Treadmill Nirvana and other ramblings

It is fun to see people's pictures. I always wonder what "online" people look like! You do look great! I'm sure your legs look great too.
What about skating with DS? I learned to ice skate when DD, 10, was 3 and she took lessons and I did. It is a great workout and kids learn so fast. I skate with the children quite a bit in the winter.
You are such an inspiration with your runs. Q( I want to be like you when I grow up! My neighbour who is a real runner sort of hinted she would like to run with me! She does 9k at a time and I am doing about 3k right now! Anyway, I would like to at some point, I just need to get my nerve up. I feel so shy about my wogging because I am not like you "real runners"
Don't worry about the weigh in. You will do great. Have a good weekend.
i love seeing peoples pictures--im going to have to post some recent ones of me..
sunny-i love the "nothing tastes as good as it feels"...i NEED to remember this!!
you seem to be doing great, so dont worry about your "rewards!" have a great weekend--ENJOY!
Hi Sunny!

I totally understand what you mean when you are talking about rewarding yourself! When I have a good weigh-in, sometimes I think, "Gee, weigh-in was good today. Now, I can have those donuts or Doritos." You know though, you run a lot and I bet that those "rewards" melted right off of you! :goodvibes Hakuna Matata! :teeth:

I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished in the past year. :hug: You are an inspiration! ::yes::

Have a great weekend! :sunny:
Hi Guys :wave:

I'm so glad you are still checking in on me :grouphug: I have not been keeping up with my journal very good.

Calena-- You are a real runner, too! Go running with your neighbor, you'll have fun and she wouldn't have asked if she didn't want to! You have made such great progress, don't sell yourself short!

Tracy-- Isn't it weird that we think to reward ourselves by undoing are great work :confused3 But we keep chugging along, huh?

Jen-- I soooo look forward to seeing more pics of you :) Get moving, girl :moped: :goodvibes

I hope to get to journals soon, (I know I keep saying that, but its really true).

Yesterday I did a 20 mile run. No that's not a type-o!!!! TWENTY miles. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that would happen one day. This time last year I went for my first 10 mile walk and nearly died!!!!! I went shopping yesterday and bought some more size 8s for Fall. I'm still not fitting in them the way I'd like, but I do feel this will be my last size. I went for a WI yesteday, too, so the week wouldn't be a skip. I was .6 above LT requirement :confused3 I'm not sweating it though, I should have it off for my Sept. WI.

DS is taking jujitsu and swimming this Fall. That should keep him busy. I'd love to sign up for jujitsu and kick-boxing at his studio but I don't have the money or the time :confused3 I'm really worried about my schedule come next week. DD needs a ride to school at 7:15 (of course the bus stops IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE, but she won't ride it grrrr), then DS needs to be dropped off at 8:05. I'll be getting to work about 35 minutes later, fighting more traffic and having more difficulty parking. Then, I will have to leave earlier, too, to get back to pick him up from the afterschool program since I have to figure in commuting. My gym schedule is going to be greatly reduced. So I've planned on doing TaeBo and running early morning three times a week. Will I be disciplined enough to get up at 5AM in order to fit in all my exercise? I get up at 4:45 AM every Saturday for a long run, but usually can't get out of bed at 6AM for regular work. We'll see. Big changes coming!

I have missed seeing you post--you sound so busy!!
how do you keep yourself motivated to run/work out? i need all the hints i can.
you are doing great and you are such an inspiration to me--congrats on fitting in the 8s!!
Great pix as always! You are looking wonderful - be very, very proud!

Sounds like you've been plenty busy and that marathon training is in FULL swing - yippee for you! You have come so far! wow!

Yeah, I went for those 8's and decided that I like my 10's and did not want to kill myself for those 8's after all. 'Course I'm not out there running 20 miles either! :rotfl2:

Too bad about your schedule change - that's a pain, but you'll figure it out, I'm sure.

We start school a week from today, it will change things up a bit, but not too badly, I hope. My biggest problem is Mondays, after that it's all downhill. I just hate coming home from a LONG day at work and then having to grade school - I'm so TIRED... But, after that, the week goes great. The kids will be cooking dinner on Mondays and that should make it all better, then I will still have time to bike. It gets dark so much earlier now, that's hard for me to take. I hate the thought that winter is coming again, with all of that shoveling, and shoveling, and shoveling... I dread it!

Well, I just wanted to stop by and say Hi and see how you were doing! BY the way, HUGE congrats for WW Lifetime - WEIGH to go!

Keep up the terrific work!

Happy Tuesday! :sunny: :sunny:
sunny--i do have new pics, but they are on my computer, which is in the shop--so hopefully ill get it back friday and will post some new pictures!

hope you have a great night!!!
Hi Sunny,

I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. You made lifetime. You are an incredible inspiration. I am also truly impressed with the 20 mile run. Wow! You should be at WDW soon with runs like that. I hear you with school changing your schedule. I know that you will figure something out bacause you are so dedicated to this lifestyle.

Keep it up baby,
Hi Sunny,

I hope you have a great weekend. How many miles left to WDW?

Take care,
Hi Jen, Jay-nee and Beth :wave:

Thanks so much for stopping by. I've really let my journal go with all that's going on. Its so nice to still get visitors :grouphug:

Running is going great. I will probably do an 18 miler tomorrow morning. Last week DD did a 4 mile wog with me. I'm hoping to get her back out this weekend, too. DS started kindergarten on Tuesday. He hasn't told me one thing about it but he seems happy enough to go in the mornings so I'll take that as a good sign.

Beth, I have about 575 miles to go to Disney. I should make that no problem before my marathon trip. :cool1:

I did my Sept LT WI on Sept 4th. I was .2 lbs above goal which is acceptable. Phew! The scale just isn't budging for any further weightloss at this point :( But I'll keep trying!

Have a great weekend :goodvibes

18 miles - you are awesome!!!! Keep up the good work.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Wow Sunny! :earseek:

Your running amazes me! You are doing a great job and I know you will do a great job at the Marathon! :goodvibes Go Sunny! Go! :cheer2:

Hope you have a wonderful week! :sunny:
Hi Sunny,

You are doing a great job. Don't worry too much about the scale. You know that you can plateau for awhile, then have a series of losses. Keep up the great work.
Take care,
Hi Beth, Jay-nee, Jen, Chris, Tracy :wave:

I just took the time to re-read through my journal. Boy am I a drama queen :blush: sheesh! I found an interesting post that I will use here:

me said:
Plateau Ponderings

Well, it is safe to say I won’t see a loss this week, or just another tiny one like the past five weeks. So, how’s my perspective?

Actually, its pretty good; up and down. I’ve done some “deep” thinking. One of my WW leaders posed the question: “what was your last straw? The one that brought you into WW? And what keeps you coming back, because you goals now will be different that your goals then”. Well, it took me a while to digest that. But I realize now that I have met all but one goal from my “last straw days” that brought me to WW. At 222 lbs my goals were:
Be able to move freely (I could run but I could barely tie my shoes)
Be able to get up off the couch (I used to do the ole ‘heave ho’ to get up
Be able to be active and play with my son (I used to lay on the couch and feel horribly guilty)
Be able to wear nice clothes, fun clothes that I bought because I like them

Now, going back to pre-WW days to my highest weight of 242 lbs I thought if I could only get down to 180-185 lbs I’d be happy.

Now present day:
I can and do, do all the things in my list. I am at 170 lbs and holding (that could be looked at as a positive thing!).
I am known by all who know me as a “fitness buff”, counted among the elite at my gym.
So many people have complemented me on my weight-loss and many have told me I am an inspiration. I must never stop counting my blessings.

So where does that leave me? Well, I said all but one of my original goals have been met. The real one that is left (aside from actually reaching goal) is making peace with food. I still have my binges. But I am learning to make peace with them, to somehow peacefully coexist. If there was one thing I could change right now it would be my love of food!

It seems that my new way of life supports a weight of 170 lbs. Maybe that’s where I should be. I am definitely not “thin” yet, but if being thin means living hungry and obsessed with my food then maybe I won’t make it. I dunno. Maybe its still to early to tell. Maybe I’ll keep losing at a snails pace and get there one day. I just don’t know where “there” is!

I guess if I had to really put into words what my current goals are, they would be:
Be as strong as I can
Run as long and fast as I can
Where a size 8
Tweak my food plan to provide the maximum energy throughout the day
Start participating in group fitness activities more (like run a half marathon)

I wish I could commit to the Disney half this year, but I just don’t know yet if I can swing it.

Here's what I find interesting. I'm at a plateau again. I'm not sure I should really call it a plateau, though, because I'm eating too much food to lose weight so I'm not losing weight :confused3 No mystery here. BUT, Looking at the goals I set for myself on April 1st, I feel I have pretty much achieved them. I am much stronger now than I was then (ex: I'm setting the pec dec at 120 now!!!). I have run a 20-milers (ok, the speed part wasn't there, but hey I RAN A 20-MILER!) and I can wear some size 8s now. The part that STILL eludes me is the "Tweaking the food plan". Well, I need to do a little more than tweak, its more like sledge-hammer my food plan. All I can say is TG for my strength and endurance. I just can't be a dainty eater! At the time I was holding at 170, now its 160 with a bit of a bounce.

I'm also in the "blah" phase of my cycle :rolleyes: But reading through the journal assures me this is nothing new. Been here before, will be back again. Deal with it. But I think I've entered "peri-menopause". Oh the joy.

I used to post my running stats alot more than I do now. I will try to post more acurately again since its nice to have as a history. Right now my long runs are 16-18 miles (one 20 miler so far, did I mention that before?
). My 8-mile pace is ~9:45, my TM good pace is 7.0 but lately I've doing more 6.5 and 6.7 settings. I currently do "burst" at 7.5, 8.0 and 8.5 mph.

I will be running a very hilly half on Oct 1. I don't think I'm prepared at all for the hills. Speed will not be a goal here!

Hey Sunny - I think it's important to re-read old posts because it shows how far you've really come and you've come far baby ;)

If you feel like your losing control, try and start back with basics. I think when we've done the same program for so long, you tend to lose your way.

Great job with the running. I wish I was as disciplined as you. Keep up the great work.
Hi Sunny,

You have reached many of your goals. You keep striving for more, and that is a wonderful thing. You are training for a marathn woman. Your body is adjusting to longer and longer runs. It seems to me that you NEED to eat. You are pushing your body hard. That is amazing, and I am so proud of you. You can't eat dainty portions and expect you body to run 18 miles. Has it slowed your weightloss down? Probably, but it seems to me that your running is your real goal right now. You are maintining right now. Awesome. Eventually, your body will adjust to your new regime, and stat losing again. You are doing an amazing job, and don't forget that. Look at your before and after pictures. Reread your journal. You have tremendous strength and determination.

Be good to yourself,
Hi Sunny!

I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished. :goodvibes I think it's a great idea to look back in our journals and see the progress that we have made. I think it helps us to understand us a little bit better. ;)

I really want to echo everything that Beth said. You are training for a marathon and your body needs that extra fuel to keep it going. With the amount of exercise that you do Sunny, I don't think dainty portions are necessary. Maybe mixing foods up and adding healthy carbs here and protein there will help.

Just remember Sunny... where you were a year ago and where you are now. You are such an inspiration! :goodvibes

Have a great weekend! :sunny:


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