TEAM DONALD--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge

I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

Congratulations Beth!! So very happy for you, and I also would love to hear all about the plans as your making them.

A very quick good morning, and a big hug for everyone who is struggling. :grouphug:
Today is a new day, a fresh beginning, if you've had a rough day, week, or month, this can be the fresh start you need. Just drink that water, move a little more, say no to that chocolate, cupcake, or whatever is pulling you down. Spring is coming, along with the good weather that makes it easier to get out for a walk or bike ride. We can do this!!:thumbsup2

Have a great day everyone.:)
Good morning TEAM DONALD!

Have a little catching up to do here. I'm going to answer a few QOTD, make a couple of comments and call myself caught up. I have been reading all along, just not posting much as I've been in reflective mode. :hippie:

Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?

Short answer: nope. Long answer: Somewhere along this journey I decided not to compare myself with others, including my previous self, so I got rid of all my old things with tags I was saving for "some day." That said, I do still have my wedding dress and would like to fit in that again for fun. It might actually fit now I haven't checked for awhile. I also have my dress I wore to my baby shower. I can fit into that now (okay, it's way too big) but I keep that more out of sentimentality than anything. :lovestruc

This time last year, I was in the hospital unable to eat or walk. Yeah for health!:cheer2:

Linda, I'm so happy for you and all the progress you've made this year. :hug: Congrats on the trial! I have the same issue when I go to court -- after 20 years it would be nice not to get the heebie-jeebies when I go to court but I guess it is a sign of caring! :goodvibes

Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

I feel like I have lots of "before" pictures -- it's those "after" pictures I need! :rotfl: I love to look at other peoples before and after pictures, like yours Kathy!

Hi Donalds! Sorry I've been MIA. Tax season is upon us for sure. Good news is that last week was the corporate deadline, so I feel a little less stressed and my eye has stopped twitching. Funny how it went away right after March 15th :confused3 Anyway, I had a bad couple of weeks with eating, but hopefully when I'm back on the WW wagon tomorrow, it'll shock my body back to normal. I only put on about 1-2 pounds so I kept things in check a bit, but I did eat like crazy.

Glad that you are surviving tax season, Sue! :flower3: I hate the eye twitch thing -- I think it is much more noticeable to you than it is to anyone else.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

My advise to myself would be Don't let yourself go anymore than you already have!

I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

Best wishes, Beth! I'm sure that you will be a lovely bride! :bride:

He's being a real stickler about not wanting to eat out and I'm trying to convince him it's FINE to do, you just can't go out and eat junk. Didn't think it was rocket science but he's still not willing. :rolleyes: Anyone else have a straight-laced, stickler for a dieting pal?

Well, I guess a diet stickler is preferable to a diet saboteur! ;)

Shawn, I'm glad that you had a great time on your ladies week-end! :flower3: And so excited to hear that you may be coming home early. Any thoughts of the Princess in 2012?!? princess:

Buffy, hope that your day is better today! :flower3: Forgive, forget and move on. :hippie:

Kathy, I'm going to have to get up earlier so you can follow me one day! :rotfl:

Out of time for now. Will be back later to finish answering.

Have a great day DONALDS! :donald:
Congratulations Princess_reject :banana::banana::banana:

This week has been slow for weight loss for me but I got a bit of a boost last night.

I looked back on the papers from my physical I had done a few months ago.... my weight is listed as 249. My weight today is 227.4 :D When I officially started this and got a scale I was 234... so I lost 15 pounds without even knowing I was losing :D that makes me happy lol

and my MIL called yesterday and my hubby's uncle was down there visiting them and she said that he made a comment about how it looked like I was losing weight :banana: someone noticed :D yaaaaay lol

I hope you are all having a wonderful 2nd day of spring. it sure has been spring weather here... RAIN RAIN RAIN lol.
Thanks everyone for the congrats and the well wishes. We are super excited. I know that in reality, the wedding is at least a year out, but I am having a hard time working instead of looking at wedding ideas online :rotfl:

QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

I think the number one thing I have learned is that tomorrow is another day. So often in the past if I have had a bad day eating or skipped a workout, it would completely derail my efforts. Now I am making an effort to approach each day individually and do my very best, one day at a time :thumbsup2

So I have to laugh this week as when 2 of my coworkers gave up sugary treats for Lent I thought that would be a good challenge also (though I don't observe Lent) and all have done quite well- well the group we have in house at the convention center this week will be the DEATH of us... There are more M &Ms, Snickers and Skittles to feed an ARMY (and the rest of the Military!) due to having the MARS company here than we know what to do with... Sigh

That stinks when there is so much temptation around! My DFi can't stop drinking soda and every time he pours himself a glass I look longingly at it :rotfl2:

I hope you all have a great day!

QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?


My advice to myself 10 years ago would be DON'T SETTLE and don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things lol

QOTD for Tuesday
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?


Oh gosh... I've gotten such a wealth of info here I don't know that there is just one thing I can single out. it's all been so helpful to me on this journey but I'll never forget the support I've found here.
Happy Tuesday to all.

Thanks to everyone for the advice on my diet-stickler husband! I'm really not trying to get him to cheat or anything of the sort. Just wish he would loosen up about understanding that you can do things like eat out occasionally (not every night, like once a month) and eat healthy/make healthy choices when you do. I think he's got it in his head that all restaurants only serve double-cheeseburgers and large fries. :laughing: Thanks for the suggestion about checking menus online first; if he ever decides it's okay -- I'll be doing that before we go out. I had to tell him that it's okay to have a piece of cake when the kiddo has her birthday -- which is well over a month away -- ("not the whole honkin' cake, one small slice won't kill you to have in celebration of her birthday"). He was adamant that he shouldn't. *smacks forehead* I'm sure he'll come around eventually. :rotfl: Love him dearly, that ol' stubborn guy.

Missoutandabout It must be tough with someone who is so gunho but at least he is with you on it. I wish my dh was doing something to get rid of some of his weight. Maybe we wouldn't have the snoring issue.

Oh completely re: the snoring. Does he sound like a freight train too? Before the hubster and I lost a ton of weight many moons ago pre-baby, it was to the "wearing earplugs" stage, which is where it is now. Before we ballooned up again, I was able to sleep without earplugs. Even though we've been on the diet for about a month now, it is getting better already. I can actually sleep in the same room (with earplugs, mind you!) but I rarely hear him through them now. That's a HUGE change over how it was. Now, if I could just get him to stop practicing karate moves in his sleep ... :laughing: (or maybe he's not actually asleep?) :eek:

Huge congratulations on the engagement, Princess_Reject! Have fun planning... and picking out your dress! :yay:

QOTD: What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

This is such a tremendously positive, responsive and helpful lot it would be nigh on impossible to pick just one thing. Thanks to each and every one of you for making me feel welcome. :goodvibes
]QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

  • Food is fuel
  • If you knew it was this hard to take off, you never would have put it on in the first place
  • Own it and move forward
  • people are really on your side
  • Just keep swimming

:grouphug: hang in there!! I know those days well!! When everything goes wrong and the stress brings you to the edge! I have such urges to stress eat too. I just find myself standing w/ the pantry door open. Have a small snack, a yogurt, carrots and hummus, a few chocolate chips or granola bar if you need something sweet and 'sinful'. Walk away, get on the boards here, take a walk, read a magazine, go paint your toenails away from the kids in the quiet bathroom!

I did the multiple trips to the pantry, thankfully there is nothing left to eat!! LOL Every time I walked away with nothing.
I ended up packing my scrapbook stuff for my girls weekend and playing Tinkerbell on the DS. I just needed to do something mindless and keep my hands busy.
I think part of it was the fact that I had 3 home sick, had to run to the Dr. I needed to find DS14 a ride home from Track. It was a crazy day!!! Today was better but that was because I sent everyone to school!!
Also I have not worked out since last Monday. I really need that time to focus.
I will be so happy when DD goes to school full time next year!!!!

BernardandMissBianca Don't give up. Send them both to their room get a cup of tea and breath deeply for 5 minutes.

well...... there's the problem. all 3 boys share one room, it's a major issue in the house.

DS and I had a long talk last night after the others went to bed. I told him A) this is the only family you have, don't screw it up and B) lead by Example. DS10 hits DS9 because DS14 hits DS10. I don't want them setting the example to DD that it's ok for people to hit you.

and the house is a pig sty, they just don't get that I can't do it all. I shouldn't have to clean up after them all day.

Today was better. The house is still a mess but what can you do. Tomorrow will be better, DD goes to school for a few hours so I hope to get some stuff done while she is gone.
QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

The one thing that I keep repeating to myself is something I read back near the beginning of the thread "Hunger is not an emergency".

The first thing that comes to mind is "don't ever quit" !! Aside from that, I've received lots of exercise tips, nutrition tips, motivation tips and just read things on here that made me stop and think and consider something from a different point of view. I am far from perfect every day but it has really changed my life to find these challenges online. It keeps me going and gives me hope I can continue to lose.

Well, I have been totally freaking out over the news that we are probably moving back this Summer. Even though I have missed home so bad and had times when I hated it here, I don't think I am ready to go back:eek: Nothing is official yet but it most likely will be by the end of the week. We have been researching how to get DS enrolled in HS back home. It sure looks complicated. I am going to have to make some calls and ask some questions. We can not actually register for classes until we have an address there though. Not sure when that can be done. And, our schedule is very crazy from now until the end of April which does not help matters. Sorry, I know I am just repeating myself from yesterday. DEEP BREATHS:goodvibes

Atleast we got good news at the Ortho today....DS will get his braces removed May 10th. There is some follow-up treatment for 6 months after that. I was in such a daze I didn't think that we won't even be here 6 months from now:upsidedow Another thing to have to figure out and worry over ! DS has decided to pull out of the exchange program where he goes to
a German HS for a week. It was just too much following right behind the exchange program where he goes to Spain for 8 days. You'd think they would have coordinated that better. He is still going to Normandy with his BS troop the week after Spain so he will still miss plenty of school and have to make sure he makes up all his work...........guess who will worry themselves sick about that:cool2:

But, enough about me! Kathy, I forgot to tell you how much I LOVE your before/after pictures! You looks great:goodvibes

Buffy, Hang in there:hug: I know it must be a challenge every day, esp on days when 3 kids are home sick:scared1: Take it one day at a time, one step at a time. The small changes will add up:goodvibes
We would be moving back to the town we came from.

LTS, hope you are feeling better!

Miss OandA, good luck with hubby. My DH can be very stubborn, but in the opposite direction. He brings high fat/high calorie treats into the house. He thinks things like cheese, yogurt, ground beef etc are healthy and do not need to be limited. He actually told me we should eat chicken and rice at most meals if we want to lose weight.:rolleyes1 Good for you for supporting your DH. He may realize he won't be able to stay on track while eating out right now and may think that once he slips up he will be totally derailed.

Sparks, you are doing so well!!! Keep up the good work!

LisaH, YES!!! When we move back I should do some races. But, I will have to start with 5K, there's no way I can run 13.1 miles:scared1: Maybe the princess: one day.....

DisFam, sounds like you had a great and busy Spring Break and you are getting right back on track, good for you!

Dona, my DH is a LOUD snorer too! Neither one of us gets a good night's sleep most nights.

Pamela, your story about possibly moving to Ga sums up exactly how I feel. Also I'm just not ready to make another major move and major life decisions. I was ready to travel as much as possible this spring and summer and enjoy the new friends I've made over here.

Hello to everyone else:yay:

I did terrible today with eating decisions and I was only home for 90 minutes all day between 8:30am and 7:30pm. I need to nip these bad decisions in the bud and get back on track. For the past few weeks, I've just gone up and down the same 2 pounds w/o any forward progress. I need to get re-focused on my goals. First goal is losing 3 pounds to reach 30 pounds lost in total and that will also mark the reduction of my BMI from 37 to 32. I can do it !!!

:wave2: Going to try to get caught up before I go to bed.

But I am here now. I was just spent last night - physically and mentally. But I still got to the gym for the last appointment with the trainer and she mapped out a great strength training workout for me to do :cool1:

But I won the trial - a fantastic result for my client.:banana:

This time last year, I was in the hospital unable to eat or walk. Yeah for health!:cheer2:
Good for you for getting to the gym. Any good advice from you trainer you can share?

Congratulations on the win and making it through with a tough judge.

Sometimes it is amazing what differences a year can make. Sometimes good and sometimes bad, sounds like your changes have certainly been for the better!:cool1:

We (some swim families) had dinner at Applebee's last night and I was SO disappointed to find that they no longer have ANY Weight Watchers items on their menu.
Applebee's will no longer be my "go to" restaurant..... especially since the family isn't overly fond of it.
I looked at their menu online a week or so ago and was unimpressed with it too. Not much selection in the healthier options and I didn't really like what was offered. It sure seems like the pendulum swings back and forth doesn't it? For awhile everyone is offering Healthy and "diet" meals then they will switch to mostly unhealthy options. It seems like currently the trend is for the Set Price meals (appetizer, entree, maybe dessert for one price) and Unlimited Soup and Salad (and bread). I have seen that at quite a few of the chain locations.

Hi Donalds! Sorry I've been MIA. Tax season is upon us for sure. Good news is that last week was the corporate deadline, so I feel a little less stressed and my eye has stopped twitching. Funny how it went away right after March 15th :confused3 Anyway, I had a bad couple of weeks with eating, but hopefully when I'm back on the WW wagon tomorrow, it'll shock my body back to normal. I only put on about 1-2 pounds so I kept things in check a bit, but I did eat like crazy.

Aside from that DS hasn't been sleeping very well. I've grown accustomed to sleeping on the floor next to his bed just to get some sleep. I could sit in the chair and wait for him to fall asleep, but I've been so exhausted I just lay right down and fall back to sleep, which helps him too.
It is always nice when the twitch goes away! Now you can take the time and put some focus back on you and get your eating back on track.

Rest is an important part of your overall health, even if you get it on the floor! I was doing that a few weeks ago when DD was sick and needed to stay near the bathroom. I got us some pillows and blankets, and towels to lie down on and we dozed on and off on the bathroom floor.

We went to ds2's college yesterday afternoon. It was very nice to meet people who are in his life. Since it is the Catholic group on campus we knew it was going to be a nice group of people. We also got to meet his gf's parents.

Pretty quiet week. Have a meeting to go to on Wed night and I may have to miss yoga on Thursday for another meeting but other than that it is quiet.
It is so nice you got to meet your son's friends. I really like to know who my children are spending time with and many of them are my "daughter from another mother"!

You deserve a quiet week. You have been going full speed the last few weeks. Enjoy it! :goodvibes

We had a very active weekend (for us). I got the whole family to the park & we walked about 1.5 hours on Saturday, and 1 hour (but at a faster pace) on Sunday!!

Have a great day everyone! Sorry I don't post responses to individuals, I get overwhelmed by the volume of posts & can't keep up well. I know I will be really busy over the next few weeks too.
Exercise with the family is great for everyone! :cheer2:
Check in here when you can and keep us updated on you. :)

I think basically it would boil down to this....."You CAN do it!!"

** Happy "soon to be snowy" morning to everyone! Yup... we are schedule to receive up to 5 inches of "heavy, wet, pasty snow" (the weatherman's words) today! :scared1: Have I mentioned how much I HATE living up north??
I think that is really what we all need to try to get out of this -- You CAN do it! :cheer2:

Keep up the weather reports--I keep a list of different places in the US that I don't EVER want to live it and NH is moving up to the top of the list! phorsenuf posted photos a few years ago when she was still in NH of the snow up to almost the roof of the house:eek: and that is when NH went on to the list!

It's Monday morning and we are all starting the week with a clean slate. Do you need to get back on track? Do you need to stay on track? Now is the time!
What a great words to start a new week. I am going to put them in my journal.

I am confused....what does onederland mean???
Sorry, didn't mean to be confusing. :blush:

(And my real answer to the QOTD, I have a pair of jeans that I got 4 years ago when I lost a bunch of weight that I absolutely love and I hope to wear them again soon...I have been thinking about busting them out and seeing where I am.)

I guess I do have some pictures that have been taken of me at different weights, that certainly make me see what I was and what I am now. Maybe I should pull them out and post them for inspiration.
Post them! :cheer2: We would love to see them. :)

I have 2 pairs of jeans that despite being the size I am currently in are still too snug. I keep trying every few pounds. I think another 3-5 and I will be able to zip them without lying down (and breathe while wearing them!). :rotfl:

I would tell myself to put me first.

10 years ago I was pregnant with DS9, and DS10 was just and infant. It was not easy but I could have worked harder.
We are always much better parents, partners and friends when we take the time for ourselves. I saw a great speaker many years ago that talked about our emotional gas tank and how we have to take the time to refill our tanks because we do no good when we are running on empty.

Weekends have been killer since the hubster and I started the diet. We're so used to going out to eat with the kiddo. Now we're trying to find other things to do that don't involve eating! :laughing:

He's being a real stickler about not wanting to eat out and I'm trying to convince him it's FINE to do, you just can't go out and eat junk. Didn't think it was rocket science but he's still not willing. :rolleyes: Anyone else have a straight-laced, stickler for a dieting pal?
DH and I have been focusing on spending some of our quality time together going to the store and picking out veggies, planning menus, and looking at recipes. Yeah, we are dorks!

Definitely check out those menus when you go and decide ahead of time what to order. Then you don't even need to bother to look at the temptations on the menu-- just go ahead and order what you have planned.

Finding will power to resist temptaion is really one of the hardest things we have to learn. Have you all seen the thread on the Community Board about a woman post Weight Loss Surgery that is throwing away her co workers "junk food"? While her actions are extreme and out of line I can empathize with the feelings that she is wrestling with in trying to resist temptations and stick to a healthy plan.

I'm sorry to say I didn't manage a loss this week, but at least there wasn't a gain. I guess one-derland will have to wait one more week! :sad1:
It is still here waiting for you. :) No gain is still a great victory for the week. :cheer2:

Back with more later.
I am back from my Ladies Spa weekend and we had a wonderful time. I came home quite refreshed from the weekend away.

Yes, I bought a gingham blouse for the annual Spring Fest here. I really need to do some serious work quickly as it is TIGHT and the fest ends May 8th. It's tight right in my problem area-upper abdomen:eek:

Our life has been crazy since Friday. In addition to all of that, we had our huge PTA fund raiser last Friday night and I have trips to Poland, London and Amsterdam coming up in the next month and it's just been very hectic around here. I had to write it all down for DH so he could see what's going on. He only has to go back and forth to work and on the Amsterdam trip for Easter break.

And, speaking of work, today DH was told we had the opportunity to go home this Summer instead of next!!!!!!!!!!! I could be living back in the US in a few months!!!!!
WOW! Things are crazy for you all right now. But certainly take advantage of all you can now while you are there. Including getting into that blouse! :cheer2:

Happy that you had a great time away!:goodvibes

Not having a great day today. The boys are fighting, DH is miserable because he's stuck in DC, and I'm so checked out it's not even funny.
I'm ready to throw in the towel.
I thought I was having a good food day but man, the stress is throwing me over the edge.
I know I am late with this but :hug:. Just keep swimming. :fish:

So I have to laugh this week as when 2 of my coworkers gave up sugary treats for Lent I thought that would be a good challenge also (though I don't observe Lent) and all have done quite well- well the group we have in house at the convention center this week will be the DEATH of us... There are more M &Ms, Snickers and Skittles to feed an ARMY (and the rest of the Military!) due to having the MARS company here than we know what to do with...
Oh man! I would totally just be saying, forget it, pass the chocolate!

Well I've been away - more or less. It was our spring break. SO I was home all week w/ the kids, totally hormonal. we went out to the zoo, arboretum, planetarium, aquarium, museum of science, and then out w/ friends and lunch/playdates. School was back in today so I'm back on track and feeling good!

Do your best and tomorrow is a new day. Remember this is not all about what you do or mistakes you make in one day but rather over a lifetime. Mess up today - its fine! I screwed up all of sbring break , hormonal and home w/ my kids - NOT PRETTY - while out and about w/ bad tempations.

I accepted it and now back on track and have lost the couple pounds I gained.
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun for Spring Break and you did a great job getting right back into things.:cool1:

I did very little last night. I didn't even knit last night. Had a pretty good night sleep until 2:30 when I had to go to the bathroom. I tried to get back to sleep but dh was snoring a little too loud. If I am asleep he really has to be snoring pretty bad but it is hard for me to get to sleep if he snoring too hard when I am trying to get to sleep. I finally did and I woke up just as the alarm went off. Woke up not feeling tired and I am happy about that.
I use earplugs all the time for the last year or two. DH has a CPAP but still snores and keeps me awake. I am hoping that his weight loss will help that and maybe even eliminate the need for the CPAP.

Food is fuel, not friend!
Who knew that Finding Nemo would be such an inspiration to dieters everywhere! :rotfl2: Just keep swimming. . .

Today is a new day, a fresh beginning, if you've had a rough day, week, or month, this can be the fresh start you need. Just drink that water, move a little more, say no to that chocolate, cupcake, or whatever is pulling you down. Spring is coming, along with the good weather that makes it easier to get out for a walk or bike ride. We can do this!!:thumbsup2
Great inspiration to start the day! :sunny:

I looked back on the papers from my physical I had done a few months ago.... my weight is listed as 249. My weight today is 227.4 :D When I officially started this and got a scale I was 234... so I lost 15 pounds without even knowing I was losing :D that makes me happy lol

and my MIL called yesterday and my hubby's uncle was down there visiting them and she said that he made a comment about how it looked like I was losing weight :banana: someone noticed :D yaaaaay lol
:cool1::woohoo: Great victories! Always great to lose pounds and not realize it!

Thanks everyone for the congrats and the well wishes. We are super excited. I know that in reality, the wedding is at least a year out, but I am having a hard time working instead of looking at wedding ideas online :rotfl:

I think the number one thing I have learned is that tomorrow is another day. So often in the past if I have had a bad day eating or skipped a workout, it would completely derail my efforts. Now I am making an effort to approach each day individually and do my very best, one day at a time :thumbsup2
Awesome attitude. :thumbsup2
We want to know about all the wedding plans! I think I had pretty much everything planned the day after DH proposed! Of course it all changed but it was fun every step of the way. Remember to enjoy the journey.

Well, I have been totally freaking out over the news that we are probably moving back this Summer. Even though I have missed home so bad and had times when I hated it here, I don't think I am ready to go back:eek: Nothing is official yet but it most likely will be by the end of the week. We have been researching how to get DS enrolled in HS back home. It sure looks complicated. I am going to have to make some calls and ask some questions. We can not actually register for classes until we have an address there though. Not sure when that can be done. And, our schedule is very crazy from now until the end of April which does not help matters. Sorry, I know I am just repeating myself from yesterday. DEEP BREATHS:goodvibes

I did terrible today with eating decisions and I was only home for 90 minutes all day between 8:30am and 7:30pm. I need to nip these bad decisions in the bud and get back on track. For the past few weeks, I've just gone up and down the same 2 pounds w/o any forward progress. I need to get re-focused on my goals. First goal is losing 3 pounds to reach 30 pounds lost in total and that will also mark the reduction of my BMI from 37 to 32. I can do it !!!
Yep, keep taking those deep breaths and remember that in all that you have going on, you CAN do it. :hug:
:wave2: Only a few more minutes before bed and I am exhausted. I am really wondering if the money I make (not a lot!) subing is really worth it. My feet just don't have the strength and stamina to do it and I am in pain after only a few hours. My eating is screwed up, I can't drink my water, the kitchen is a mess, dinner is stressfull etc. Of course it doesn't help that today was one of those days that started with the lesson plan saying "Students will come in and do the work listed on the board" and the board was empty. :rolleyes: It didn't get much better from there, but the kids were actually really good. And the little ones I subed for last week were full of smiles and hugs for me when I saw them in the cafeteria and after school on the way to the bus-- made my day. :goodvibes

I need to remember to change my tickers tomorrow. Hopefully I will have some time. I am getting my hair done in the morning-- sick of looking at the gray!

I have to get moving so to finish up:

QOTD for Wednesday:

Continuing to think back on the last few weeks:
Is there anything that you have regretted doing or not doing since you started this Jan 1st? Do you plan to make any changes in the coming weeks?
Good Wednesday morning Team Donald.

Well it is snowing here in jersey this morning. We have it light and the roads are just wet. My student teacher is heading north for an interview. I hope she makes it okay.

Very quiet here. Tried to help dh with his schooll laptop. we couldn't do much since most of his programs are hooked into the server at his school.

Sorry I don't have much time to chat today. I will come on later when I have more time.

Have a happy and healthy day.
>>Is there anything that you have regretted doing or not doing since you started this Jan 1st? Do you plan to make any changes in the coming weeks?<<

Sometimes I hate myself for not "trying harder" but then I remember this is a marathon not a sprint and I need to enjoy the journey so if I skip a day exercising or eat something that isn't "approved" that I enjoyed then got back on the wagon it's all good. I also get in the "I've worked X hard and only lost Y lbs" rut but realize how much endurance and strength I have gained :)
Good morning TEAM DONALD!

QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

Never give up!

Well I've been away - more or less. It was our spring break. SO I was home all week w/ the kids, totally hormonal. we went out to the zoo, arboretum, planetarium, aquarium, museum of science, and then out w/ friends and lunch/playdates. I was eating out every day!!! I made lots of bad choices esp due to the hormones :scared1: School was back in today so I'm back on track and feeling good!

Glad that you survived Spring Break! :flower3: I bet there was a time in your life that you would have never believed that you would be happy that vacation was over! :rotfl:

Buffy, deep breaths! You can only do so much in a day. :flower3: Take care of Buffy too! :hippie:

LisaH, YES!!! When we move back I should do some races. But, I will have to start with 5K, there's no way I can run 13.1 miles:scared1: Maybe the princess: one day.....

:hug: for the stress, Shawn, even for a good cause. That is good news about the ortho -- we moved twice while I had my braces so it added about 18 months to my treatment -- it was not a happy thing for me! :rotfl: You can do alot more running wise than you give yourself credit for! :goodvibes (Remember I'm older than you! ;))

QOTD for Wednesday:Continuing to think back on the last few weeks:
Is there anything that you have regretted doing or not doing since you started this Jan 1st? Do you plan to make any changes in the coming weeks?

:hug: for your busy day and sore feet, LTS. It sounds to me like you get something other than just money for subbing -- that you like being around the kids. If you can get that on your own schedule and you don't need the money then maybe for now switching to volunteering would work better for you? I do think it is good to have contacts and regular experience, especially if some day you think you want to get into the workforce more regularly. Just my perspective as an employer.

This is the point in the challenge where I always wish that I would have worked harder, been more OP, and lost more than I have. I'm actually doing fine and staying on my slow loss track but I always wish it was faster! :rotfl: So when I return from vacation I will make sure that I am really OP and a little less likely to go a little off plan and see if that moves things along. :rolleyes:

Have a happy and healthy day.

You too, dona! :flower3:

Have a great day DONALDS! :donald:
Not having a great day today. The boys are fighting, DH is miserable because he's stuck in DC, and I'm so checked out it's not even funny.
I'm ready to throw in the towel.
I thought I was having a good food day but man, the stress is throwing me over the edge.

Sorry I wasn't around while this was going on. Wish I could remember what I used to do when my kids were younger and driving me nuts.... oh wait.,... they were just fighting and driving me nuts an hour ago!!:rotfl: Yup.... fighting like little kids this morning. Usually DS is out the door before DD even gets up.... but she had a Latin Honor Society meeting this morning, so I was driving them both in together..... OH MAN! Bickering over the stupidest things. I usually try to remind them when they act like that that they are being selfish.... that they aren't giving ANY thought to how the fighting is bothering me, or how they are fighting over selfish things.... like whose Ipod was charging or who was in whose way!!! DUMB STUFF!! It is selfish because all they are thinking of is what is important to THEM... why THEY should have _______________ instead of sibling.

I agree..... put on a movie, make a cup of tea and take it to your bedroom, close the door, grab a magazine, and chill for 15 minutes!!

I know your house is small, but is there any way that they could each have a small space to themselves for an hour?? I used to send DS up to my room to watch tv or play... and then let DD have the computer or the downstairs tv for an hour.

How about a craft project? They could make Easter cards maybe??

Not feeling good today. My hip is hurting so bad I am having trouble sitting and stomach is not happy so have spent most of the day lying down in front of the TV to keep my leg straight.

I'm sorry.:hug:

QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

The one thing that I keep repeating to myself is something I read back near the beginning of the thread "Hunger is not an emergency".

Funny.... I just quoted that to someone yesterday!!!

What sticks with me the most, besides that, is "I WILL NOT QUIT!" It seems so basic.... but so vital!

I'll ditto that one-

So I have to laugh this week as when 2 of my coworkers gave up sugary treats for Lent I thought that would be a good challenge also (though I don't observe Lent) and all have done quite well- well the group we have in house at the convention center this week will be the DEATH of us... There are more M &Ms, Snickers and Skittles to feed an ARMY (and the rest of the Military!) due to having the MARS company here than we know what to do with... Sigh

Who invited those people???:lmao: Honestly.... is there any way to politely ask them to keep the treats out of sight? And I don't know about you, but for me it has to be a "DON'T EVEN START" mentality. One M&M always brings along friends!!!

Well I've been away - more or less. It was our spring break. SO I was home all week w/ the kids, totally hormonal. we went out to the zoo, arboretum, planetarium, aquarium, museum of science, and then out w/ friends and lunch/playdates. I was eating out every day!!! I made lots of bad choices esp due to the hormones :scared1: School was back in today so I'm back on track and feeling good!
Bolded part is the MOST IMPORTANT part! That is what will keep you successful on this journey!!

Good Tuesday morning Team Donald. Our last few days as our own team. I will miss being Team Donald but I have a lot of friends on the other thread that I miss. You will enjoy meeting them.

I did very little last night. I didn't even knit last night. Had a pretty good night sleep until 2:30 when I had to go to the bathroom. I tried to get back to sleep but dh was snoring a little too loud. If I am asleep he really has to be snoring pretty bad but it is hard for me to get to sleep if he snoring too hard when I am trying to get to sleep. I finally did and I woke up just as the alarm went off. Woke up not feeling tired and I am happy about that. I didn't work out this morning so I need to make time for it this afternoon.

I agree.... our new Team Donald friends will SO enjoy meeting our old Team Mickey friends! I can't wait to have the whole group on here again!!! Rose, and Cam and CC and Tracey..... too many to name!!

Congratulations Princess_reject :banana::banana::banana:

This week has been slow for weight loss for me but I got a bit of a boost last night.

I looked back on the papers from my physical I had done a few months ago.... my weight is listed as 249. My weight today is 227.4 :D When I officially started this and got a scale I was 234... so I lost 15 pounds without even knowing I was losing :D that makes me happy lol
Wow! That is super news! Make sure you take credit for the entire loss!

My advice to myself 10 years ago would be DON'T SETTLE and don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things lol

I had to tell him that it's okay to have a piece of cake when the kiddo has her birthday -- which is well over a month away -- ("not the whole honkin' cake, one small slice won't kill you to have in celebration of her birthday"). He was adamant that he shouldn't. *smacks forehead* I'm sure he'll come around eventually. :rotfl: Love him dearly, that ol' stubborn guy.

Okay.... I don't want to be harsh here..... but if your DH feels like he doesn't want or can't handle a piece of birthday cake.... then he does not need to have one. DD will still have her birthday and she can still know that Daddy loves her..... even without him eating cake.

I know that I would be very resentful if DH insisted that I HAD to have a piece of cake for any reason.

Haven't you ever been in a situation before where you are trying to resist something..... to be "good"... and some meddling relative keeps saying "come on.... just one piece.... it can't hurt!" ??? I HATE being in that situation.

If you really want to be supportive of DH, perhaps you could make something special for him to enjoy that day... maybe an angel food cake trifle or something else light.

I hope you don't think I'm picking on you..... but I can really understand where your DH is coming from.

]QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

  • Food is fuel
  • If you knew it was this hard to take off, you never would have put it on in the first place
  • Own it and move forward
  • people are really on your side
  • Just keep swimming

I did the multiple trips to the pantry, thankfully there is nothing left to eat!! LOL Every time I walked away with nothing.
I ended up packing my scrapbook stuff for my girls weekend and playing Tinkerbell on the DS. I just needed to do something mindless and keep my hands busy.
I think part of it was the fact that I had 3 home sick, had to run to the Dr. I needed to find DS14 a ride home from Track. It was a crazy day!!! Today was better but that was because I sent everyone to school!!
Also I have not worked out since last Monday. I really need that time to focus.
I will be so happy when DD goes to school full time next year!!!!

well...... there's the problem. all 3 boys share one room, it's a major issue in the house.

DS and I had a long talk last night after the others went to bed. I told him A) this is the only family you have, don't screw it up and B) lead by Example. DS10 hits DS9 because DS14 hits DS10. I don't want them setting the example to DD that it's ok for people to hit you.

and the house is a pig sty, they just don't get that I can't do it all. I shouldn't have to clean up after them all day.

Today was better. The house is still a mess but what can you do. Tomorrow will be better, DD goes to school for a few hours so I hope to get some stuff done while she is gone.

First of all..... love your list.... especially the bolded item. I know many of us have trouble with that.

Second....:hug: Sorry that things have been so nutty lately. Wish I had some words of advise..... but I think that everything you said to DS was spot-on!

About the pig-sty..... I have had to lower my standards tremendously... that is the only way I keep from going bonkers! The "normal" me would have a very clean house.... well picked up and ship-shape... not immaculate, but very neat and clean.

The "real life" me tolerates books on the floor in the office, overflowing paperwork drawers (DH's papers... not mine!), Legos on the dining room table (despite the fact that he has an entire Lego ROOM!), and a DD bathroom that is absolutely :scared1:. I could literally spend all day, every day, picking up after my family and trying to keep the house the way I would like it.... but I would just make myself nuts and end up resentful. So I tolerate messes where I can (like the office), and ride a hard line on things that really bother me (dirty dishes left around, school work all over the kitchen, newspapers on the floor in the living room). It has taken me a LONG TIME to try to get past the anger and resentment.... and some people might think that I am caving in and allowing my kids (and DH) to be slobs.... but this is a battle where I am trying to create peace, not a proven "winner" (and trying to preserve my own sanity!!).

The first thing that comes to mind is "don't ever quit" !! Aside from that, I've received lots of exercise tips, nutrition tips, motivation tips and just read things on here that made me stop and think and consider something from a different point of view. I am far from perfect every day but it has really changed my life to find these challenges online. It keeps me going and gives me hope I can continue to lose.

Well, I have been totally freaking out over the news that we are probably moving back this Summer. Even though I have missed home so bad and had times when I hated it here, I don't think I am ready to go back:eek: Nothing is official yet but it most likely will be by the end of the week. We have been researching how to get DS enrolled in HS back home. It sure looks complicated. I am going to have to make some calls and ask some questions. We can not actually register for classes until we have an address there though. Not sure when that can be done. And, our schedule is very crazy from now until the end of April which does not help matters. Sorry, I know I am just repeating myself from yesterday. DEEP BREATHS:goodvibes

Atleast we got good news at the Ortho today....DS will get his braces removed May 10th. There is some follow-up treatment for 6 months after that. I was in such a daze I didn't think that we won't even be here 6 months from now:upsidedow Another thing to have to figure out and worry over ! DS has decided to pull out of the exchange program where he goes to
a German HS for a week. It was just too much following right behind the exchange program where he goes to Spain for 8 days. You'd think they would have coordinated that better. He is still going to Normandy with his BS troop the week after Spain so he will still miss plenty of school and have to make sure he makes up all his work...........guess who will worry themselves sick about that.

Crazy, crazy, crazy!!

You need to make a decision TODAY that all of this is NOT going to derail you! Keep telling yourself that all of this craziness and stress is NOT an excuse to eat!

When DH was hospitalized last November, I know my "old me" reaction would have been to comfort eat (after that initial period of "can't eat, too scared" wore off). I was sleeping in a hospital waiting room, living off cafeteria food and such, simultaneously bored and overstressed and overstimulated.... overtired, crying, YOU NAME IT. It was a recipe for food-disaster. But I told myself, from minute one (okay.... maybe minute two), that I was NOT going to use it as an excuse to eat poorly. I made the BEST choices possible in most every situation. I searched the cafeteria and little sandwich shop to find the best possible options. I asked at Au Bon Pain for egg whites on multigrain, even though it wasn't on the menu.... and I got it. I had oatmeal with raisins and skim milk in the cafeteria instead of pastries. When I went to the sandwich shop at 9 pm for dinner after a crazy evening, I was SO TEMPTED by the baked goods..... but I had a half a turkey sandwich on whole wheat... and a bag of Baked Lay's for a treat.

EVERY DAY was a chance to blow it.... and (nearly) every day I had to tell myself that the "stress du jour" was NOT going to be an excuse to overeat. In fact..... it was the ONE THING I COULD control. I couldn't control DH's injuries, surgery, or recovery. But I COULD control my reaction to it.

That is all you can probably do right now.... control your reaction to all of this craziness. It WILL all work out, I promise!

Try to relax and enjoy your remaining time there. :hug:

I looked at their menu online a week or so ago and was unimpressed with it too. Not much selection in the healthier options and I didn't really like what was offered. It sure seems like the pendulum swings back and forth doesn't it? For awhile everyone is offering Healthy and "diet" meals then they will switch to mostly unhealthy options. It seems like currently the trend is for the Set Price meals (appetizer, entree, maybe dessert for one price) and Unlimited Soup and Salad (and bread). I have seen that at quite a few of the chain locations..

Seems to be that way around here too. Over the years I have found that I can usually find SOMETHING most anywhere we go.... especially if I am willing to be outspoken and order it customized. But honestly.... why do they make it so tough??

Keep up the weather reports--I keep a list of different places in the US that I don't EVER want to live it and NH is moving up to the top of the list! phorsenuf posted photos a few years ago when she was still in NH of the snow up to almost the roof of the house:eek: and that is when NH went on to the list.

GIven the choice I wouldn't live here either!!:laughing: DH and I are both originally from MA. And I was always open for moving SOUTH.... but when he told me, six months before our wedding, that we were moving NORTH.... well, I wasn't thrilled.... and here we still are, 19 years later!! I told the kids that they MUST move away after college to a warm climate so we don't have any excuse to keep us here!!

DH and I have been focusing on spending some of our quality time together going to the store and picking out veggies, planning menus, and looking at recipes. Yeah, we are dorks!

I think that sounds GREAT! I would love some suggestions from DH about what HEALTHIER meals he might enjoy..... that said, I'm a bit of a control freak about my shopping and menus.... so no other help please!!;) I've seen what the budget and pantry look like when DH goes shopping!!:eek:

Finding will power to resist temptaion is really one of the hardest things we have to learn. Have you all seen the thread on the Community Board about a woman post Weight Loss Surgery that is throwing away her co workers "junk food"? While her actions are extreme and out of line I can empathize with the feelings that she is wrestling with in trying to resist temptations and stick to a healthy plan.

I haven't seen it, but I might go looking for it. Is she doing it because she is too tempted by their foods, or because she wants them to be healthier?

I must admit, I kind of get it (if it is because she wants them healthier). I have a thread here that I have had to just IGNORE because I want to make a comment about healthier eating that might not be appreciated. I mean it with the best of intentions, but try as I might, I can't think of a way to say what I want without sounding SNARKY.... so I'm trying HARD to keep my cyber-mouth SHUT!

Honestly though.... I can't imagine throwing away other people's food because I was tempted.... it ISN'T MY FOOD!! I shouldn't eat it NO MATTER WHAT!!:sad2:

I use earplugs all the time for the last year or two. DH has a CPAP but still snores and keeps me awake. I am hoping that his weight loss will help that and maybe even eliminate the need for the CPAP.

Weight loss could definitely eliminate the need for the CPAP! That would be great!

I am THOROUGHLY convinced that DH needed a CPAP in the past. This fall I was VERY concerned about his sleeping/breathing. And he was ALWAYS exhausted. He would nap in his chair every weekend.... even if he slept until 11 am that morning and did NOTHING but watch TV. A year ago Christmas day.... it seemed like it was all he could do to stay awake to watch the kids open their gifts that morning. He kept dosing off and I would have to wake him up. It was both scary and ANNOYING as HECK!!

But since his accident and subsequent weight loss, the snoring has stopped and his breathing pattern while sleeping seems much more normal. He still sleeps to much.... he is like a teenager. If I don't wake him up on the weekends, he'll sleep until noon and then stay up until 2 am watching tv. Not particulary conducive to a nice family weekend.:headache: I understand that I am a morning person and he is a night owl.... but sleeping till noon just seems absolutely FOOLISH and immature to me. But I'm ranting now.

QOTD for Wednesday:

Continuing to think back on the last few weeks:
Is there anything that you have regretted doing or not doing since you started this Jan 1st? Do you plan to make any changes in the coming weeks?

The only regret I might have is that I really let my exercising slide this winter. It started when DH was in the hospitaland things were crazy.... then it was Christmas and DH was home and VNA was coming, and PT was coming....etc. But I didn't get right back on it when I should have. That said, I've gotten back into the "routine" in the past few weeks and things are back on track!!

**Happy Wednesday morning friends! I've just got a few minutes to chat. I was just letting breakfast digest while I caught up here and then I am hitting the TM. Normally Wednesday would be a "Y" workout night, but I have some errands to run, so I will workout here at home today, since I am not working, and then do my errands tonight after I drop DD at the Y.

I had a good workout at the Y last night, but never made it on the rowing machine. There are only two of them and there was a guy and a girl who were taking turns working out on one and just sitting on the other one. I wasn't feeling aggressive enough to ask them to sit somewhere else.... so I just skipped it. NBD, I suppose.

Remember that bout of "tendonitis" I had in my right hand a few weeks ago?? I think it is returning today, in another finger. My middle finger, middle knuckle is swollen and sore today. I'm hoping that maybe I just whacked it on something and I don't remember doing it. It doesn't seem to be progressing as quickly as the pinky finger did.... maybe it won't be as bad. But honestly.... am I supposed to be falling apart at the tender age of 46??:laughing: I have a physical scheduled for a few weeks from now. I am startig to make a list of things to get checked out! That must mean I'm old!!

Well.... I need to get moving! TM time... then laundry, empty the dishwasher, make the beds, etc, etc, etc! TTYL.....................P
Kathy, I'm going to have to get up earlier so you can follow me one day!
:rotfl2:today is that day, but remember even though I post a few minutes before you, you are up 3 hours before me in your time zone.

My advice to myself 10 years ago would be DON'T SETTLE and don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things lol
:rotfl2:Love this.

lovetoscrap;40429141[COLOR="Red" said:
QOTD for Wednesday:[/COLOR]
Continuing to think back on the last few weeks:
Is there anything that you have regretted doing or not doing since you started this Jan 1st? Do you plan to make any changes in the coming weeks?
I have regretted multiple food choices over the past challenge, and know if i had made different choices, I would have lost more weight so far, but I don't beat myself up over it, and I start fresh after I've gone off track. No real changes, but as time goes on, I hope to veer off track less in the future, and get back to tracking faithfully.

QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?
I am not alone. The support, inspiration, friendship here is wonderful, and whether I'm having a good or bad day, there is always someone here to cheer me on, give me a hug, or encourage me to not give up. I feel so lucky to have found this group.:hug:

Good morning everyone!!
I got out for a 3 mile run walk this morning, and last night we went to the park for some tennis, but while running this morning, I thought, why did I eat 2 bowls of goldfish crackers last night? I probably didn't even burn them off while I was running. If I hadn't eaten them, the calories I was burning would be burning off some fat and weight. I'm going to try and remember that when I am looking for something to eat, especially at night. And I need to get back to journalling again. I do so much better when I do, but I've been slacking.

Shawn- Wow, you have so much going on, and I can imagine it is all so overwhelming. If you had known you would be leaving this summer, you would have already started planning and organizing, and I'm sure it's a huge surprise and stress. I am a big believer that thing happen for a reason, and I'm sure once you get home, you will be so happy. That's great ds will get his braces off before you leave. Hang in there, relieve that stress with exercise, not eating, and sending pixie dust that all goes smoothly for you all. :hug:

Pamela-:hug: So sorry you got more snow. I am so done with winter, and I can only imagine that you are too. You did pop in my head, over the weekend, but someone else was there with some devil ears on telling me louder than you that since my brother is coming this weekend, I don't really need to clean this weekend, since it will just get dirty again, so leave it til wednesday.:rotfl2: So today is wednesday, and I get out of work early, and I will get moving today.:rotfl2: I'm such a procrastinator. Hope your week is going smoothly, and the snow misses you tomorrow. I keep seeing the trial from Mont Vernon on the news, and wonder if you are near there. An old friend of mine was friends with the woman who was killed, and when I see that boy talking so coldly about what he did it makes me sick. That poor, poor husband and daughter. I just can't imagine. So sad.

Buffy :hug: I think you should make your girls scrapping weekend in to a week at least. You so deserve a break. I hope you get away, relax, and really are able to feel rested and refreshed.

LTS- Hope you are feeling better. I was shocked how little subs get paid here too. You've had some great questions this week. Thanks for coaching.

DVCcruiser- Glad things are settling down for you, Sue. I already coached a week this challenge, so if you want to take my week at the end of april to coach, that would be fine. We could split it too, if that is better for you. Enjoy the freaking snow tomorrow.:headache:

Hello to everyone I've missed. Off to that thing called work that really interferes with my dis-ing.

Have a wonderful day!!:)
Good morning Donalds! :goodvibes Almost to the end of the week... chugga, chugga. We're gettin' there, slowly but surely.

Miss OandA, good luck with hubby. My DH can be very stubborn, but in the opposite direction. He brings high fat/high calorie treats into the house. He thinks things like cheese, yogurt, ground beef etc are healthy and do not need to be limited. He actually told me we should eat chicken and rice at most meals if we want to lose weight.:rolleyes1 Good for you for supporting your DH. He may realize he won't be able to stay on track while eating out right now and may think that once he slips up he will be totally derailed.

Yikes! I've got the opposite problem, indeed. My hubby -- who refuses to read the book on the diet we're following -- needs to be convinced of what he's allowed to eat. Then he'd argue that we shouldn't be eating certain things (like legumes, for instance) which are "allowed foods." I then tell him to read the book if he doesn't believe me. He's probably recalling our old diet which was far more restricted in what we were allowed to eat. I'm really unsure what his deal is with being so stubborn; I know his willpower far exceeds mine!

DH and I have been focusing on spending some of our quality time together going to the store and picking out veggies, planning menus, and looking at recipes. Yeah, we are dorks!

Definitely check out those menus when you go and decide ahead of time what to order. Then you don't even need to bother to look at the temptations on the menu-- just go ahead and order what you have planned.

Finding will power to resist temptaion is really one of the hardest things we have to learn. Have you all seen the thread on the Community Board about a woman post Weight Loss Surgery that is throwing away her co workers "junk food"? While her actions are extreme and out of line I can empathize with the feelings that she is wrestling with in trying to resist temptations and stick to a healthy plan.

That's not "dorky"; that's fabulous! Hubster and I enjoy going shopping together as well. Not sure I'd trust mine with the menu planning though. :rotfl: He does occasionally suggest things to me that I've cooked before that he'd like to have again (like the chili we can have).

Regarding the CPAP machine: Underlying medical issues aside, I can see (or is that hear?) first-hand how losing weight helps with snoring issues. I'm not sure I'll ever get back to not wearing earplugs at all, but being able to sleep in the same room as my hubby again -- after only a month of being back on a healthy eating plan -- speaks volumes.

Semi-unrelated: My dad, who has been severely overweight for probably the last 25-30 years or so, started dieting last year. He's been on a CPAP for the past 3 years, it helped him tremendously with his quality of sleep. He would nap after getting up in the morning, nap in the afternoon. He rarely does anymore. One of the best things that has happened for him since starting his diet, outside of the weight loss, is he was just taken off his high blood pressure medication and his diabetes medication -- the former he had been on for probably 30+ years and the latter he had been taking for the past 5 or so years. Tremendous testament to what losing weight can do for your health. I've very proud of him.

Okay.... I don't want to be harsh here..... but if your DH feels like he doesn't want or can't handle a piece of birthday cake.... then he does not need to have one. DD will still have her birthday and she can still know that Daddy loves her..... even without him eating cake.

I know that I would be very resentful if DH insisted that I HAD to have a piece of cake for any reason.

Haven't you ever been in a situation before where you are trying to resist something..... to be "good"... and some meddling relative keeps saying "come on.... just one piece.... it can't hurt!" ??? I HATE being in that situation.

If you really want to be supportive of DH, perhaps you could make something special for him to enjoy that day... maybe an angel food cake trifle or something else light.

I hope you don't think I'm picking on you..... but I can really understand where your DH is coming from.

Not harsh, no worries. It's the "way of the internet"... "if you can't stand the heat, stay off the keyboard" :goodvibes I'm actually just trying to understand exactly why he feels so adamant about certain things on the diet. As far as his willpower, he's got it in heaps; we never "cheat" and didn't the previous time we dieted (pre-kiddo). So, I'm not sure it's a matter of being tempted into doing something he doesn't want to do; and I've never intentionally tried to "sabotage" or force him into doing anything (unless it was to go on a Disney vacation) :rolleyes1 Even with the birthday cake thing, I think it might be that he believes if he has one piece, all the hard work he's done will be for naught -- not that he'll go off on a binge -- like an irrational fear that all the weight he's lost will magically reappear if he has an indulgence on a special occasion. Although in addition to that, after mulling it over in my head, I'm starting to think his being stubborn stems from not completely understanding the diet and what we're allowed to eat and -- he refuses to read the book. *grumble* He keeps comparing it to the far stricter diet we used to be on, which is where a lot of our "diet bickering" comes from ("Yes, you CAN eat black beans!" "Yes, you CAN have a light yogurt.") All of it flies in the face of how he is in every other aspect of his life, very ... extremely logical. (He's a mathematician/researcher). So it puzzles me. :confused3

Love the man madly ... if he didn't drive me crazy every now and again, it just wouldn't be the same. ;)

And yes, I've got annoying relatives who do just as you described, however it's not with food, it's "go ahead and have one more kid, you know you'd love to!" ... :scared1:

I've noticed when I'm stressed about something -- like now it happens to be the end of my job contract -- the first thing that goes out the window is the motivation to do some exercise. Which frustrates more than anything as I know if I could get my butt down there and get moving, I'd feel much LESS stressed. *smack forehead* How does stress manifest itself in everyone elses' lives? Do you let the exercise go or do you cheat or do you cry or just run away? :rotfl:

Anyway, I've got to go make sure the kiddo hasn't burned down the front room or managed to wipe her daddy's PC clean. :laughing:
Good morning everyone! I don't have a lot of time to post today since I just got to work an hour ago after leaving my house at 6:30 :scared1: It is snowing here :headache: and yesterday it rained all day which turned into freezing rain, so the roads were gross. I did have to drive DFi to work because his windshield wipers don't work, so my commute should have been longer than normal, but total driving time was over 3 hrs compared to about 1 on a regular day. Pretty ridiculous :eek: I thought about calling in sick, but I have a meeting that I have to go to.

So, on to the QOTD...I do regret some of the food choices I have made. For a couple of weeks I didn't do a very good job. I maintained my weight or gained only a few ounces, but if I had been more diligent I would have been losing the whole time. But I know that I can't change the past, so I just have to make better choices gong forward ;)

Have a great day!

Just a reminder: The merge is almost here!!!:cool1: On Friday we will begin chatting on the main BL thread. If you have any questions please let me know. I look forward to seeing everyone on the main thread on Friday.:goodvibes


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