The Running Thread - 2018

Super excited hubby has a half day for Good Friday. My oldest DD has the day off since it’s the end of the quarter. We ran errands today so she could get some stuff....FYI-Costco is cuckoo!:scared:

Easter we do church, but it’s a huge serving day as services tend to be added. We’ll do the first two big ones of the day and then head out for our tradition of a Mexican meal at some restaurant.

And then we have spring break! Can’t wait for time with my people and no rushed mornings. party:
@Wendy98 This one's for you (across from my hotel) Hope you're ready!
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Aww, this makes me happy! Boston is going to somewhat challenging this year. I have been having pain in my lower leg since beginning of March. I went to orthopedic but just saw the physician assistant who could order an MRI. Went back for results and saw another PA. I did not like him. He told me there was a lot of inflammation and I should probably rest it. He then was going on and on about my flat feet and seemed to be interested in entertaining the young med student with him. He told her, “Have you ever seen feet do flat?” No sh*t, I have had them my whole life! And despite aches and pains, seem to perform when I need them. I asked and he said there was no stress fracture. I kept running, did a crappy 16 mile run (down from the planned 20) and did a 15k race ( a tiny bit slower but I attributed that to the big back injury in the fall). Tried to do a few more runs and my leg felt awful. My last run was two Thursdays ago. I had to go out of town for a competition my son was doing and thought this would be a good break. Finally went back to orthopedic on Tuesday (at this point, no more PAs, I will only see actual doctor). I wanted to confirm it wasn’t a stress fracture because it sure felt like one (hate that I have this much experience). He said it is a stress reaction. I was shocked—PA NEVER said that. I am hard core, but I would not be running had I known. Ortho said it is in fibula and tibia. Notes from PA never even mentioned fibula. I asked about Boston—I need to know my leg will not break. He said it wouldn’t, just going to hurt a lot. I will not run until Boston. I have been in this type of situation before. While Boston won’t be a PR, I can get it done. I am *hoping* for under 3:20, but it will really depend on how bad things hurt.

I have been doing all my “runs” on the elliptical. I have callouses and blisters on my hands.

I have the Flying Pig 3 weeks after Boston. I will re evaluate after Boston.
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Wow Wendy! What a bummer... and frustrating. Good luck!

Black liceroce gets the big ew. Thanks fir the reminder I need to get DH a Cadbury egg or two, I hate them. Last year he was bummed he didn’t get one.
Aww, this makes me happy! Boston is going to somewhat challenging this year. I have been having pain in my lower leg since beginning of March. I went to orthopedic but just saw the physician assistant who could order an MRI. Went back for results and saw another PA. I did not like him. He told me there was a lot of inflammation and I should probably rest it. He then was going on and on about my flat feet and seemed to be interested in entertaining the young med student with him. He told her, “Have you ever seen feet do flat?” No sh*t, I have had them my whole life! And despite aches and pains, seem to perform when I need them. I asked and he said there was no stress fracture. I kept running, did a crappy 16 mile run (down from the planned 20) and did a 15k race ( a tiny bit slower but I attributed that to the big back injury in the fall). Tried to do a few more runs and my leg felt awful. My last run was two Thursdays ago. I had to go out of town for a competition my son was doing and thought this would be a good break. Finally went back to orthopedic on Tuesday (at this point, no more PAs, I will only see actual doctor). I wanted to confirm it wasn’t a stress fracture because it sure felt like one (hate that I have this much experience). He said it is a stress reaction. I was shocked—PA NEVER said that. I am hard core, but I would not be running had I known. Ortho said it is in fibula and tibia. Notes from PA never even mentioned fibula. I asked about Boston—I need to know my leg will not break. He said it wouldn’t, just going to hurt a lot. I will not run until Boston. I have been in this type of situation before. While Boston won’t be a PR, I can get it done. I am *hoping* for under 3:20, but it will really depend on how bad things hurt.

I have been doing all my “runs” on the elliptical. I have callouses and blisters on my hands.

I have the Flying Pig 3 weeks after Boston. I will re evaluate after Boston.
Oh wow & crazy. I hope your Boston isn't too painful & you can still somewhat enjoy it!
The only Easter tradition I have is buying several bags of black jelly beans. Cue the next food discussion on licorice in 3...2...1...
These are the only color jelly beans I eat! I've been known to be called "grandma" b/c of my love of the licorice flavor, but oh well.
Licorice, bananas, cilantro... :oops:

Re: compression socks/sleeves: Have worn compression socks at work for long shifts, and they are great for that! Have worn compression sleeves post race, after some long runs, and on flights. Love them but have never tried to run in them. Thanks for the meta-analysis!

Everyone have a good weekend!!
Working today, but I'm thankful for everyone who is not. The traffic this morning was practically non-existent. :) The only Easter tradition I have is buying several bags of black jelly beans. Cue the next food discussion on licorice in 3...2...1...

DH and I have an agreement regarding jelly beans. I eat the orange, yellow and green ones, we split the white ones and he eats the red, purple and black. This stops him from feeding the ones he does not like to our dogs. Since we both really like jelly beans we stock up on the Monday after Easter (which is actually how we buy all our holiday candy). Walgreens is usually the only place to find the bags of black ones.
Since we both really like jelly beans we stock up on the Monday after Easter (which is actually how we buy all our holiday candy).

YES! I'm so glad I'm not the only one here who stocks up on post-holiday candy. All my friends think I'm crazy ... the best candy sales are right after any major candy holiday!
No work today so I took my daughter to lego discovery center with about 5000 other families. Luckily we made it out alive and with a few fun things we are building now at home.
Got two runs and two Easter egg hunts this weekend to tackle.

Black licorice is just alright...a nice anise flavored (ahem absinthe) sazerac is soooooo gooood.
School was closed today so I took the day off of work and caught up on errands.

We don’t celebrate any of the religious holidays, but more so celebrate “spring” arriving. I think we have a few small snow piles left, but spring seems to have finally arrived (cue the Zyrtec and yard/garden work!).
Our school system tries to plan Spring Break around Easter so that it encompasses Good Friday, so everyone but my husband is off :surfweb:. We spent the day at the zoo and then dyed eggs. Tomorrow is our church Easter outreach event and I'll squeeze in a 7 mile run at some point. Sunday we will go to my in-laws after church, as is tradition. The Easter bunny delivers the boys baskets to their house which is fine by me. I prefer not to make a big deal about that particular part of Easter so as not to color the true reason we celebrate it.

As far as licorice anything goes....:crazy2:
Working today, but I'm thankful for everyone who is not. The traffic this morning was practically non-existent. :) The only Easter tradition I have is buying several bags of black jelly beans. Cue the next food discussion on licorice in 3...2...1...

Found some but think I’m going to pass.

I'm way behind here so I'll just jump in the last few questions.

Nutrition-I'm still testing out what works for me. Beans are ok my rather chewy so not my go to. Huma gels are what I'm leaning towards but now I'm questioning it. I have a hard time drinking plain ol water so I usually run with propel for a little flavor but maybe that's not a good idea after all after reading you should only take it with water:confused3

Compression-I have some calf sleeves and have worn them on occasion after some of my longer one but not on a regular basis. I do have a few pair of work socks that are compression like as they are super tight so I'll sometimes wear those to work on my run days.

I'm off every Friday from work and I work every Sunday holiday or not. Because I work Sunday I will travel tomorrow after my run to my brother's for some smoked something or other, not sure what he has planned.

I'm also a huge no go to black jelly beans, my mom likes them so we used to give them all to her. I will go out in the days after for candy. I'm not a huge candy person but I do like having a small treat in my lunch at work, still have one bag left from after valentines days but I like to stock up when I can when it's cheaper.
ATTQOTD Easter is a major holiday in NZ - Friday and Sunday are two of the three days a year shops aren't allowed to open, so it really is a holiday, even from shopping! We aren't religious, and New Zealand is becoming increasingly diversified with regard to religion, so for many it is a long weekend and some chocolate. We'll be doing an Easter egg hunt tomorrow morning for our girls followed by a relaxing day.

Following on from the breakfast discussion (and my comment on gravy!) - this was the first time I had come across the dish, didn't know it existed, and also didn't know it was supposed to be eaten with biscuits! (I thought they were scones and was looking for jam and cream...). Anyhoo it was sausage gravy and yes I know a Hampton Inn will never be the benchmark for a dish, in fact is probably the worst way to be introduced it something. The rest of the breakfast was average at best, eggs looked like they had come out of a packet... I look forward to one day trying some decent biscuits and gravy.

Black jelly beans are OK, never my first choice but will eat them if in a packet... I did the bean boozled challenge with the kids which was hilarious, the kids loved it too up until one of them got a bad flavour...

For running fuel I use Horley's gels, I think they might be local. They are available at the supermarket for around $13 for a pack of 5 so well priced, taste nice and for me are the right consistency - I don't like gels that are too thick.

I've looked in to compression before but never pulled the trigger - not sure if they are what I am looking for. I get sore lower calves, particularly the right one, and usually just massage with a bit of deep heat to loosen it up.
Working today, but I'm thankful for everyone who is not. The traffic this morning was practically non-existent. :) The only Easter tradition I have is buying several bags of black jelly beans. Cue the next food discussion on licorice in 3...2...1...

I like black licorice, but am not a big fan of the jelly beans. Interestingly enough when I went to look up what the real difference between the two was, I got a page full of articles about over-dosing on black licorice and heart failure! Here's a quote from one of the articles: “ 'If you’re over 40 years old with pre-existing conditions, eating two ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks could land you in the hospital,' Peter Cassell, press officer for FDA told NBC News." So beware black licorice bingers! I hope you are measuring out your stash. :confused3


1. I have compression sleeves, socks, and a some CW-X compression tights. I tend not to wear any of them for training runs, but will wear the sleeves or tights for races. I will also wear the sleeves post-long run or race. As for the compression socks, I don't typically wear them during races cause I am picky about how my socks feel, I do like to wear them post-race if my feet or ankles are angry. (Side-note: my coach told me to sleep in my CW-X tights between the half- and full-marathons for Dopey. I don't know if it helped, but my legs felt great during the marathon. It was mostly my head I had to fight with during the 26.2.)

2. I live in the south so no surprise the kids were off for Good Friday yesterday, but their swim team used that as an excuse to move their practice times to the morning. Between my girls' practice and my son's, we were at the pool from 8:30 until noon. I usually get my run in during their practices, but the timeline didn't work yesterday. Today (Saturday) we are going to go hiking. The weather seems to suggest we finally turned the corner into spring? Tomorrow it will be church, egg hunt at home, and dinner with my mom and MIL.
It's on Amazon Prime if you have that... I was surprised to see it gone from Netflix too a few weeks ago when we had the QOTD about the running movies and went and found it on Prime.

I just watched it again. Thanks. Those people are insane.

I think the closest thing is a pool.
And I spent far too much time looking at compression socks on Amazon last night, so please do not think you all don't make a difference in someone's life!

Make sure you buy high quality brands. It's well worth the money.

Good morning folks! Today’s Fun Good Friday QOTD: Are you off of work today for Good Friday? Any interesting traditions? Easter traditions?

I’m off today. Last Friday in lent normally involves a crawfish boil, tonight we be no different. Easter weekend is a family event and this year we are going to my dads to fish, Easter egg hunt for kids, BBQ, and egg pocking. Good times will be had!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I had to work yesterday. This will be the second year in a row I won't be seeing my kids on Easter thanks to my lovely ex-wife. So, any traditions I had are **** now. :headache:
Crushed my PR 32.30!

Race felt good other than early crowding. The last mile or so runs straight east. It made me think about running sunglasses. But this is the 4th time I’ve done the Dbacks race and the first time I’ve been in any sort of running shape, so that felt awesome!

A big congrats!


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