Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Good Morning!

#1 - WDW Birthday Extras - Back in 2010 we went to WDW over my younger DD’s birthday (we didn’t go for her bday) and when we checked into the resort I told them we are celebrating DD’s birthday and holy moly, you should have seen the extras. After every ADR she was brought desert, even when she wasn’t there. One time the girls went on the kids pirate cruise (this may not even exist anymore) and my DH and I went to The Kona Cafe. Sure enough, dessert was brought, which we happily ate :goodvibes She also got extras that trip. I don’t think they do this anymore, at least I haven’t heard of this happening anymore.

#2 - Free Dessert - A restaurant in Vegas helped make our 20th Anniversary very special. My DH worked with them to surprise me with a beautiful anniversary ring and the restaurant treated us to a free beautiful dessert.

#3 - WDW Surprises - My older DD more than once was selected to be in the parades. She was always a beautiful ball of energy and always smiling - people always gravitated to her - it was amazing. More than once she was selected, out of zillions of kids, to be in parades - such a magical moment. I don’t think they do this anymore either.
1. As soon as I read the question this morning I thought of the time oldest DD was asked to join the parade at the Christmas party at the Magic Kingdom. One of the last dancers in the parade grabbed her hand just as they came out to start the parade. We were right by the train station ready to exit and then ended up all the way in the back of the park, but it was worth it. She was only 4 but remembers a little of it. Our middle DD was asleep in the stroller and missed it all.
2. We got married at Disney and people were very kind to us the whole trip but especially when I was in my wedding dress. It was just us and our parents and sisters and we went to dinner at the Grand Floridian after the ceremony. Someone at a table across the restaurant saw us and sent us a nice bottle of champagne.
3. Goofy was passing through the lobby of the Polynesian before our wedding ceremony and stopped and did a few photos with us. That was something we could have paid for but chose not to spend the money so it was a little extra unexpected perk.
1. Super Bowl Squares - I know it's an odd place for gratitude, but DD15s travel softball costs are astronomical and we've been doing quite a bit of fundraising to help with this coming summer's intense travel schedule. Side note- praying she has a full recovery from some completely unnecessary injuries that could have long term impacts ...not just physical aspects. In any event, everyone we know has similar fundraisers for their own kid activity expenses, so nobody ever buys from us. We wind up having to buy out with all of these fundraisers in hopes that we get something back in return. While DH has won a few times, I NEVER win when it's my turn to cover the buyout...EVER. This time I won 'right way' not once, but TWICE. I got back all of my money AND THEN SOME! Totally unexpected and extra!!! Of course, some of it went back into paying monthly club dues 🤪

2. Last year, I switched vets. It's a long story, but I couldn't help but thinking that the vet we were using was fleecing us. Not only was the new vet significantly cheaper, the unexpected extra came from our dog's meds. I was paying a ridiculous amount with the old vet and they wouldn't give me the prescription to try and get it cheaper on my own. The new vet had one of their staff members dig for coupons and best pricing during our visit. They saved me hundreds! Even the renewal, that didn't come with a coupon, was significantly cheaper. I didn't ask them to do any of this. I just told them it's the med my dog was on and asked if they could put in an order.

3. All the little things DH finds me at Costco. I'm not a fan, but he loves browsing Costco. He must call me 5x during each of his trips to see if I want this or that, but sometimes he just surprises me. Sort of unexpected little stuff he thinks I might like. Most recently, he surprised me with a case of Dole Whip. It definitely wasn't on par with what you can get in the parks, but the unexpected gesture and the sentiment with it all is what counts.
Unexpected or surprise extras:
1. My number one will always be when I finally got pregnant with my DD after years of trying.

2. After celebrating my singleness with a trip into the city to see see a Yankees game and go to a movie by myself, I met my future husband on the train ride home ( almost 45 years ago)

3. I have been the recipient of free concert tickets on more than one occasion. I have won a few radio contests. But my favorite of all time was when my SIL couriered tickets to a Rolling Stones concert (she couldn’t go and was a major fan) It was outdoors, it rained for a while, we stood on our chairs front and center, and had a blast!

Honorable mention: too many WDW to list: room views, desserts, birthday and anniversary balloons and flowers, etc. The one that popped into my head was when we rode BTMRR near closing time and the CM told us to stay in our seats if we wanted to go again. What a wonderful surprise!
God Bless your kind dentist, WDWEPCOT! Love that share. Reminds me of the kindness of my dentist who retired a few years ago. Current dentist has been very compassionate, too. I am so blessed. Retired dentist was special him and his wife who was his receptionist. Hugs to all and thank you all for the stories. I have thoroughly enjoyed each of them so much! PM me if any of you would be up for them being included as a short share in a book I'm putting together.

Dad and I talked last night about today. I shared how my late friend Shirley from church got a kick out of telling people that she came into the world just before midnight on February 28th. Shirley, I think, was the closest person to being born on February 29th I have known. What about each of dear you. Do any of you know anyone born on February 29th?

Complete act of kindness recently of a local hotel manager.

I have shared before about an incredible Smart and Final experience where the woman behind me paid for all my groceries for church campers.

Years ago, at another store, I had asked a manager whether they ever donated to the community. She told me absolutely and that she gave out two donations each month after approval. Right there and then she made my church one of that month's donations, amazing. Again, for kids at day camp.
Olive cream cheese. I love the saltiness of olives in my cream cheese, spread on a bagel in the morning.

I LOVE olives!!! I think I’m going to need to try this. Any particular kind?

@TiggerTrigger, no particular kind of cream cheese, and I use the sliced green olives in the sandwich. For the bagel... no idea, I buy the olive cream cheese by the 1/2 pint at Bagel Central! However- they are good sized green olives with pits (which occasionally show up in the cream cheese).

We don't have a lot of bagel options here and I haven't seen anything pre-made with olives, so I'd be making my own custom cream cheese. I'm usually adding in capers if I want that briny touch to my bagel, but green olives sounds like a nice alternative. Thanks for the idea!

Just wanted to thank you both for this conversation. - I tried regular cream cheese and sliced green olives on my bagel after reading this and it was soooo good!!
For my bonus things -

We were in a long line for Haunted Mansion once, and a cast member came over and directed us and the portion of the line behind us a different way. (I'm guessing there are two pre-show rooms, and they were just opening the second one for the day?) It was a nice bonus to have the wait disappear like that!

I've won raffles a few times.

And another vote for someone letting me in front of them in a grocery line because I only had a couple of items.
I have been the recipient of free concert tickets on more than one occasion. I have won a few radio contests. But my favorite of all time was when my SIL couriered tickets to a Rolling Stones concert (she couldn’t go and was a major fan) It was outdoors, it rained for a while, we stood on our chairs front and center, and had a blast!

The Stones put on a great concert!!! I got to go in college after a friend lucked out getting the second spot in the ticket line. We were indoors, so no rain or snow, but we were front and center for a truly amazing experience!
Ooh March and me don’t get along I’m grateful when this month is over historically in my life it is a very bad month for me I’ve had a lot of bad things happened to me in this month Some of the worst things of my life have happened in the month of March

Longer sunny days
Usually warmer
Glad when the month is over as it holds bad memories
Good Morning! :wave:

#1 - My DGS’s birthday month - He will be 3 this year. I had 3 incredibly joyful months with him before my DD25 left the family, and that was the end of me being his grandma. I loved being his grandma for that short period of time - he was my very sweet boy. So, instead of dwelling on sad emotions, I choose to focus on the joy of his birth and how I felt when I held him for the first time. I have faith that one day we will meet again. (I didn’t post this for sympathy)

#2 - Holy Week & Easter - I will forever be grateful Jesus sacrificed himself by dying on the cross for my sins and yours. Then he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, and with that we know our future is safe and secure, and we know we have salvation from sin.

#3 - Vacation Week - We leave soon to go watch DD20 and her college softball team play softball in the CoCo Beach area. I can hardly wait - I’ve been looking forward to this trip since the day we left this same trip last year.
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Extra :grouphug:WDWEPCOT.

Christmas is my very favorite time of year. Spring is my favorite season for Holy Week and Easter.

Champ was born on March 10, 1989. Years later I taught and learned a ton more from a preschooler born on March 10th.

God's blessing to me of another new day, moment, and month. If it is His will, I pray to be fully healed by Easter.

March joy to all!
Hugs to you @WDWEPCOT

March isn't usually a month that brings me a ton of excitement. There's nothing specific, it's just sort of a blah time for me most years. Even school spring break has never felt like much since sports are still happening. If anything, March and February are months where I can really get into a mental funk. Springing forward for Daylight Savings Time certainly doesn't do me any favors. It also tends to be the peak of pollen season here, which starts in February. Hmmm...let's find some positives...

1. Current Doggy Gotcha Day - We rescued our current dog over spring break several years ago, which would put her gotcha day anniversary in March.

2. Easter Candy Consumption - While Easter candy has started showing up before Valentine's Day, March is really the month where we don't feel like we're jumping the gun by purchasing it. Not that I need any of it in my diet, but I love all of the Cadbury eggs (the filled ones and the addictive crunchy candy coated shell ones) and jelly beans!

3. Weather - March is generally a pretty pleasant month. We may have a few days that are cooler and remind us that we're not quite done with winter and we might have a few days in the 90s to remind us that the non-stop oppressive heat and humidity of summer is right around the corner. We may also have some stronger storms roll through. Still, one 92 degree day is nothing compared to several months around/above 100. With the summer droughts we've been experiencing, those rains are also usually pretty welcome.
I’m trying EVERY year to focus on a positives to March !! But I breathe so much better when it’s over !! It’s not all doom and gloom I have had two maybe three really fun spring breaks but again a couple times not very good things happen during those trips that I wished didn’t happen
But four really bad life events happened to me in March so it’s just not historically one of my favorite months and I view it cautiously because it also likes to throw a lot of problems my way it’s funny you can say oh you know you get that every month no no this month is for some reason in particular just not my month ! Plus you have the memories and grief that never leaves you
So you know I’m gonna try again this year to get something positive going to spin this around and make this a new thing for March !! If it doesn’t work this year I’m just gonna exit it out of my calendar and I won’t have a March 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m not looking for sympathy I’m not looking for any of that I’m just saying it’s just not my month !
Today is March 1st St David's Day! ...the feast of St David, the patron saint of Wales (not to be confused with England 😉😉)

Wales I'm grateful for the country I grew up in - and specifically the town.

Daffodils One of the symbols of Wales and St David's Day. And such a bright, sunny part of nature this time of year.

Leeks Another symbol. As kids we often pinned daffodils or leeks to our jumpers on March 1st. If it was a leek it felt special (somehow!) to eat bits of the leek in lessons. The kids who tried the same with daffodils didn't fare so well! 🤣


3 March things I'm grateful for -

Later sunsets! I don't like the transition of changing the clocks, but my circadian rhythm is more matched to DST than EST, so once we're all adjusted, it kind of fits me better.

☘️ St. Patrick's Day ☘️ - I love wearing green, listening to Irish music, etc.

Hints of spring, and (usually, around here) the first really warm days!!


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