To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Your excel sheets make mine look like amateur hour. lol. I'm taking into consideration revamping your 5k training plan you made for me last spring or at least add some of the SW days in. I have 4 weeks to my next 5k, another 5 to the next goal one followed the following week by a big 10k. I have another 5k squeezed in there because my company is a sponsor and pays my entry. However last year the course was .25 miles short so I am hesitant to run it hard and it not count. I may end up having DD with me that weekend because DW will have to work so I may just run it as part of a training day with the stroller for "fun".
Your excel sheets make mine look like amateur hour. lol. I'm taking into consideration revamping your 5k training plan you made for me last spring or at least add some of the SW days in. I have 4 weeks to my next 5k, another 5 to the next goal one followed the following week by a big 10k. I have another 5k squeezed in there because my company is a sponsor and pays my entry. However last year the course was .25 miles short so I am hesitant to run it hard and it not count. I may end up having DD with me that weekend because DW will have to work so I may just run it as part of a training day with the stroller for "fun".

LOL thanks, I must admit I have no formal training in excel. It's just little things here and there you pick up from others. And lots and lots of google searches.

Let me know if you'd like any help revamping the 5k plan. I can rework the pacing and mileage of the speed workouts based on your current fitness level. I have a better understanding of the type of workout you should do during race week dependent on the day of week you do speed sessions as well since I had to go through the process of building my own plan. So does that mean the 10k is 10 weeks out (4/23 weekend)?

G looks a little cranky in her throwback photo. And yet still so cute!!

Thanks! These are two of my other angry face favorites!


G looks a little cranky in her throwback photo. And yet still so cute!!

She's solving equations in her head, obviously. It's genetic right?

Local races are so hard to predict by me. I was 7th in my age one year for a race and then took OVER a minute off my 5k time by going ALL OUT and was all like "ooooh, did I get top 5"...Nope...7th again. The field was way faster.
This was a week or so after winning my age for a race literally across the street from the other one with a time that was approx. 3+ minutes slower when I didn't "try" :confused3
I bet you any money all those fast ladies are gonna show up to the other race thinking they can totally beat my time this year. I bet you! Grumble mumble.
She's solving equations in her head, obviously. It's genetic right?

I just figure she's always plotting against me.

Local races are so hard to predict by me. I was 7th in my age one year for a race and then took OVER a minute off my 5k time by going ALL OUT and was all like "ooooh, did I get top 5"...Nope...7th again. The field was way faster.
This was a week after winning my age for a race literally across the street from the other one with a time that was approx. 3+ minutes slower when I didn't "try" :confused3
I bet you any money all those fast ladies are gonna show up to the other race thinking they can totally beat my time this year. I bet you! Grumble mumble.

Sounds like you should sign up for the local races where the people were fast last year. Then no one fast will show up (scared of last year's time) and you'll cruise to victory. Wonder if there's anything to a cyclical timing thing based on previous years. I know I'm guilty of looking up past performance to help make decisions on which race to run.
Let me know if you'd like any help revamping the 5k plan. I can rework the pacing and mileage of the speed workouts based on your current fitness level. I have a better understanding of the type of workout you should do during race week dependent on the day of week you do speed sessions as well since I had to go through the process of building my own plan. So does that mean the 10k is 10 weeks out (4/23 weekend)?

Thanks! my base mileage is really garbage with the exception of the last two weeks, so I am going to try to keep building on it and probably focus on the 10k for a 8 week plan but with a base of an average 35-40 mpw at the time over the last month. I'll get back to you on the plan, because pace wise I really dont have a good baseline to go on. Just look at recent runs and they are all kind of slow. TM paces are useless as I often run longer on the TM than Garmin shows. The Garmin 235 is nice and all, but the science doesnt take into consideration tall people very well with the motion sensor in the watch. Basically dont trust the paces shown for any TM runs you see on my Garmin. It may show 8 miles at 9 minute ave, but its probably something closer to 8.5 miles at 8:45. I keep whats on the watch because I dont want to fudge the numbers to make it look like I am cheating for extra mileage.
This made me want to look up the Ice Fest race that just happened. I ran it last year hoping I'd age group based on the slow-ish times for my age the previous year. I ended up 6th I think. This year's results.... I'd be like 8th or 9th. Field got faster. I missed my chance in 2015!!!

Hubby would have gotten 4th this year...but we couldn't figure out the babysitter thing!!!

I love playing "where did I place in races I didn't participate in"!
Thanks! my base mileage is really garbage with the exception of the last two weeks, so I am going to try to keep building on it and probably focus on the 10k for a 8 week plan but with a base of an average 35-40 mpw at the time over the last month. I'll get back to you on the plan, because pace wise I really dont have a good baseline to go on. Just look at recent runs and they are all kind of slow. TM paces are useless as I often run longer on the TM than Garmin shows. The Garmin 235 is nice and all, but the science doesnt take into consideration tall people very well with the motion sensor in the watch. Basically dont trust the paces shown for any TM runs you see on my Garmin. It may show 8 miles at 9 minute ave, but its probably something closer to 8.5 miles at 8:45. I keep whats on the watch because I dont want to fudge the numbers to make it look like I am cheating for extra mileage.

Sounds like a solid plan. Yea the accelerometer in the Garmin only works to a point. I heard the footpod does quite well though for treadmill running. Without the footpod, I guess I would keep an eye on the relative HR vs outdoors runs.

This made me want to look up the Ice Fest race that just happened. I ran it last year hoping I'd age group based on the slow-ish times for my age the previous year. I ended up 6th I think. This year's results.... I'd be like 8th or 9th. Field got faster. I missed my chance in 2015!!!

Hubby would have gotten 4th this year...but we couldn't figure out the babysitter thing!!!

I love playing "where did I place in races I didn't participate in"!

Ugh, do I know it. I totally play the where did I place in a race I didn't run all the time.
Also the 10k is April 15. Its a family tradition I am working on as its the day before Easter. Knocks out two birds with one stone type of deal. I get to run a race and we make a trip to NOLA so MIL gets to see her granddaughter right before Easter and they dye eggs while I recover post race. Go home that afternoon and get ready for the bunny to pass. Everyone wins!
I LOVE those Gigi photos - those are too funny! She could be an internet meme that goes viral! So IF I had a time goal, I guess it would be sub-4 for the marathon. Based on POT, my predicted time is just under 3:55, PR is currently 4:26 and 2015 marathon was 4:48. Half marathon goal would be sub-1:50, with a current PR of 1:52. 5K goal would be sub-24, with current PR of 24:57. I guess ultimately, I'm most concerned that if I try to run faster, I won't enjoy running as much. And I really enjoy running. On the other hand, I suppose if I train properly I could run faster while my perceived effort remains the same.
I LOVE those Gigi photos - those are too funny! She could be an internet meme that goes viral!

LOL, like this one I made way back when...


So IF I had a time goal, I guess it would be sub-4 for the marathon. Based on POT, my predicted time is just under 3:55, PR is currently 4:26 and 2015 marathon was 4:48. Half marathon goal would be sub-1:50, with a current PR of 1:52. 5K goal would be sub-24, with current PR of 24:57.

Those are some solid goals. Base on a pure race equivalency chart, sub 4 is "easiest", then HM of 1:50 and 5k of 24 are equal. The HM and 5k times equate to a well trained 3:49. The key is having the endurance base to make the sub 4 the "easiest".

I guess ultimately, I'm most concerned that if I try to run faster, I won't enjoy running as much. And I really enjoy running.

I always say training is what you do 99% of the time when running. So you really need to enjoy the training, because the race is such a small fraction of the time spent running. I ran 2500 miles last year. I raced 107.2 miles (48.6+26.2+26.2+6.2). Thus, 99.6% of all the miles I ran last year were training. If training starts to make you dislike running, then it's time to change things up.

On the other hand, I suppose if I train properly I could run faster while my perceived effort remains the same.


From personal experience, my 3:38 (Lakefront 2015) and 3:20 (Disney 2017) marathons were way "easier" and more "comfortable" than any of the marathons I ran in 4:20-4:58. Mostly the feeling I had after they were finished. As you get more fit things can change. The marathons weren't easy, but they definitely felt different than the other ones I've done. The 3:38 marathon is still the best race I've ever run from an enjoyment standpoint.

But when I run at M pace, that's always "felt" the same. The difference is one was at a 11:24 min/mile and the other at a 7:40 min/mile.
TM paces are useless as I often run longer on the TM than Garmin shows. The Garmin 235 is nice and all, but the science doesnt take into consideration tall people very well with the motion sensor in the watch. Basically dont trust the paces shown for any TM runs you see on my Garmin. It may show 8 miles at 9 minute ave, but its probably something closer to 8.5 miles at 8:45. I keep whats on the watch because I dont want to fudge the numbers to make it look like I am cheating for extra mileage.

Buy a footpod. Once you calibrate it outdoors, you'll have a very accurate pace on a treadmill. Plus, with the right footpod, you can even run on Zwift.

Just love this!! I'm pretty sure the "I love to" section matches mateojr EXACTLY and the "deals" part is really good stuff!

Next 5K is in 13 hours. Mateojr planning to run, then says it's too cold (although I'm thinking 36 degrees counts as warm this time of year.) So either it's another PR attempt or a fun run with mateojr. These little people are so silly!
Just love this!! I'm pretty sure the "I love to" section matches mateojr EXACTLY and the "deals" part is really good stuff!

Next 5K is in 13 hours. Mateojr planning to run, then says it's too cold (although I'm thinking 36 degrees counts as warm this time of year.) So either it's another PR attempt or a fun run with mateojr. These little people are so silly!

Lol thanks!

Best of luck however the race ends up!
So I've been re-reading Jack Daniels "Daniels Running Formula 3rd edition" book several times this past week. I'm trying to best absorb his mindset in preparation for his 10k training plan. Something I came to the realization is he gives %HR Max ranges for different distance races. He explains that the duration of the run matters more than the actual distance when evaluating %VO2max or %HRmax. An interesting and understandable concept. I can run at 85% VO2max for 60 min, and an elite can run 85% VO2max for 60 min. I cover 7 miles and they can cover 13 miles. Not 100% a perfect example with made-up numbers but the concept makes sense. The thing it enabled me to do is try and re-calculate my HRmax. I've used the 220-age in the past (189) or a Garmin value (195) that I've achieved. But were they appropriate?

Screen Shot 2017-02-12 at 10.15.24 AM.png

My easy ranges from 125-138, M at 152, HM at 160, 10k at 164, and 5k at 168. Daniels ranges for %HRmax and %VO2max for each distance are listed. I used those % to calculate from my historical HR data what the min/max of max HR was. I averaged those values, and then averaged across all the distances. It gave me a HRmax of 180. The value seems very reasonable to me. I'm guessing my 5k/10k times and HRmax are lacking from my max potential, but my endurance races (HM/M) are probably pretty accurate guesses. It'll be interesting to see what the HR data shows in the upcoming speed Daniels sessions.


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