VB Adoration & Information Thread (Plus 2007 Chair Swap)

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Can't wait to get back to VB:goodvibes our first trip was last year and the chair swap worked out great:) Hope to participate again this year May 3-5

Thanks Starbox for organizing again :hug:

Can anybody who has been to VB recently (Since August 08) confirm if wireless works at the Pool area? When I was there in August they were installing access points above Eb and Flows....
Hello Starbox and others.

I have been following this Vero Beach thread for a while. We have chosen Vero Beach as our first trip "home" We own at AKL.

I would love to participate in a chair swap this summer We will be there July 15-19.

I have a question for you Vero Beach Veterans.....

Our son will be 16 and he is taking a friend What activities can they do on their own? Like can they rent the Kayaks? Also are there other teens here or is it mostly families with small children?

Thanks for the help!


Hello Cee,

Of course the ocean provides the greatest pleasure for big boys. Riding the waves can consume one for many hours (day after day). Otherwise, there are basketball and tennis courts accross the street. Disney provides a tunnel to go under the street. Also, maybe a trip to the Kennedy Space center would peak some interests. Keep an eye on the scheduled launch dates for the shuttle. I cannot imagine anyone Kayaking at VB, but... they have Jet-skis.... I cannot think of anything a 16 yo would love more than to ride a jet-ski in the ocean. It does cost though ($50/30minutes), but they would absolutely love it. I did it with my son many years ago, and it is definitely a big boy's dream. If the boys want they can hike/bike the jungle trail from accross the street up to Pelican Island and back (8 miles one way).

Your boys will be fine at VB. Truly.
Thanks for the info Rob!

I will let T know, that is my DS 15. :thumbsup2 He will turn 16 July 14th while we are at Universal!

Is it July yet!

I'll put you on the swap list - I'd love to have our visits overlap, but we'll be there at the beginning of June and end of July. The kids would have loved the lessons - but I'm sure we'll meet @ Vero one of these years. Have fun with your whole family. That's awesome. I already wonder how often the kids will both want to travel once they're grown - it seems time passes so quickly.

I think you're right about the thread - come February, I'll start a chair-swap 08 thread.

I'll probably be on the boards for a few weeks since it's Christmas Break!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Hey starbox... sorry we won't be overlapping, but glad to get the swap chairs, boogy boards, and umbrella.... As I said before, let me know if I can help in any way. Yes, It is awesome that my kids will be with us for the first time in probably 7 years or so. You know, it is amazing... our kids (DD & DS) would fight continually while growing up... but now they are best friends. DS lives in NC and DD drives down there once a month to visit. It gives me hope that DD can live through her bipolar disorder. Not sure how, but it gives me hope that she can actually drive the distance and get there.

One day at a time.

Have a great Christmas.
Hello Starbox-It sounds like you are still doing the chair swaps. I am going to be vacationing at Vero May 2 to May 6 and would be interested in participating in your chair swap. Happy Holidays. :santa:
Starbox, thank you SO much for all the information! We'll be at VB for the first time from March 17-21. Could we possibly get on the chair swap, if no one else is already signed up? We're adults, on our retirement celebration trip, but i'd defintely use the pail and shovel, too. Let my husband have the wave action! I'm a castle builder at heart.
Is there a chair swap going on for this year? We will be there May 26-28 (waitlisted for the 25th). I would love to get in on it.

If you've left a post here or sent me a PM, I've added you to the chair swap group - look for details in late February! :thumbsup2

We're making our first trip to Vero Beach this July. Would love to be included in the chair swap. Our dates are 7/19-7/23. Any dates during this time would be great. Thanks so much for coordinating this!
We will be at Vero May 29 - June 1 and would also like to participate in the chair swap if those dates are available.
If you've left a post here or sent me a PM, I've added you to the chair swap group - look for details in late February! :thumbsup2

Thank you very much! I can't tell you how much this thread has helped me!

Your love for Vero Beach has morphed into enthusiasm from me and now My family has two more families wanting to go with us!

Does anyone know about renting points?
If you don't mind me asking what is a chair swap? We are thinking about going to Vero Beach this year and I just started reading up on it.
Hey Starbox-
Any word on Chair swap for 2008? We will be there in March and would love to either start or continue a chair swap.
Oops, I was only on page 5 of this thread when I posted, then took me to the end after I posted. Sorry didn't realize you've got it taken care of.
Please put us down for March 27-31st.
So, based on the number of PM's I've gotten since last night - lots of people are already wanting a 08 VB swap. I probably won't start to set up things until early March (in time for Spring Breakers). Until then, if you PM me, I'll keep a running list of everyone who has expressed interest and dates will be assigned in order of response. We had two silmultaneous swaps last year because of all the interest, so I am guessing we'll have two (or maybe three) this year as well. Last year's cost was around 13.00 - I'm guessing it will be in that range (10-15) again this year.


Hi Starbox. I don't think I can PM you, so I'm replying to the thread. My family will be vacationing in VB for the first time from May 2-9, 2008. Can you sign me up to the beach chair swap? Thanks!
Did everyone see Rob's little art work he did for us??


It makes a beautiful addition to your signature for you VB fans!
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