The DIS Dad's Club Group W.I.S.H. Journal

After that, you body will go into preservation mode and it gets a lot harder to keep losing (unless you're Lions Fan, then losing just comes naturally. But I digress...)


Now lets see if I can keep it up longer then a week or two.

That's definitely the hardest part!

I figured that with out a professional in here, we're just a bunch of fat guys talking about food. And we all know how that would work :rotfl2::rotfl2:

We leave in 3 hours for a wedding this weekend, but I was able to get the dogs to the dog park this morning - it ended up being about a mile hike though the woods. Now I just have to keep the food in check this weekend. Hopefully, I have all of your voices ringing in my head "One helping is enough." "Take the small piece of cake - that one with very little frosting." "And for the love of God, don't blow every thing you've worked for by finishing the kids' plates!" do that too, huh?

Well, I'm off to a slow start here, but that's mostly because I've been running around doing chores, packing, and getting ready for vacation. By the way, the Disney Dining plan is tailor-made for dieting and exercise, right? Well, at least I'll be walking a lot during the day.

That's definitely the hardest part! do that too, huh?

Well, I'm off to a slow start here, but that's mostly because I've been running around doing chores, packing, and getting ready for vacation. By the way, the Disney Dining plan is tailor-made for dieting and exercise, right? Well, at least I'll be walking a lot during the day.

You could always use that dessert to treat someone less fortunate at the next table and share some of the magic.;)
OK… Two days down and I’m still in the game. My DW even joined me for the walk this evening (two more miles in about 30 minutes… hay it’s a start). Between you guys and her, maybe I can stay with this. I actually climbed on the scales this morning (something I purposely don’t do under normal conditions). The one up stares said 217.5’ (which seemed low to me), but the one at the office said 227’ (which is closer to what the last physical came up with, so we’ll be going with that one). Well that’s the actual starting point. Lets see “if” and then just how long it takes me to get it below the 200’ line. :rolleyes1

On a side note: Is it just my “imaginary nation” or does the banner add at the top of this forum keep switching between the “Free Dinning Program” and the “Food & Wine Festival” for y’all to…
It’s a conspiracy, I tell you, it’s a conspiracy!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:
I’m still here, and I survived the weekend without doing any real damage or veering too far off course. I was able to keep up with the walking (even went out twice on Saturday) and kept the portions well under control (which is way down form my normal preference). The only snacks I got into were a fresh pear and half a grilled cheese sandwich (we needed the comfort food at that moment). According to the scales at work (which are harsher the ones at home), I’m actually down a couple of pounds to 225. A decent start, but I know very well that those are just the first of the easy pounds. It gets tougher in a couple of weeks. Well, I guess I’ll just have to keep slogging along. It’s odd but I honestly think that this silly little thread might just make a major difference in my attitude toward this whole thing. I’m certainly in a better frame of mind right from the get go. Thanks for starting this mess up and for letting me join in on all the “fun”. :rolleyes1
Weekend update!

I had a hot dog on Saturday, some fruit, gatorade, and LOTS of water. Then again, I was in the sun for 10 hours working outside. The 3 hamburgers I had when I got home didn't help but my 2,800 calrorie budget only had just shy of 1,000 calories used so I figured the burgers and fries (all homemade) were fine. That was on top of 18,250 steps all day.

Yesterday I finished the day at 2000 calories but I didn't do a whole lot. We had a coupon for 12 bagels for $6 at the Bruegger's across the street (just opened!) so that was our dinner. No cream cheese, just the bagels. Mmm... Barely broke 3,300 steps though - maybe it was the searing pain in my legs from Saturday. lol

Today looks better as I have nothing to eat at work outside of peanuts, cup of noodles and one packet of oatmeal. This is going to be a long 2 weeks until I get paid... Young Marines tonight so I know I'll be busy. I took some lean pork out so as long as my daughter doesn't fry it in oreo cookies I should be alright. I think we're doing stir fry before we go. Mmm... stir fry.

How'd y'all do?
Doing pretty well here myself. Portion control has been my focus and so far today and Sunday I did very well with that. We had a homemade lunch for a family gathering yesterday and I stopped at 1 plate and passed on dessert.

Now for the bad... my sister got married on Saturday, and my dad wanted to make sure we ate his money's worth at the reception, and I felt compelled to do my part. It didn't help that she had to have cake AND ice cream too. I was good though and stuck to one plate of food and one piece of cake. The plate of food was piled up a bit though :rolleyes1. I limited my beverages to 1 glass of wine (just for the toast) and then later in the evening, I had 1 beer. So while not perfect, I kept an evening that would normally be an epic disaster for a diet plan somewhat in check and didn't completely derail the train.
Now for the bad...
Apparently, the trick is not just about portion size, but not filling your plate with perfect portion sized parts. Dangit!

Oh, in other news, I had a beer on Saturday and while adding it into my calorie counter (because it didn't have a listing for Fat Tire) it blew a gasket because it couldn't figure out how to take the nutrition info. I had to manually enter it because the bar code pulled up a banana and, being a thinking man, I could tell that what I held in my hand was not a banana. :confused3 Maybe I'll figure it out later.

EDIT: I just signed onto (my calorie counter) and added it manually. I guess that means that other people can use it now. :)
sorry guys I had a bit of a setback.It was called the weekend!!!!!! We had a picnic for our Little League so sat didnt go to well,and yest was football so my eating didnt fair any better.
So my goal is to get something going today and caryy it out through the week and hopefully through the weekend
sorry guys I had a bit of a setback.It was called the weekend!!!!!! We had a picnic for our Little League so sat didnt go to well,and yest was football so my eating didnt fair any better.
So my goal is to get something going today and caryy it out through the week and hopefully through the weekend

Right there with you.
My weekend was rough - big family gathering Saturday night, then welcome home brunch for my brother/sister-in-law & early birthday party for The Bug on Sunday. And my scheduled return to the treadmill last night was delayed by sick kid issues last night. Bah. One thing after another getting in the way.

But I was back with a vengeance today. I ate well - even resisted the donuts that someone brought in to the office today - had a salad for lunch, and kept my portions under control at dinner. I even saved up a good chunk of calories for a snack tonight.

And I hit the treadmill hard tonight - 3.45 miles in my allotted hour. The next question is whether I increase the pace or the time.
Good day today. Ate well within my calorie limit (though I was pretty hungry for a while this afternoon). And I got my hour walk up to 3.56 miles.
I need to increase my activity. Only 2500 steps today.

I'm eating in parameters, it's the activity I'm having trouble with. Grr
I plan on starting back up at the gym tomorrow.:woohoo::woohoo:

Today would of been ideal except I had to bring my DWs car in for service. I finally made it home 3 1/2 hours later, so my window of opportunity was closed since I had to pick up my DD from school.
So any of you guys watching the biggest loser???

No, I've tried watching it in seasons past... just never really could get into it. :confused3
That said, I do have the Jillian Michaels workout iFit cards for my elliptical... good workouts, just wish I could mute the thing so I can listen to my TV and not her :rotfl2::lmao:.

Back on topic, I've lost a couple of pounds just by limiting my food intake and being more careful of what I put into my body. I haven't gotten back into a workout routine yet, but plan to do so after harvest ends.
Another good day today.
I'm well-within my calorie limit for the day, even though DW and I went out for dinner tonight. (It helped that I went with the side-salad, instead of sweet potato fries). And tonight, I did 3.62 miles during treadmill hour.
Another good day today.
I'm well-within my calorie limit for the day, even though DW and I went out for dinner tonight. (It helped that I went with the side-salad, instead of sweet potato fries). And tonight, I did 3.62 miles during treadmill hour.

Man, you are putting us to shame.

I managed to head out for a little over 3 miles tonight. Got something weird going on in the ball of my foot. I did back to back 3 mile days last Thursday/Friday and tonight was the first night it felt good enough to head out again. Checked my shoes and there isn't anything in them or under the insoles. I'm thinking it was because I was going out in the morning and then being on my feet all day. I decided to mix it up tonight and try going out after DS went to bed so that way I'm off them until the morning.
One of the biggest challenges for beginning just committing to it..

Remember this... "Tomorrow" never comes!!!!
Man, you are putting us to shame.

I managed to head out for a little over 3 miles tonight. Got something weird going on in the ball of my foot. I did back to back 3 mile days last Thursday/Friday and tonight was the first night it felt good enough to head out again. Checked my shoes and there isn't anything in them or under the insoles. I'm thinking it was because I was going out in the morning and then being on my feet all day. I decided to mix it up tonight and try going out after DS went to bed so that way I'm off them until the morning.

I REALLY didn't want to get up on that treadmill last night. But then I remembered that I'll be taking Friday and Saturday evenings off. So if I skipped last night, it would be three out of four nights with no real exercise. Once I hit the start button on the treadmill and got moving, the hour went fast. I'm finding that watching TV while I walk really helps me to keep my mind off of watching the minutes wind down on the treadmill display.

I also know that I'll be taking a full week off of the whole diet/treadmill thing just over a week from now while at Universal/Disney - though the walking may help make up for it some.
When we go to Disney I'm going to bring my step counter with me. I can't wait to see what that looks like.
When we go to Disney I'm going to bring my step counter with me. I can't wait to see what that looks like.

Been thinking about buying one... I've had a couple in the past, but they were kind of a pain to carry around and didn't seem to count right half the time (I could walk for a while counting my steps and the count on it would be off). Does anyone have any experience with them or know where I could find a good quality one that works well and is convenient to carry around?


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