The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

Sure, a few not so great things too,
I suppose that's part of any tasting menu/festival. Everyone's tastes differ, so there will be some things you love and some things... not so much.
To drive home the point that these are presented in a perfectly randomized order, let’s begin in China!!
Reminds me of the conversations we'd have when I was younger about digging all the way to China.
Sichuan Red Hot Mala Shrimp – $10.50
Pretty presentation. :)
We may as well begin with a winner and state boldly that this was perhaps the best dish I tried.
(Mik disagreed, but this is my TR.)
:laughing: To the author goes the right to make decisions.
My only beef was that is that it was shrimpy
A double pun! Look at you!

Sushi Donut
Never appealed to me. I like sushi, but... I don't care for the presentation.
while it was quite good, it was far from the best sushi any of us had ever had.
And I suspected that would be the case as well.
The fru-fru, sake-based slushie was NOT my cup of booze and while I did finish it, I didn't love it. I'm sure it was fine, I just should have known that I am still learning to like sake and have to choose carefully.
It does sound like something I would order, however.
If you’ve not had the pleasure of catching a set from Carol Stein, the Disney pianist, you have sadly missed out!
I listened to the whole set as I read. Thanks! Very relaxing. :)
Back to the bathrooms, because every good trip report needs to hit on at least a little potty talk.
Whoops! Looks like I've been failing at TR writing. ;)
(did you know some even sport some cool props?!)
Not really? Other than the Tangled Toilet.
how clean they are
McDonalds and Disney seem to have that in common.
most of us want a quiet, less people-y poopy place, no?

Butt... yes.
It’s perfect for all bathroom needs except that it’s also the blandest, non-descript, most aesthetically un-noteworthy bathroom in all of Disney.
Heaven forbid. A bland potty. Shocked you didn't hold it and race somewhere else.
The blandest, most non-descript, un-noteworthy, but aesthetically pleasing “Ratatouille” iteration. Between the 2 of us, we didn’t even finish it.
Bland like the bathroom??
It’s supposed to be baked IN the sauce, not the sauce poured on after.
That's... a major fail.
The Lemon Blood-Orange Tart was much better,
mmmm... that looks (and sounds) amazing! Lemon and blood-orange?? Hello!
Salt-roasted Beet Tartare with Pickled Vegetables, Parsley Salad and Béarnaise Aïoli (Plant-based Item) – $6.50
That sounds really interesting. I'd definitely try that.
Canada’s Kiosk, “The Masterpiece Kitchen”, often offers up heavy foods and this year was no different.
Well, sure.... how else are we gonna keep warm?????
Wild Mushroom Risotto
mmmm.... drool worthy. Love a good mushroom risotto.
Salmon and Cream Gâteau
Pass on that one. I like salmon, but this doesn't appeal.
(You’d think I’d know better about France’s Croissants by now, wouldn’t you?)
Crème de Brie en Petit Pain: Warm Creamy Brie in a House-made Bread Bowl
Speaking of heavy... that looks quite heavy to me.
Croissant à la Truffle Noir d’Hiver: Black Winter Truffle Croissant
Looks... cool from strictly a colour point of view, but... boring.
Couldn't have been that cold. She's wearing a tank top!
It’s fun to pretend I am rich and can sip champagne for breakfast. 😉

  • Blue Corn Pupusa-stuffed with Cheese and topped with Shredded Pork, Guajillo and Árbol Chile Sauce, Cabbage Slaw, and Aji Amarillo Crema - $6.50
That looks huge!
The papusa was moist enough
Hey! It's Liesa's favourite word again!
  • Mediterranean Flatbread with Za’atar Pesto, Artichokes, Roasted Peppers, Sundried Tomatoes and Fennel Cream – $5.75 from “The Mosaic Canteen”
We both REALLY loved this one. 9/10 for sure.
I like the looks of that one too.

Thanks for the food tour! :)
This is the way.
We're back from our trip and I'm slowly trying to get caught up. I love all your food posts. So many good things I have never tried and a few I have. I think my favorite treat in AK is the Dole whip w/rum especially on a hot day. My go to treat in Epcot is the caramel pecan turtle. I have to get one each trip. My DHS go to treat is the carrot cake cookie. I did enjoy the ronto roaster but haven't had it since 2019.
lue Corn Pupusa-stuffed with Cheese and topped with Shredded Pork, Guajillo and Árbol Chile Sauce, Cabbage Slaw, and Aji Amarillo Crema - $6
I had this and it was good! I agree the shredded pork was very tasty.

LOL on the bathrooms and the World Showplace one! I've been in there and while I remember it's THERE I do not remember any of the specifics so yes, must be fairly forgettable detail-wise. I think I've told you this before but............Steve favors the HBD restrooms for a very specific reason you mentioned :rolleyes1
If you’ve not had the pleasure of catching a set from Carol Stein, the Disney pianist, you have sadly missed out!

I haven't had the pleasure because I've never been to FArts, but I really need to!

  • Crème de Brie en Petit Pain: Warm Creamy Brie in a House-made Bread Bowl – $8.00

Oh, my…that looks amazing 🤤

I actually spent quite a bit of time here reading all of the little displays highlighting and educating about Mary Blair and her art with Disney.

I would totally get caught up here too :love:
I have wanted to try a Ronto wrap each trip and still have not tried one yet.
If it's for a lighter sort of lunch or you want room for other snacks and goodies, it's a great one to split. Except Andi is veg, so that may be tough. If you need a grazing partner, let me know. ;)

I love the school bread, I did have one this trip and it was really good.

I must have tried this one on an off day. I thought it was a bit dry. But then again, bread-y foods aren't my first love and I can take them or leave then. I can skip pretzels (wish they'd bring back the jalepeno-cheese ones they used to have- haven't seen those in a long while) too. I know... weird.

I think Kakigori will be on our list in June with the hot weather.

Always a good refresher!

I need to try the rice cream, sounds yummy!

It's NOT like pudding or cottage cheese in texture. I love it!


Well, I hope the 5 we had all feel welcome and wanted! LOL!! However, I will admit there were times my tolerance waned.
Seems... inadequate. Yet... I guess they're doing the best they can, under the circumstances.

My how circumstances have changed in the last 2 weeks.


Hey Look!!! It's me after 11 straight days of work.

Or after I've stayed up WAY too late at Disney and still want to hit RD.

This is too funny and I shared it on FB cuz it makes me giggle!


ohhhh... So maybe your DD could be the DD for the DDs? (Disney Dads)

I'm sure if they paid for her trip she'd love to.

She is very shrewd though and drives a hard bargain. She may very well insist on a Poly Bungalow.

Um.... ew.
Then again.
I would gladly bet that every single attraction in Disney has been puked in or on.
Isn't that a lovely visual???

I am positive of that. Some more than others.

About what??? :confused3

Alison, I was pretty sure you have eaten at and posted about a meal you had a the Docking Bay for lunch, yes? If memory recalls, you had the pot roast or something?
As long as there weren't actual olives in the vodka, this would have been my choice.

Nope, to olives. :) I know you are partial to onions.
One thing I liked about it was that when we got a drink (mine was wine so no melting) was that we sat down and chatted rather than just drinking on our way to the next destination.

Both have their times, places, situations, etc... It'd be great if BOTH options were ok so that if you're needing to keep moving or have a time sensitive destination (VOL Show or something) you can keep moving. Other times, I'm ready for a nice break and need to sit and enjoy more slowly.

I think I would rather have Mac n Cheese or pulled pork, but not together.

Here, here!! I adore the shrimp one at 8 Spoons, but given the choice again, I will order the chicken with a PLAIN mac and cheese with slaw.

That (Eggroll + Fried Rice) is one of my favorite meals at Y&Y.

The fried rice is MUCH better here than at the take out window. Never had the eggrolls at the restaurant though; I have gotten the dim sum basket quite a few times though. Love that!

I don't think I have a favorite AK snack. I have had the Eggrolls + Fried Rice multiple times, but that's not out of my love for the snack, mostly convenience.

There was a dish at Harambe once upon a time. It was a Chicken Tikka Masala and it was so good. Alas it does not seem to be there any longer.

Interesting! A convenience snack. Know what? That's EXACTLY why I got them last time too. They just aren't the greatest, but quick and fine and best part? Loads of nice seating fairly nearby to enjoy them. The fried rice is better for sure but on the bland side.

You are not the first person to mention their love for the Tikka Masala. Wish they still had it. Although was so impressed with the roast chicken at Flame Tree last time, I will probably stick with that for chicken. I do want to try the Flamingo drink PK talked about from Harambe though and maybe something will sound good to eat when I swing by.

You lost me at coconut milk....

You either love it or hate it. LOL!
I wasn't that thrilled with it. Then again I had it during the previews. Maybe I should give it another go.

I can see that the sauce, which is on the peppery side can and does turn some people off. And I think that the pork slice might also be different than some are used to. I just thought it was a great meal for a quick on-the-go meal that isn't a normal Dog, which on my Yuck List.

Now the Margaritas are a must, but I have never tried the Empanadas.

You MUST!! Run, don't walk, to the Choza near you!
I usually prefer reposado in tastings.

I like the more mellow, softer aging of the anejo. Time in this case is a good thing. But, I know that lots of folks like the resposado too and know that's what is used in Margs most often.

Karamel Kuche. We usually get a bunch of stuff to have in the room. My favorites are the Caramel Marshmallow swirls and Milk Chocolate salted Caramels.
I do remember that is a giant fave or your and Fran's. :goodvibes: I do like the choc-covered pineapple stick they have there. Mmmm!!
I found this restroom for the first time during our March trip and your description is right on point. It is a huge and boring bathroom.

The "most" in BOTH categories for sure!

My sister and I got to Epcot a lot later than planned due to the totally horrible and unacceptable bus situation at GF. So the only festival food I tried was the Beef Wellington. It was perfectly cooked, tender and delicious - a total surprise. :)

Okay, that just sucks! I think if you can prove you lost more than an hour waiting on transportation, you should get a couple of FPs or some other pixie dust cuz, and hour is LONG time sitting at a bus station. :( Esp if little ones are involved.

I always wish I was a bit more hungry for the "heavier" dishes like that, but it's either too hot for that or I"m already too full or I want to not fill up on one dish. I need to save those I guess for a REAL mealtime thing and just do it!!
I suppose that's part of any tasting menu/festival. Everyone's tastes differ, so there will be some things you love and some things... not so much.

I think I'm starting to learn what is likely to be done well and what may be more difficult given the remote kitchen circumstances. Still probably won't avert all dining disasters, but fewer and fewer are outright gross. Then again, part of the fun is playing the Kiosk Roulette game.

Reminds me of the conversations we'd have when I was younger about digging all the way to China.

You had those too?!

:laughing: To the author goes the right to make decisions.


A double pun! Look at you!


Once in a while.....

Never appealed to me. I like sushi, but... I don't care for the presentation.

Interesting! I think that's why a lot of people like this one and it's so popular. But I sense you are more of a purist (like me) and want the real deal.

It does sound like something I would order, however.

I do think you'd like it, although it wasn't an overly sweet drink. Kind of sour-ish with that def sake flavour!

Whoops! Looks like I've been failing at TR writing. ;)

:rotfl:Others say exploding helicopters are the hallmark of a good TR.


Butt... yes.

Heaven forbid. A bland potty. Shocked you didn't hold it and race somewhere else.

Some things are worth holding on to.

This is not one.

It is two.

Bland like the bathroom??

You caught that, did you?

That's... a major fail.

Really pretty inexcusable.

That sounds really interesting. I'd definitely try that.

It was SOOOO good!

Well, sure.... how else are we gonna keep warm?????

Very good point! Plus, gives you energy to outrun the bears.

Speaking of heavy... that looks quite heavy to me.

It was a real gut bomb. VERY heavy, but as long as she enjoyed it. I was happy with the 2 bites I took.

Couldn't have been that cold. She's wearing a tank top!
This was on the 2nd to last day when it was warmer. We did get 2 1/2 days of weather warm enough for capris and t's.

Hey! It's Liesa's favourite word again!

I use it whenever possible- just to make my co-workers cringe.
We're back from our trip and I'm slowly trying to get caught up. I love all your food posts. So many good things I have never tried and a few I have. I think my favorite treat in AK is the Dole whip w/rum especially on a hot day. My go to treat in Epcot is the caramel pecan turtle. I have to get one each trip. My DHS go to treat is the carrot cake cookie. I did enjoy the ronto roaster but haven't had it since 2019.
It's always such a process to get unpacked, caught up in real life and then settle down at the keyboard.

I got a Dole Whip with Rum at the Refreshment Port one year and loved it! So yummy and strong!

You are definitely a sweet treats girl! I got a Gideons cookie last trip and it literally lasted the entire week long trip. I ate a couple bites just before bed and that was enough. I've never tried that carrot cake cookie but totally should sometime!!!
I had this and it was good! I agree the shredded pork was very tasty.

For a QS, I was impressed!

LOL on the bathrooms and the World Showplace one! I've been in there and while I remember it's THERE I do not remember any of the specifics so yes, must be fairly forgettable detail-wise. I think I've told you this before but............Steve favors the HBD restrooms for a very specific reason you mentioned :rolleyes1

It was the size that floored me so much. So huge!

Ohh, I like those ones too. Always majorly quiet in those. I can say I too utilized them on my last trip just before the Cobb Salad/Apricot Sour extravaganza at HBD.
I haven't had the pleasure because I've never been to FArts, but I really need to!
You do!!! I think honestly it's my favorite Festival, although, I've never been to the Christmas one and would suspect it'd be way up there.
Oh, my…that looks amazing 🤤

The bread was soft and the cheese very smooth and melty, but so big!! Glad she ate most of it!

I would totally get caught up here too :love:

Really love the art history of Disney! And Blair is perhaps my favorite!
I did not order this one, but at some point I’d caught up with Mik who was making my TR heart proud by staging her picture of this:

  • Sichuan Red Hot Mala Shrimp – $10.50

I have a feeling that one might be too spicy for me!

Mik opted for the ever-popular:
  • Sushi Donut: Donut-shaped Sushi featuring Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, Cucumber and Sesame Seed over a decorated plate of Wasabi Aïoli, Sriracha and Eel Sauce – $

I would like that but I'd have to find someone to eT the Salmon part as Fran doesn't do sushi and I don't like salmon!

The Vegetable Gyoza: Vegetable-filled Spinach Gyoza with Tofu atop Mashed Potatoes with a Kamaboko Fish Cake, Pepper Strings and Tonkatsu Teriyaki Sauce – $6.00 was also quite tasty, but a bit spendy for 2 very small ones. I wasn’t impressed with the cost-value ratio on this one.

That sounds a little weird to me.

Pink Snow: Sake, Peach Schnapps, Cranberry Juice, and Calpico dusted with Snowflake Confetti – $8.50

Now that sounds quite tasty to me!

So, I stumble across the World Showplace bathroom for the first time ever, and I’m pretty sure my jaw literally dropped to the most boring brown tile floor on property. It must have 60 stalls in there and is positively cavernous!! Best part? There is rarely more than 1 or 2 others in the entire place. What can I say? It’s perfect for all bathroom needs except that it’s also the blandest, non-descript, most aesthetically un-noteworthy bathroom in all of Disney.

Where is this? Inside where the Odyssey was?

Remy’s Ratatouille with Eggplant, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Tomatoes and Red Pepper Piperade (Plant-based Item) — $5.00

I might give that one a try, and just pick around the Eggplant. Or even more so, I should do a test at home and see if I get the same reaction to Eggplant that I did when I tried it years ago.

Deconstructed Reuben: Rye Popover, Corned Beef, Gryuère Panna Cotta and Brined Brussels Sprouts with Broken Thousand Island Dressing – $6.75

That looks rather different than what I had the year before.

Wild Mushroom Risotto, Aged Parmesan, Truffle Shavings and Zinfandel Reduction – $9.25

Now that one was tasty!

Salmon and Cream Gâteau with Egg Yolk Cream, Paddlefish Caviar and Micro-Herbs – $7.00

Fran enjoyed this very much.

And that my friends, is a FArts Food wrap-up. Lots of things, some good, some great, some not so much.

There were some tasty things in there!
Alison, I was pretty sure you have eaten at and posted about a meal you had a the Docking Bay for lunch, yes? If memory recalls, you had the pot roast or something?

Michael had the Pot Roast. It was an "After 5PM" thing and we ate there in the day time. We had the overpriced chicken nugget.

Nope, to olives. :) I know you are partial to onions.

I just meant that the name of the Vodka was "Three Olives", so hoping that the Vodka did not include said 3 olives in each bottle of vodka.

Here, here!! I adore the shrimp one at 8 Spoons, but given the choice again, I will order the chicken with a PLAIN mac and cheese with slaw.

I wish I had remembered 8 spoons on my last trip, we went all the way from Pandora to Asia, totally forgetting 8 spoons.

The fried rice is MUCH better here than at the take out window. Never had the eggrolls at the restaurant though; I have gotten the dim sum basket quite a few times though. Love that!

I meant the take out window. I've only eaten inside a couple times. Fran doesn't think it's a good value.

Interesting! A convenience snack. Know what? That's EXACTLY why I got them last time too. They just aren't the greatest, but quick and fine and best part? Loads of nice seating fairly nearby to enjoy

Yes.....had I remembered 8 spoons things may have been different.

Although was so impressed with the roast chicken at Flame Tree last time, I will probably stick with that for chicken. I do want to try the Flamingo drink PK talked about from Harambe though and maybe something will sound good to eat

The chicken was really good. We had that on out last trip too!

I can see that the sauce, which is on the peppery side can and does turn some people off. And I think that the pork slice might also be different than some are used to. I just thought it was a great meal for a quick on-the-go meal that isn't a normal Dog, which on my Yuck List.

I just thought it was kind of bland. Although I saw people eating them the other day, and I thought "that doesn't look so bad, maybe I should give it another try."

You MUST!! Run, don't walk, to the Choza near you!

Well I have no plans to spend any time in Florida any time soon, so it will be a while.
I have a feeling that one might be too spicy for me!

It also had a distinct peanut flavor so to me resembled Thai more than Chinese, but hey..... I don't think it was overly so (spicy) but know that you hang on the less-spicy taste moreso than I do.

I would like that but I'd have to find someone to eT the Salmon part as Fran doesn't do sushi and I don't like salmon!

I would! That's my favorite part!

Now that sounds quite tasty to me!


Where is this? Inside where the Odyssey was?

No, this is the building somewhat tucked back after the UK Pavilion just on the right before you hit the walkway to the IG/'Liner/Friendships. A bit hidden but HUGE.

I might give that one a try, and just pick around the Eggplant. Or even more so, I should do a test at home and see if I get the same reaction to Eggplant that I did when I tried it years ago.

What was your reaction?

That looks rather different than what I had the year before.

I think they mix up the iterations of "deconstructed" dishes they do every Festival/year. I liked the one with the pickled onions better a couple of years ago.

Now that one was tasty!

Yes it was!!

Michael had the Pot Roast. It was an "After 5PM" thing and we ate there in the day time. We had the overpriced chicken nugget.

There we go!! I knew I'd seen a review by you!

I just meant that the name of the Vodka was "Three Olives", so hoping that the Vodka did not include said 3 olives in each bottle of vodka.

OHhhh! No, no olives in there.
Well, I hope the 5 we had all feel welcome and wanted! LOL!! However, I will admit there were times my tolerance waned.
That does tend to happen from time to time. :laughing:
My how circumstances have changed in the last 2 weeks.

And I saw (on another TR) that you're going again in September. Betting things will be much different by then. :)
Hey Look!!! It's me after 11 straight days of work.
Or after I've stayed up WAY too late at Disney and still want to hit RD.

This is too funny and I shared it on FB cuz it makes me giggle!
:laughing: Glad you liked it.
I'm sure if they paid for her trip she'd love to.
I'll see what I can do.
She is very shrewd though and drives a hard bargain. She may very well insist on a Poly Bungalow.
What??? Deal's off. I had her in just a regular suite at the Poly.
I am positive of that. Some more than others.
MS comes to mind.
Then again, part of the fun is playing the Kiosk Roulette game.
You had those too?!
But of course! Everyone did!
Well... maybe not kids in China...
Interesting! I think that's why a lot of people like this one and it's so popular. But I sense you are more of a purist (like me) and want the real deal.
I think...yes. Both points.
I do think you'd like it, although it wasn't an overly sweet drink. Kind of sour-ish with that def sake flavour!
I like sour too, depending on the degree of sourness, I suppose.
:rotfl:Others say exploding helicopters are the hallmark of a good TR.
Some things are worth holding on to.

This is not one.

It is two.
Very good point! Plus, gives you energy to outrun the bears.
You don't have to outrun the bears. You just have to outrun the other person you're with.
I use it whenever possible- just to make my co-workers cringe.


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