The Running Thread - 2018

We're spending 2 nights at AKL during Dark Side weekend. Does anybody know if there are running/walking paths there? We move to BC for the weekend, and are familiar with the paths there already.
Not really. There is sidewalk from Jambo to Kidani but I'm not sure it even goes the whole way. I remember walking through a parking lot at one point.
We're spending 2 nights at AKL during Dark Side weekend. Does anybody know if there are running/walking paths there? We move to BC for the weekend, and are familiar with the paths there already.
There is some area to run by the tennis courts but there ar some parking lots to get through. My husband has pieced together 3 mile runs outside there but wore reflective clothes
A few ATTQOTD from me.

Fuel: I'd always used the gel chews from clifblok plus whatever gu runDisney had on the course. However at Avengers, they switched from gu to sports beans and I found that I liked those a lot better. So I'm switching to sport beans now. While I had no problems with the clif bloks, the sport beans are easier to deal with. I'm fine with powerade or gatorade. I always bring my own, but that's entirely out of my belief that it's better to have my own and not need it than to rely on the course having it there.

Compression socks: Another new one for me. Since Avengers training began 3 weeks before the race, it involved daily running. My muscles responded accordingly. On a very busy day wherein I had no time to stretch them out and self massage after the run, I had to settle for wearing a clean pair of the knee high basketball socks I had always used. Since the muscle pain dropped quite a bit, I went to the running store and bought a pair of CEP compression socks.

I can't say as to whether or not they improve my performance. But I definitely feel less sore after using them.

Easter traditions: Easter always falls during insanity season at work. And during insanity season at work there are only two days a week. Sunday and Not Sunday. I always consider it a good Easter if I don't have to spend any part of Easter Sunday in the office because I'm in the office all the days leading up to Easter Sunday and all the days following Easter Sunday.

March miles: 73.43 I currently think I'm feeling every single one of those miles so I'm looking forward to dropping mileage in preparation for Dark Side. At the moment, I suppose you could say that I hate running. I'm also very confident that I'll feel very differently about running at Walt Disney World.
I saw those at the corner running store. How is the texture of Gu compared to Power Gel and Cliff Shot? I tried the latter only once and found it too tick.
To me, Gu gels and Cliff Shots have the same texture and thickness. I don’t know about Power Gel.
@LSUlakes Time for Run the Bluegrass Half 2:06:07. Well, that stretch goal of 1:59:59 turned out to be just wishful thinking. Not in the cards at the current fitness level for this course. Still it was a PR by about 6 minutes.

Small report:
  • The Keeneland grounds are beautiful and horse lovers will be in heaven.
  • Lots of parking and mid-range walk from parking to race start/finish.
  • No opinion on Expo - didn't attend
  • According to the results, there were about 3600 runners
  • Runners are assigned to "waves" but they are not enforced. Many runners moved between waves.
  • The pre-race music and ceremony was OK but I'm not much into that and sometimes find it annoying
  • The course runs through the Kentucky horse farm countryside past many large and opulent estates. It is scenically wonderful.
  • The paths were wide and the course never felt crowded
  • The course is hilly and I was unprepared. The hill starting around mile 9 in particular was a real bear at that point in the race.
  • My Garmin measured the course at just a few feet short of 13.1 which is unusual as all previous Garmin measures on other courses were slightly above 13.1.
  • Large impressive medal and a tad better-than-normal after race freebie food.
Probably kind of sappy but one of the largest takeaways from this race turned out to be more personal than running related. This race is a combined 7 mile and half that share the first 3 miles or so and the last 3 miles or so. My fatigue was pretty high when the courses met for the final segment because I had gone out too fast. There were some walkers from the 7 mile course, folks of various fitness levels - some struggling to make it walking, one that was battling what appeared to be the residual effects of a stroke, a blind army vet with one leg missing in a wheelchair being helped by another in a wheelchair to get through the course. They were an inspiration. This mortal journey has unexpected and uninvited challenges, and the human spirit and drive to find meaning and overcome challenges is a core part of what makes this life a wonderful and worthwhile experience. My petty little challenges are small compared to others. I'm not inviting more challenges but am inspired and humbled by those that have it, face it, stare it down, and go forward. This race provided that reflection.
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If I already finished my runs for the week and it's only 9:45am, then how many Cadbury eggs can I eat by lunchtime? Thoughts?

I thought math problems were illegal on this forum.

March Totals:

Running: 178.6 miles. Average pace 9:44.
Steps: 530, 370.
Cadbury eggs consumed: 0

I'm pretty happy with that after December, January, and February all being less than 100 miles. I felt like I've been goofing off and slowing down, but 9:44 is exactly my average pace for the last year, including a marathon training cycle.
March total: 91.10 miles
YTD: 149.03

Kudos to those of you that routinely do your miles in sub-40 degree temperatures. My walk this morning was outside as the gym was closed - it was 29 degrees with a real feel of 21. Brought back memories of the WDW Marathon Weekend 5k. Needless to say my pace was faster than DopeyBadger had planned for me today.


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