What are your 2008 creative goals?

My modest 2008 goals are as follows:

TO finish my 2005 Disneyland/California trip (BEFORE we go to WDW in April!!).

To complete AT LEAST two calendar years for each child's life album.

To finish and print my family tree books (digital, not traditional).

I don't participate in swaps, so no problem there.

NO gift albums (took up most of my summer in 2007, as well as all of January!!). Hope no one is having a "big "number birthday!

Ready, get set, SCRAP!.................P

WOW... I did totally CRAPPY on my goal! I haven't even BEGUN my 2005 Disneyland book (but will probably in January)... I can't even REMEMBER where I was on the kids books when I started this year so I don't know if I actually did two calendar years. The family tree books aren't even on the horizon of being done! What the heck did I do with myself this year???

Oh yeah..... drove my kids to soccer, swim, basketball, gymnastics, robotics, newspaper committee, yearbook club, etc. Worked part-time, coached robotics, stroke and turn official for swim team, grocery shopping, cleaning (not enough), exercise (not enough), cooking, laundry, etc. THAT'S what I did...:lmao:

Guess I will have to do some heavy-duty thinking about this year's goals......P
Hmmm, creative goals. Where to start? There are so many!

Scrapbooking Goals
Finish 2006 Life album - 1/31/08 DONE!!!
Finish 2006 DL trip Almost done - Only about 15 layouts left.
Finish 2005 WDW trip Sadly, only finished a couple more layouts. Still have bulk of trip to do.
Finish (and start) 2007 Life album One layout left to finish.
Get Junior Girl Scout album up to date Haven't touched it.
Start 2008 Life album Haven't touched it.
Purchase negative scanner and scan in all wedding and engagement photos Engagement photos DONE. Wedding photos not started.
Finish developing all rolls of film (don't ask :rolleyes: ) Haven't touched it.

General Crafty Goals
Create labels for my homemade foods line Put on hold due to knee injury.
Perfect Wine Jelly recipe DONE!!!
Perfect Salsa recipe Put on hold due to knee injury.
Perfect BBQ Sauce recipe Put on hold due to knee injury.
Can 8 dozen jars of Wine Jelly, Salsa and BBQ Sauce to sell at craft booth and give as X-mas gifts. Put on hold due to knee injury and because craft sale was during WDW trip.
Can a year's supply of tomatoes (about 3 dozen jars) Put on hold due to knee injury.
Make new curtains for the house (DR, LR, both bedrooms) Haven't touched it.
Finish dolphin cross-stitch for bathroom. Haven't touched it.
Make a new autumn wreath for the front door (my old one finally fell apart after 7 years). Haven't touched it and now the Winter wreath is falling apart too.

I don't feel like I had much progress on my scrapping and I know it was because of swapping. I just have to make myself not do swaps in 2009 and that is probably my number one goal. I have GOT to finish some books this year or I feel like I'm going to just pack up my stuff and stop altogether.

Most of my non-scrapping goals were put on hold because of my stupid knee injury. Fortunately, that is slowly getting better so I'm really hoping to make some progress this year. Even so, I'm planning to scale back my goals since I'm taking on more responsibility with Girl Scouts.

I am happy that I at least finished one book and am pretty darn close on another one. I hope I improve upon that this year.


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