To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Do you listen to the Runner's World Podcast? I was listening to the one entitled "Moonshot" while running last night and thought you would think it was interesting. The Nike team that is trying for the sub 2 marathon offered to help the Editor in chief qualify for Boston. They had him do some running tests, checked his Lactic acid levels etc and then gave him a plan that sounded similar to your plans. Some of the advice that they gave him was spot on to what you have told me. If you haven't listened to it yet you should check it out.

Thanks for sharing! It was a great listen and I recommend others take a little time out of their day to hear what he has to say and learn. I believe it's very similar to my Eureka post I made some time ago.

Eureka! The Quintessential Running Post

VO2max = speed cap
Lactate turnpoint = point of no return
Running Economy = ability to stay under point of no return for longer duration

Sounds like he is also going to learn about something similar to the Psychobiological Model of Endurance.

I essentially agree with everything they say. Maximize the speed cap. Running Economy becomes self maxed with years and years of running. I use a bevy of other tools (like HR based VO2max estimation, and pace estimation for LT) to attempt to get the same data they get scientifically. So the remaining key component to continue to improve is the lactate threshold. Which defines this chart:

Screen Shot 2017-02-02 at 6.24.06 AM.png

VO2max defines the speed, there is a limitation to how high it can go. Lactate threshold and Running Economy define where on this chart you fall. If you need work on LT and RC then you're at 56% VO2max. If you've maximized LT and RC, then you're up at 85% VO2max for a marathon.

So once you've been running for a long time, the best place to train is at and around LT. Which is defined as a pace you can maintain for about 60 min. For some that's 10k pace. For others that's HM pace. For most, it's somewhere in between. Improving the LT will allow one to move further up on the chart of % to maximize their potential.

This is all the same blueprint I have been following for the last few years.

-Improve running economy with years of consistent running at nice and easy pace. Stay injury free.
-Do some work around LT to get better
-Maximize VO2max for last big push
-Remainder of work around LT (10k-HM pace) and Tempo (M pace)

Nice to hear the top scientific minds at Nike share the same approach to their sub-2 hr model.
So somehow I missed the last part of your TR and marathon recap, but I'm so glad I found it. Congratulations on an amazing race!

I also really like the methodical way you and your wife reflect on your vacation and decided what changes should be made. That's always a good idea!

And lastly, I'm sorry that G wasn't the happiest while on vacation. I know from very personal experience what it's like when you're traveling and your little one wants to be held all the time and only by you! It's very draining.

Thanks for continuing to share!
So somehow I missed the last part of your TR and marathon recap, but I'm so glad I found it.

Thanks for reading!

Congratulations on an amazing race!

Thanks it was a lot of fun!

I also really like the methodical way you and your wife reflect on your vacation and decided what changes should be made. That's always a good idea!

It was a necessary thing to do. Especially because the first conversation when we got home was about how she NEVER wanted to go back to Disney. The whole vacation was a disaster in her eyes. So it meant we needed to have several conversations to figure out how to fix things so that she would give it one more try.

And lastly, I'm sorry that G wasn't the happiest while on vacation. I know from very personal experience what it's like when you're traveling and your little one wants to be held all the time and only by you! It's very draining.

I can say I understand, but I don't fully. So you and Steph can be kindred spirits. She is a threenager through and through. I can try and help, but most of the time it's only mom that she wants. But I guess it couldn't have been all bad because we're doing it again for Marathon Weekend 2018. Or, we're gluttons for punishment... :D We've made some changes so hopefully that will help make the trip a better experience.

Thanks for continuing to share!

Thanks for continuing to read! :thanks:
Well never mind on that whole family Disney trip thing. :badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc:

Needless to say I'm emotionally exhausted and over it. :laundy: :sad1:

I'm still doing Dopey though. :tiptoe:

Sorry just needed to vent... :flower1: :hippie:

OH no. That doesn't sound good. Sorry that it doesn't appear to be working out for the family trip, but glad you are still in for Dopey. Vent away!
Well never mind on that whole family Disney trip thing. :badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc:

Needless to say I'm emotionally exhausted and over it. :laundy: :sad1:

I'm still doing Dopey though. :tiptoe:

Sorry just needed to vent... :flower1: :hippie:

Uh Oh, that doesn't sound good! I hope everything works out the way you want it to. :) Planning everything for everyone else usually falls to me so I know how hard it is. :/

Maybe a more relaxing non-run (don't do a lot of stuff) trip or a couples only/no kid small trip between now and the next big Disney one could help. I feel like although I don't know all the details of your frustration right now...I've probably felt similar computer smashing feelings over organizing family trips so I hope that things work out! And I've definitely felt the "this is not a vacation for me" feeling that a mom of a toddler feels.

I'm just gonna offer a big virtual hug :)
OH no. That doesn't sound good. Sorry that it doesn't appear to be working out for the family trip, but glad you are still in for Dopey. Vent away!

Uh Oh, that doesn't sound good! I hope everything works out the way you want it to. :) Planning everything for everyone else usually falls to me so I know how hard it is. :/


Maybe a more relaxing non-run (don't do a lot of stuff) trip or a couples only/no kid small trip between now and the next big Disney one could help. I feel like although I don't know all the details of your frustration right now...I've probably felt similar computer smashing feelings over organizing family trips so I hope that things work out! And I've definitely felt the "this is not a vacation for me" feeling that a mom of a toddler feels.

I'm just gonna offer a big virtual hug :)

Thanks guys! It's not the small family unit that's the issue. Just too much :furious: and not enough:grouphug: everywhere else. It's the other 10% from the last trip that will stay unsaid. Although, it's probably going to end up just being me and my mom for this trip. :worried:

Hey look over there ------> :squirrel:
I also somehow missed some of your trip report, but am caught up now! Sorry to hear about the family trip uncertainty. I don't have kids yet, but I do think there is a big difference between a family trip and a vacation. I'm sure it's very difficult to balance everything. Hoping it all works out!
Sorry to hear. At least you're still doing Dopey! Plus it's a whole year from now, so maybe the situation will change by then.

Thanks! I'm still excited to run Dopey, but I do have to admit it takes some of the fun away without my wife and daughter present. I'd venture to guess based on how the last week has played out that things will only get worse from here. :( The sun will come out tomorrow.... tomorrow.. bet your bottom dollar... :flower3:

I also somehow missed some of your trip report, but am caught up now! Sorry to hear about the family trip uncertainty. I don't have kids yet, but I do think there is a big difference between a family trip and a vacation. I'm sure it's very difficult to balance everything. Hoping it all works out!

Thanks for catching up! That's a good point about trips and vacations. Maybe its time to start re-evaluating things for the future.

Oh dear. This is why it is so hard to plan this far out. So much can change between now and then.

Agreed. One could hope things could improve, but if I were a betting man I'd push all-in on the other side. Time will tell...

Palate cleanser!

Treadmill dog gifs are the new Disney gifs!
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Well never mind on that whole family Disney trip thing. :badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc::badpc:

Needless to say I'm emotionally exhausted and over it. :laundy: :sad1:

I'm still doing Dopey though. :tiptoe:

Sorry just needed to vent... :flower1: :hippie:
Having done many solo visits and family visits to Disneyland in the past few years, including some of each for race weekends, there are unique advantages and drawbacks to each one. Hopefully, everything will work out for the best in the long run.
130 Days to Go (And so it begins again...)


Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

2/1/17 - W - 7 miles @ 9:01 or slower min/mile
2/2/17 - R - 6 miles @ 9:01 or slower min/mile
2/3/17 - F - 7 miles @ 9:01 or slower min/mile
2/4/17 - Sat - 6 miles @ 9:01 or slower min/mile
2/5/17 - Sun - 10 miles @ 8:04 min/mile (10/10!!!)
2/6/17 - M - OFF
2/7/17 - T - 6 miles @ 8:04-9:01 min/mile

Total (training) mileage = 42 miles
Number of SOS intervals within pace = 10/10 (100%)

This week would mark the end to the recovery protocol. It will make it 4 official weeks from the Dopey Challenge marathon until I restart actual training. In the time between, I've taken 2 weeks completely off from running and then proceeded that with two weeks of only easy running. With the sinus infection that was diagnosed on 1/27/17, this recovery period came at a good time for me. Although, I believe either a loss of fitness or the sinus medication has increased my HR to pace from December to now by about 10 beats per minute. Did the trend continue?

Wednesday was normal. It was cold with wind chill in the single digits. But manageable. The effort and run was solid. The right ankle is still giving me grief and I've been trying to adjust my side of the street to alleviate the issue. Although the HR continued to stay comparatively high at 137 (compared to matching pace at 124 in December).

Thursday was another easy day. It was cold again with wind chill near 0F. Again the effort and run was solid. HR continued to stay high at 133 (compared to 126).

Friday was another easy day. It was cold again with wind chill near 0F. Again the effort and run was solid. HR continued to stay high at 137 (compared to 129).

Saturday was the final easy recovery day. It was cold again with wind chill near 5F. Again the effort and run was solid. HR continued to stay high at 140 (compared to 132). After the run, we took G to a Winter Festival in Madison. They had ballet dancers, s'mores, face painters, ATV snow rides, mini hockey game, and ice skating on a small rink. It was fun, except that it was freakin' freezing out. I wasn't aware that most of the activities were outside so I didn't dress appropriately. So I was a frozen popsicle. I can run in 5F, but standing outside for several hours with little movement is much tougher. Anyways G had her first ice skating experience. She had a fun time! There was also a three time olympic speed skater there. He did a brief demonstration, but because of the small rink couldn't get up to speed. He said he was going about 15mph, but maxes out in a race at 40-45mph. He won gold for USA in Salt Lake City Winter Olympics (2002). He said that the Madison Speed Skating club as had a member on the olympic team every year since the 1970s. That's nuts!


Playing the ice hockey game. She eventually picked up the puck and threw it through the hole. If at first you don't succeed, just skirt the rules of the game and figure out a way... (Wait, what???)


All bundled up in the cold! Definitely more prepared than I was.


Ice Skating with mom and great uncle Bill.

Sunday was the beginning and the end. It was the end of the recovery phase and the beginning of the base building phase. The goal the next three weeks is to prepare myself for the rigors of the Daniels 10k training plan. I'm trying to get my weekly mileage/duration/pace back up to my normal level of about 50 mile per week. Which is where I'll bounce around (high 40s to high 50s) for the next few months. With this phase comes the reintroduction of the "long run" and "Marathon Tempo run". So, on Sunday I had my 10 mile long run scheduled at my new long run pace of an 8:04 min/mile (only a hair faster than Dopey training at 8:13). Weather was reasonable in the 20s. I wore my Zealot Iso which is the first time I've been in a pair of "fast" shoes. All of the recovery had been done in the Triumph Iso or Ride 8s. I was ready to roll. It was quite obvious I was ready to roll when I hit the water drop-off in a speedy 3:41 minutes (normally I'm around 4:00). Apparently I was ready to do some damage because I came in at 8:24 for the first mile. Within pace (+30 sec on first interval)! As the run progressed everything fell in line neither too fast or too slow. 8:00, 8:00, 8:07, 8:00, 8:14, 8:06, 8:02, 8:03, 8:06. Some solid splits given my goal pace of 8:04. The run felt comfortable, but how about the HR? Where would it fall? An average of 147 with matched long runs around 138. So still running high. However, I'm pretty stoked with a 10/10 long run as it's been quite some time since the last perfect long run (and since I've been tracking it on this journal since June 2016, I've never hit a perfect long run). :dogdance:

Monday morning marked the end of the sinus infection medication. I was hopeful that with the removal of the medication things would start to return to normal.

Tuesday morning I woke up with a very solid 50 beats per minute resting HR. Compared to the last few days of 60, 61, 60, 56, and 53, I'm clearly trending in the right direction (fingers crossed). So Tuesday marked another easy day. The big question, what would the HR be??? Daniels defines "easy" as slightly different than Hansons. He defines it as Long Run pace and up. Where Hansons define long run pace and other paces above it. So Daniels "easy" is 8:04 (long run) to 9:01 min/mile with no defined pace between. For me personally, I will attempt to stick closer to 9:01 than 8:04 from an effort standpoint. It was a successful easy run. Little to no discomfort in hip or ankle. So the balancing of cambered roads was good. I felt very comfortable and happy. The weather was solid too with a wind chill in the mid-20s. The HR though was 135 (still higher than the comparable 129, but getting closer maybe...)

Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 7.51.40 PM.png

So yes, it isn't where I was anymore, but for perspective I'm still in a good place. If anything the historical HR for the marathon (152) falls closely in line with Dopey marathon results (~7:35 min/mile) based on the current HR line.

Running wise, I'm pretty happy with the week. Everything went to plan running wise. However, other life issues have crept in and thrown a wrench in things. Too bad I didn't go to auto mechanic school because then I'd know what to do with this wrench... Maybe play dodgeball....


I feel like this...


Excited to inject some M Tempo on Thursday and see what I'm capable of. And so it begins again...
Little dog down!! Little dog down!!!



I'm pretty sure that exact scene has played out in my house many times when we got our youngest pug.

LOL! It's happened with G and my dog Lucy as well. Both were running in the house and Lucy totally took G out (even though Lucy is much smaller). Such a funny video!

Having done many solo visits and family visits to Disneyland in the past few years, including some of each for race weekends, there are unique advantages and drawbacks to each one. Hopefully, everything will work out for the best in the long run.

I can understand this. I haven't done it yet, but it looks to be in my immediate future. Thanks for the feedback. I know one thing is without all of the other activities of my normal Disney vacation I am going full attack mode on this Dopey. I'm going to set the bar high and just go for it.

If I were to take a guess, I would say this will be my last Dopey and our last time to Disney in a long time. :sad1:


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