~ The Real Housewives of Orange County ~ Season 12~ 2017 ~ JULY 10th

I think David stayed with Shannon to avoid giving her "half" and to avoid losing his children. I don't believe he loves her at all. Last season when he was yelling "I just want to be happy", was very telling....he is biding his time, when those kids are grown...bye.

There is no giving "her" half. Shannon is the one with the money and came into the relationship with the money. It was her money that started his successful construction business. He may be biding his time for the sake of their girls, and if money is concerned it would probably be Shannon worried about giving "him" half!
Ok, I'm a lurker...but has anyone seen that Vicki's new boyfriend is less than admirable? Go figure :rolleyes:

Didn't Brianna make a comment that her mom jumps from one one relationship to another, and she alway has to be in a relationship?
There's the problem, her desperation act has these loser's coming out of the woodwork and knocking on her door and she opens every time.
Honest disclaimer, I'm no fan of Vicki and my honest reaction is that I wonder how much of that was just her being dramatic and wanting attention.

But even if it was completely on the up and up, why would everyone get mad at Shannon and Megan for not going to the hospital? Her family and people that are actually involved in her life should be there, not people that are on a tv show with her that she doesn't even get along with.
I wish no one harm so I hope my initial thoughts are true -- Vicki was acting way more injured than she really was. You heard sounds of throwing up in Kelly's lap, yet Kelly was completely dry. She was shaking and moving her head repeatedly in the collar after they told her not too. And she stood up to get out of the vehicle! Life flight out, really? Hmmm...to me it reads suspicious.

Idk, maybe it's because I can't stand her phoniness that I see everything she does as a grab for attention. Like I said, I hope I'm right because I don't want to see anyone hurt.
Honest disclaimer, I'm no fan of Vicki and my honest reaction is that I wonder how much of that was just her being dramatic and wanting attention.

But even if it was completely on the up and up, why would everyone get mad at Shannon and Megan for not going to the hospital? Her family and people that are actually involved in her life should be there, not people that are on a tv show with her that she doesn't even get along with.

I agree with you 100% on both!!!
I wish no one harm so I hope my initial thoughts are true -- Vicki was acting way more injured than she really was. You heard sounds of throwing up in Kelly's lap, yet Kelly was completely dry. She was shaking and moving her head repeatedly in the collar after they told her not too. And she stood up to get out of the vehicle! Life flight out, really? Hmmm...to me it reads suspicious.

Idk, maybe it's because I can't stand her phoniness that I see everything she does as a grab for attention. Like I said, I hope I'm right because I don't want to see anyone hurt.

Yup I agree!!
Vicki is taking some shots on Instagram about pics of her on the Med-Evac, saying she was taking selfies. I'm with the posters above, she's just cried wolf too many times I guess.

It actually looks like Tamra was hurt worse, but she got out of the vehicle too. What's with these ladies??
Vicki is taking some shots on Instagram about pics of her on the Med-Evac, saying she was taking selfies. I'm with the posters above, she's just cried wolf too many times I guess.

It actually looks like Tamra was hurt worse, but she got out of the vehicle too. What's with these ladies??

Oh good grief, if you're taking selfies you don't need a life flight. What a waste of money, time, and work from professionals that could've been caring for someone truly injured.

Her narcissism is mind boggling.
Agree - Vicki was playing up her injuries. Maybe for attention, maybe because she's dramatic, maybe because she was in shock from the accident. But she was definitely acting worse than it really was.

But even if it was completely on the up and up, why would everyone get mad at Shannon and Megan for not going to the hospital? Her family and people that are actually involved in her life should be there, not people that are on a tv show with her that she doesn't even get along with.

I think Heather and Kelly's position was that they were 3+ hours away from the hospital Vicki was being flown to, and Vicki's family was also several hours away. Megan was less than 45 minutes and could have gone to be with Vicki until someone was able to make it there since Vicki was alone. I don't know if it's their place to get mad at Megan about it, but I don't blame them for expecting Megan to go. While Vicki and Megan might not be friends, I'd think that's one of those scenarios where you can table your disagreements for the time being since it was a serious situation (presumably).
Producers probably wanted Megan to go to the hospital so they would have an "in" to be able to get footage.
I just think alot of people commenting have never been in an accident. You don't have to be covered in blood to be badly hurt. Our daughter was in a very serious accident where they flew over a 100' over a ravine....she did not break anything but even with a seat belt on ended up jostled around badly and with a very bad concussion. She was so sore and in pain for weeks after.
Meghan and Shannon didn't need to be Vicki's friend to go see how she was at hospital, it is about getting over your pettiness and being there for someone who needs you.
Both of these women have had run-ins with multiple people on the show, their marriages are a farce and more of a theatrical performance then when Heather was wailing to Terry in the limo after the Kelly/Shannon debacle.....they are both just nasty women who are irrelevant on the show and really offer nothing but a very desperate undertone to all they do.
Yep, Vicki screwed up trusting Brooks but I really don't think she knew the full scope of his deception. Move on for pete's sake!!
Get rid of delusional, arrogant Meghan who thinks she is in such a loving marriage that she is bringing a baby into it even when her husband didn't want it and her nuttier-than-squirrel turd friend, "Crazy Eyes" Beador(?) .....still laughing over her trying to be all sexy running towards camera saying "you want to see these" or whatever and flashing her cleavage.... Oh desperado!
Regardless of what anyone thinks of Vicki, the EMTs thought her injuries were serious enough that she was med-evaced to a hospital a few hours away. In my mind, that means a medical professional thought she had serious injuries. I think that the actions of Meghan and Shannon were reprehensible. I think they showed an appalling lack of common decency leaving an acquaintance alone in the hospital while they played golf. You don't have to be BFFs to visit someone in the hospital, to show a little human compassion to someone who has been injured and is alone and frightened. Vicki took an Uber home in a hospital gown. There are no excuses for that. ( and, for what it's worth, someone from the,production end of the show could certainly have Ben spares to accompany her.)

Meghan changed her tune when she realized that everyone but Shannon was disgusted with her-- and I imagine she figured out how this was playing on TV as well. And I'm sure that when Vicki recovers, that candle that Meghan took from the supply she had at home will make it all all right.

She's a child in adult clothing-- a self centered know it all child.

And Shannon... well, if I typed the words in my mind I would get points.

I'm not a huge Vicki fan. But those two showed her less compassion than I would show an injured dog on the street.

Note to Shannon and Meghan: when someone is injured these are the words you say: "How can I help?" and not "You're only 45 minutes away." Oh, and learn how to read MapQuest if you're going to use it.
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I find it hard to believe that the production company did not send her home in a car, and that they are only saying she had to take uber home because they wanted to start drama.
Tamara is now singing a different tune about Vicki, and has said that Vicki was exaggerating her injuries.

I think that Meghan and Shannon should have offered to see Vicki, even if it was for a couple of minutes I'm sure she would have appreciated it.
The show makes these people look way more friendly and involved in each other's lives than they are. Except for the pre-arranged taping segments these generally aren't people who talk or hang out ever (there are a few closer actual friendships). They are casual acquaintances and coworkers. If I was in the hospital I'd only want family and very good friends stopping by (unless I was on a reality show trying to up the drama). I totally get why Megan and Shannon didn't go to the hospital. Megan has repeatedly said Vickie is not my friend. She's the only one who has been clear and not two faced pretending to be her friend to her face.
I personally think that Megan and Shannon weren't required to drop what they were doing and run to the hospital to be by Vicki's bedside. The three of them are not close, and Vicki was not dying or anything. Tamara was just feeling uber guilty about toppling them down the side of the dune and hurting people. Heather was over the top in her attitude towards Megan. She was practically bullying her to get her to bow down to her and apologize for not doing her bidding. Give me a break! Heather is a control freak. Heather cannot walk in high heels, it is comical. Tamara's face twists so many ways you can't keep up with her (and wow is she looking more like her mother all the time). Megan may not have a marriage that she wants, but it's her choice to stay in it or try to improve it. Who knows, maybe Jimmy is just not that comfortable around cameras and he actually adores her. Could be. Shannon is still the most real to me. She says what she thinks. She rarely waffles. I hope their family stays intact for the sake of the girls.
It's not a selfie if she didn't take the picture herself. Someone else taking a picture of her on the ground and sending it to her hardly seem like something to blame Vicky about.
I can't stand Megan. I find her childish. She can be very self-righteous. She holds others to a different standard than herself. She didn't want to go and didn't feel she should have, being she's so about people being honest with one another, she should have just said that. Instead she made up excuses and put the blame on Heather. That mapquest thing was just weird. I actually looked it up because I could understand why they were saying such different times. I got 2 hours and 6 minutes. I don't know why she tried to make it seem like they were closer
She was a jerk for saying anything about Tamra being reckless. She doesn't know what happened.
The other thing that struck me on last weeks show is when Tamra was at the ATV place buying helmets and thought Megan was going on the dune buggies with them and then made a weird face when Mrgan said her doctor advised against it. (She then said well she could have gone and sat by the campfire). I wasn't an overly cautious pregnant person, but no way would I think a dune buggy is safe when pregnant.

Can you imagine if Megan had been in that when it flipped?


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