Treadmill Nirvana and other ramblings

sweet sixteen, wow... Hopefully, she's being sweet nowadays. ;) What grade is she in? 10th? That's where my DS is at, but he just turned 15.

Glad to hear that DS is going with you though, you will have a blast! :cool1:

Glad to hear that the training is going well. Good luck with WW weigh-in. Try hard, you can do this! You know you can!

Take care and HAPPY SATURDAY! :sunny: :sunny:
you are doing awesome with this training!!!!
I hope you have a great weekend--how was the birthday party?!!? i remember my sweet 16 :)

have a great saturday :)
jay-nee said:
sweet sixteen, wow... Hopefully, she's being sweet nowadays. ;) What grade is she in? 10th? That's where my DS is at, but he just turned 15.

Yes she is sweet (again) these days, TG!!!!!!! She is actually in 11th grade, we started her early (something I have since regretted). Today she got her permit. "Oh help me!!!!!!!!"

I was able to get my October LT WI on Saturday. I made it by the skin of my teeth :teeth: Just .2 lbs to spare and stay "free". Phew.

Way to go on that maintaining weight goal Sunny - I'm sure it's not as easy you might have thought it was when you got there. I can't wait to get to that point.

Way to go on the continued training. And congrats on your dd turning 16. Mine has less than 2 months now. I can't wait actually. Then she can drive herself the 30 minutes to school early in the mornings 2 days a week!!!! :) LOL

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey Sunny - Haven't seen you around later and hope your doing well. Tuesday is week 6 for me and I'll finally be LIFETIME. :cool1: Can you believe it? :goodvibes
Hello :wave:
Phew! I got here before my journal slipped into oblivion!!!!

WW Lifetime is going pretty good. I was really worried that I wouldn't make it for November but then the week of Thanksgiving I got super serious and actually followed the flex program EXACTLY and lost 6 llbs! :earseek: That put me under my WW goal for the first time. Two more and I can claim my 85 lb clippie.

Running is going well. My longest run was on Dec 2, 21 miles. I can't even believe it! But now the ground is icey and the bike path is a xt ski path so I have been forced inside to the TM for the past week. Tomorrow will be a 22 mile run on the TM :earseek: That will take TONS of discipline. I hope I have enough! Running on the bike path only requires forcing myself to make it half way, 'cause the second half is mandatory!

Here's a recent photo from last weekend. We went out and chopped our Christmas tree. I am wearing my size 8 Levis which are just a tad to loose now days (which you can't tell in the photo). I'm planning on getting out to Kohl's to pick up a pair of size 6 Levis. I know I won't be able to wear them just yet, but its right around the corner. I thought I'd stop at size 8, but I still have a bit of fat that could stand to go. But the loose skin is vanishing. Yeah! (Still not gonna be caught dead in a bikini) :rotfl2:


Sunny - You look wonderful with your son. Size 6?? AWESOME :banana: :banana: I bought a size 6 in some khaki pants, but those are cut wider in the hips & butts, where I need it the most *lol*

Isn't it amazing how far you can run now? You should re-read some of the beginning of your journal to see how far you've come. I've tried the's just not my thing. I do enjoy doing the spin class, so maybe I should start biking more :)

Keep up the great work!!!!
Way to go Sunny! :sunny:

You look great! I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. :goodvibes A 21 mile run?!?!?!?! :earseek: You go girl!

Have a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year! :goodvibes
Happy Holidays Sunny!!!

You look awesome. And congrats on going beyond your WW goal - that is so totally great. I'm very happy for you and proud of you!!!!! Keep up the great work on running and keeping yourself in shape and on plan. Hope you have a great holiday!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Sunny-you look so great!!!!!!!!
21 mile run?! im so impressed--i need your discipline and maybe i can be saying im in a size 8 pants :)
im so happy for you and have a great christmas!
dont stay away from us for so long next time :)
Merry Christmas Sunny!

I hope your holiday season is filled with love and laughter! :goodvibes Take care and keep up the outstanding work in 2006!! :Pinkbounc
Thanks everyone for stopping by!

Merry Christmas!

I am so excited. I am just .68 miles from completing my Run to Disney :cool1: I went for a 5.6 mile run today, if i had realized how close I was I would have gone the extra .68. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a chance to finish the challenge. That will be my Christmas present to myself!

I reread thru last year's journal and took my own advice-- I didn't bake this year! That's not to say there are no sweets in the house, there are, but they are in small amounts. DD and I went shopping yesterday to get our Christmas outfits. I bought size 6 pants and a clingy shiney gold top! I went with this outfit so I would be forced to stay in control! There's no room for water bloat :rotfl2: Christmas 2003 I wore a size 20, Christmas 2004 I wore a size 12 and Christmas 2005 I am wearing a size 6. I am so thankful to be here. Its still hard, I lose control from time to time and get really down about it. But the consistent (insane) exercise schedule brings me back each time.

I usually have my Disney trips all planned out and packed etc. by now but between training and Christmas I am not ready at all. As soon as Christmas is over I will have to start planning the trip. We leave on Jan5th. I can't wait :Pinkbounc

Have a wonderful holiday everyone. Remember, focus on the friends and family and enjoy the foods in small amounts. Dec 26th will be sooooo much nicer if we do that!!!!!

You have done such an amazing job--a size 6!?!? WOOHOOOOOOi cant blieve that you leave so soon for the marathon! i know that you are going to do a great job and ill be cheering you on even though i wont be there :goodvibes:
Of course, you must come back and fill us in !!
Have a great day
I don't know whether to congratulate you on your 'run to Disney' or your size 6 jeans! Great job on both counts. Its an inspiration reading your post of going from a size 20 to 12 to 6! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


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