~ The Real Housewives of Orange County ~ Season 12~ 2017 ~ JULY 10th

I don't blame Shannon and Megan for not going to the hospital, but I think Tamra and Heather's point was that Vicki was in the hospital alone with her family and close friends 3 hours away. Shannon and Megan were 30 mins away. I think they thought it would be nice if they supported Vicki while she was alone in the hospital until someone could get there to be with her. I'm sure Vicki would have appreciated it, and considering the situation, it would have been nice for them to let bygones be bygones if even just for the moment.
I'm a little unclear why Megan didn't go to the hospital since she just went to Vicki's birthday party. I think she's sending somewhat mixed messages to the group.

I don't blame Shannon at all though. She's said she has no interest in being friends with Vicki. I think it's completely valid to just cut the cord and keep people out of your life however possible. She shouldn't even have been asked to go, honestly. I have friends/family that I've unfortunately had to cut out over the years. I don't want anything bad to happen to them, but if someone called and said they were in the hospital I wouldn't be heading over either.

If it's two friends in an argument, sure. Drop it and go. But if Shannon genuinely has no interest in having Vicki in her life, that's different to me. People who aren't friends aren't supposed to be around to pick up the pieces. They aren't the ones that are there when something happens. I think the other ladies are just assuming Shannon and Vicki are spatting instead of understanding Shannon's done with the relationship.
I also find it hard to believe Vicki took an Uber home with no clothes. Vicki obviously had her phone with her. SHe could've called someone for help, she could've reached out to Megan, I'm sure she was in contact with the other ladies and they told her Megan was close by.
I think it's all fake. Totally fake that Megan didn't tell Shannon when she first got there, totally fake with all the conversations back and forth.

Vicki didn't stay overnight in the hospital. It's all kind of odd to me.
I also find it hard to believe Vicki took an Uber home with no clothes. Vicki obviously had her phone with her. SHe could've called someone for help, she could've reached out to Megan, I'm sure she was in contact with the other ladies and they told her Megan was close by.
I think it's all fake. Totally fake that Megan didn't tell Shannon when she first got there, totally fake with all the conversations back and forth.

Vicki didn't stay overnight in the hospital. It's all kind of odd to me.

Of course. It's all perpetuated and contrived by the producers. And Vicki has been on the show long enough to know that she needs to elicit an over the top reaction when that ATV flipped. I do think she's dramatic by nature, but I think the cameras being there is mostly why she reacted the way she did.
I also find it hard to believe Vicki took an Uber home with no clothes. Vicki obviously had her phone with her. SHe could've called someone for help, she could've reached out to Megan, I'm sure she was in contact with the other ladies and they told her Megan was close by.
I think it's all fake. Totally fake that Megan didn't tell Shannon when she first got there, totally fake with all the conversations back and forth.

Vicki didn't stay overnight in the hospital. It's all kind of odd to me.

When our daughter had her bad accident and ended up with bad concussion, they never kept her in either, she came home and we had to keep an eye on her.

I do find it odd about the uber, totally scripted but still cannot stand Shannon, Megan or their sleazy/creepy husbands, blech!
Why didn't Vicki's son drive out to the hospital?

Also, this season seems even more staged than normal. Yes, some of it is reality, but for the most part it's people on a TV show together forced into having a party or trip every week, fight, and make up lunch afterwards. That formula is really getting old.
I find it sad that Vicki had no one else to call to help her when she was in the hospital other than her daughter who was sick. So the ONLY people who could come were people who don't like her that are on a scripted reality series.

No producers from the show could go visit her? They couldn't spare someone from Megan's and Shannon's shoot so that Vicki didn't have to take an uber home with a paper gown on? No cameraman?

Vicki has no other friends? No one? No son? Is she really that friendless and without anyone?

Oh come on, I call bull on this entire story line that Meagan and Shannon were the only ones who could come to Vicki' assistance.
I don't necessary think they were the only ones, but it appears that they were the closest ones.

But I do agree with you-- someone from the production staff should have been on that helicopter and in the hospital. Not only because she's part of their show, but because they have a relationship with her and she was hurt badly enough to be med evaced out.

Of course, the Uber and paper gown make for a much better story line, but it saddens me to think that it's come to that.
That Uber story is such a crock. No way do I believe that actually happened. And I have never had an ER give me a paper gown. Doctor's office yes, hospital no.
First of all, to Vicki, karma is a "B"! Now she knows how Brinna felt when she got home from the hospital and was abandoned by her mom and left alone with two toddlers.

Second. I think Meghan is immature and heavily influenced by Jim. The stink eye he gave her when they were discussing going to the hospital speaks volumes.

Third. I don't think Meghan fully understood the severity of the accident and in turn, didn't convey this fully to Shannon. If Shannon had known exactly what had happened, I believe she would have gone yo the hospital.
Honest disclaimer, I'm no fan of Vicki and my honest reaction is that I wonder how much of that was just her being dramatic and wanting attention.

But even if it was completely on the up and up, why would everyone get mad at Shannon and Megan for not going to the hospital? Her family and people that are actually involved in her life should be there, not people that are on a tv show with her that she doesn't even get along with.

Agree with this. Also, it occurred to me with all the money that these ladies have, I don't know why it didn't occur to Heather and that other one (name escapes me) to call a car to take them to see Vicki. Either take the kids with them, or leave them with Tamra's mother at the camp site, or any number of options. If they were SO concerned about Vicki being alone, why didn't they do something like that?
I'm not saying it wasn't a bad accident. It clearly was a bad rollover where the top got crushed, but Kelly was the one who's helmet flew off and she was pretty ok, Tamra went to the hospital and was seemingly lifting weights 2 days later at the gym??

Would the med-evac have been called for if it wasn't this group of ladies filming a tv show? I mean, a helicopter to a hospital to be released 8 hours later and go home by yourself-2 hours in an Uber? Where were her real friends? Which is probably the more likely story of how she got home. I mean come on, Vicki has enough money for a real car service, not an Uber, if she was really stuck.
Agree with this. Also, it occurred to me with all the money that these ladies have, I don't know why it didn't occur to Heather and that other one (name escapes me) to call a car to take them to see Vicki. Either take the kids with them, or leave them with Tamra's mother at the camp site, or any number of options. If they were SO concerned about Vicki being alone, why didn't they do something like that?
Because drinking beer and judging the blondes made for better tv. Lol
I'm not saying it wasn't a bad accident. It clearly was a bad rollover where the top got crushed, but Kelly was the one who's helmet flew off and she was pretty ok, Tamra went to the hospital and was seemingly lifting weights 2 days later at the gym??

Would the med-evac have been called for if it wasn't this group of ladies filming a tv show? I mean, a helicopter to a hospital to be released 8 hours later and go home by yourself-2 hours in an Uber? Where were her real friends? Which is probably the more likely story of how she got home. I mean come on, Vicki has enough money for a real car service, not an Uber, if she was really stuck.

These women take limos everywhere, but she took an Uber home from the hospital?
I bet the real story is a friend drove Vicki back to OC, Vicki stayed at the friend's house and Ubered home the next day!
It seems the camera crew did not go to the hospital where Vicki, the helicopter would not let anyone in with her, probably due to lack of room. I was also wondering why Heather and Kelly didn't call for a car/limo/uber to take them to vicki. Maybe they were too hurt? They said they were banged up and sore.
I think Vickie exaggerated her neck problems for the show-this week was hardly a brace-next week-no brace
Vicki was in the hospital in Palm Springs I believe, and she lives in Coto de Caza which is over two hours away not including traffic. I'd think it would be difficult to find an Uber driver to take her that distance.
That Uber story is such a crock. No way do I believe that actually happened. And I have never had an ER give me a paper gown. Doctor's office yes, hospital no.

Weirdly enough I and members of my family have been at the hospital without clothes on 3 separate occasions (not all together 1 for me, twice for my mom, once for my dad) and in every single episode and in different hospitals we were given a pair of scrubs to ride home in. A paper gown is never going to work to sit down in a car and move around. It would have broken apart way before she got home.


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