The Running Thread - 2018

(I probably need my own journal... :sad2:)

Also, congrats on the PR!

Question, not sure it belongs here or a new thread... I was fitted for running shoes at a store and have a pair of supportive shoes now. They felt fine in the store, but as I’ve been wearing them, on my right foot the arch feels too far back and it gets painful. I’m going back to the store, but any thoughts on running shoes I can suggest to try on where the arches are more forward in the shoe?

I wear neutral shoes, so I don't really have shoe suggestions, but since I have high arches, I wanted to throw an idea out there ... you might be better off with inserts. I wasn't able to find shoes that were great for my arches, but they gave me insoles that were much better at supporting my arches and really have made a difference. I don't know if it will help for you, but it's definitely something to be open too.

March Totals:
Miles - 66.08
Time - 13:30:36
Average Pace - 12:16/mile
PRs - 1 (Half Marathon, 2:27:50)

So ... let's talk about that mileage total. I screwed up on my personal mileage spreadsheet and must have put something twice, because I had myself just short of 65 miles as of Friday morning. I was scheduled for 5 miles, so I added an extra quarter mile to get myself over 70 miles for the first time ever. But alas, I checked Garmin, and it turns out my personal spreadsheet was wrong.
66.08 is actually just short of my monthly mileage record. I'm pretty unhappy ... I wanted that 70 miles.
Also, congrats on the PR!

I wear neutral shoes, so I don't really have shoe suggestions, but since I have high arches, I wanted to throw an idea out there ... you might be better off with inserts. I wasn't able to find shoes that were great for my arches, but they gave me insoles that were much better at supporting my arches and really have made a difference. I don't know if it will help for you, but it's definitely something to be open too.

March Totals:
Miles - 66.08
Time - 13:30:36
Average Pace - 12:16/mile
PRs - 1 (Half Marathon, 2:27:50)

So ... let's talk about that mileage total. I screwed up on my personal mileage spreadsheet and must have put something twice, because I had myself just short of 65 miles as of Friday morning. I was scheduled for 5 miles, so I added an extra quarter mile to get myself over 70 miles for the first time ever. But alas, I checked Garmin, and it turns out my personal spreadsheet was wrong.
66.08 is actually just short of my monthly mileage record. I'm pretty unhappy ... I wanted that 70 miles.

Thank you!
March totals:
Total Miles: 90.7
Average Pace: 14:38 min/mile
Average HR: 143

Total miles are slightly down from last month thanks to a short taper before and rest after my HM, but my average pace has gotten a bit faster. Nice to see that uptick again after reintroducing hills back into my regular running routes since I spent marathon training sticking to the few "flat" routes I have around my town.
Question, not sure it belongs here or a new thread... I was fitted for running shoes at a store and have a pair of supportive shoes now. They felt fine in the store, but as I’ve been wearing them, on my right foot the arch feels too far back and it gets painful. I’m going back to the store, but any thoughts on running shoes I can suggest to try on where the arches are more forward in the shoe?

If it doesn't belong here it doesn't belong anywhere. I think it's hard to answer a question like this though. I think these are trial by error questions. Unfortunately with something like running shoes, that can be an expensive process.

I had my first outside run of the year on Saturday. I move recently so it was a new route and I live on Hill Street so that may give you and idea what the route was like. Having said that I ran better paces than what I had been doing on the treadmill. This just confirms how dreadful I find the treadmill if I could handle all these hills faster than the treadmill by 1:00/per mile faster.
If it doesn't belong here it doesn't belong anywhere. I think it's hard to answer a question like this though. I think these are trial by error questions. Unfortunately with something like running shoes, that can be an expensive process.

I had my first outside run of the year on Saturday. I move recently so it was a new route and I live on Hill Street so that may give you and idea what the route was like. Having said that I ran better paces than what I had been doing on the treadmill. This just confirms how dreadful I find the treadmill if I could handle all these hills faster than the treadmill by 1:00/per mile faster.

Thanks. :)
One game left tonight. I made 73 probability generated brackets and inputted them into free bracket contests with the hope that a normal distribution would lead to one really good bracket. Going into the Elite Eight, I realized I might actually have that one really good bracket. I needed Michigan to beat Fla St, Villanova to beat Texas Tech, Kansas to beat Duke, Michigan to beat Loyola, and Villanova to beat Kansas. I had a 13% chance to get that sequence of events. Since that all happened, I now sit in 1st place out of 2500 brackets. I've got Michigan over Villanova (which is a 33% probability). If Michigan wins, I win $1000 off a free bracket game. So, GO BLUE!
One game left tonight. I made 73 probability generated brackets and inputted them into free bracket contests with the hope that a normal distribution would lead to one really good bracket. Going into the Elite Eight, I realized I might actually have that one really good bracket. I needed Michigan to beat Fla St, Villanova to beat Texas Tech, Kansas to beat Duke, Michigan to beat Loyola, and Villanova to beat Kansas. I had a 13% chance to get that sequence of events. Since that all happened, I now sit in 1st place out of 2500 brackets. I've got Michigan over Villanova (which is a 33% probability). If Michigan wins, I win $1000 off a free bracket game. So, GO BLUE!
Congrats on the bracket success.
One game left tonight. I made 73 probability generated brackets and inputted them into free bracket contests with the hope that a normal distribution would lead to one really good bracket. Going into the Elite Eight, I realized I might actually have that one really good bracket. I needed Michigan to beat Fla St, Villanova to beat Texas Tech, Kansas to beat Duke, Michigan to beat Loyola, and Villanova to beat Kansas. I had a 13% chance to get that sequence of events. Since that all happened, I now sit in 1st place out of 2500 brackets. I've got Michigan over Villanova (which is a 33% probability). If Michigan wins, I win $1000 off a free bracket game. So, GO BLUE!

Wow! Good luck and well-earned if you win!
Early Bird 10 Miler Race Recap

Short: Wind, Hills, Beat my Goal

The hosting race company (Pink Gorilla) puts on a great race with a fun atmosphere, so I was excited to run the inaugural Early Bird 10 Miler. Knowing that rD accepts 10 milers as a marathon POT, this was a great chance to try for that too.

My husband and I set off for Omaha on Friday. I choose to abstain from meat on Fridays during lent, so figuring out what to eat was a bit of a challenge as my normal pre-race meal was out. Despite the lack of protein, cheese pizza treated me ok. I slept terribly and after waking up every 30 min, at 2:30am I thought, “I wish this was a Disney race so I could just get up now!”

Advanced packet pick up was only available on Thursday, so I needed to pick up my race packet the morning of. I parked in my previously assigned lot and the walk to the start area was about 12 min and hilly. As I was walking back to my car to drop of my shirt, I realized my legs were already tired from just walking up the hills. Not good!

The weather forecast was terrible. The temperature dropped all morning, due to the 20-30 mph winds, gusting over 40 mph. I waited in my car for a while and the wind was shaking my car, thus shaking my confidence.

I headed to the starting area, lining up at the back of the 11:00/front of the 12:00 pace flags. My goal was to run 11:45mm, getting a McMillan calculated POT of <5:29:59 for marathon weekend. I had trained for this pace, but the poor racing conditions made me unsure that this could happen. I saw a gal in the same area with a mickey baseball cap on, so I talked to her a while about Disney and running, a great way to pass the time and ease my nerves. (I hope she had a great race!)

After running 1 min uphill and into the wind, I decided to revert to my tried and trusted 2:1 interval, despite many training miles at 3:1. I think this was a good choice, allowing me to save a little energy for later in the race. Around mile 2, we entered a large lake area, making for a beautiful (and cold) course. The trail was a little narrow in some areas, but overall it was a great course. There were water stops every couple miles, a gu stop and multiple cheer stations.

Being constantly whipped in the wind was exhausting, both physically and mentally. After mile 6, I did the #math and knew if I kept my pace, I could still meet my goal. I did some serious pep talking in mile 7, trying to convince myself the discomfort now would be far less than not meeting my goal.

I crossed the finish line at 1:57:02, beating my goal time by 31 sec. I am proud of my effort and excited to think about what’s to come, knowing I could have raced faster in different conditions. McMillan estimated this at a 5:28:31 marathon and honestly, I’ll be so disappointed if runDisney doesn’t calculate it similarly.

The post race breakfast was a delicious combination of donuts, cinnamon rolls, fruit, a breakfast burrito and seriously great coffee. Definitely would recommend this race to anyone close to Omaha! The early bird does get the worm after all! :)

Congratulations on doing awesome in tough conditions! That PR is fantastic! :)
Question, not sure it belongs here or a new thread... I was fitted for running shoes at a store and have a pair of supportive shoes now. They felt fine in the store, but as I’ve been wearing them, on my right foot the arch feels too far back and it gets painful. I’m going back to the store, but any thoughts on running shoes I can suggest to try on where the arches are more forward in the shoe?

I think this is very much trial and error thing. Others have mentioned inserts. There are two primary kinds. The superfeet kind that has a couple different arch sizes. You may find those work for you. There are also the molded inserts. The molded inserts are more $$$ but they are shaped specifically to fit your feet. I've had mixed results with the second kind of inserts. I had 1 pair that were amazing. I had another pair that are okay but not quite perfect in the way they are molded to my feet.

Another thing you may want to ask is how much you are overpronating. If you aren't overpronating a lot you might also be able to use a neutral shoe which could open you up to more shoes.
Man oh man am I learning this morning (and yesterday morning) that 1) doing short sprints, or something resembling sprinting for a slower turtle runner, on turf uses way different muscles than running out on the road, and 2) I think I'm getting old :sad: :D

I spent the weekend at a dog agility trial at a ginormous indoor sports facility that has 6 indoor soccer fields. We had 2 full sized fields all to ourselves for the trial (the ring is 100x100). My dog did 7 runs on Saturday and 8 on Sunday, which amounted to anywhere between 30-45 seconds of sprinting for me x 15 (plus course walk throughs where I at least ran half speed a few times each one) and my feet, ankles, and lower legs are KILLING me! :) I gotta hobble out and do 4 miles at some point today! Thankfully it is an easy run day, I should hopefully not have problems today slowing my pace closer to what it's supposed to be. :D
ATTQOTD: Working a half-day today, probably going to see "Ready Player One" this afternoon. Church on Easter morning, then headed for a week at the beach.

And that leads me to ask....I'm running the Dark Side in a few weeks(my first half), so I'm obviously smack-dab in the middle of my training program. And while my beach vacation won't interrupt my weekend long runs, I will have a couple of shorter runs planned during the week. How much different is beach running than running on pavement? Easier? Harder? Anything I should be aware of or do differently?

Running on the sand is overrated experience. If you stay in the soft stuff it's a struggle, if you run near the water line where the sand is compact it is much better, but usually at a angle. For a few runs thats probably not going to be a issue but if you are prone to injury I would avoid it.
QOTD: Anyone got fooled on April fools day? Any good stories?

ATTQOTD: I did not get pranked, but did see one online that I know was a joke but funny. It was a few pictures combined showing Disney transportation and the new "cost" to use them for things like the bus, boats, monorail, ect. I lol'd.


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