To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Haven't made my prediction quite yet, shhh it's a secret... I wanted to see what you guys said before I made mine. But the 3:17:49 is what I set my training plan at roughly 20 weeks ago, so it's a valid basis for a guess.

When are you going to make it public?

Uh oh....

Gigi is sick! :sick:

Time to move into a hotel for the week! :P

Doesn't she know you have a marathon on Sunday?! The nerve!

These guys are getting ready because they know its almost race time.

Ahhh, Gigi is sick? Maybe start wearing oven mitts anytime you have to wipe her nose. Perhaps get one of those bee-keeper or hazmat suits. Or maybe this week is a good time to watch a bunch of disney movies!
Prairie Fire Marathon
It's a local marathon - and they always say that it's supposed to be flat and fast (Kansas). It does have some odd areas on the course where you turn down a sidewalk and run on it through the green space between backyards. :confused3

Wow, that is interesting. You'll have to tell me how that goes!

When are you going to make it public?

Doesn't she know you have a marathon on Sunday?! The nerve!

I'll make my prediction on Thursday after the contest has closed. Didn't want to influence others. Although, I have to say that people are pretty close to where I'm thinking.

LOL, right... I told Grandma that the new rule is no library class, no dance class, and no kid interactions at all the 2 weeks proceeding race weekends... :P

If its still available I'm going with 3:14:45. Weather is looking great, you've put in the work, now go have some fun!

I put you down at 3:14:50, squeezed just in-between two other guesses. :crowded: Getting ready for the victory lap! :car:


These guys are getting ready because they know its almost race time.

Ahhh, Gigi is sick? Maybe start wearing oven mitts anytime you have to wipe her nose. Perhaps get one of those bee-keeper or hazmat suits. Or maybe this week is a good time to watch a bunch of disney movies!

I think I know those guys... :D

Right, she said to me "You are my prince, give me a kiss!" puckerup::sick: :crazy2: :scared: :lovestruc(<----- This was the range of emotions)

LOL! I was like uhhhh... sure...... please no....
Prairie Fire Marathon
It's a local marathon - and they always say that it's supposed to be flat and fast (Kansas). It does have some odd areas on the course where you turn down a sidewalk and run on it through the green space between backyards. :confused3

You'll have to let me know how it goes! Such an odd concept.

3:20:08 - a PR I sense in your future

:yoda: (<--- a wise one)

Mile 7 is too early to start thinking about grilled foods. How about start thinking about that with .7 miles to go!
PS that eatery is in Marathon, FL. If you ever do a pilgrimage there.

LOL, Marathon, FL. I'm excited for the marathon, but my wife is MORE excited for the two weeks after the marathon. Finally, some more variety (bad food) in our diet for a few days. She's got so many places picked out she wants to go to.

I came over from the running thread! My guess is 3:15:00. Good luck and have fun!!! :)

:welcome: Thanks for the prediction.


Good Luck!


Hmmm... 3:17:12 but really I think Gigi might be right.

LOL, if Gigi ends up being right, I guarantee you that the result will for sure be thrown out. Too bad it wouldn't be a World Record. I believe a WR must be set on net zero or positive elevation courses (mine is slightly downhill).

3:15:45 If you run any of these times that have been guessed, I know I will be impressed! Good luck!

Thanks! Finally get to run another race. So fun to let the legs fly and test the limits!

I'll go 3:14:40.

I'm very interested in how things go for you in this race.

Me too. I'm interested to see if the extra level of training was worth it. Although, as I've said in the past. The race is just the "victory lap". I know that I've made tremendous gains in the last 20 weeks that prove to me that my method worked.

I'm going with 3:03:33 because three is a great number and I like Gigi's optimism.

I would suspect no less than from someone who has "33" in their screen name. Famous Barca player?
My kid just walks up to me and wipes her whole face on my shirt when she has a runny nose and I have to get "mom-voiced" and say loudly "ask for a tissue!" So I feel your pain.

LOL, I know that one too.

G - "My hands are dirty."

Looks at dad's shorts.

G proceeds to wipe dirty hands off on dad's shorts.

Me - "Thanks G...."

G smiles.

Dad goes to change shorts.
Ugh, that was picture day for us!

Put on son's only nice shirt morning of picture day ... son proceeds to immediately wipe his nose with his sleeve! :eek:

And why did his cowlick have to go crazy too? :crazy:
I would suspect no less than from someone who has "33" in their screen name. Famous Barca player?

No. I was born on the 3rd, so three is my favorite number and I just started using 33 in a lot of things for no real reason. I guess 333 would have made more sense, but it doesn't really work for sports and I've made my bed at this point.
Time to start drinking apple cider vinegar if you don't already. I'm sure your immune system is built up against whatever she has :) Pixie dust hoping anyway!
2016 Milwaukee Lakefront Prediction Contest!

Alright posters and lurkers (I see you! :sail:), let's play a prediction game! I want to hear from everyone. I'd like to hear your prediction for my upcoming Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon on Oct 2nd. Please don't be concerned that your time prediction will have much of an impact on my chances. I could run really well, or I could crash and burn. Anything is possible. I run blind to my time and this is my "A" race. I will be giving my best effort no matter what.

Your "A" race is going to be great. Put me down for a 3:10:00 (no pressure)!
Ugh, that was picture day for us!

Put on son's only nice shirt morning of picture day ... son proceeds to immediately wipe his nose with his sleeve! :eek:

And why did his cowlick have to go crazy too? :crazy:


Hey, that's my hometown race, the Beach to Beacon 10k! :)

Lol I was joking that I might know them, but you actually might know them.

Time to start drinking apple cider vinegar if you don't already. I'm sure your immune system is built up against whatever she has :) Pixie dust hoping anyway!

Appreciate the advice. I've never had it before but maybe for a different onset of cold symptoms I'll give it a try. Don't want to try anything new this close to race day.

Your "A" race is going to be great. Put me down for a 3:10:00 (no pressure)!


These guys are getting ready because they know its almost race time.

Ahhh, Gigi is sick? Maybe start wearing oven mitts anytime you have to wipe her nose. Perhaps get one of those bee-keeper or hazmat suits. Or maybe this week is a good time to watch a bunch of disney movies!

Almost forgot.

Would you believe that I ran (will run) 115 total workouts during this 20 week training cycle, and I only ran over 2 hours on 6 training runs!
Weather Update: Only 5 days to go

Start - Grafton, WI - 7:30am

Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 6.27.14 AM.png

End - Milwaukee, WI - 11:00am

Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 6.27.37 AM.png

T+D is creeping up just a touch with the start at 107 and the finish at 119. A small chance for rain. And the wind is holding steady at 6-9 mph but would now be an almost exclusively tail wind.


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