***The VWL Groupies & Trivia Thread*** Chapter 2!

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<font color=red>I usually feel like I just stepped
Aug 16, 1999
Well, it's time to start a new thread. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the fact that we have outgrown our old thread is Great! Here is a link to The Original VWL Groupies & Trivia Thread: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1283264

founded by Diznyfanatic. We are grateful that she did!

We are a friendly group.

And we are constantly asking people to "Grab a Moosie Siggy"
and join us.

So if you are a lover of our Beloved Wilderness Lodge, please join in the fun.

On this post I will try to keep up with VWL Groupies planned trips to WDW.


DisneyMamaof2 Dec 20 - 30 VWL
Lisa (lisaviolet) Dec 28 - Jan 2 BWV
Muushka Jan 3-5 BCV Jan 5-9 VWL
MaryJ Jan 3 - 10 VWL
horselover Jan 17-21 VWL
bgraham34 Jan 21-25 VWL
MickeyMorse Jan 23-24 POP, Jan 24-30 VWL
Disney Loving Iowan Jan 28 - Feb 3 BWV
Betsy (betsywdw) Feb 8-13 VWL
DisneyNutzy Feb 14 - 20 VWL
thumpermom Feb 23 - Mar 1 BWV
DVC Mike Mar 7 -15 BWV
KeepSwimmingDory March 8-12 VWL
LVSWL April 4-12 VWL
LaxMom Apr 5-10 HH (Grand Villa!)
JimmyTammy Apr 29 - May 8 VWL
Deb (50 Years Too!) April 30 - May 4 VWL
DVC Mike May 2-19 BCV
Tea Pot May 1-9 BCV
DisneyDi May 1-9 VWL
DisneyMamaof2 May 2-9 AKV
DODIE! May 9 VWL, May 10-14 DCL CRUISE :boat: , May 14-15 BWV
wildernessDad May 10-16 AKV (Concierge!)
Kathy (KAT4DISNEY) May 10-13 AKV (Concierge!) May 14-17 VWL
Joe (WDWRR Engineer) May 17-22 VWL
KeepSwimmingDory May 25-29 VB
BWV Dreamin May 31 - June 3 VWL
LVSWL June 12-22 HH
Craiggers June 21-28 VWL
blossomz June 23-28 AKV June 28-July 1 DCL :boat:
Granny July 11-19 VWL
Laxmom July 11-18 VWL
Mickeymorse Aug 22- Sept 4 VWL
Deb (50 Years Too!) Aug 30 - Sept 5 HH
Wilderness Dad Oct 21-26 VWL
Kathy (KAT4DISNEY) Nov 6-7 AKV Nov 12-17 VWL
Muushka...thanks so much for kicking off VWL Groupies: The Sequel!! :cool1:

And for those looking at this thread, don't be intimidated by the title, the length of the thread or the fanaticism of those here who will be professing their devotion to our beloved VWL.

The Groupies is not an elitist clique...we all just share a fondness for the Great Northwest of WDW. So come on in, sit a spell and feel free to join in on the conversations.

And how can you tell we're a bit fanatical about our favorite location? Well, for one thing the first thread on this topic had 250 posts which is about twice as many posts as VWL has rooms!

For those who want to read even more about the parent resort...Wilderness Lodge....here's link to Wilderness Lodge FAQ's thread. :)
I'm here, I'm here :yay: Happy Friday groupies.
2 weeks to go until I making out with the moose & the mouse. (now there's a mental image. ;) )
You can add me in the list of going to the VWL. I will be there 5/11 - 5/18. First time staying at the Villas, but not the WL.

I found you too!:banana: All is well with me in spite of the earthquake we had this morning! Makes me wish I was heading to WDW though!
Hooray! I'm getting in "on the ground floor" of our new thread!!!!

I notice some of your moose pics aren't working (red X). Wonder if we have some links broken?
I'm one Friday closer to VWL!

(of course there are about 9 more to go)

We've decided not to go with the DDP this trip (first time since '06 we won't be doing it). And since we'll be there during the "holiday pricing" time we'll only be eating out at one restaurant, Chef Mickey's for my DS 9th birthday.

I am still contemplating on getting the DDE and using it for our trip this summer and again in Dec.

Does anyone know off hand how much it is?

We're a family of 6 so we'll be charged the 18% min tip on every meal... so I'm thinking as long as our tips add up to the cost of the card we'll break even... right??
Muushka...thanks so much for kicking off VWL Groupies: The Sequel!! :cool1:

And for those looking at this thread, don't be intimidated by the title, the length of the thread or the fanaticism of those here who will be professing their devotion to our beloved VWL.

The Groupies is not an elitist clique...we all just share a fondness for the Great Northwest of WDW. So come on in, sit a spell and feel free to join in on the conversations.

And how can you tell we're a bit fanatical about our favorite location? Well, for one thing the first thread on this topic had 250 posts which is about twice as many posts as VWL has rooms!

For those who want to read even more about the parent resort...Wilderness Lodge....here's link to Wilderness Lodge FAQ's thread. :)

Thanks for the link to the FAQ's. I've never seen it. The pictures are stunning!

Everybody look at WebmasterCricket's post above. I was wondering why some folk's pics were not showing up!
Hi to all the Groupies! :wave2:

Family issues, work insanity, a newly adopted "four legged" family member (Gracie):dog:, general winter blah's, and the "trauma" of switching to Verizon FIOS (it's awesome, but getting it was a nightmare:scared1:) have kept us to just lurking on the board every now and again. :coffee: Thank goodness we found "part deux" of the thread! Thank you Muushka for moving the group forward! :thanks: Hope everyone is doing well! Our two week disney extravaganza doesn't begin until October 18th when we fly down to catch "the boat" for our 4 day cruise and then 9 days at "home" after the cruise. :boat: Seems like a long way off - but April is waning.....

Just wanted to touch base with all. We hope that everyone who is traveling in the near future have a great trip - wish ours was sooner! :rolleyes:

Leslie and Bob
Hi group! I have followed most of the old thread but remained a lurker. As of this past Tuesday, however, I felt worthy of posting. I am proud to say we FINALLY did it! We are now DVC members at our beloved VWL!! :lovestruc

We love Wilderness Lodge and have been pondering and researching DVC for quite a while. I am so excited we finally took the plunge!!

The start of this new thread prompted me to come out of lurkdom and be counted! Hope to be able to contribute in the future!!
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