This Is Us- Season 3

I didn't love this episode. The house scene was completely ridiculous on every level. And Rebecca trying to make Kevin leave the autograph line was infuriating. She's really that selfish to risk missing the autograph because she needed lunch?? It was obviously really important to him and I'm glad he stood his ground and refused to leave. I hated Kevin taking the drink at the end. What a sad way to end the episode.
add on to the weird old house part....the owners really let the granddaughter run out to invite strangers into their home?

I was thinking the same thing. I agree with others that said the house was not their house. I thought at first they were just going to ask to walk around the yard and they would remember some outdoor fun they had. So bummed Kevin started drinking again, hopefully it doesn't last long.
Yeah. I agree that the house part was weird. If they'd been sitting in the car outside and the new owners had said "What are you doing out here? Oh, well... do you want to come inside and take a look?" that'd be one thing... but knocking on the door to a totally different house, and having them send the granddaughter out after originally sending them away was just... weird.
Yeah. I agree that the house part was weird. If they'd been sitting in the car outside and the new owners had said "What are you doing out here? Oh, well... do you want to come inside and take a look?" that'd be one thing... but knocking on the door to a totally different house, and having them send the granddaughter out after originally sending them away was just... weird.

It was really weird. I'm mean, ultimately, if the writers were going to have Kate and Randall go in the house, what was the purpose of having the daughter be "testy" and slam the door in their face and to then send the child out to invite them in. Usually actions like those are plot devices to get you to some other action, but I couldn't figure out one reason for that whole scene to get them in the house.
More time to post now...

I thought that stopping by "the old house" was a bit unrealistic. First, who would actually just let someone in? And second, it's a different house - though I guess the foundation was still there, so the new building would have the same "footprint" as the old one.

I'm giving the writers a pass, though, because I get that they needed a vehicle to explore how Kate and Randall remember the same day so differently. (I bet that happens in real life a lot more than we realize!) I thought Randall was really perceptive as a kid, and it plays into how Kate just idolized their dad too.

I hope Nicky does go and get some help, and I hope he and Kevin connect and stay in touch. I also think Nicky's casting is great! - They really "feel" like the same person to me, even though I know they're not.

Oh heck yeah. My brothers and sisters and I have some very different perceptions of events in our growing up years. Memory is a tricky thing.
I also thought the old house scene was strange - but there was something about Randall's goofy smile when they opened the door that made me crack up. :rotfl:
I didn't love this episode. The house scene was completely ridiculous on every level. And Rebecca trying to make Kevin leave the autograph line was infuriating. She's really that selfish to risk missing the autograph because she needed lunch?? It was obviously really important to him and I'm glad he stood his ground and refused to leave. I hated Kevin taking the drink at the end. What a sad way to end the episode.

OMG I thought the same thing about Rebecca and leaving the line! Seriously????? The whole reason for the mall trip was to get the hockey players (that is for you Kimblebee :rotfl2:) autograph. I was glad Kevin threw a fit! LOL!!!

I didn't like the house thing either. One thing the writers got me with was that all along I thought the sequins fight was between Kate and Randall. When Jack came in and saw the mess they made and yelled at them, I thought that was the aftermath of the sequins fight. The camera panned to the floor and it was covered with paper, sequins, glitter etc. It sort of surprised me when the actual sequins war took place afterwards and was a playful time with Jack and the kids.
Oh heck yeah. My brothers and sisters and I have some very different perceptions of events in our growing up years. Memory is a tricky thing.

I have a very different view of what happened when I was growing then my sister and brother. I am more like Kate and remember the good. My sister only remember the bad and my bother I think remembers it all.
I have a very different view of what happened when I was growing then my sister and brother. I am more like Kate and remember the good. My sister only remember the bad and my bother I think remembers it all.

My brother and I have been talking about this a lot the past few years. It is incredible how personalities, previous experiences, and expectations color our perception of an event or person. If you listened to us describe our childhoods and parents separately, you would never guess that we grew up in the same house with the same parents and shared experiences. There are also events that I look back on and assume my brother must have felt a certain way, because that's how I would have perceived it had it happened to me, but when we talk about it he laughs and tells me, no, that's not even remotely close to what he took from the situation.

I did not like this episode at all, I hardly made it through the whole thing, I don't like the Nicky story-line, it holds zero appeal to me.
I didn't love this episode. The house scene was completely ridiculous on every level. And Rebecca trying to make Kevin leave the autograph line was infuriating. She's really that selfish to risk missing the autograph because she needed lunch?? It was obviously really important to him and I'm glad he stood his ground and refused to leave. I hated Kevin taking the drink at the end. What a sad way to end the episode.

OMG I thought the same thing about Rebecca and leaving the line! Seriously????? The whole reason for the mall trip was to get the hockey players (that is for you Kimblebee :rotfl2:) autograph. I was glad Kevin threw a fit! LOL!!!

I didn't like the house thing either. One thing the writers got me with was that all along I thought the sequins fight was between Kate and Randall. When Jack came in and saw the mess they made and yelled at them, I thought that was the aftermath of the sequins fight. The camera panned to the floor and it was covered with paper, sequins, glitter etc. It sort of surprised me when the actual sequins war took place afterwards and was a playful time with Jack and the kids.

Another infuriating aspect of Rebecca trying to pull Kevin out of the autograph line was how fond the family(mainly Jack) was of extravagant gestures -- and of course all of Randall's ideas and dreams were MUSTS. Maybe that explains adult Randall's blindspot in this regard. Of all of them Kevin was the most overlooked. I'm hopeful that given Rebecca's insight to Nicky about Kevin's hidden depths that she takes note of the cues that something is off with him and she sees to it that everyone reaches out to him and they discover his relapse sooner rather than later.
Random thought, but I love this thread because you all bring up so many interesting ideas and perspectives. I admittedly often watch with a distracted mind and miss a lot of the details. Reading these posts really helps me think about things in a different light. So thanks to all of you who take the time to post your thoughts, it makes the show that much more interesting to me :)
Another infuriating aspect of Rebecca trying to pull Kevin out of the autograph line was how fond the family(mainly Jack) was of extravagant gestures -- and of course all of Randall's ideas and dreams were MUSTS. Maybe that explains adult Randall's blindspot in this regard. Of all of them Kevin was the most overlooked. I'm hopeful that given Rebecca's insight to Nicky about Kevin's hidden depths that she takes note of the cues that something is off with him and she sees to it that everyone reaches out to him and they discover his relapse sooner rather than later.

I think Rebecca overreacted about leaving the line because she was distracted by the whole Jack thing. Just like he was distracted at home with Kate and Randall. Then, when they saw how their were affecting the kid/s they were with, they both loosened up.
I think Rebecca overreacted about leaving the line because she was distracted by the whole Jack thing. Just like he was distracted at home with Kate and Randall. Then, when they saw how their were affecting the kid/s they were with, they both loosened up.

That's entirely possible. All I know is if she had been standing there with Randall she wouldn't have suggested they leave in the first place. That's the dynamic she and Jack both established with him early on -- a dynamic we've watched shake his marriage this season.

I'd like to think the recognition Randall showed about neglecting Beth and the girls for his campaign and needing to get back home was a sign of growth and progress for him in this regard, but I don't think this was such a huge stretch for him to turn and go home because in the end this was Kevin's quest, not Randall's. Randall wasn't really surrendering much to head home on this one. It will be really hard to watch if Randall and Beth fall apart.
That's entirely possible. All I know is if she had been standing there with Randall she wouldn't have suggested they leave in the first place. That's the dynamic she and Jack both established with him early on -- a dynamic we've watched shake his marriage this season.

I'd like to think the recognition Randall showed about neglecting Beth and the girls for his campaign and needing to get back home was a sign of growth and progress for him in this regard, but I don't think this was such a huge stretch for him to turn and go home because in the end this was Kevin's quest, not Randall's. Randall wasn't really surrendering much to head home on this one. It will be really hard to watch if Randall and Beth fall apart.

I am kind of dreading this. I love Randall and Beth. I think we are starting to see the beginning of the end for them. We know from the previews that it seems as if Randall and Beth separate at some point and Beth is a dance instructor. Next week will be about beth and her dancing. She says something to him about, "now I know what I want to do." I'm guessing it's teaching dancing.
It was really weird. I'm mean, ultimately, if the writers were going to have Kate and Randall go in the house, what was the purpose of having the daughter be "testy" and slam the door in their face and to then send the child out to invite them in. Usually actions like those are plot devices to get you to some other action, but I couldn't figure out one reason for that whole scene to get them in the house.

I think the testy daughter was a slap to reality that this experience was different than when Randall and William went back to William's former house. That was a positive memory for Randall, and the whole set-up of this visit was to jar Kate's memory of that broken plate, and that there was more than just the glitter fight fun.

The visit to the house wasn't too far-fetched to me. They had just met an uncle they didn't know about, and were thinking of that weekend. They were trying to connect.

I went on a little mini-private tour given by Robert Sherman's son (Robbie Sherman), and we went to the house he grew up in, and we went inside. An elderly lady with a huge menorah collection lived there, and she let us in the home. We walked through the living room (where R. Sherman got the inspiration for 'Spoonful of Sugar') and through the kitchen to the backyard.

Also some childhood neighbors came back as adults to my neighborhood to visit the house they grew up in.... so it does happen. :)
Beth’s episode was a let down for me. Maybe because we were spoiled and knew she did something with dancing later on.

Heck we really weren’t even introduced to her other siblings really.

Not sure what is happening with this season.
Here I am for my usual live watching post. I’m a day late because I’m suffering through another random bug. Having a husband in the hospital for three months (tomorrow) and no working immune system sure plays havoc.

Anyway, on with the show.

• wow, Phylicia looks good

• Bethany..hmm I always assumed it was short for Elizabeth

• Dr. Luka!!

• I like that- when have we ever listened to the odds.

• Do we know if Beth’s dad is still alive? I’d assume not because we don’t hear about him and I don’t see them having a fallout. He seems like a good character

• ok, sounds like he’s gone.

• oh wow, the teenage Beth has a freckle (or whatever it is) on her eye like adult Beth does. That’s amazing attention to detail.

• Speaking of the royal ballet, ours here is the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. It’s the oldest one in Canada.

• oh no, lung cancer!

• it’s got to be hard to grow up in a house like that, where everything is so cut and dried and you can’t express your feelings.

• Yikes. Soften the blow a little, mom.

• I don’t know why but that is so cool to see teenage Randall bumping into Beth. It’s like worlds colliding or something.

• was it supposed to be a big twist that she was going to teach? That’s what I assumed.

Overall, a solid episode. It helps to know where Beth came from.
Bethany..hmm I always assumed it was short for Elizabeth...oh wow, the teenage Beth has a freckle (or whatever it is) on her eye like adult Beth does. That’s amazing attention to detail.

I just realized I never thought of her as an Elizabeth! I think it's kind of cool that it's short for Bethany. I liked finding out where she came from, and also noticed the eye thing with teenage Beth. (I liked the casting of the littlest Beth and Zoe, too.)

I thought her mom was too rigid - but of course, that's exactly what we're supposed to think, and Phylicia Rashād did a great job with it. (And as a teacher, I do have to appreciate the organized homework time, though. :thumbsup2)

I don’t know why but that is so cool to see teenage Randall bumping into Beth.

I also love that she bumped into Randall. I think one of the very important themes in this show is how the choices we make (both the big ones and the little, mundane things) affect our paths and connect us in ways we can't imagine at the time. I'm big into silver linings, so I'm glad they used that moment to let us know right away that what we felt was a bad decision by her mom ended up leading Beth to the family she has and loves today.
I absolutely loved the This is Beth episode. I loved the casting so much. I loved that her dad had a real Jamaican accent. I love how much her younger selves look so much like older Beth. Love Phylica Rashad.

The best part is I love that Beth realizes that if Mama C hadn't sent her to a regular college that she wouldn't have met the love of her life Randall. I watched them bumping into each other a few times .

I have to say what happened to Beth with the Dance teacher happens so frequently pitting two young black talented women against each other. It makes it seem like there can't be space for 2 out it the world which is so false...


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