The Unofficial Chatterbox Thread! Everyone is Welcome!

Oh.. and I hate shoe shopping too.. Now that I am shopping for 6, it is expensive, and makes me crazy. Not that I do a lot for the twins. They have sandals for WDW and thats it.

Payless has a sale right now- buy one get one 1/2 off. I went there last week and got shoes to Disney-tize. lol. I do like DC Shoes for sneakers. I never wear heels, flats, etc. I don't like them. lol. I'm a sneaker type chick. :cutie:
Payless has a sale right now- buy one get one 1/2 off. I went there last week and got shoes to Disney-tize. lol. I do like DC Shoes for sneakers. I never wear heels, flats, etc. I don't like them. lol. I'm a sneaker type chick. :cutie:

I have crocs, and sneakers. I ALWAYS wear my crocs.. Everywhere. Rain, snow.. doesnt matter. I have sneakers from back when I was working out. I have shiny red stripper shoes, but I dont wear those while Im standing. I would die.:lmao::lmao:
Kelly, Bummer on the need for surgery, hopefully you can fit it in to your schedule and not screw up your fun.

Pix, keep it up! I'm so proud of you taking these steps to turn your life around for the better.

Hi back drive bye girl. :laughing:

Happy Birthday to Kaylee!
Life goes by much too fast, five already! Wow!

I like shoes.. I just can't afford to buy a ton of them .. and I'm picky about everything, it takes me forever to find any that fit like Goldilocks "just right".

I have "tenners" for the times we are doing a lot of walking and of course for the wet and snow.
I have several pairs of crocs:
green beach, red with Mickey heads, mammoths (which I don't really like, toasty but not easy for long distance walking), and a pair that are perfect for the snowy wet winter outside, but make my feet tired and sweaty if I walk inside for too long.

Pair of dress shoes that are environmentally friendly, recycled tires for the soles, etc.. but they are a half size too big. I slide around in them. :headache:

And now two pairs of sandals.

You can use coupons on top of the B1G1 50% , there is a 15% off printable on wow coupons.
I had a 20% that printed with my receipts at the grocery store. :thumbsup2
I'm a totally flip flop gal. But for work I wear heels and in the parks I wear sneakers. In all honesty, I have a thing for shoes.
Morning girls and happy Tues!!

Hi Mel!! Thanks for the well wishes. I got a hold of the OB and my first apt isn't even till the 23rd so I think I am def safe for Shelby's party which is good since we are having 12 little kids at ice skating and although I am sure shane could deal I am OCD that way LOL and just prefer to be there to make sure everything goes off ok like getting the cake, passing out the party favors etc. I told the girls they could keep having these big kid parties till they are out of grammar school and then it is going to have to go down to just a couple of friends and a movie or pizza cuz these suckers are expensive and a LOT of work WHEW! They love them though and I enjoy doing it but it IS getting old! ;)

I am thinking more and more though that I may have her schedule it for AFTER DL because if the recovery is ANYTHING like my recovery from my August surgery I don't want it to ruin the girls trip in June. They told me after my colon surgery I would be better in like 4 or 5 weeks but it was a good 2 months before I felt totally human again soooo I don't want to take a chance of it getting ruined. Plus knowing how LONG it takes to get surgeries scheduled it prob won't be an issue anyway! Although who knows with my colon surgery I went in and they scheduled it for the next day!! Guess we shall see.

But anyway Rochelle that is great that you enjoyed your sewing class. The girls are signed up for a crochet one but it got cancelled so now I think they will be doing it sometime this summer. They are pretty excited about it but their patience level is not too high so we shall see! And as far as your break up everything you are feeling is totally normal. We all want validation that we are good people and "why did they not want US" It is perfectly normal to feel this way so don't beat yourself up about it. It all takes time. Just keep doing what you are doing like I said and you will be fine!! :)

Hi Sara!! :)

Thanks Bernice for the well wishes. As I said I don't have a whole lot of shoes either and like you I pretty much just wear what is comfy! :) LOVE my crocs! Have several pair and that's bout all I wear!

Staley happy birthday to your little one and you are short timing it aren't you? How exciting!!! You guys are going to have such a great time!

Well I don't have much on the agenda today. Just a few chores round here and still trying to take it easy.

Hope everyone has a good day and talk soon!
But anyway Rochelle that is great that you enjoyed your sewing class. The girls are signed up for a crochet one but it got cancelled so now I think they will be doing it sometime this summer. They are pretty excited about it but their patience level is not too high so we shall see! And as far as your break up everything you are feeling is totally normal. We all want validation that we are good people and "why did they not want US" It is perfectly normal to feel this way so don't beat yourself up about it. It all takes time. Just keep doing what you are doing like I said and you will be fine!! :)

Thanks Kelly :hug:
Pixter you'll have to teach me how to sew :rotfl: I wish I knew how to follow a pattern. Your tote bag looks really cute, you did a great job on the tinkerbell. It's even and everything!

Relationships in general are tough to get over but abusive ones are even more difficult. I'm glad you've found someone who is helping you through this, it's important that you understand your self worth and how much you mean to the people who love you and clearly you love yourself to know that you deserve so much more. :hug: You're doing great!
Only here in Minnesota could we have windy and cold 43 overnight, thunderstorms and pouring rain in the morning with high in low 50's, sunshine and 70 by evening. :rolleyes: Seriously would love to live where weather doesn't have such constant drastic changes. The high pollen count isn't helping either.. aaaaaaaaahhhchoooo! ahhchoo! ahchoo! ahhchoo! ARGH, enough! :mad: back to closing the windows, quiets the sneezes and the dh who is laughing at my sneezing attacks.

:idea: C'mere honey, dear, lovely man.. :angel:

why? :confused:

Let me sneeze on you. :thumbsup2

... walks away... :scared1:

Morning all and happy Wednesday!

Bernice I feel your pain with the pollen! It is VERY high here right now too which is amazing considering how much rain we have had. I agree with you I wish the weather would make up it's mind!!

I know we need the rain so I am not complaining but NORMALLY we are long done with the rain by now. We had a HUGE storm the last few days and we have another break for a few days and it is supposed to rain again next week! They have a ton of snow up in the mountains again as well. It's crazy!

The girls were actually wearing shorts and T-shirts a few weeks ago and then I had to pull back out the sweaters and coats! Crazy!!

I felt ok yesterday and got some stuff accomplished round here but I think with this really high dose of meds it is affecting me strangely because I had lots of pain in my muscles in my arms and legs and have had a lot of nauseau so I didn't go to swim last night but the girls did. They skipped it on Monday because of the weather and honestly I think ANYONE who went was crazy because we had thunderstorms and they are supposed to cancel when that happens!

The jury is out as to whether I will go tonight or not. I have to see how I feel.

Today will just be more work round here and watching my tivos of Lost and V. Idol was really good I thought and since it got done earlier than usual I watched Dancing and was surprised that Aiden went home. Are they EVER going to get rid of Kate? Sheesh! I think people just like watching her drama! I am VERY anxious to see who gets kicked off idol. There are only a few people left who I don't like and the rest are good in my opinion and since they saved Mike last week that means 2 have to go this week. EEK! I hope none of the good ones go!!!

Then tomorrow I finally have to go in to work. BLEH! I hate going when mom isn't there but hopefully I can just go in and get it over with and leave again and it won't be too ugly!

This weekend we have to reg for soccer already and I am HOPING I feel up to FINALLY going to the movies with the girls. We still have never seen the dragon movie and we want to see clash of the titans as well so we shall see.

Anyway that's bout it for me.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
GAH!! Jasmine is sick. Better now then in three weeks, I guess. But now I have a sore throat, and a headache. I hung up on the guy from the news paper today. It took almost 2 months to get my paper transferred from one apartment to the other. I moved across the YARD. Sheesh. Now they want me to make another payment. I didnt have the energy to explain what happened, and WHY I should still have credit on my account. So I just hung up. I cant do it today.

AND.. I must have a sign on my door that says... lost children.. Come on in! Sunday night we were just relaxing after we put all the kids to bed. It was like 9:30. Our door opens!! and a little kid walked in!! She was maybe 2 or 3. My husband jumps up and says.. HONEY!! You need to handle this!:eek::lmao: She was walking away, so I chased after her and caught her.. I asked her wear her mommy was, and she just kept saying.. Come on!! I show you!! COme one!! She was SOOO cute! I wanted to keep her!:lmao::lmao: Anyways. we are outside and this guy comes screaming around the corner.. sees her and says.. OMG!!! WHERE DID YOU GO!!!! He ran at her, she giggles.. he grabbed her up and held her.. I said to him, she walked in my apartment. :scared1::scared1: He was like.. WHAT??? Omg!! Thank you for taking care of her!! I walk home, and he follows me. THey were from the apartment downstairs. Must have been visiting, because they dont live there.

Anyways.. Second time in two months we have had a lost kid around here! At least this one wasnt in the middle of the night.
AND.. I must have a sign on my door that says... lost children.. Come on in!

Second time in two months we have had a lost kid around here! At least this one wasnt in the middle of the night.

My 11 yo dn (with autism) disappeared from our apt one time, I had walked out of the living room to drop something into the back bedroom.. came back and POOF he was gone! Keep in mind, our apt is all of 750 sq feet. Checked the bedrooms, checked the bathroom.. OMG I lost my sister's kid! :scared1:
Finally looked in the hall, he was watching people in the parking lot from the big windows on the stair landing.. I gave him a scolding for that one. You may NOT wander in the halls and freak out auntie! :laughing:

As for a young one leaving, do your exterior doors have long easy turn handles? When Noah was about 2 our building was completely re-done and brought up to current code for handicap accessible door handles. Fine for people with arthritis, not so good if you have little kids. He couldn't reach the handle before the refurb, the long handles made it super easy for him to push it up slightly and away he went... walking down the middle of the street, fortunately not a busy street but still! :scared1::scared1:

I didn't even know he had left the apt and the outside doors were propped open for the construction workers. One of the school agers I was babysitting glanced out the window and said.. "Is that Noah?"
OMG!! :scared:

I swear, the few gray hairs I have are all from Noah. :sad2:

So yeah.. not surprised. But at least they find you and not some creepy person. :thumbsup2
Good morning and happy Thurs everyone!

Staley and Bernice those are both scary stories! Glad that both children were found and returned safely! I will never forget when Shelby was about 4 I think we went to the state fair and we had just gotten off a ride and were all going to the rest room and she was RIGHT behind me and I was walking into the stall first obviously to "prepare" it (make sure it was clean, put down the paper etc) and I turned around to put her on the potty and NO shelby! I called her and started looking around the bathroom and she was NOT there. I ran outside and started yelling for her and she was not there. I FREAKED. Esp at the carnival section of the state fair. I instantly panicked and of course could NOT remember what she was wearing and started screaming at the workers to close the exits (there were like 10 of them at our fair) I knew if someone got out the exit with her I would NEVER see her again. They were NOT taking me seriously and I was furious. They told me I had to go up to the front of the fair office and report her missing and I still to this day am furious that they didn't radio to the exits because if someone DID have her they easily could have left the fair! But anyway luckily for us she had wandered off and a GOOD person had gotten her and taken her aside and held her. But I had to run a LONG way to the front of the fair and was absolutely besides myself. And then just the other night Katy was sleeping in our room (they like to do that on the weekends sometimes "camp out" on our floor in their sleeping bags) and I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and Katy wasn't there. Well I had a stepdaughter who ran away a LOT and I have known that panic of waking up and her NOT being in her bed or sitting at the school and her NOT coming out only to find out she had run away. So I immediately started searching the house and could NOT find her. I freaked and was convinced someone had come in and kidnapped her. Well luckily she got cold and had gone and laid with her sister under some blankets on the other side of the room and I just didn't see her the first time I looked. But I had woken up Shane in a panic. Then of course I could NOT go back to sleep cuz I had about had a heart attack! NOT fun what these kiddos do to us I tell you!! ;)

Anyway Staley I am sorry your little one is sick but as you said better to get it over with now and I hope she and you and everyone is better before you all leave!!

As for me I am still not feeling that hot. This medicine they have me on makes me really sick to my stomach so I will be glad to get off of it on sat and HOPE that things don't go back to the way they were! I still have another week before I meet with the ob so I am thinking positive! Today I have to go in to work and am hoping it doesn't take all day! I don't have too many bills to pay but the CPA is meeting with me to go over some stuff so I am hoping it isn't too long and drawn out!

Then tomorrow not too much going on and that means I don't have to work since I am working today and then Saturday we have soccer registration. I am hoping I will feel up to the movies but if not it will be nice to just hopefully relax and have a nice kick back weekend since last weekend was so crazy with shane working and me going to the ER.

And luckily mom and dad will be home on Sunday night so that will be good.

That's bout it for me.

I hope everyone has a good day and you have some fun stuff planned for your weekend!

Take care all and talk soon! :)
Hi I thought I would drop by and say hi.
I'm Deb, mom of 2 boys 10 and 13, and 4 months pregnant. Also a future nursing student. I live in Eastern WA. I work in the healthcare business, I love it. Somedays are better than others, but I guess that is with any job.

Staley~ The dresses you made are cute. I don't have one ounce of craftiness in my body.

Have a great ladies!
Six hours!

They had Eloy stay over night with the last fistula placement, lots of digging around as it was a deeper artery than forearm... but lose a body part and go home in 6?? unreal!

Oh, I didn't actually lose the body part. They pretty much knew where it was all the time...I should have asked if I could have it pickled and put in a jar to save. Might make a good advertisement for getting regular mammograms!:rotfl2:

Yeah, I know I have a twisted mind.

My pretty toes now have pretty shoes to peep out at the world.
Went to payless, B1G1 1/2 off plus had a 20% off coupon, $25 total for two pairs of comfy sandals.

I tried on dozens of shoes, Eloy was voting for heels and I vetoed it for fear of falling on my head. Besides with the heels I was much taller than him, didn't want him to look any shorter. :laughing:
I keep bugging him to get his bone density checked again, I think he has lost some height. Ahh the joys of osteopenia (one step from osteoporosis) due to kidney failure and an over active parathyroid. He is suppose to get it checked yearly, but he won't take time off work :sad2: so...... maybe in the summer.

We teased Justin that we will wake him at the hour of his birth... 4:51 am (Easter Sunday, 17 years ago) . He sleeps on the lower bunk, easy access compared to Noah in the top bunk (also was 4:51 am on Fat Tuesday)/QUOTE]

Did I mentioned that I am now officially a really old geezer? DD turned 18 while we were on vacation, so now I am the parent of an adult. Not only that she's really annoying me...I told her she's 18 and doesn't need to ask me for permission to do's her life now. Yet she still keeps asking me if she can go places and what time to be home. All I ask is that she let me know if she will be gone until an unreasonable after 1am or so. Just as a courtesy. While I don't want her to ask me for permission, I also have told her not to ask me for money anymore...she can go get a job.:lmao:

I have the Rainy Days and Mondays song running through my head. Both which are happening today. UGH! Let the work day be good at least.

I would like to thank you for sticking a song in my head.:thumbsup2

Now here's one right backatcha...This is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends....:rotfl2:

Morning and happy monday all!

Bernice sounds like you had some fun shoe shopping. I have ungodly huge feet 11 EEE so I HATE shoe shopping. I can pretty much ONLY get my shoes at Payless and in that size they don't have much of a selection. So I am on of those that once I DO find a pair I wear them till they fall OFF lol. Of course I pretty much stick to my crocs (both winter and summer versions) or my uggs anyway LOL. Hope the rest of your weekend was fun!

As for me I ended up in the ER yesterday which I am kind of glad I bit the bullet because sometimes when I think you go the normal route it takes so much longer to get things figured out! I got more bloodwork done since I STILL had not heard from the labs I had taken on Tues and had an ultrasound done and found out I have a golf ball sized myoma which is basically a fibroid. But that combined with my bleeding problems and migraines means I am most likely going to end up with surgery. I am going to call my doc this morning and give them a heads up and get a referral to an OB so I can get the ball rolling.

I just hope that if and when I do need surgery it is AFTER Shelby's birthday and well before my trip to DL in June. Of course the way they usually do things it might be AFTER DL. But we shall see. I just don't want it ruining either one!!

Anyway hope everyone has a GREAT day and talk soon!

Silly doctors, don't they know that we MUST schedule all medical procedures around our Disney trips?:laughing:


I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was okay. I had my sewing class and it was just an introduction on how to read patterns and such. We didn't do any actual sewing. It's just basics and she covered a lot. The class was 3 hrs long but we went a little over because she was showing us stuff in the store (what to use, what not to use). She is also big on coupons and told us how to use them, showed us a magazine called Fashion that has coupons on the back. She told us that Joann's can accept multiple coupons in one purchase as long as each coupon is different and as long as it's for regular priced items. She was awesome and provided helpful tips on how to save money and talked about the remnant fabric bins. She said that if you find a remnant fabric on sale in there, if you see that the actual fabric is on sale, it will make the cost for the remnant fabric to drop in price as well. Pretty cool.

OMG!!!!!!!! This was like a giant flashback to freshman Home Ec class! I HATE sewing and I will hate it until the day I die!:scared1::rotfl2:

Drive by Hi!

Drive by Hi right at ya!:)

I have crocs, and sneakers. I ALWAYS wear my crocs.. Everywhere. Rain, snow.. doesnt matter. I have sneakers from back when I was working out. I have shiny red stripper shoes, but I dont wear those while Im standing. I would die.:lmao::lmao:

Am I the only one that wonders why a mother of 4 needs shiny red stripper shoes?:lmao:

GAH!! Jasmine is sick. Better now then in three weeks, I guess. But now I have a sore throat, and a headache. I hung up on the guy from the news paper today. It took almost 2 months to get my paper transferred from one apartment to the other. I moved across the YARD. Sheesh. Now they want me to make another payment. I didnt have the energy to explain what happened, and WHY I should still have credit on my account. So I just hung up. I cant do it today.

AND.. I must have a sign on my door that says... lost children.. Come on in! Sunday night we were just relaxing after we put all the kids to bed. It was like 9:30. Our door opens!! and a little kid walked in!! She was maybe 2 or 3. My husband jumps up and says.. HONEY!! You need to handle this!:eek::lmao: She was walking away, so I chased after her and caught her.. I asked her wear her mommy was, and she just kept saying.. Come on!! I show you!! COme one!! She was SOOO cute! I wanted to keep her!:lmao::lmao: Anyways. we are outside and this guy comes screaming around the corner.. sees her and says.. OMG!!! WHERE DID YOU GO!!!! He ran at her, she giggles.. he grabbed her up and held her.. I said to him, she walked in my apartment. :scared1::scared1: He was like.. WHAT??? Omg!! Thank you for taking care of her!! I walk home, and he follows me. THey were from the apartment downstairs. Must have been visiting, because they dont live there.

Anyways.. Second time in two months we have had a lost kid around here! At least this one wasnt in the middle of the night.

Perhaps you should put a sign on the front door..."Lost Kids? Inquire Here".

Hi I thought I would drop by and say hi.
I'm Deb, mom of 2 boys 10 and 13, and 4 months pregnant. Also a future nursing student. I live in Eastern WA. I work in the healthcare business, I love it. Somedays are better than others, but I guess that is with any job.

Staley~ The dresses you made are cute. I don't have one ounce of craftiness in my body.

Have a great ladies!

Howdy Deb! I'm Alison, mom of 1 adult daughter and 1 11yo. I hope that I am never pregnant again a day in my life, although I am looking forward to grandkids one day in the distant future.:rotfl: I live in WA also, Woodland to be exact (30 miles N of Portland). I work in the hotel accounting business and have been driving my boss crazy for approximately 20 years now. I also don't have an ounce of craftiness in my body, but I love going to craft stores. I never buy anything, but I love seeing all of the stuff.

Welcome to our wild, wonderful, wacky thread.:hippie:


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