comes to mind. I was so young, stress wasn't what I felt.
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It wasn't a whole day but for me it was when my DH died while driving and I watched our car careen out of control and I couldn't do anything to stop it. It was just minutes but felt like hours.
The day I stood in the ICU and thought I was watching my dad die before my eyes. You know how in the movies alarms start going off and a team of medical personnel rushes in telling the person who been sitting by the bedside to please step out? Like that. Add to that being the only person there who could make a decision if one needed to made and terrified I would have to. Fortunately Dad is still here but that day haunts me.

The day DH had to rescue me from WDW when I threw my wallet and keys into the trash can along with the remains of my Pecos Bill lunch. The worst day of my life.
Not on that level but DD did something similar in Disneyland. We'd gotten up early to get fastpasses for the Frozen show when it was in the Royal Theatre. They suggest lining up early so we got Mickey Bars while we waited in line. DD threw our fastpasses away with her wrapper and napkin! They won't let you in that show with a FP and we only realized it when we were about three groups back from the front. We had a bunch of people who jumped in, got the garbage can open and helped us find them though. Ha/ never mind you were being silly...
There's been a lot but recently it was the day I found out I had cancer and had to postpone my IV treatments..three days before I was supposed to start. It set off a chain of events that just had kept me so off balance.

Things are calmed down now but that was an awful day.
The day my dad or the day I found I had MS

I'm honestly too embarrassed to share the story of the day I remember being the most stressed out and almost panicky because of it. It was far from the "worst" day of my life, and the story wouldn't even seem stressful to most people, but for some reason that day I thought I was going to break.

Loosing my father was the crappiest day of my life, but stress isn't the emotion that comes to mind. I was so young, stress wasn't what I felt.

It wasn't a whole day but for me it was when my DH died while driving and I watched our car careen out of control and I couldn't do anything to stop it. It was just minutes but felt like hours.
I'm sorry. :grouphug:
When I stepped on my first DH's body after he jumped into a lake in Colorado years ago. Luckily he made it thru but it was a very very stressful day for many involved.
It's a 3-way tie. 1. The day we had a follow-up ultrasound to see if our son had a genetic disorder. 2. The day my mom had open heart surgery. 3. The day my dad had a heart attack.
My most stressful day, probably the day Grandma died.
All of us grandkids spent the night in the waiting room of the hospital, taking turns sitting with her so she'd never be alone. We didn't really sleep at all.
My brother drove me home where I collapsed in bed. I was woken up with a call from that brother saying we needed to go back and he could pick me back up. I told him no, because I thought it had been hours, but had only been 10 minutes. As I stepped outside, I rolled my ankle and fell in a lovely pile of dog crap someone had apparently forgotten to clean up. Got cleaned up quick and hobbled to the car to go to the hospital.
I, along with most of my cousins and siblings, my mom and aunt and uncle were all by her bedside when it happened. Everyone was crying, but me, I stayed calm (which is not me). I excused myself because I knew that my father and brothers should be arriving soon. As soon as I got to the elevators, they opened and my dad was there. He looked at me and I lost it. He hugged me and said, excuse me, I need to be there for my wife. And practically ran down the hall to my mom.
My cousin's husband and uncle followed suit.
I went back into the waiting room and just sat there. I was so emotionally drained and exhausted. She was supposed to be released on Friday, then all of a sudden was in the ICU with liver failure and passed on Sunday.
I have two.

9/11/01 being at the wtc during the terror attacks. No explanation needed

10/12/06 the day my mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor and then the next day after surgery, lung cancer. She passed 4 months later.
When I got the call that my father had been in a serious car accident on his way home from my house.....day after Christmas.
Trying to get kids (then 1 1/2 and 4 1/2) and DH home (they were at a movie).
Getting on a plane fast and then going to a motel and hospital
2 days there and he passed. Then driving to his house and making the arrangements.


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