Treadmill Nirvana and other ramblings

you have reached many goals--you have been doing such an amazing job! im very proud of you and all of your hard work! I know i have said it before, but you are an inspiration to me and i wish that i had your dedication to get out and do things to lose the weight...i sometimes read your posts when i need a "kick in the butt" to get going!
have a great weekend
Hi Sunny,

I am just checking in. Hope you are having a good week.
Hi Sunny - Haven't seen you post in awhile and wanted to see how you were doing. How's the running coming along?

I need some advice from a WW Lifetimer :flower: I know you mentioned back when you were getting to goal that you ate just protein and veggies only and had that big WHOOSH. I wonder if I stay away from the carbs (toast mostly) that it might help me? I have two weeks before I declare goal and need to lose about 5 more pounds, so a WHOOSH would be nice. Any advice??

Hope you're weekend is going well.
HI Everyone! Thanks for checking in :grouphug:

I have big news.... I ran my first Half Marathon yesterday! It was absolutely wonderful. The best weather you could hope for, wonderful volunteers, fans and fellow runners. Incredible post-race refreshments (their famous home-made apple crisp, apple bread, apple cookies, among other things). I definitely ate all the calories I burned, but it was fun! My time was 2:03:53 (9:28 pace).

Tera-- yes, I was desparate to get my LT WI before our at-work session ended so I did the protein (lean meats) and veggies for (I think) 3 or 4 days prior to WI. ITs really just a trick to drain the water out of your body that it usually holds onto to process carbs. (That's the standard whoosh low carb diets give you). GOOD LUCK! :cheer2: :wizard: :cool1: :banana: :bounce: I can't wait to celebrate with you. We've been at this together for a long time!

I'm not ready for Oct WI. I think I would be over if I WI tomorrow so I will try to be super careful this week and WI next Sat or next Monday at work.

Thanks for the information Sunny! I hope it'll help me too.

Congratulations on your marathon. I can't believe how far you've come since you first started running.

You are wonderwoman. Congrats on an amazing run.
Take care,
plutosmyfav said:
I'm going to try to attempt to put in words what Treadmill Nirvana feels like I start out fully aware of my surroundings, people talking, machines pounding in asynchronous rythms, music in the background, 6 tvs on the wall in front of me, mostly tuned to news channels. I set my course to manual, time to 30 minutes (I've been pushing with 60 minute runs, today I'll settle for 30). Enter my weight (8 pounds light so I feel confident the calorie burn is not exagerated) and off I go. At first I am aware of the sound of my feet pounding the tread, I adjust my posture, get my headphones chord situated. Soon I realize I'm thoroghly enjoying myself. My shoulders are back, chest high, abs tight. TIGHT! My legs feel like well oiled machines doing their thing without any input from me. They just move. The movement is fluid and free and effortless. I feel invinsible, I could do this forever. I have no cares no worries. I am not aware of anything in my life for this moment. No stresses, no anger, frustration. NOTHING! I'm no longer aware of the room, the people, tvs, sounds. My eyes are fixed on a little spec on the green floor. They've been parked there for 10, 15, 20 minutes who knows. Who cares. In my peripheral vision I can see green sneakers cycling. They are lime green. That makes me smile. I suppose they are attached to a person, it is of little consequence to me. The music in my headphones is the only thing my mind registers. It is fantastic. I don't remember it sounding so good before. Every song pumps me up more than the one before. SOmeone walks between me and my spec and I am jolted back to reality for a minute. Darn! All of the sudden I realize I am getting tired and I am tempted to look at the time. No don't look yet! Make it last alittle longer before you start the "30 second mind games". Alas, I've come to the 30 second mind games. I don't exactly know what it is I bargain, but somehow I bargain to make it another 30 seconds. I glimpse at the time again, phew, made it! 30 seconds more... until the machine kicks into cool down.

That baby, is Treadmill Nirvana


That describes me perfecly! I am becoming so addicted to the treadmill. I love being there. Staring out the window, hearing the back ground music. Reading the scrolls at the bottom of the news channel. Playing mind games with the clock. :earboy2: I just can't wait until it pays off for me like it has for you! :goodvibes
Way to go on the race Sunny!!!! That's a great accomplishment! Keep up the good work!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
How are you? Where are you? Things ok? I hope so...

How's the marathon training going? Are the kids going to WDW with you in Jan too? For how long? Details, yes, details...

I had a nice trip with my 2 kids, the timing couldn't have been better. We did a budget trip, but who cares? We're at WDW, right? We had a couple of very nice sit-down meals at Matso No Ma Lounge, 50's Prime Time and the Plaza Restaurant too. Other than that, counter service. It worked pretty well for us. The last morning we were there, instead of eating breakfast in the room (cereal we rought from home) I splurged on waffles for all of us. YUMMY!

We won't be doing WDW for a while though and I wanted to make it a special trip for all of us. It was fantastic.

We stayed at POP, definately not POR or POFQ, but it was fine. We thankfuly were in a quieter section, 'cause it can be crazy there. Someday we will do POR or POFQ again, but that will involve alot of saving on our budget. So far it looks like I can stay PT. I really hope to. The kids really do not want me to work any more than I do (it limits their activities, etc) so they are willing to make some choices for it to work too. We'll see, everything is constantly being reevalutated here. ;)

Take care Sunny. Hope we can catch up soon.

Happy Tuesday! :sunny: :sunny:
Just stopping in to say Hi!

I hope all is well with you.

Congrats on your awesome half-marathon achievement. You did a great job!!! :cool1:
Hi Everyone

Thank you so much for checking in :grouphug: Life is so busy these days. My marathon training has me stealing away to run every minute I can spare. But I love it :love: I am stressing over my October Lifetime WI :blush: I still have a couple of weeks to make sure I am within limits. I had planned to be way below goal by now, but it just hasn't gone that way :confused3

DD turns 16 this month. We're having a DM, DB and DD birthday bash at my house this weekend. So I'm running here there and everywhere getting ready. :moped:

Jaynee-- I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip! DS is going with me for the marathon, DD will stay with DM, she's just not into Disney anymore :(

MagicalMom-- I'm so glad to hear someone else shares my addiction :rotfl: I watch the news while listening to my music and often get the stories all mixed up!

Take care everyone, I'll be back soon :wave:

sunny--not into disney anymore?!?! want to take me?! :)
You are doing great--like always :)
hope you have a great week and weekend
Hi Sunny,

You'll maintain lifetime. Have faith. Congrats on the training. Keep up the good work. I hope you have a great party thi weekend for DD.

Take care,
Blueeyes101817 said:
sunny--not into disney anymore?!?! want to take me?! :)
You are doing great--like always :)
hope you have a great week and weekend

Oh, Jen, I wish I could!!!! We'd have a blast and you'd love my DS.

Thanks, Beth, you are always so encouraging :grouphug:

My problem is I am really maintaining a weight that is slightly above my WW goal, so I have to play games to get that stupid monthly WI done. But I'm really not stressing over it. I might just go ahead and pay and stop trying to force the issue. As much as I want to lose more, I kind of wish my goal was 4 lbs higher so I could just sit where I am and not worry about it. But then again, maybe I'd creep a couple more pounds up if that was the case.

Happy Friday everyone :)



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