The scariest ride you ever rode in disney world

I had the same thing happen on Test Track, the ride stopped for about 5min and I was crammed in the back with two other adults. I wanted out of that car :crazy2: and I never had a problem with being claustrophobic before.:confused3

Yep! I never would have imagined it would be a problem but all it took was one little thought "Hmmm.. I wonder if I could get out of here if I had to?". So I wiggled a bit, realized I was completely stuck because my park bag was wedging me in under the lap bar. And I panicked. It was just the worst feeling ever:(. It wasn't rational, but that didn't matter.
Oh, this is embarrassing, but it was Honey I Shrunk The Audience. The bit where the mice get loose in the theater. I actually screamed and cried in terror, and I was 30 years old! For this reason, I won't even go near It's Tough To Be A Bug. :faint:

We did its tough to be a bug, ugh it made me wanna puke, at the end where the "bugs" crawl through the logs you're sitting on, I squealed like a little girl.
Alien encounter for me too!

I also felt like I was going to fall out of astro orbiter. So, I haven't been on it since. That was 20 years ago!

I went thru a period where many rides caused me anxiety, like RnR, ToT, space, splash, & even soarin. I tried them all again & now ill go on them once with the kids. Twice was my limit on EE, my head starts hurting after twice in a row.
Alien Encounter, totally did not get that ride, but would love to have been able to terrorize my son on it.. (insert evil laugh here)

Astro Orbiter sends my anxiety level through the roof!
Oh another thing, I was scared of astro orbiter because I bent so hard I thought was gonna fall off so I don't wanna get too high. It's kinda embarrassing cuz I'm the lowest one n there's a bunch of pretty girls watching :(
I wouldn't laugh because I felt the same way the first time I rode it ... I was white knuckling those hand grips as if I were really flying in a glider over California ... meanwhile my 5 and 8 year olds are leaning forward, laughing and having a grand ol time .... when I got off the ride I was as sweaty as I would have been if I had ran a 5K!!!!

BUUUUUT ... I love the ride and after that first ride I've learned to relax and enjoy it!

The first time I rode it, I didn't like the first few scenes, then I kept my eyes open and loved the rest. Second time - piece of cake. Neither of those were with me being on the highest row. But the last time? Sheer terror.

I think I'd be fine on the bottom row, because it's really the height of the row of seats that bothers me, not the visuals on the screen.
I was terrified the first time I rode Tower of Terror. It's one of my favorites now.

I guess Mission Space is the scariest for me. Not because it's a scary ride but because I felt so claustrophobic I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I'll never ride it again.
I have ridden just about every attraction at WDW.

For pure terror, I will echo some PP's and say Alien Encounter. We went on that not really knowing what to expect and were horrified, but we loved it!! I miss that attraction.

For thrill "scary", I have to say on one of the rides my DD9 and I designed on Sum of all Thrills. We did 4 loops and some insane drops. We were upside down for so long, I literally thought I would fall out. I've never screamed so hard on a Disney attraction. LOVED it! We are going to try and make a worse one next time. :goodvibes
The trick with Astro is to go *higher.* Sounds weird but due to the tilt of the cars it's less forceful.

Scariest for me... hmm. Gotta be a tie between the elevator at Pop Century - no, I'm not kidding - and a bus ride or two. I know they're not what you're going for but nothing in the parks terrifies me!

Elevator was in one of the 50s buildings, back by the lake. That thing shook and shuddered so bad I thought I was on ToT. I refused to ride it again, gladly walking the flights of stairs to Floor Four instead.

Bus ride would have been 3AMish rides back from MK to Pop during Christmas Week. I have some background in passenger safety so I am generally very comfortable with the busses, We have had a ride or two, standing, in the middle of the night, on a packed bus with drivers tailgating, heavily braking & taking ramps WAY too fast. Given the week, I am sure they were working tons of shifts and had to be exhausted but I literally spent the ride repeating to myself, "You are statistically safer on this bus than in your own car. Busses are statistically safer than passenger cars." Yes... I am a nerd.
Summit Plummet for sure. I remember the trek up to the top and thinking it couldn't be THAT bad since nobody was screaming on the way down. We waited for a good 45 minutes and when we were juuuuuuuuust about to the front I realized WHY I didn't hear anyone screaming. They were sucked down that slide so fast that the screams just sort of evaporated in the wind! The person ahead of us started to scream as she slid down but all we heard was "Ah-" before she was gone. The slide was terrifying as was the wedgie and partial enema I received on the way down.

The other would be Mission:Space orange. Only rode it once and thought I was going to die. The g-forces caused pressure on my chest, shich in turn made it hard to breathe, which caused a MAJOR panic attack. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Couldn't breathe. Tunnel vision. When I got off I was RUINED for the rest of the day (a good 7 hours).

Your description of Summit Plummet literally made me lol! That was hilarious!

Also, your experience with Mission Space is exactly like mine. Awful. Awful. Awful. I'm pretty sure the man sitting with DH and me in now completely deaf.
Scared? There's no such thing. What's there to be scared about with any ride or attraction anywhere or any park?

Well summit plummet is a 120 feet (12 floors) tall ride and you free fall down with no seatbelt or something to hold you down whatsoever
Mine Expedition Everest. I hate those straight down drops and the climb because I'm afraid of heights.

I love Tower of Terror, even though I have a fear of heights, elevators and falling in elevators.
Nothing now, but I remember when I was very young (~6) we went on the submarine ride, and I was terrified. I thought that we were under water and we would all drown...I was sobbing uncontrollably by the end. IIRC part was always above water though.
As a child of 8 back in the yesteryear, Space Mountain got me good. As an adult, the "scariest" attraction was Alien Encounter but it was AWESOME!. While it was totally out of place for Disney tone, it was the greatest example of Disney imagineering ever created. I wish they would bring it back and put up some serious warnings.
"This ride is extremely scary. Children and most teenagers leave the ride crying from being so scared. Take this warning seriously. If you don't believe it, stand at the exit once or twice."

YES. I was not even a child when I rode it for the first time, and I was PETRIFIED. That alien breathing down your neck, the screams....ugh! Kudos to any little kid that went on that ride and did not beat the living hell out of their parents when they got off.



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