The DIS Dad's Club Group W.I.S.H. Journal

I'll join as I really need some support. My wife is doing great and has lost 35 pounds now it is my turn.

Current weight-270

Body fat- Way too much

Desired weight- 200

Exercise routine? What is exercise? I walk about 10-20 k steps a day at work but that is nullified by my food intake at work, see eating habits. Need to walk the dog more and faster and Using exercise bands. i would like to ramp up to running.

Eating habbits?- I manage a McDonalds. I am going to refocus on the Diet i used when i got diagnosed with Type II diabeties. Watch the portion sizes and amount of carbs taken in. I have since dropped down to pre-diabeties and stopped meds now i just need refocus to get rid of it and my sleep apnea.

What we want to accomplish? I would love to work out with my kids as they do any sports in the future as well as have a long life with my family.

I'll join as I really need some support. My wife is doing great and has lost 35 pounds now it is my turn.
Welcome and glad to have you aboard!
Ouch...Managing a McDonalds? That's like a bartender trying to join AA...:eek:

But no matter. Just have to ramp up that will power and lean on us for support!
A little too quiet around here... I've been slacking a bit myself, but that's why we have this thread. How is everyone doing this week???? Any new news, ideas, exercises, new good healthy meals that anyone has tried????

As far as my situation is concerned, I've been working a TON the past few weeks, but things are slowing down now, so I'm hoping to have time to get into a consistent exercise routine and hopefully eat dinner at a reasonable time each evening.

On the positive side, I'm big on the seasonal fruits... In the summer I eat watermelon and in the fall I eat apples. I've been training myself to grab an apple anytime I start craving junk food. So far, it seems to be working.
I’m still here and still with the program (amazingly enough). I’m doing well on the portion control issue although this past Sunday we were at a party where there was way too much food (and I mean r-e-a-l-l-y good food), so I wasn’t quite as good as I should have been. I wasn’t as bad as I wanted to be either, so I guess it all evens out in the long run.

As for exercise, I’m still hitting the walking trails at least six days out of seven and have my distance up to a little over three miles in about a half and hour. I’ll keep adding to this gradually as I go and keep trying to increase the speed as well. Stamina wise, I’m considerably better then when I started.

That leaves only the scale issue. According to the “official” scale at work, I’m down another couple of pounds across the last two weeks to 220. That’s a total of seven since starting out on this process. Still nothing amazing, but it took me over 48 years to put ‘em on, so it will obviously take some time to ware ‘em off. I guess I’ll just keep plugging away. I’ve got a lot of work scheduled for the next four weekends; maybe all that activity will help things along.

OK, I will not eat more than one of the Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the conference room.
I have a huge bucket behind me that's full of salted peanuts in the shell. I keep myself at 1 cup or less a day. Of course, that's like 890 calories, but if I keep that in my "breakfast/lunch" category I'm fine. It's still finding ways to stop from eating at night that's my problem. At least I have some low calorie popcorn at home - that helps a lot.

OK, I will not eat more than one of the Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the conference room.

I will stop using my ID badge to scrape leftover glaze off the box.
I have a huge bucket behind me that's full of salted peanuts in the shell. I keep myself at 1 cup or less a day. Of course, that's like 890 calories, but if I keep that in my "breakfast/lunch" category I'm fine. It's still finding ways to stop from eating at night that's my problem. At least I have some low calorie popcorn at home - that helps a lot.

If you find yourself munching on a bag of chips in the evening, try slicing up a cucumber and putting a bit of salt on them. Salty and crunchy, just like chips, but much better for you.
If you find yourself munching on a bag of chips in the evening, try slicing up a cucumber and putting a bit of salt on them. Salty and crunchy, just like chips, but much better for you.

That's a great idea. I love cucumber.

OK guys I have to be honest here I started off trying to lose some weight but then just dropped it( nice job of keeping me motivated guys).
Now after packing on four pounds and eating like a pig i am jumping back on this wagon.Hopefully I can stick with it this time.I have never been a runner,however I would like to run a Disney marathon.So I am now officially in training to run the 2011 marathon.This will give me just over a year to train,and hopefully this will be my motivation to kick it up a notch and get in shape.

OK guys I have to be honest here I started off trying to lose some weight but then just dropped it( nice job of keeping me motivated guys).
Now after packing on four pounds and eating like a pig i am jumping back on this wagon.Hopefully I can stick with it this time.I have never been a runner,however I would like to run a Disney marathon.So I am now officially in training to run the 2011 marathon.This will give me just over a year to train,and hopefully this will be my motivation to kick it up a notch and get in shape.

Sounds like the perfect motivation! I've never been a runner myself, but I do envy anyone who has the courage to stick it out and run a marathon. Good luck!
ok dusted off the old treadmill and did 3 miles did it in 50 mins ( roughly 18 min mile,not quite up to marathon pace). After the treadmill I decided to do a 3/4 mile walk around the block to cool down.So in all I guess my first walk session was 3 3/4 miles.I like the treadmill the outside cool down felt good.!!!! I am working my way for the marathon.I can Do it I can do it, thats all I need to keep telling myself.
Almost forgot about this tidbit... I might have to take up running (or at least try it once next summer). My wife coaches volleyball at a small high school. The cross country team there is very good and historically has had a lot of success. The coach has complained that they are hurt by the fact that the only place they have to run is on flat ground around the school property. We live out in the country on a road that is seldom traveled. To the south of our house is a hill that covers probably 60 acres and juts up a couple hundred feet above the flat ground that surrounds it (there are actually 3 hills like this in about a 3 sq mi area, very uncharicteristic for the area). Anyway, they practiced for a meet in southern Indiana this year by running on the normally empty country roads and then going up and down the hill a couple of times. The coach has decided that in order to give his team a distinct advantage, they have gotten permission from us and our neighbor on the other side of the hill and will be practicing and hosting meets next year literally in my backyard. They will start on my property back in the woods and wind up and around through the woods and up and down the hill ending on the neighbor's property.

He's coming out sometime this fall to map out and measure for the course so that I can clear some brush and have it ready for them to run on when the weather clears next year. I've never enjoyed running (I played football so I always saw it as conditioning or a punishment), but I am kind of excited to get this cross country course mapped out and give it a shot.
I found a nice training page on here.its called "couch to 5k" it is a six week training ,that takes a couch potato like myself and gets them running 3 miles. I think I am going to start off with this. The site also has training for 1/2 and full marathons.:yay:
I think this motivation of running in a Disney race is going to work at the start f it I am on board,hopefully I keep it up.:yay:
Anyone else interested in running a race? maybe we can train together and share our progress.Then we can run a race together:yay:
I found a nice training page on here.its called "couch to 5k" it is a six week training ,that takes a couch potato like myself and gets them running 3 miles. I think I am going to start off with this. The site also has training for 1/2 and full marathons.:yay:
I think this motivation of running in a Disney race is going to work at the start f it I am on board,hopefully I keep it up.:yay:
Anyone else interested in running a race? maybe we can train together and share our progress.Then we can run a race together:yay:

I have been looking at the couch to 5K thing also....just got to find the time to do it...just like everything else!!
I found a nice training page on here.its called "couch to 5k" it is a six week training ,that takes a couch potato like myself and gets them running 3 miles. I think I am going to start off with this. The site also has training for 1/2 and full marathons.:yay:
I think this motivation of running in a Disney race is going to work at the start f it I am on board,hopefully I keep it up.:yay:
Anyone else interested in running a race? maybe we can train together and share our progress.Then we can run a race together:yay:

I think you’ve found a good goal to work toward. When do they run that marathon at Disney and how long a of a run is it? I don’t think I could ever pull off a twenty-six mile run, but I have a long term goal (very long term) of being able to run a 5K.

OK, my turn for a status update. Currently I’ve been on board for about five weeks and I’m actually down about ten pounds from a starting point of 227-ish to today’s weigh in at 217-ish. :thumbsup2 I’ve got to be honest. For me, sticking with the program has generally been about as much fun as having my fingernails ripped out while simultaneously being beaten in the groin with a spiked mace, but for some unexplainable reason (probably this goofy thread), I’ve managed to stay with it. I still don’t know of any trick or method to make it enjoyable so I’m just treating it the same way I do any other wretched job that we’re stuck with. Just do it and get it over with (and the sooner the better). I’m not doing anything amazing. For portion control I just cut out all the snacks, 90% of the sweets, limit myself to three meals a day (no exceptions :rolleyes1) with a little bit less then I really want on the plate and never go back for seconds (the hard part is ignoring the continuous nausea and stomach ache :headache:). As for exercise, I’m on the neighborhood walking trail at least five times a week and have built up to a three mile hike in about 40 minutes. I intend to keep adding a little bit of distance each trip and start alternating between walking and running until I can run the whole thing (at least that’s the plan).
Peanut Butter.

Weekly Weight In:212. I haven't been keeping a very close eye on it for the last few weeks with all of the stuff going on in my life, but I'm pretty sure I'm up about 6 or 7 pounds since we started this thread.
I know the reasons, too: stress eating and lack of exercise. Hopefully, the stress will start to back off now that DW parents have left and things settle back to normal.
I leave for WDW in 44 days. I'm going to be nice round 200 by then. Even with Halloween candy and Thanksgiving Turkey doing their best to derail me.
Peanut butter is a understatement!!!!!

Up to 234.
I tried to do the couch to 5k but my knee did not like the jogging part.So I went back to just walking.Just got in from my 3 1/2 mile walk did it in 55 mins so just at the 16 min/mile mark. I will continue to do some walking and am thinking of adding some sit ups.
Peanut butter is a understatement!!!!!

Up to 234.
I tried to do the couch to 5k but my knee did not like the jogging part.So I went back to just walking.Just got in from my 3 1/2 mile walk did it in 55 mins so just at the 16 min/mile mark. I will continue to do some walking and am thinking of adding some sit ups.

Jumping right into jogging can be pretty hard on the knees. I'd suggest getting a nice pair of walking shoes. Your joints will thank you.
Sit ups, push ups, etc are all good. You don't need any equipment, just a few square feet of floor space and a few minutes.
Weekly weigh in this morning and....back on track! Lost 2 1/2 pounds this week, and I'm down to 210. Finally got time to exercise. I didn't work on Thursday, so I took the kids down to the health club we belong to. Except I didn't "work out" as one would expect. They have an indoor waterpark, so we swam for about 45 minutes. We then played racquetball for almost 30 minutes (and if you've ever play racquetball with a 4 and 6 year old at the same time: there is a lot of running, ducking, jumping and just plain old survival skills needed:rotfl2:). Finally, about 40 minutes of ice skating. Yeah, I could have dropped the kids off at the child care area and spent and hour and a half on the treadmill, but where's the fun in that?


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