traveling with multiples!!

We took ours at 13 months. Kept same schedule as at home and no meltdowns at all. We are going back this December when they will be 2 months shy of their third birthday;)
Hello all! I'm actually back with a TRAVEL question! :rotfl:

Our trip is finally approaching (sort of), and I am just beginning to actually think about the details. If you traveled with your kiddos as infants, what stands out in your mind that I need to know?! We're DVC members, seasoned Disney vets, etc.... but are clueless as to going with the girls (and flying with them, etc)

All I know is that on various mini-trips (in the car) since their arrival, we have about quadrupled the amount of crap that we bring.... which can't happen when flying! :eek:

We plan on buying diapers, food, etc in FL (we rent a car) between the airport and WDW.

Any other tips?

We will ABSOLUTELY be sticking to a similar schedule to what we have at home, because the girls have always been on a structured schedule, and do very well with it. I'm not giving that up! :teeth:

ETA: The girls will be 8.5 months old, we're traveling March 5-12.
you might consider renting or participating in a stroller swap for a stroller while you are there instead of bringing your own. There are a number of double stroller swaps on these boards but I don't know if any will handle two infants. If you do have to take your stroller buy a big bag to put it in. The airlines are horrid on strollers.

Glad things are going so well with your girls! Enjoy and have a fantastic first trip to Disney World with the babies.
Hi Tink!

We went in October when the twins were 5.5 months old. We're also DVC owners and seasoned WDW vets with babies/kids.

My tips...
- Use a baby carrier. On the buses, I would wrangle both babies and having one in a sling while I carried the other was a lifesaver. Or I would have a baby in the sling, carry the diaper bag and a stroller, and watch my daughter.

- We brought our double stroller, which we needed for the airport. The concourses are so vast, it's hard to manage without. We used the most compact double that we own-- the combi twin savvy. It has a carry strap so it was easy to use on the buses. We had a single combi for our daughter too.

- Have a separate diaper pack. A ziplock bag with diapers, wipes, disposable changing pad. It made it easy to just run into the bathroom to change diapers without lugging the whole diaper bag in.

- You won't be able to bring your double stroller into the baby care centers, so if you plan on using one, don't go alone. I made this mistake and then was kind of stuck in parade crowds.

- If your babies are used to cribs, you can ask for them at the DVC resorts. I called and requested two on my reservation. Then when we checked in, we asked again. You don't have to use pack n plays. Be specific that you want a crib, not the pack n play in the room. The cribs are smaller than standard size ones.

- If the babies use lovies (animal, blankie), sew a address label on-- or even just your phone number written on some ribbon. I nearly lost one of ours at the airport but found it on the janitor's cart. I was able to positively ID it b/c of the label.

- Pack light! You'll have a rental car, so anything needed can be bought. You have washer/dryers avail so take advantage of it. We had a 2 BR, so our w/d was in the room. I ran a load in the morning and at night. I layed out all the clothes I thought we'd need and only packed half. I am usually an overpacker, but I was determined to go as light as possible.

- Gate check your car seats if you're not using the aboard the plane. Use large clear garbage bags or those car seat bags for them. The seats will be handled much more gently than they would going in regular luggage. And there's less likelihood they'll be lost too.

- If you didn't buy seats for the babies, make sure they're registered with the airline for your flights.

- For the plane, we brought bottles, food, new toys, extra formula, baby blankies, extra pacifiers and baby carriers. You can't wear the babies during take off and landing, but we did use them while we were in the air. Our arms were much less fatigued.

- Bring any baby meds you might need. I know you'll have a car, but it's always good to just have some infant Tylenol or Motrin in your diaper bag if needed.

- Stroller fans were great! Even if it's not too warm, the fans really helped with air circulation.

Take it easy. Don't expect to do much. It rained a lot on our trip, but we still managed to have a great time. I stayed with the babies most of the time, strolling around. I was just happy to be there with them. My husband took our 5 year old daughter on rides, so we often split up.

PM me if you have any questions... I've rambled on enough. :)
you might consider renting or participating in a stroller swap for a stroller while you are there instead of bringing your own. There are a number of double stroller swaps on these boards but I don't know if any will handle two infants. If you do have to take your stroller buy a big bag to put it in. The airlines are horrid on strollers.

Glad things are going so well with your girls! Enjoy and have a fantastic first trip to Disney World with the babies.

We are doing the 5K with them, so we're actually already renting a double jogging stroller from ABBF. Good point, though, for sure! I don't know that I'd trust an airline with ours...
Hi Tink!

We went in October when the twins were 5.5 months old. We're also DVC owners and seasoned WDW vets with babies/kids.

My tips...
- Use a baby carrier. On the buses, I would wrangle both babies and having one in a sling while I carried the other was a lifesaver. Or I would have a baby in the sling, carry the diaper bag and a stroller, and watch my daughter.

- We brought our double stroller, which we needed for the airport. The concourses are so vast, it's hard to manage without. We used the most compact double that we own-- the combi twin savvy. It has a carry strap so it was easy to use on the buses. We had a single combi for our daughter too.

- Have a separate diaper pack. A ziplock bag with diapers, wipes, disposable changing pad. It made it easy to just run into the bathroom to change diapers without lugging the whole diaper bag in.

- You won't be able to bring your double stroller into the baby care centers, so if you plan on using one, don't go alone. I made this mistake and then was kind of stuck in parade crowds.

- If your babies are used to cribs, you can ask for them at the DVC resorts. I called and requested two on my reservation. Then when we checked in, we asked again. You don't have to use pack n plays. Be specific that you want a crib, not the pack n play in the room. The cribs are smaller than standard size ones.

- If the babies use lovies (animal, blankie), sew a address label on-- or even just your phone number written on some ribbon. I nearly lost one of ours at the airport but found it on the janitor's cart. I was able to positively ID it b/c of the label.

- Pack light! You'll have a rental car, so anything needed can be bought. You have washer/dryers avail so take advantage of it. We had a 2 BR, so our w/d was in the room. I ran a load in the morning and at night. I layed out all the clothes I thought we'd need and only packed half. I am usually an overpacker, but I was determined to go as light as possible.

- Gate check your car seats if you're not using the aboard the plane. Use large clear garbage bags or those car seat bags for them. The seats will be handled much more gently than they would going in regular luggage. And there's less likelihood they'll be lost too.

- If you didn't buy seats for the babies, make sure they're registered with the airline for your flights.

- For the plane, we brought bottles, food, new toys, extra formula, baby blankies, extra pacifiers and baby carriers. You can't wear the babies during take off and landing, but we did use them while we were in the air. Our arms were much less fatigued.

- Bring any baby meds you might need. I know you'll have a car, but it's always good to just have some infant Tylenol or Motrin in your diaper bag if needed.

- Stroller fans were great! Even if it's not too warm, the fans really helped with air circulation.

Take it easy. Don't expect to do much. It rained a lot on our trip, but we still managed to have a great time. I stayed with the babies most of the time, strolling around. I was just happy to be there with them. My husband took our 5 year old daughter on rides, so we often split up.

PM me if you have any questions... I've rambled on enough. :)

Thank you so much, for all of this!

We have requested cribs, I think... but I will make sure (instead of pack n plays). They provide sheets, right? (I'm sure not fitted, but just extra?)

Our girls currently have blankies, but we switch between several so that a lost one isn't detrimental (and will bring a couple of extra to avoid going without!)

I definitely over-pack as well.... I'm not sure I'll do much better this time :blush:

I think we're going to rent carseats with our car. It's more expensive, but I'm afraid of dealing with gate-checking two seats, in addition to everything else we'll be struggling with! :rotfl: Other than the expense, do you advise against this for any other reason? (Anyone?)

Is the fact that you can't wear the babies during takeoff and landing true for all airlines? So... pardon my ignorance :blush:, but what - you just sit them on your lap outside of the carrier? That makes no sense to me, but it's nice to have a heads up!

Your last advice might be the best. Ordinarily, I might expect to do too much. I'm just thrilled to be going back though, after what will be our longest "WDW drought" since our honeymoon! :yay:

Thank you again!
We travelled to WDW when our 1st set of twins were 8 months old. We relaxed our schedule a bit and let them nap in the stroller or on towels in a chaise by the pool so we had less running back and forth.

As far as the plane you can't use carriers like slings on any airlines for takeoff and landing because they aren't FAA approved. If you purchase a seat your child can be strapped into their carseat as long as the seat is FAA aprroved

You can only have 1 lap child per row because there are only 4 oxygen masks per row. We used to buy 3 seats so we could save money, have more room and still sit together.

My only concern about renting car seats is making sure they have rear facing infant seats and the time it takes to adjust the straps so they fit each child correctly. We have rented seats when our 1st twins were older and forward facing.

Our 2nd set of twins will be 10 months when we head to WDW in March and we are debating bringing vs. renting seats.

On another note we brought infant pool floats with the 1st twins trip and they were great. The babies loved them and one person could manage both babies in the water. They were worth the extra space they required.

Also when we stayed and used cribs or pack and plays they had cute Mickey sheets on them.

I'm eager to hear everyone's tips since now we are travelling with 4 kids. We stay at BCV.
We have requested cribs, I think... but I will make sure (instead of pack n plays). They provide sheets, right? (I'm sure not fitted, but just extra?)

The hotel provides the sheets for the cribs and pack n plays-- they are fitted and you can ask for extras if needed. I asked for a second set to have on hand just in case there were any middle of the night accidents.

Is the fact that you can't wear the babies during takeoff and landing true for all airlines? So... pardon my ignorance , but what - you just sit them on your lap outside of the carrier? That makes no sense to me, but it's nice to have a heads up!

As the PP stated, baby carriers aren't approved, so it is across all airlines. You just hold the baby in your lap. I felt a bit silly in my seat b/c I just had the baby bjorn unfastened and held the baby during take off.

I think we're going to rent carseats with our car. It's more expensive, but I'm afraid of dealing with gate-checking two seats, in addition to everything else we'll be struggling with! Other than the expense, do you advise against this for any other reason? (Anyone?)

I'm paranoid about used car seats, so I would never rent. But that is me. I saw a news expose about rental company car seats- they were all OLD, dirty, and just unsafe. However, the companies may have improved their inventories due to liability. Here's a link to one of the articles regarding car seat safety. I know it's about a specific rental company, but it just made me nervous about renting overall. That being said, I imagine it's really difficult to manage two car seats, two babies, and carry on bags. I've only brought a car seat when I had just my daughter.

One product that may help you out is the gogokidz car seat attachment. You attach it to your car seat (not the infant type) and you can use it as a stroller through the airport and easily bring your car seat with you. If there are any empty seats on the airplane, you may be able to use your car seats on the plane too. Just ask at the gate before boarding.

Tink: I peeked at your blog... my boys are named Evan and Avery (I know it's popular as a girl's name too) and were nearly the same size as yours when they were born. What a coincidence!
DH and I have 18 mos old B/G twins and we haven't taken them yet. We are DYING to go back, but just can't figure out when is the best time for their 1st trip.

What age do you guys think is a good time for the 1st trip. The twins are our only children.

There's a ton of info here so I apologize, I haven't read the whole thread.

I've been wondering about this for awhile and figured you guys would know. If you have two under 3, can you have two cribs in a room?
There's a ton of info here so I apologize, I haven't read the whole thread.

I've been wondering about this for awhile and figured you guys would know. If you have two under 3, can you have two cribs in a room?

Yes, you absolutely can have 2 cribs in one room. In fact, we spent one night with 7 people (including our at the time 14 month old twins) in POR. We had my DH, me, my grandfather, my older son (who slept on the trundle bed) and 2 cribs. It was a bit crowded and I was glad to move into our 2 BR DVC room the next night, but it was doable.
Happy New Year to everyone. No advice here on travelling with the real little ones - we didn't make our first WDW trip until ours had just turned 5. But one thing is true about WDW - at any age it is magical and at each age a family trip will be special in it's own way.
We'll make our next trip in April and we'll be there for our kids' 12th bday - and we will be able to take advantage of the "What will you celebrate" promo - party:
Happy New Year to everyone. No advice here on travelling with the real little ones - we didn't make our first WDW trip until ours had just turned 5. But one thing is true about WDW - at any age it is magical and at each age a family trip will be special in it's own way.
We'll make our next trip in April and we'll be there for our kids' 12th bday - and we will be able to take advantage of the "What will you celebrate" promo - party:
Hi we are going to be there in APril too. This will be our boys second trip and they are so excited.

We are going to try driving this time, so any advice from you seasoned travelers with multiples would be great.

Whats the deal with What will you celebrate? What has Disney changed? I am looking forward to getting there to see whats new from last years theme year of a milliion dreams.
We have driven from NJ many times and will be again this year. It's about 17hr for us and we usually do it straight thru overnight with kids watching a movie or two and then sleeping and me and DH taking turns with sleeping and driving. Our plan is usually to leave home at 6 pm and we are usually at our resort by noon. Our kids are good at sleeping in the car and with DS games, ipods, and the dvd player the time goes by fast. And we much prefer nighttime driving with less traffic, etc.. It's not for everyone but it works for us!
DH and I have 18 mos old B/G twins and we haven't taken them yet. We are DYING to go back, but just can't figure out when is the best time for their 1st trip.

What age do you guys think is a good time for the 1st trip. The twins are our only children.



When you say best time, do you mean age-wise or time of year?

As for age, I think most people here say anytime is good! We started bringing our daughter at 18 months, but I would say that it was easier when she was 3 and up. She was toilet trained and could feed herself. She had a sense of what was going on. She could speak to the characters and really interact with them. She seemed genuinely happy to be there.

We brought our B/B twins when they were 5.5 months old. It was a nice trip, but it was more to just be together and get away. We didn't get to have as many Disney experiences together other than meals.

We're going again in November, when the twins will be 18 months old. I am a little worried b/c they'll be mobile then and I can just see the three kids running off in different directions and only two parents to try to corral them all.

As for time of year, we generally try to go during off times to avoid crowds and when it's not so hot. October is still plenty hot! November and early December are great.

But really, any time and any age is great. You get to experience something magical with your family.
All right -- I don't have time to read this whole thread, but I found it and wanted to add myself to it. I'll try to get through it over the next few days, but I thought I'd provide my own information first:

Name: Ilene
Screen Name: DRS_Are_Best
Kids: Daniel (ds -- 3yo); Rachel (dd -- 2yo); Simon (ds -- 2yo)
Twins (obviously) are Rachel and Simon
Where call home: DC Area

Can't remember the other specific pieces of info on everyone so I'll skip it for now -- but looking forward to reading what you other MoMs have to say about traveling to WDW with twins (of all ages).
Bumping this thread up!!

DH and I are heading to the World in October and I'm a bit scared about entertaining two 2 year olds for 8 nights!! Reassure me please!!!!!!
Since I'm new here and saw this thread was bumped I thought I'd add in that we have twins as well :) My twin ID boys are turning 3 next month eek! They will make their first WDW trip next year just before they turn 4!
Bumping this thread up!!

DH and I are heading to the World in October and I'm a bit scared about entertaining two 2 year olds for 8 nights!! Reassure me please!!!!!!

Our DDs will be two next month (Aug 28). We went on a Disney Cruise last December and we went to the WDW parks in late April/early May of this year and we'll be going again in October.
I used up our snack credits fairly early in our last trip for milk! I did find that some places had bigger milks than others so if I got the bigger ones (for one credit) then I could fill two cups.
Anyway, this time I'm doing garden grocer and having them bring me milk! The fridges in POR can fit two half gallon jugs (one has to be on its side but if it's not open that's not a problem). I'm also going to have them bring little snacks as well. I noticed that the girls didn't really want a lot of snacks offered in the parks AND the portions were big even for two of them so this time I'll bring the fruit snacks, goldfish, etc.
As far as sleep, they were so exhausted (even with being in the double stroller most of the day) that it was easy to get them to go to bed!
What dates will you be there in October? Maybe we'll see each other! :)
As far as sleep, they were so exhausted (even with being in the double stroller most of the day) that it was easy to get them to go to bed!
What dates will you be there in October? Maybe we'll see each other! :)

Good to know on the sleep! Did they sleep later in the morning than they do at home?

We will be at BCV from 10/19-27! Can't wait! How about you guys?


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