What are you afraid of?

fish. they really freak me out. :confused3

And fish biting my toes while swimming.

I'm right there with you! I don't go in the ocean or any lakes/ponds because there might be fish in there. And remember a few years ago when the fad was "fish pedicures"? I would have passed out if I had to stick my feet in a bucket of fish who then nibbled the dead skin off. Eeww, eeww, EEWW!!! :scared1::scared1:
Not just heights but heights that I am exposed to. If I am in a plane or have a window between me I am fine. I HATE tall steep escalators I always feel like I'm going to fall forward.

I do fear spiders but only the huge hairy ones. The ones that are so big you would never think to step on them! :eek:

I also fear for my teenage son when he is out late driving around. Summer job driving for Dominos. I worry he will have an accident. Wish I could get help with that one since I lose so much sleep over it.
Mice and rats. I am so terrified of them that I can't even watch when one comes on TV, I have look away. *shudders*
Mice and rats. I am so terrified of them that I can't even watch when one comes on TV, I have look away. *shudders*

This is me too. I have the biggest fear of them. Which makes everyone in my family ask why do I give all my money to a mouse and am not scared of him :rotfl2:

Also I am terrified of flying, boats, heights, bridges, dead bodies, and dying alone. Yep I have a lot of them lol
Spiders and other nasty insects. Im terrified of them!! Snakes and rats im ok with thou...oddly enough.
Having to see the body at a wake. :scared1:
Having a medical procedure that will inflict pain. (ie ingrown toenail surgery)
Spiders and other nasty insects. Im terrified of them!! Snakes and rats im ok with thou...oddly enough.

I find most people hate either snakes or spiders, but not both. I was showing my nephew a brown recluse yesterday. He wanted nothing to do with it. OTOH, if there had been a rat snake there, I'd have screamed like a little girl, and he'd have picked it up :lmao:
I have an irrational fear of water slides, but will face my fear ( and freak out the entire time Im on it) when I am with my kids. I always worry im going to fall out the side.

Stairs/ Ladders... especially when they have the open backs. Funny enough I am not afraid of heights at all. I can spend all day on a roof, but to get me on the ladder to get back down...
Bees. I think I'm afraid of them because I've never been stung, and when I tell people that they always say "Yeah, it hurts a ton!" Whenever one comes near me I freak out
Lobsters. I've spent my life trying to hatch a diabolical plan to rid the universe of them.
the closet monster (still can't sleep with any closet door open, even with my husband next to me in bed)
dentist's drill
when my mother inlaw calls my husband and tells him she wants to come visit :faint:
Spiders and clowns are my two big ones, but my weirdest fear is of empty swimming pools. I love to swim, and I love swimming pools full of water! But empty pools give me the creeps! I have no idea why or where this fear came from, but I cannot look at an empty pool without shaking with fear and getting that skin-crawling feeling :confused3 I think I need therapy LOL!
Spiders. Part of the reason I got married is so someone else would be around to deal with the spiders. ;)

The dark. People say there's nothing there in the dark that's not there in the light. I say, how do you know?! It's dark!!

when my mother inlaw calls my husband and tells him she wants to come visit :faint:


Spiders and clowns are my two big ones, but my weirdest fear is of empty swimming pools. I love to swim, and I love swimming pools full of water! But empty pools give me the creeps! I have no idea why or where this fear came from, but I cannot look at an empty pool without shaking with fear and getting that skin-crawling feeling :confused3 I think I need therapy LOL!

I think the empty swimming pool might be kind of like a 'ghost town' creepiness that I've never quite understood, but can totally relate to.

I mean, why does this stuff seem so creepy? http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/eco-tourism/photos/8-eerie-abandoned-amusement-parks/take-a-ride-or-not (If you are afraid of clowns, you may want to avoid that link.)


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