Updated List ! for July 6th at my house! Please read my last post today 7-02,on pg 14

We're a long way off from 300 people, Patrick. Guess I better get busy drumming up business! Wonder what I can offer to get people there (other than the margarita machine you're buying, that is! :D) I'll have to think on it! ;)
Really wish we could go Patrick!:( :(

BUT....it's just too darn close to my due date. Less than a week.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Can the pregnant people get a 'rain check' on the festivities?;) :) :D
Originally posted by KimRaye
Of course, since I'm local, let me know how I can help.

Offer made, offer stands. Just let me know. ;) Look forward to hearing from you.

How about lawn chairs and such, too? Card tables & chairs? Need anything along these lines, too? :confused:
I'll have to check, but I think I still have some of the food left over that I won from DISCON. It's in my sister's deep freeze, but I'll let you know.
Hey, Brian, after watching the video of DIS-CON this past weekend at John's, I was wondering about all that food!!! :D You could have had one heck of a DIS meet with that!! ;) :D :D
See you soon! :)
Wish that I could join you all but I'll have to pass - we have a family birthday that weekend - have a great time - I'll be thinking about ya's.
I'm happy to make a donation and grab a couple of cases of soda or beer or whatever, just let me know, Pat!
Me too....just name it..JUst don't say a lasanga, I do not think it would be so good by the time I fly from Ma to chicago, checked in my room and drove aimlessly around until I found your house. I would happily make a contribution and bring stuff. Maybe we should start a list...you know guys, they stink at planning. :rolleyes:
I can probably think of something that would travel well, like cookies or brownies. Then again we can always go shopping in the morning, too. Wouldn't that be fun!?! :D :D
This sucks...I mean stinks....I may have to change my mind about coming!!! Can I bring my dad?????? :D :D :D :D :D You guys are gonna have a blast and I'm gonna miss meeting CC???? OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was my first DISer that answered my post....I gotta meet CC!!!!!!! Are you coming to DISCon II CC????? :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I can't speak for CC, but there is no doubt in my mind that she will be at DC2 if at all possible!!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
YAY!!!! We are going to have a BIG group!!
Ok guys thanks for all the offers. :) My plan is to sit down with ellen this weekend and put it together- I am in the middle of $#@* week at work here, I will be lucky to get home by midnight tonight. I will shoot you all out e mails or pms on what to bring or donations or whatever. We are really looking forward to this- Glo is right I need to have a woman figure out this stuff :) I just cook and drink beer :)
Someone please jot this down. Patrick admitted I was right about something. Man oh man...this is a first!!! This will be a day to remember!!!!

Now what was it I was right about???

Tell Ellen not to worry, we won't mess the place to much. I only had to relandscape the yard in Falmouth, wash all the walls, fix the septic system, and sandblast the counters. Really only about a few hundred dollars or so in damage :D ;) :p

No worries though...ok?
Just make sure the wild ones (no names mentioned here) pay more than others... Some of those from outside the US can be a real handful I have heard!!!

On the other hand, quiet, calm Cuban's from Massachusetts should get a BIG discount. Especially since we don't take up alot of room...
I hate to say this but I do not think we are going to make it.. yikes...there is just too much going on with the wedding coming, etc.. Unless things change drastically, I do not see a visit to Chicago in our future... wahhhh
Aw, Marsha, I'm sorry-we will miss you. I was so looking forward to seeing you again! :(
Glo, are you telling me that I need to increase my homeowner's insurance for one of these DIS picnics???!?!?!?! Yikes!! :eek:


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