TEAM DONALD--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge

1. Do you set "mini-goals" for yourself and how do you celebrate when you reach them?
2. What are some non-food rewards that you use to reward yourself for reaching goals?
My mini goals are moving into a new decades, so every 10 pounds. Next stop ONEderland, then 180s, and then 181. that was my first WW joining weight when I was in my 20s. I don't do rewards for the smaller goals, but feel like I don't deprive myself of things i want. If I I want to go somewhere or buy something and I can afford it, I do it. I do have a reward for when I hit 181 and that is to buy a new pair of cowboy boots. When I was pregnant my feet grew, and none of my cowboy boots fit anymore, and they couldn't stretch them. I loved Boulet boots from canada, and I want to replace my black pair i had and they cost about $220 back in the 90s, so it will be a big splurge for me.

I did it alone but Pamela, LTS, Kathy, and a few others wouldn't get out of my head telling me to push on.
Phew, glad I was in your head with Pamela and Lts's good influence, or you might have been running for the cupcakes.:rotfl2:

QOTD Thursday March 17, 2011
Do you have a favorite on Biggest Loser or American Idol?
I hadn't watched BL in over a month, and saw it this week and was amazed as how great so many of the women looked. I think Courtney is an amazing young woman, and to have lost so much weight before even getting on the show just shows how strong she really is. Her mom as well seemed like such a genuine, caring person, and I loved the show, so will probably keep up with it again.

QOTD for Saturday

Continuing on the theme of goals, there is a popular saying related to weight about being able to still fit into your wedding dress.

Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?
first would be a pair of denim capris I bought for disney 3 years ago when I was about 185. I also have this silk liz claiborne dress that is an ivory floral print, and I bought it one year I had 3 weddings to go to so I splurged. It cost 120$ and I never spent that much on a dress before, but it fit so nice and had such a flow, and is a classic style so I could wear it now. I felt so good in that dress, and had some really fun times. I think it's a size 12, and know I was doing the country dancing at the time, so I probably weighted around 170, when I bought it.

HEY Everybody!

It's your friendly neighborhood weight keeper here asking a little favor!

If you haven't sent me a weigh in in the last 1-4 weeks, can you tell me that in your PM! I'm having to PM people back. It looks like several of you are returning from vacations and such and I don't want to cheat you out of a good weigh in.

Also, remember, it's your weight I need, NOT how much you lost! This also helps me keep the weights right on the spreadsheet.

And one last thing, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR TEAM NAME IN YOUR MESSAGE TITLE so I don't have to go through 2 lists of weigh ins! I haven't removed anyone from the spreadsheets since the beginning so everyone is there!

Thanks and have a great weekend! Can't wait to be with everyone from both teams all the time! I'm looking forward to making new DisBuds and renewing old friendships!

(OK, I started this early evening last night but never sent it! OOPS!)

TTFN :tigger:
Hi Tracey!! Thanks for the reminders. I am so excited to be joining up with my old team mickey friends again, and also making some new friends.

Pamela- I am so impressed with all you have done today already, when I've pretty much brushed my teeth, made coffee and here I am. I'm glad you are keeping a positive attitude about the scale, and not getting frustrated. It will come back off, once those dang hormones finish with you. Wasn't yesterday beautiful? Hope you'll be seeing some grass in your yard soon.

disney1990Glad your dh is ok, and is off his bp meds now, but that must have been so scary for you both.

Maria- I meant to say happy Evacuation day to you on thursday. Hope ds and the twins behaved. Always envied the state workers on st patty's day.

Lisa-One more week til vacation!!

DVCcruiser- Hi Sue. Miss you here. Hope you're doing well, and just crazy with tax season. I hope you had yesterday off, omg, what a beautiful day it was.

We went out for a bike ride yesterday, and I have decided I need to follow ds's lead on exercise after work every day. He wanted to ride to my brothers house, and I thought it was too far, and hilly and didn't think he'd be able make it all the way back without melting down, but we did it, and he was fine.

I'm on call today and tomorrow 7-7, so we're hanging close to home. I'm waiting for pamela to pop into my head and get me cleaning and organzing my messy home. :rotfl: Just one more cup of coffee before you pop in.

Hello to everyone I've missed. Have a great weekend.
>>Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?<<

Nothing truly significant- I do have 1 more shirt I bought on clearance cause I loved the color and the only size left was an XS.. Still a few weeks away but getting there :)
On the reverse side- though I do hang on to a pair of shorts I remember I bought because "One day I may fit in those" they were size 12. I was an 18/20 at the time. I now am a 4 :)
Good Saturday morning Team DOnald. I have been up for a while but I just got a chance to post.

Ds's went to NY to the Bronx zoo. I don't know what time they will be home. They left at 8 this morning and the zoo closes at 4. Dh went to an early movie. He goes before 12 on Saturday since it is cheaper. I think he was going to a new sci fi movie and I decided to stay home. I am leaving in a little while to go visit the new Trader Joe's that opened last weekend. I was going to go one afternoon this week but my knee was bothering me so I skipped it.

There was a QOTD the other day about having something special to lose weight for. I just got it the other day. My older son was asked to be an usher in his cousin's wedding. We didn't know that they had set a date but they have. June 1st, 2012. Then I remembered that ds2 graduates from college a few weeks before that. So I guess I do have something to look better for.

Dh asked me the other night when we were going to start to plan our next trip to DW. I am leaning toward next year also so it may be a very busy year.

Well off to the store and to see what they have.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to coach! If you thought about coaching, but didn't get a chance, keep it in mind for the summer challenge.:goodvibes

3/25--3/31 tggrrstarr(Kelli)
4/1--4/7 lisah0711
4/8--4/14 keenercam
4/15--4/21 tigger813
4/22--4/28 mommyof2Pirates
4/29--5/5 mikamah
5/6--5/12 donac
5/13--5/20 Rose&Mike

On Friday, 3/25 we will start chatting on the main thread. That is where Kelli will post the first combined QOTD. Please let me know if you have questions.:goodvibes
:wave2: Have to be quick, in laws will be here in a few minutes. I took DD15 to get a pink stripe put in her hair this morning. She has been wanting to do it and DH and I figured why not? She works extremely hard at school, helps out a ton at home and is a really good kid. I just wanted it done by a professional. It looks really cute and she is so happy!

Picked up an ice cream cake for DD for her 2nd birthday tonight and a bunch of broccoli that I hope will leave me too full for cake! I am taking her and a few friends to Great Wolf Lodge to play MagiQuest for a few hours tomorrow.

Did you try icing them??
:lmao: I was skimming through the posts a little too fast and didn't read the quoted part. So of course my diet obsessed mind thought you were talking about something else! I quickly went back to see who was putting "frosting" on something.

And when you DO wear it, we want pictures!!!!

Nope.... no "special clothes" waiting for me. In fact, not to be a big bummer, but depending on how long you've held onto those clothes, they may not fit, no matter what! I have found that even though I am currently wearing a size 4 or 6 in most stores, I still have some very old 10's and 12's that are too snug around the waist (mostly skirts and dresses)..... I think size measurements change and FOR SURE my body changed after two kids. And I weigh at least 10 pounds LESS now than I ever did when I was wearing those old clothes! But everything is just proportioned differently I guess!!
Yep, I do know that somethings won't fit. DH and I have joked that I have somethings that even if you boiled me down to bones would never fit again!

No promising on photos though. ;)

I have some boxes of stuff in the attic that we are going to get down when things calm down a bit so I can go through them. I think a lot of it will probably go to Goodwill.

I took another peek at the scale this morning and I don't see any improvement over yesterday's weigh-in. I'm trying to STILL not be discouraged.... I know that hormones are coming into play big time right now. I will try to have yet another GREAT week of eating and exercise and we will see what next Friday brings! Regardless of the number, I know I am trying hard and doing the right things and even with a bit of a higher number than I would like, I am still far better off than I was a few years ago.
You have such a great attitude! pixiedust: for a great week and happy weigh in !
Have fun and good luck to DD at the swim meet!

No, but I will buy some nice new things when I lose enough that the stuff in my closet no longer fits!

I am back down 2lbs this week to make up for the 2lbs I gained last week :)
:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Way to go!

I do have a reward for when I hit 181 and that is to buy a new pair of cowboy boots.
That sounds like a great thing to splurge on!

We went out for a bike ride yesterday, and I have decided I need to follow ds's lead on exercise after work every day. He wanted to ride to my brothers house, and I thought it was too far, and hilly and didn't think he'd be able make it all the way back without melting down, but we did it, and he was fine.
Great job!

I'm waiting for pamela to pop into my head and get me cleaning and organzing my messy home. :rotfl: Just one more cup of coffee before you pop in.
Is that all it takes??? I can certainly go have one more cup of coffee if it means I will get inspired to clean and organize!

>>Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?<<

Nothing truly significant- I do have 1 more shirt I bought on clearance cause I loved the color and the only size left was an XS.. Still a few weeks away but getting there :)
On the reverse side- though I do hang on to a pair of shorts I remember I bought because "One day I may fit in those" they were size 12. I was an 18/20 at the time. I now am a 4 :)
Great idea! I have been thinking about what I might do with my "fat clothes". Too early to really do anything now but it is included in that fantasy of being at the end.

Let us know when you get that shirt on!:goodvibes

There was a QOTD the other day about having something special to lose weight for. I just got it the other day. My older son was asked to be an usher in his cousin's wedding. We didn't know that they had set a date but they have. June 1st, 2012. Then I remembered that ds2 graduates from college a few weeks before that. So I guess I do have something to look better for.

Dh asked me the other night when we were going to start to plan our next trip to DW. I am leaning toward next year also so it may be a very busy year.
That is a lot to get you motivated!

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to coach! If you thought about coaching, but didn't get a chance, keep it in mind for the summer challenge.:goodvibes
No pressure, but when will the summer one start? I am a little nervous about losing momentum when this one ends. :guilty:

How scary! That is a good reminder for me too. DH is on bp meds so I will be sure he keeps a close eye on it as he is losing and exercising.

Have to run. Hopefully I can post the QOTD for tomorrow before I go to bed tonight. Everyone have a great day! :)
:No pressure, but when will the summer one start? I am a little nervous about losing momentum when this one ends. :guilty:
LTS--I am so proud of you. Didn't you tell me way back when that you were signing up to coach in hopes that you would still be around??? I am so happy to see that you are still here and looking forward to the next challenge.:goodvibes

Anyhow, we end on May 20. Since the next weekend is a holiday weekend (Memorial Day) I am thinking we might just wait to officially get started until June 3rd. We can still chat that week and even do a qotd rotation, but try to keep it fun. This way it will give everyone who has things to do to get the challenge going a break over the holiday. We can talk about it some more once we merge and things get closer, but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.:goodvibes
MIL noticed! We were sure she would. She actually noticed my loss but not DH's. :upsidedow

LTS--I am so proud of you. Didn't you tell me way back when that you were signing up to coach in hopes that you would still be around??? I am so happy to see that you are still here and looking forward to the next challenge.:goodvibes

Anyhow, we end on May 20. Since the next weekend is a holiday weekend (Memorial Day) I am thinking we might just wait to officially get started until June 3rd. We can still chat that week and even do a qotd rotation, but try to keep it fun. This way it will give everyone who has things to do to get the challenge going a break over the holiday. We can talk about it some more once we merge and things get closer, but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.:goodvibes

:blush: Thanks. I do think that being accountable here and wanting to chat with everyone has really helped. I have been looking forward to coaching-- glad I made it this far! DH and I were talking last night about how this is probably the longest I have stuck anything else with out any major breakdowns, cheats or just whining and complaining. I don't know why but something just feels different. I feel a full dedication and that this time I AM going to succeed. :)

I should be able to survive a week or two. :rotfl: I just wasn't sure if it would be a month or so or how long the wait would be.

On Friday, 3/25 we will start chatting on the main thread. That is where Kelli will post the first combined QOTD. Please let me know if you have questions.:goodvibes

I'm not disappearing with the merger. I'll be at the Cape that weekend.
I'm going to try to bring my laptop but I'm really supposed to be working on my scrapbooks. LOL
:blush: Thanks. I do think that being accountable here and wanting to chat with everyone has really helped. I have been looking forward to coaching-- glad I made it this far! DH and I were talking last night about how this is probably the longest I have stuck anything else with out any major breakdowns, cheats or just whining and complaining. I don't know why but something just feels different. I feel a full dedication and that this time I AM going to succeed. :)

I should be able to survive a week or two. :rotfl: I just wasn't sure if it would be a month or so or how long the wait would be.

It's the longest time I've stuck around too!!

we'll keep each other company until the next round!
Hi guys, I think I missed yesterday - darn:sad1:

But I am here now. I was just spent last night - physically and mentally. But I still got to the gym for the last appointment with the trainer and she mapped out a great strength training workout for me to do :cool1:

First of all, thanks soooo much for all the encouragement re the trial. It was without a doubt one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a while. My job is very stressful at the best of times - but this week was exceptional.

I have practised law since June, 1982 and you would have thought I was a rookie:rotfl: But the judge was known to be a bit of a bully, and she did not disappoint.

But I won the trial - a fantastic result for my client.:banana:

You folks are incredible:worship:

Agree - I am going to do that too. "Officially" start training for my 5k in May on Monday.


1) No - I do not wash my hair everyday. I have very thick, very curly/wavy hair that has become even harder to take care of since I lost so much last year after my surgery. Doc called it "traumatic hair loss". Never really was all that apparent to too many people because my hair is so thick to begin with. But I noticed for sure. It thinned out a lot.

But it has grown back with a different structure - like "chemo curl" which annoys me to no end. Work hard to smooth it out. It never looks dirty - but my scalp itches after a while.

Wash it every 2 - 3 days. It has all grown back, and I am happy for that.

2) My favourite on BL is Courtney. She had to lose 100 lbs on her own before they would let her on the show (I heard that they felt it would be too dangerous otherwise and they felt she could not handle it until she did). She has lost nearly 200 lbs and is looking incredible. She is also the most positive one on there.

Liked her mom, Marci, too.

Favourites on AI are Pia and James. But most of them are fantastic.

3. I actually do have a "target outfit" - the team jacket Arthritis Society gave to us when we went to Disney in 2006. Big size but it fits differently. Fits really well up on top but I cannot yet zipper it.

Want to wear it by at least the summer.

We booked out trip to Iceland today :cheer2: Cannot wait, but gotta get training - doing a 10k there.

Have a great evening and Happy Spring guys.:dance3:

This time last year, I was in the hospital unable to eat or walk. Yeah for health!:cheer2:

Gotta go, laundry awaits lol. :laundy:


QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

I wish that I had taken a good "before" photo. I have our photos from Christmas but in most of them I am sitting down and they aren't great to really show everything. I did take photos last week and also took a picture of the scale the other day. I would like to try to remember to take pics for every 10 from now on (190, 180, 170 etc). I am also writing the weekly weight in my journal.

Not sure when I will be on tomorrow. Making breakfast for the inlaws and when they leave I am taking girls to celebrate birthday. I think I will have internet access so I will try to catch up in the afternoon.

Everyone have a great on program Sunday!:cheer2:
Good morning friends! I'm afraid I've run out of time this morning and I won't be able to stay and chat. But I'll be back this afternoon! Gotta go get dressed for church!...................P
Good morning donalds! It's a quiet weekend here, but on the positive side, that means I can catch up easier. ;)

I went out to run/walk with my friend Karen who is in much better shape than I am, and really encourages me to push myself, so I renamed her jillian yesterday. We did 5 miles, , a 1.7 mile loop 3 times, and there was one killer hill, and I ran up it all 3 times. She was funny, telling to run with my core and my legs won't even hurt. Yeah, right. I felt really good after that I pushed.
My sister stopped by last night, so we ordered out, and I got a grilled chicken salad, no feta, but then ate a piece of the kids pizza. Otherwise, my day was pretty good eating wise. After dinner we went down the beach to watch the moon rising. It was so beautiful.

Nothing truly significant- I do have 1 more shirt I bought on clearance cause I loved the color and the only size left was an XS.. Still a few weeks away but getting there :)
On the reverse side- though I do hang on to a pair of shorts I remember I bought because "One day I may fit in those" they were size 12. I was an 18/20 at the time. I now am a 4 :)
Wow, from an 18/20 to a 4 is just awesome. You must feel so good about yourself.

There was a QOTD the other day about having something special to lose weight for. I just got it the other day. My older son was asked to be an usher in his cousin's wedding. We didn't know that they had set a date but they have. June 1st, 2012. Then I remembered that ds2 graduates from college a few weeks before that. So I guess I do have something to look better for.
A wedding is always a good goal, and so much fun too. Add that disney trip, and that will give you some great motivation.


On Friday, 3/25 we will start chatting on the main thread. That is where Kelli will post the first combined QOTD. Please let me know if you have questions.:goodvibes
Thanks Rose.

Have to be quick, in laws will be here in a few minutes. I took DD15 to get a pink stripe put in her hair this morning. She has been wanting to do it and DH and I figured why not? She works extremely hard at school, helps out a ton at home and is a really good kid. I just wanted it done by a professional. It looks really cute and she is so happy!
It sounds adorable, and I bet she is thrilled.
I can certainly go have one more cup of coffee if it means I will get inspired to clean and organize!
The coffee didn't inspire me to clean yesterday. I'm on my second cup now, and not feeling too motivated yet. Oh well, my brother and family are coming next weekend, so it will all get done by then. :rotfl2:

MIL noticed! We were sure she would. She actually noticed my loss but not DH's. :upsidedow

:blush: Thanks. I do think that being accountable here and wanting to chat with everyone has really helped. I have been looking forward to coaching-- glad I made it this far! DH and I were talking last night about how this is probably the longest I have stuck anything else with out any major breakdowns, cheats or just whining and complaining. I don't know why but something just feels different. I feel a full dedication and that this time I AM going to succeed. :)

I should be able to survive a week or two. :rotfl: I just wasn't sure if it would be a month or so or how long the wait would be.
So happy your MIL noticed your weight loss. You have been doing so well, and I know you will be just fine over the break. There is always some of us hanging around between the challenges, and it does go by fast. I love your positive attitude, and with that, you will succeed.

I'm not disappearing with the merger. I'll be at the Cape that weekend.
I'm going to try to bring my laptop but I'm really supposed to be working on my scrapbooks. LOL
Maybe we should have a pool and see how often you pop on the dis during the weekend.;)

I have practised law since June, 1982 and you would have thought I was a rookie:rotfl: But the judge was known to be a bit of a bully, and she did not disappoint.

But I won the trial - a fantastic result for my client.:banana:

You folks are incredible:worship:
We booked out trip to Iceland today :cheer2: Cannot wait, but gotta get training - doing a 10k there.
so glad the trial is over and that you won!!:thumbsup2 I can't even imagine how stressful that can be. Yay for booking your Iceland trip!! So exciting.

Good morning friends! I'm afraid I've run out of time this morning and I won't be able to stay and chat. But I'll be back this afternoon! Gotta go get dressed for church!...................P
Hi Pamela. Hope you get some down time later today.

QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?
I have a lovely before picture that was taken at my high of 229, and a while ago there was a thread for posting before and during pictures, and I had posted one before i regained almost 30 of the 40 pounds I had lost, so now I'm working toward getting back down there again, and wearing the same shirt from the picture. I'll try and post pics.
The before-

the new during, a month ago, about 25 pounds lighter than my before.

the summer that before pic was taken was the summer I came to the realization that I had to do something, and that no matter how long it took, I was going to go to ww and stick with it. I've had some ups and downs, but am proud that I've never let it go completely, and I am pretty certain, that I won't let it go again.

Hope you're all enjoying your sunday.
Good Sunday morning Team DOnald

Just a short post. I still have to finish putting groceries away and then it off to see ds2. he belongs to the religious group on campus and we were invited to a family event this afternoon. We could stay for mass but since I had to read at 7:30 mass this morning we may not stay. I would love to stay to hear him play his flute but then we would not get home until 9 and that will make for a very long day.

Hi to everyone. I am off

Have a happy and healthy day.
Pamela- I am so impressed with all you have done today already, when I've pretty much brushed my teeth, made coffee and here I am. I'm glad you are keeping a positive attitude about the scale, and not getting frustrated. It will come back off, once those dang hormones finish with you. Wasn't yesterday beautiful? Hope you'll be seeing some grass in your yard soon.

I'm a morning person, so while I get plenty done in the morning, don't look for me to be doing too much after 6 or 7 pm!!

Trying HARD to keep the positive attitude.

It was actually not too beautiful where I went yesterday (Exeter). I planned to walk outside between swim events, but it was SO cloudy and raw and cold, I quit after just two 12 minute laps! My ears and nose were freezing! I was anticipating a day like Friday and it just was more like a mid-Feb. day! And I only had on jeans, t-shirt, and lightweight hoodie! By later it was sunny, but still cold. Today is nicer. No grass really yet, but near the foundation where the furnace vents there is a flower bed with some perennial buds coming up!!

[We went out for a bike ride yesterday, and I have decided I need to follow ds's lead on exercise after work every day. He wanted to ride to my brothers house, and I thought it was too far, and hilly and didn't think he'd be able make it all the way back without melting down, but we did it, and he was fine.

It's it great how active our kids can be! DS isn't terribly active on his own, but if I suggest a bike ride or a lap around the neighborhood on his scooter, he is raring to go! He and DH just left for the ski mountain in fact! He never got to use his free bonus day this season, so this is the last weekend! Hopefully he doesn't get too wet!

I'm on call today and tomorrow 7-7, so we're hanging close to home. I'm waiting for pamela to pop into my head and get me cleaning and organzing my messy home. Just one more cup of coffee before you pop in.

Did I pop in??? Hope I was encouraging enough!

>>Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?<<

Nothing truly significant- I do have 1 more shirt I bought on clearance cause I loved the color and the only size left was an XS.. Still a few weeks away but getting there :)
On the reverse side- though I do hang on to a pair of shorts I remember I bought because "One day I may fit in those" they were size 12. I was an 18/20 at the time. I now am a 4

OMG! A size 4 is spectacular! What color is the shirt??

Good Saturday morning Team DOnald. I have been up for a while but I just got a chance to post.

Ds's went to NY to the Bronx zoo. I don't know what time they will be home. They left at 8 this morning and the zoo closes at 4. Dh went to an early movie. He goes before 12 on Saturday since it is cheaper. I think he was going to a new sci fi movie and I decided to stay home. I am leaving in a little while to go visit the new Trader Joe's that opened last weekend. I was going to go one afternoon this week but my knee was bothering me so I skipped it.

There was a QOTD the other day about having something special to lose weight for. I just got it the other day. My older son was asked to be an usher in his cousin's wedding. We didn't know that they had set a date but they have. June 1st, 2012. Then I remembered that ds2 graduates from college a few weeks before that. So I guess I do have something to look better for.

Dh asked me the other night when we were going to start to plan our next trip to DW. I am leaning toward next year also so it may be a very busy year.

LUCKY!!! DH would NEVER suggest a trip to WDW.... he just doesn't love the place. In fact, during our 2008 trip, he actually went back to the hotel room several times mid-day.... claimed he was "tired" or "hot", but I think he went back and worked on his laptop. It frustrated me a great deal because #1.... we paid for that stupid park ticket!! and #2... it was supposed to be a FAMILY vacation.... not a "Mom and Kids" vacation where Dad pops in for the occasional parade or meal!! Plus he was on VACATION!! The dang company ain't gonna fold without you for one stinking week!! (Okay.... can you tell I was a bit upset about it!!??:rolleyes1 )

Will you do a big party for DS's graduation??


Thanks to everyone who volunteered to coach! If you thought about coaching, but didn't get a chance, keep it in mind for the summer challenge.

3/25--3/31 tggrrstarr(Kelli)
4/1--4/7 lisah0711
4/8--4/14 keenercam
4/15--4/21 tigger813
4/22--4/28 mommyof2Pirates
4/29--5/5 mikamah
5/6--5/12 donac
5/13--5/20 Rose&Mike

On Friday, 3/25 we will start chatting on the main thread. That is where Kelli will post the first combined QOTD. Please let me know if you have questions.:goodvibes

Whooops.... I never sent you that PM... did I?? SORRY! I was at school that day and didn't get a chance to get back on the computer.... and then, of coures, totally forgot about it. Keep me in mind if you need a substitute at any point in time!!

:wave2: Have to be quick, in laws will be here in a few minutes. I took DD15 to get a pink stripe put in her hair this morning. She has been wanting to do it and DH and I figured why not? She works extremely hard at school, helps out a ton at home and is a really good kid. I just wanted it done by a professional. It looks really cute and she is so happy!

I'll bet it looks cute. I'd let DD do something like that if she wanted to.... it will grow out, unlike a tattoo or piercing!! :eek:

Picked up an ice cream cake for DD for her 2nd birthday tonight and a bunch of broccoli that I hope will leave me too full for cake! I am taking her and a few friends to Great Wolf Lodge to play MagiQuest for a few hours tomorrow.

Hmmmmm... broccoli or cake, broccoli or cake??? So hard to choose! :rotfl::lmao:

I was skimming through the posts a little too fast and didn't read the quoted part. So of course my diet obsessed mind thought you were talking about something else! I quickly went back to see who was putting "frosting" on something.

Sorry.... didn't mean to make you think of the sweet stuff!!

Yep, I do know that somethings won't fit. DH and I have joked that I have somethings that even if you boiled me down to bones would never fit again!


No promising on photos though. ;)

Pretty please??

I have some boxes of stuff in the attic that we are going to get down when things calm down a bit so I can go through them. I think a lot of it will probably go to Goodwill.

DH just gave me a bag of stuff for the Goodwill. He is usually TERRIBLE about going through is stuff and such.... I usually have to beg.... but I think he is feeling encouraged by his continued weight loss. But I have to laugh... everything he tries on he comments about how tight it was previously.... like I DIDN'T NOTICE??!! Honey, I was looking at you every day!!

You have such a great attitude! pixiedust: for a great week and happy weigh in !

Trying to stay positive.

Have fun and good luck to DD at the swim meet!

Thanks... it wasn't a great day for her, no personal best times, but she held her own.

Is that all it takes??? I can certainly go have one more cup of coffee if it means I will get inspired to clean and organize!

Don't we wish!!

MIL noticed! We were sure she would. She actually noticed my loss but not DH's. :upsidedow


:blush: Thanks. I do think that being accountable here and wanting to chat with everyone has really helped. I have been looking forward to coaching-- glad I made it this far! DH and I were talking last night about how this is probably the longest I have stuck anything else with out any major breakdowns, cheats or just whining and complaining. I don't know why but something just feels different. I feel a full dedication and that this time I AM going to succeed. :)

I should be able to survive a week or two. :rotfl: I just wasn't sure if it would be a month or so or how long the wait would be.

OMG.... I got GOOSEBUMPS when you commented about it feeling DIFFERENT THIS TIME!! I think it is too!! You ARE going to have success with this!!

I'm not disappearing with the merger. I'll be at the Cape that weekend.
I'm going to try to bring my laptop but I'm really supposed to be working on my scrapbooks. LOL

I'll miss you and be thinking about you scrapping away! Don't worry about us... we'll still be here when you get back.

It's the longest time I've stuck around too!!

we'll keep each other company until the next round!

WOOOHOO for you too!! You CAN do this.... you WILL do this!! We won't leave you alone during the break in challenges, I promise!!

Hi guys, I think I missed yesterday - darn:sad1:

But I am here now. I was just spent last night - physically and mentally. But I still got to the gym for the last appointment with the trainer and she mapped out a great strength training workout for me to do :cool1:

Sounds good... wanna share the details??First of all, thanks soooo much for all the encouragement re the trial. It was without a doubt one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a while. My job is very stressful at the best of times - but this week was exceptional.

I have practised law since June, 1982 and you would have thought I was a rookie:rotfl: But the judge was known to be a bit of a bully, and she did not disappoint.

But I won the trial - a fantastic result for my client.:banana:

WTG!! I'm sure your client is thrilled to pieces!:woohoo:

We booked out trip to Iceland today :cheer2: Cannot wait, but gotta get training - doing a 10k there.

JEALOUS!!Have a great evening and Happy Spring guys.:dance3:

This time last year, I was in the hospital unable to eat or walk. Yeah for health!:cheer2:

I second that!! Without your health, you don't have much!!

QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

I wish that I had taken a good "before" photo. I have our photos from Christmas but in most of them I am sitting down and they aren't great to really show everything. I did take photos last week and also took a picture of the scale the other day. I would like to try to remember to take pics for every 10 from now on (190, 180, 170 etc). I am also writing the weekly weight in my journal.

I only had that "before" photo by chance. I would NEVER have quietly agreed to having my photo taken at that weight, but this was at a Christian Mother/Daughter retreat and it would have looked bad to grab the camera away from the lady and smash it on the floor!! :laughing:

Plus the girls needed the photo for a craft project the next day. oh well... what was I to do??

I am really pleased that I took a photo of the scale the day I broke into the 130's.... wish I had done it sooner. And I took another photo in 2009.... just a neck down photo in exercise shorts and sports bra.... it is my "photo of the day" for that day in my Project 365 book.... and my journaling reads...." Wednesday, March 4, 2009 - I know some day I will either wish I was this size again or be GLAD I'm not this big! 153 pounds."

When I did start this journey on 01/02/2008, I started my daily food journaling as sort of a diary/food journal and I did it on my laptop. But I found it too inconvenient and time consuming and by May I had resorted to simply journaling my food with the occasional note or two, in spiral notebooks. And that is what I have stuck with since then. That said, it is interesting to read back to those first few weeks/months of this journey and see what I was saying, thinking, and eating back then!

Good morning donalds! It's a quiet weekend here, but on the positive side, that means I can catch up easier. ;)

I went out to run/walk with my friend Karen who is in much better shape than I am, and really encourages me to push myself, so I renamed her jillian yesterday. We did 5 miles, , a 1.7 mile loop 3 times, and there was one killer hill, and I ran up it all 3 times. She was funny, telling to run with my core and my legs won't even hurt. Yeah, right. I felt really good after that I pushed.
My sister stopped by last night, so we ordered out, and I got a grilled chicken salad, no feta, but then ate a piece of the kids pizza. Otherwise, my day was pretty good eating wise. After dinner we went down the beach to watch the moon rising. It was so beautiful.

Glad you got a good walk/run in. Karen sounds like a good friend!

One piece of pizza will not a disaster make, right?? Lucky you could walk down to the beach.

Thanks for sharing the pictures. I know I've seen the one of you on the seesaw.... but is the other one in your Princess half running outfit?? So cute!!! Love the sparkly skirt and tiara!! You are rocking it!! :thumbsup2

Good Sunday morning Team DOnald

Just a short post. I still have to finish putting groceries away and then it off to see ds2. he belongs to the religious group on campus and we were invited to a family event this afternoon. We could stay for mass but since I had to read at 7:30 mass this morning we may not stay. I would love to stay to hear him play his flute but then we would not get home until 9 and that will make for a very long day.

Hi to everyone. I am off

Have a happy and healthy day.

Wow.... and I thought we did good to get to the 9 am service today!! Since our church is 45 minutes away, I can't imagine we would make a 7:30 am service too often!! I didn't know your DS played the flute. DD did a long time ago and she is thinking of taking it up again.... yet one more thing to add to the schedule.... Flute lessons!! Nice that he can play at church. DD has a good swim friend who plays the violin and will play at church occasionally. I LOVE to hear him play... it is so beautiful... he is hugely talented. Please know that there are people out there who enjoy your son's flute, just like I enjoy DD's friend's violin. Your DS has a talent and it is nice of him to share it with others.

Well friends.... day has been crazy so far, but DH agreed to take DS up to the ski mountain, so I can at least take a deep breath here!!! DD is off to an all-afternoon birthday get-together with friends. But I haven't hit the TM yet today and the house is a disaster.... so no rest for now!

We (some swim families) had dinner at Applebee's last night and I was SO disappointed to find that they no longer have ANY Weight Watchers items on their menu. I checked the NI and got an "under 550 calorie" meal (teriyaki shrimp pasta) that I thought I would eat half of.... but the portion was so small that I ate the entire thing. And imagine my SHOCK when I got home and discovered it was 9 POINTS!! Half of my day's points!! In the past I was always able to order a nice WW meal for 5 or 6 points. I am going to send corporate Applebee's an email and just voice my disappointment, but I can't imagine it would change anything.

Partially my own fault for not having my Points slider with me to figure it out while I was there...... and I was thinking it would be a high number.... but I was figuring about 7. Live and learn. Applebee's will no longer be my "go to" restaurant..... especially since the family isn't overly fond of it.

Well.... I need to run (well...not literally!).........TTYL.............P
:wave2: Just a quick pop in. I am hanging out at Great Wolf Lodge while my daughters and their friends play MagiQuest. I just had a huge salad and am full to the gills, which is good because we will be hitting the bakery in a few minutes! They girls are having so much fun and it is a completely low/no stress birthday party for me. I sit here on my laptop and they run around!

Laptop battery is almost dead so I will have to do replies later tonight, but wanted to say Hi!

DH and I talked about my trip to the midwest week after next. I was lamenting that I reached One-derland at a bad time. No time to lose enough that I can stay here during my trip so it will be a bummer to come home and back up over 2 -- I am sure I will gain at least 5 pounds if not a few more. So he has a solution. He is going to hide the scale while I am gone and I am not allowed to weigh in for 2 weeks after. That should give me plenty of time to get the vacation gain gone without the mental hit of actually seeing it! Is he not the smartest guy? There is a reason I love him to bits!:love:

Hi everyone! I was away for some military leave, and then off to DD11's basketball tournament in Chicopee MA. Boy, there was alot to catch up on...and of course, my first response was visited by the *poof* fairy. :confused3 So I went back (again) for at least the last 3 pages. Three pages is better than one...
Woo hoo, LTS! WELCOME TO ONE-DERLAND! :worship:

Whoo hoo!! A ONE-derland party!!
Congratulations LTS!! You must feel soooo good and proud!! So excited for you!!!!

YAY FOR YOU!!!!!!!:banana::banana::banana: What a terrific accomplishment!!

QOTD for Saturday

Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?
For me, it is a pair of slacks that my SIL bought for me. They are a size 6...(and still have the tags on them...)
Nope.... no "special clothes" waiting for me. In fact, not to be a big bummer, but depending on how long you've held onto those clothes, they may not fit, no matter what! I have found that even though I am currently wearing a size 4 or 6 in most stores, I still have some very old 10's and 12's that are too snug around the waist (mostly skirts and dresses)..... I think size measurements change and FOR SURE my body changed after two kids. And I weigh at least 10 pounds LESS now than I ever did when I was wearing those old clothes! But everything is just proportioned differently I guess!!So glad that others think this too. I'm definitely a size 4 or 6 but still have alot of size fluctuations in the clothes I wear. Isn't it sad that sometimes that can set the mood for the day? I'm happy when the clothes that fit state a "small" size (well, for me anyway) and then others, which fit just the same way but have a bigger number of the tag puts me in a funk for a while...:confused3 but I refuse to unpack it to find out. Maybe next year when we celebrate our 20th?? Mine is in October!!!! :goodvibes

I'm taking up the challenge that Dona put out there for all of us to start following CC's HEalthy Habits! I dont' usually follow it because it seemed too basic to me, after 3 years of this journey.... but like I was reminded, sometimes it is GOOD to get back to basics!!I participate almost every time - and almost every time FORGET to PM the results. The thought and accountability is there..well, right til the day the results are due!!!


It's the longest time I've stuck around too!!

we'll keep each other company until the next round!
Longest time I've made it in quite a while too. But I am sticking this time!!

First of all, thanks soooo much for all the encouragement re the trial. It was without a doubt one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a while. My job is very stressful at the best of times - but this week was exceptional.

I have practised law since June, 1982 and you would have thought I was a rookie:rotfl: But the judge was known to be a bit of a bully, and she did not disappoint.

But I won the trial - a fantastic result for my client.:banana:
Yay for you! I was MIA most of this past week and missed the saga. So happy for you - WOOOHOOOOO!!!

2) My favourite on BL is Courtney. She had to lose 100 lbs on her own before they would let her on the show (I heard that they felt it would be too dangerous otherwise and they felt she could not handle it until she did). She has lost nearly 200 lbs and is looking incredible. She is also the most positive one on there.

Liked her mom, Marci, too.Actually, I like everyone who is left. This group seems to "get it" - and not as much game play that makes the show seem mean....

We booked out trip to Iceland today :cheer2: Cannot wait, but gotta get training - doing a 10k there.I know I said it before but that is just TOO COOL

Gotta go, laundry awaits lol. :laundy: ...was facing 7 loads when I came home today. Love the DH and kids but laundry is NOT one of their strengths....

QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?
No but have a few from the princess that might count!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

...time to sit down with DH and watch March Madness. have a great night everyone!!
Hi Donalds! Sorry I've been MIA. Tax season is upon us for sure. Good news is that last week was the corporate deadline, so I feel a little less stressed and my eye has stopped twitching. Funny how it went away right after March 15th :confused3 Anyway, I had a bad couple of weeks with eating, but hopefully when I'm back on the WW wagon tomorrow, it'll shock my body back to normal. I only put on about 1-2 pounds so I kept things in check a bit, but I did eat like crazy.

So, now that things are slowing down and it's 2 months until my cruise, I'm ready to get back on track.

I'm bummed I missed my chance to grab a coaching spot for after tax season, but I'll just make sure I grab 2 during the summer session.

Aside from that DS hasn't been sleeping very well. He keeps shoving his fingers in the back of his mouth so I think he's got his back teeth coming in. I've grown accustomed to sleeping on the floor next to his bed just to get some sleep. I could sit in the chair and wait for him to fall asleep, but I've been so exhausted I just lay right down and fall back to sleep, which helps him too. Hopefully he'll start sleeping better soon.

I also did a lot less work this week. I decided to give myself a break and I'm actually off to bed after this. Only 4 more weeks of tax season to go :cool1:

So who does what workout videos here? I need suggestions.

I love the 1, 2 and 3 mile Leslie Sansone American Heart Association walking videos. If you have cable with On Demand, go to Exercise TV and you can somtimes try them before you buy them.

I also have a good Step DVD from Cathe Friedrich.

Had a dr appt that I was pretty upset and nervous about this morning (surgery follow up and things didn't heal like we hoped they would). I had to delay the appt several times due to scheduling problems with the dr and myself and I just wanted to get it over with today. As I was sitting in the waiting room playing with DD's Ipod I hear a familiar voice say "move over". My husband took off of work without telling me, to meet me there and hold my hand. :love::love: It was so wonderful to have him there. (end result I may have to have another procedure but have to wait at least a year) I am very lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring support person.:lovestruc

Very nice :goodvibes Good hubby!


I'm going to have to take a leave of absence from this for now. I'm having some health issues so it's hard to do what I need to be doing at this time. Sorry to bail. Even though I wasn't active here I was still participating behind the scenes.

Hope it's nothing serious and that you're back soon :hug:

Hello all, and Happy Friday! I just barely found this thread and have been added to Team Donald. I'm not sure what else to put here to introduce myself, but I'm super excited to start :-) hopefully I'll see some loss next Friday. Decreasing my calories and increasing my activity. I'll be around for a while, as I have over 50 lbs I'd like to lose, and then maintain.

Welcome :)

Yahoo!!!! Congrats :cool1:

It's 69 degrees out so I'm off to get outside. I'm on call most of the weekend, so I hope to catch up more with everybody.

Friday was absolutely gorgeous! I took Dylan to the park on Lawrence street in the morning then Will & I took him to Tapley in the afternoon. It couldn't have been a nicer day out!

QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

Not exactly, but I got out my passport from 07 this weekend to update my cruise docs and I was like yuck! my cheeks were a lot plumper 4 years ago. Unfortunately the passport is good until 2017 :scared1:
QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

Not yet. Haven't hit any milestones for pics yet.
My only documentation I have so far is my food journal.
Too tired to post more tonight, but here is the QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

Mine would be pretty easy knowing what I know now. "Get to a TOP Podiatrist as soon as your feet start bothering you and think very carefully about cortisone shots and the side effects."


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