TEAM DONALD--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge

Good Monday morning Team Donald. I can't believe that it is Monday morning already.

Got a lot of things done yesterday. Yes mass at 7:30 is not hard when you are 5 minutes from the church.

We went to ds2's college yesterday afternoon. It was very nice to meet people who are in his life. Since it is the Catholic group on campus we knew it was going to be a nice group of people. We also got to meet his gf's parents. They had a fun question and answer type game for the parents and kids. It was a lot of fun. We did not stay for mass since we had been in the morning.

Pretty quiet week. Have a meeting to go to on Wed night and I may have to miss yoga on Thursday for another meeting but other than that it is quiet.

Have to go and get ready for school

Have a happy and healthy day.
Good Morning!

We had a very active weekend (for us). I got the whole family to the park & we walked about 1.5 hours on Saturday, and 1 hour (but at a faster pace) on Sunday!!

I was thrilled to get DH to walk with me & that he walked that far!!! He has a lot of weight to lose too, and it isn't easy to get him off the couch. I hope to get him to make it a habit!

As for the QOTD, I haven't specifically taken pictures for the sake of seeing progress. I have a lot of pictures from our Disney trip in November so I look forward to seeing changes in future pictures!

LTS, Congratulations on getting to Onderland! I hope to be there myself some day!!

Have a great day everyone! Sorry I don't post responses to individuals, I get overwhelmed by the volume of posts & can't keep up well. I know I will be really busy over the next few weeks too.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Too tired to post more tonight, but here is the QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

GREAT question!!

"Lose it while you're still young!" and "It isn't as hard as you think!" .........okay... that is TWO pieces of advise, isn't it!! :rotfl: I think basically it would boil down to this....."You CAN do it!!"

Good Monday morning Team Donald. I can't believe that it is Monday morning already.

Got a lot of things done yesterday. Yes mass at 7:30 is not hard when you are 5 minutes from the church.

We went to ds2's college yesterday afternoon. It was very nice to meet people who are in his life. Since it is the Catholic group on campus we knew it was going to be a nice group of people. We also got to meet his gf's parents. They had a fun question and answer type game for the parents and kids. It was a lot of fun. We did not stay for mass since we had been in the morning.

Pretty quiet week. Have a meeting to go to on Wed night and I may have to miss yoga on Thursday for another meeting but other than that it is quiet.

Have to go and get ready for school

Have a happy and healthy day.

It must be nice to have a quiet week after all the craziness you've had lately. That time with DS at his school must have been nice. I dread the day that my kids' days are filled with people I don't know, doing things I have no idea of!!

Good Morning!

We had a very active weekend (for us). I got the whole family to the park & we walked about 1.5 hours on Saturday, and 1 hour (but at a faster pace) on Sunday!!

I was thrilled to get DH to walk with me & that he walked that far!!! He has a lot of weight to lose too, and it isn't easy to get him off the couch. I hope to get him to make it a habit!

As for the QOTD, I haven't specifically taken pictures for the sake of seeing progress. I have a lot of pictures from our Disney trip in November so I look forward to seeing changes in future pictures!

For the bolded part..... I could have written that statement!! But I too got my DH up off the couch twice this weekend! He walked with me and DS on Friday evening and again last night. I walked moderately fast, to keep him moving and to make sure it is actually exercise for me. He keeps up okay, but one lap was enough for him both times. Friday evening he commented TWICE about how much the walk wore him out!! :eek: I was kind of shocked that a moderately paced walk of slightly less than 1 mi could be that wearing! He is in worse shape than I thought!

Hopefully as spring continues, he will get out walking a bit more... both with me and without me! Maybe I should buy him an MP3 player and load some talk radio on it for him.... maybe that is what the Easter Bunny will bring him!

** Happy "soon to be snowy" morning to everyone! Yup... we are schedule to receive up to 5 inches of "heavy, wet, pasty snow" (the weatherman's words) today! :scared1: Have I mentioned how much I HATE living up north??

I'm at work today, so I won't be around much.... just now and maybe about 9 am when the kid are at Art.... then not again until tonight.

Things have REALLY quieted down on here.... but the merge is coming soon!

We had kugel again last night....mmmmm! I figured out an approximate Points count for the entire casserole and then cut it up into 8 same-size pieces, so hopefully I counted it right and it won't derail me. DD wasn't home for dinner and I only had one serving, so we had several left over. DS had one for breakfast.... hopefully I can resist the rest.

Tonight is my "light" chicken parmesean, made with Boca chicken patties. I make my own in a separate casserole so I can control the amount of sauce and cheese. I have two small individual casseroles that are just right for this sort of thing? Do you have anything special like that for yourself?? It can be really helpful.

Well.... I think the kids are lining up outside, which means they will be in here any minute! I'll be back around 9 am! I hope there is something new for me to read!.....................P
Too tired to post more tonight, but here is the QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?
I'd like to go back 20 years and tell myself when I did ww for the very first time and got down to the 140s, to stick with it, and keep going, reach your goal, and become a lifetime member. In 20 years when you do this again, the weight is going to come off way slower than it did this time, and as a lifetime member you will keep the weight off longer to save some money.

Good morning everyone!! Not enough time to catch up with everyone. Hope you all have a lovely monday.
It's Monday morning and we are all starting the week with a clean slate. Do you need to get back on track? Do you need to stay on track? Now is the time!

Advice I would give myself 10 years ago:
Change your eating habits now. It will only get harder to do it later, my metabolism will only get worse and life will get busier makingit more difficult to fit in exercise.
Good morning everyone! I have some exciting news...keep reading...

QOTD for Saturday

Continuing on the theme of goals, there is a popular saying related to weight about being able to still fit into your wedding dress.

Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?

I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

On Saturday, BF and I went hiking at a park along the river and while we were taking a rest on a rock overlooking a cliff he asked me to marry him :) And of course I said yes! I'm so excited. We have been together for 3 1/2 years and we have known for a long time that we would get married some day, but I was beginning to think that he was just OK with the way things were and wasn't in any hurry. In fact, we got into a fight about it last weekend...little did I know that he already had the ring, but was just waiting for the right time to ask :rotfl: It will likely be at least a year before we can afford to have a wedding, but I'm excited to know that it is on the way :goodvibes

(And my real answer to the QOTD, I have a pair of jeans that I got 4 years ago when I lost a bunch of weight that I absolutely love and I hope to wear them again soon...I have been thinking about busting them out and seeing where I am.)

MIL noticed! We were sure she would. She actually noticed my loss but not DH's. :upsidedow

Woohoo! :banana: It is so awesome when people recognize that you are changing!

QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

I wish I had some specific before and after pictures so that I could really see the changes, but I don't :sad2: I guess I do have some pictures that have been taken of me at different weights, that certainly make me see what I was and what I am now. Maybe I should pull them out and post them for inspiration.

After dinner we went down the beach to watch the moon rising. It was so beautiful.

I really wanted to see the "super moon" this weekend but it was rainy here so I didn't get to see it.

Too tired to post more tonight, but here is the QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

I would probably tell myself so get a gym membership and use it religiously. And that just because you use the gym, you still can't eat everything you want.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

I am confused....what does onederland mean???

"One"-derland.... means that you see a "1" in the hundreds place on the scale... your weight starts with a "1" (and not a 2 or 3). :)

Good morning everyone! I have some exciting news...keep reading...

I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

On Saturday, BF and I went hiking at a park along the river and while we were taking a rest on a rock overlooking a cliff he asked me to marry him :) And of course I said yes! I'm so excited. We have been together for 3 1/2 years and we have known for a long time that we would get married some day, but I was beginning to think that he was just OK with the way things were and wasn't in any hurry. In fact, we got into a fight about it last weekend...little did I know that he already had the ring, but was just waiting for the right time to ask :rotfl: It will likely be at least a year before we can afford to have a wedding, but I'm excited to know that it is on the way :goodvibes

(And my real answer to the QOTD, I have a pair of jeans that I got 4 years ago when I lost a bunch of weight that I absolutely love and I hope to wear them again soon...I have been thinking about busting them out and seeing where I am.)

Woohoo! :banana: It is so awesome when people recognize that you are changing!

I wish I had some specific before and after pictures so that I could really see the changes, but I don't :sad2: I guess I do have some pictures that have been taken of me at different weights, that certainly make me see what I was and what I am now. Maybe I should pull them out and post them for inspiration.

I really wanted to see the "super moon" this weekend but it was rainy here so I didn't get to see it.

I would probably tell myself so get a gym membership and use it religiously. And that just because you use the gym, you still can't eat everything you want.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!


WOOOHOOO!!! Congratulations on the engagement!! You must be so excited!

And AMEN to that last statement.... "gym time does NOT equal eat-a-thon time!"

Well.... here I am with time to chat and things are too quiet! oh well........P
QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

I would tell myself to put me first.

10 years ago I was pregnant with DS9, and DS10 was just and infant. It was not easy but I could have worked harder.

It's Monday morning and we are all starting the week with a clean slate. Do you need to get back on track? Do you need to stay on track? Now is the time!

Need to get back on track! I had a bad weekend, so today is a new day.

I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

On Saturday, BF and I went hiking at a park along the river and while we were taking a rest on a rock overlooking a cliff he asked me to marry him :) And of course I said yes! I'm so excited. We have been together for 3 1/2 years and we have known for a long time that we would get married some day, but I was beginning to think that he was just OK with the way things were and wasn't in any hurry. In fact, we got into a fight about it last weekend...little did I know that he already had the ring, but was just waiting for the right time to ask :rotfl: It will likely be at least a year before we can afford to have a wedding, but I'm excited to know that it is on the way :goodvibes


Congrats Beth!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday Donalds... not as nice as saying "Happy Friday" but hope your Monday doesn't suck too bad at any rate. :thumbsup2

Weekends have been killer since the hubster and I started the diet. We're so used to going out to eat with the kiddo. Now we're trying to find other things to do that don't involve eating! :laughing: Went to the zoo on Saturday which was wonderful as usual.

He's being a real stickler about not wanting to eat out and I'm trying to convince him it's FINE to do, you just can't go out and eat junk. Didn't think it was rocket science but he's still not willing. :rolleyes: Anyone else have a straight-laced, stickler for a dieting pal?

QOTD: Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?

I've got these green khaki pants I bought from a juniors catalog. I think they're one of those weird junior sizes, like 11 or 13. I've had them for 12+ years. They're the cutest damn things and they make my rear-end look not-barge-like which is a bonus. I've got a whole flippin' wardrobe of clothes from when I lost a lot of weight pre-kiddo. Trying not to think about it too much because I don't want to get my hopes up overly-much. If I could wear those pants again, that'd be a major triumph.
I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

Congratulations!!! You must be on :cloud9:!

QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

I would tell myself to put me first.

That was going to be my answer! Not that I'd change what I did for my ailing mother and my kids...just that I'd pay more attention to myself and my own needs also!

Sorry I wasn't around all weekend, we had another busy one! Both dd were in the musical at their school and this was closing weekend, cast party, etc. Glad to have it behind us, but don't know how we'll handle the "post-musical depression" that always hits them!

I'm sorry to say I didn't manage a loss this week, but at least there wasn't a gain. I guess one-derland will have to wait one more week! :sad1:

Hello Donalds !! I am back from my Ladies Spa weekend and we had a wonderful time. Baden-Baden is such a pretty town. It kinda reminds me of a small Paris. I did not get to go to the Friedrichsbad due to TOM so I went to a different spa that still has the thermal water but is more like a water park and you wear a swimsuit;) Anyway, it was not so great. We have some places like that around here that are better! And, it is really not a good idea to sit around in any kind of thermal bath during TOM anyway I discovered:scared1: But, that was only about 2 hours of the weekend and the rest of the time was a lot of fun. One lady who is a recent new mother got VERY drunk at dinner, it was quite amusing.....until she broke her wine glass at the table:rotfl: I came home quite refreshed from the weekend away. And, I met a new lady who is going to take me to a membership club store tomorrow so I am excited to see what products they have there. I've heard they have really nice Argentian beef; you buy a whole loin for about 40 euros and go home and it will slice into about 12 nice thick steaks. I'm definitely getting that.

Congrats to LTS for hitting onderland!!!!!!!!! What a cute post about it. Do not worry at all about gaining on your trip and going back over. It will just be a temporary gain and you'll get back there quickly I am sure.

Congrats to Beth on your engagement:love: How exciting!!! Can't wait to hear wedding details.....

pamela and shawn- I think when your boys go off to college, you should start up your own reality tv show, THE ORGANIZERS, and you can start right here in MA. (I'll pm you my address)You can go into peoples houses, like the nanny and help them get their lives and homes in order.

wouldn't that be fun:yay:

1. Do you set "mini-goals" for yourself and how do you celebrate when you reach them?
2. What are some non-food rewards that you use to reward yourself for reaching goals?

Yes, my goal is always to lose 5 more pounds and I reward myself with a new clippie:laughing: Don't know why that is so motivating to me! I also go down one number in my BMI every time I lose 6 pounds so I have that in mind too. I don't think I've really given myself any rewards this time. I spoil myself on a daily basis howeverprincess:

QOTD for Saturday

Continuing on the theme of goals, there is a popular saying related to weight about being able to still fit into your wedding dress.

Do you have a significant item of clothing that you are hoping to fit into at some point?

Yes, I bought a gingham blouse for the annual Spring Fest here. A lot of people dress up in traditional costume, Dirndles for women and lederhosen for men. I do not look good in a dirndle so I thought it would be nice to wear the blouse with jeans and still fit in with my friends wearing costumes. I really need to do some serious work quickly as it is TIGHT and the fest ends May 8th. It's tight right in my problem area-upper abdomen:eek:

QOTD for Sunday

pjlla shared her before and after photos with us. Have you taken any photos or done anything to document your journey?

I just happened to have a couple of before photos by chance. One is the last day in the US before we moved. We are standing on our front porch posing with our close neighbor friends and another is a few months later when we are here and I went on my first hike with the Wandren Club. I'm so glad I have those photos to show my progress. I had hubby take a photo when I lost 25 lbs and I plan to take more at each new 5 lb increment.

Too tired to post more tonight, but here is the QOTD for Monday.

If you could go back 10 years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

I would tell myself to stop doing the low carb diet and eat a balanced diet and try to maintain the 29 pound loss I had in 2001!!! I would also tell myself it does not have to be all or nothing. You are not on a diet one day eating zero cookies and off a diet the next eating 50 cookies. Aim for moderation and if you fall off the wagon, do not beat yourself up, just get back on track as soon as you can. I would also tell myself to make time for moderate exercise daily and to be more active with my 4 year old.

OK, caught up on the QOTD now. Our life has been crazy since Friday. DS had an opportunity earlier in the year to go on a student exchange trip to Spain. He did not want to go. We tried to talk him into it but he was pretty adamant. On Friday, it was announced that a student on the trip had to back out and they were looking for a new participant. I asked DS again and he now wanted to go! So, we booked and paid and he is over the moon about it now for some reason and he leaves next Weds. BUT, I had thrown away all the info about it and I probably should have gotten more details before agreeing. It turns out the Spanish student comes here the exact week my BFF from the States is coming to visit. I had to let them know the student can't come here because we don't have room and I will be travelling most of that week. They weren't too happy about that. Then I realized that DS will miss the last 2 Scout meetings before they have their big campout at Normandy and he will miss a lot of the details and planning:eek: THEN, I remembered that the week after the Spanish trip, DS is supposed to participate in a German exchange program where he goes to a local German school for one week and a German student goes to his international school. But, how can he miss 13 days of school in a row ????? I am thinking he needs to pull out of the German exchange to keep up his work in other classes. In addition to all of that, we had our huge PTA fund raiser last Friday night and I have trips to Poland, London and Amsterdam coming up in the next month and it's just been very hectic around here. I had to write it all down for DH so he could see what's going on. He only has to go back and forth to work and on the Amsterdam trip for Easter break.

And, speaking of work, today DH was told we had the opportunity to go home this Summer instead of next!!!!!!!!!!! I could be living back in the US in a few months!!!!!
We would have thought we'd be very excited but we both feel a little ..... funny about it. He has to let them know by the end of the week and I am pretty sure we will go back early. I sure wish we had kept our house in the US now. I think we would have done things a little differently if we'd known it would only be 2 years instead of 3. So, I need to call back to our old school system and find out what is needed to transfer in to HS there and we need to figure out if we are renting or buying and a million other details. My head is swimming but it feels good to let "somebody" know. We aren't saying anything here until it's finalized. Thanks for letting me ramble:laughing:

Well, I PM'ed my Friday weight to Tracey, I was up .4. Today I am up 2.4:eek: Looks like another week of trying to get back to my old weight. I need to get off this merry go round:) Atleast I got all 21 HH points last week:thumbsup2

Talk to ya later Donalds,
Happy Monday Donalds... not as nice as saying "Happy Friday" but hope your Monday doesn't suck too bad at any rate. :thumbsup2

Weekends have been killer since the hubster and I started the diet. We're so used to going out to eat with the kiddo. Now we're trying to find other things to do that don't involve eating! :laughing: Went to the zoo on Saturday which was wonderful as usual.

He's being a real stickler about not wanting to eat out and I'm trying to convince him it's FINE to do, you just can't go out and eat junk. Didn't think it was rocket science but he's still not willing. :rolleyes: Anyone else have a straight-laced, stickler for a dieting pal?

Actually... it is fine to do, but tough! Suddenly surrounded by yummy sights and smells... it can be tough to keep up your will power. Maybe he is afraid he won't be able to keep on his plan. If he is really making an effort, please support him and (at least for now) avoid the eating out. I know I used to get so frustrated when I had to battle the whole family when I felt like I just COULDN'T go out. I knew I could stay on OP.... but easier said than done!! Especially when you are confronted with endless breadsticks, unlimited (heavily dressed) salad, and lots of yummy but high calorie options.

I can handle it now, but it was definitely a struggle when I was starting this journey.

Sorry I wasn't around all weekend, we had another busy one! Both dd were in the musical at their school and this was closing weekend, cast party, etc. Glad to have it behind us, but don't know how we'll handle the "post-musical depression" that always hits them!

I'm sorry to say I didn't manage a loss this week, but at least there wasn't a gain. I guess one-derland will have to wait one more week! :sad1:


DD gets a bit of post-season depression at the end of swim season. She is usually happy to lighten up the schedule, but suddenly there is "nothing" to look forward to, nothing to work for! So we understand that feeling around here. Hopefully your DDs can get involved in something else again soon.

One-derland will be waiting for you, whenever you arrive!

Hello Donalds !! I am back from my Ladies Spa weekend and we had a wonderful time. Baden-Baden is such a pretty town. It kinda reminds me of a small Paris. I did not get to go to the Friedrichsbad due to TOM so I went to a different spa that still has the thermal water but is more like a water park and you wear a swimsuit;) Anyway, it was not so great. We have some places like that around here that are better! And, it is really not a good idea to sit around in any kind of thermal bath during TOM anyway I discovered:scared1: But, that was only about 2 hours of the weekend and the rest of the time was a lot of fun. One lady who is a recent new mother got VERY drunk at dinner, it was quite amusing.....until she broke her wine glass at the table:rotfl: I came home quite refreshed from the weekend away. And, I met a new lady who is going to take me to a membership club store tomorrow so I am excited to see what products they have there. I've heard they have really nice Argentian beef; you buy a whole loin for about 40 euros and go home and it will slice into about 12 nice thick steaks. I'm definitely getting that.

And, speaking of work, today DH was told we had the opportunity to go home this Summer instead of next!!!!!!!!!!! I could be living back in the US in a few months!!!!!
We would have thought we'd be very excited but we both feel a little ..... funny about it. He has to let them know by the end of the week and I am pretty sure we will go back early. I sure wish we had kept our house in the US now. I think we would have done things a little differently if we'd known it would only be 2 years instead of 3. So, I need to call back to our old school system and find out what is needed to transfer in to HS there and we need to figure out if we are renting or buying and a million other details. My head is swimming but it feels good to let "somebody" know. We aren't saying anything here until it's finalized. Thanks for letting me ramble:laughing:

Well, I PM'ed my Friday weight to Tracey, I was up .4. Today I am up 2.4:eek: Looks like another week of trying to get back to my old weight. I need to get off this merry go round:) Atleast I got all 21 HH points last week:thumbsup2

Talk to ya later Donalds,

Your weekend sounds like a great time! Glad you enjoyed yourself!

Hopefully you can find some good stuff at the warehouse store!

DS's schedule sounds INSANE!! THey are all great experiences and I can see why you and he want him to participate but....:scared1: It will be GREAT if he can manage to do it all though.

WOW.... you really have a chance to come back early??? I can understand being torn though..... you had your mind all set to how things were going to be... and now they are throwing a change at you. Several years ago DH took a job transfer to the Atlanta, GA area. I agreed very reluctantly and spent the next few months starting to pack up the house and crying at the drop of a hat. But I gradually got excited about the prospect of a new state, new climate, new house, etc. (Plus I'd be an 8 hour drive to WDW!!). Anyhow... the economy tanked (this was about a year after 9/11) and they put a "temporary" stop to all corporate transfers and moves. As sad as I had originally been about going.... I was now equally sad about NOT going!! So anyhow.... I understand how you are feeling.

Good evening friends! Tonight's dinner was delicious! My lettuce had gone south, so no salad.... but I had a head of cabbage to use up, so I made a sauteed cabbage and mushrooms with garlic side dish. I thought it was delicious, although the rest of my family isn't fond of cabbage. I ate some of it plain and then topped my second portion with the spaghetti sauce I was serving with the Boca chicken parmesean. YUMMM! And virtually no Points (since I used a light spag. sauce). The rest of the family had a side of spaghetti with the parm, but I was more than happy with just the cabbage.

Looking forward to tomorrow night's quesidillas... but I'm not sure what to put in them other than the veggies and cheese. I have a bit of ham to put in DS's and I think I'll grill a chicken breast or two to dice up and put in DH and DD's. Mine will probably be refried beans, veggies, and cheese. I was going to offer a "choice"..... but I only have a little ham and DS can't have the chicken.... so no choices!

Tomorrow's schedule includes ladies bible study in the morning, a stop for groceries after that, groceries away, dinner prepped and made, and then off to the Y with DD. I'll watch BL after I get home.... I usually do that and then I usually fall asleep before the end and have to watch the end in the morning! :lmao:

I think it will turn out to be a "light" week for work.... no work tomorrow because of bible study, can't work Thursday because DS has a mid-day doctor's appointment, and can't work Friday because I have to leave mid-afternoon to drive DD to her Y New England Championships at Harvard. I guess that makes today's crummy day a bit more tolerable.

Shawn!!! Back stateside?!??! Where will you go? That's so exciting! Of course I won't have anyone to visit in Germany but that's ok.

Pamela, I didn't know you had the opportunity to move to GA. That is where DH is from, but honestly I would never move back there again. It's crazy down there.
Not having a great day today. The boys are fighting, DH is miserable because he's stuck in DC, and I'm so checked out it's not even funny.
I'm ready to throw in the towel.
I thought I was having a good food day but man, the stress is throwing me over the edge.
Not feeling good today. My hip is hurting so bad I am having trouble sitting and stomach is not happy so have spent most of the day lying down in front of the TV to keep my leg straight.

I am subing tomorrow and have an appt after school so I won't be on able to be back until evening tomorrow. Not sure how much energy I will have though.

I do want to make sure I reply to this though:
I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:

:cool1::cool1::yay::yay::woohoo::woohoo: :dance3: :dance3: party: :jumping1:

Congratulations! What a wonderful and romantic proposal. So happy for you both :bride: :groom:.
QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

The one thing that I keep repeating to myself is something I read back near the beginning of the thread "Hunger is not an emergency".
QOTD for Tuesday
As we are now in our last days as Team Donald it is a good time to reflect back on what we have gained or learned.
What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

The one thing that I keep repeating to myself is something I read back near the beginning of the thread "Hunger is not an emergency".

I'll ditto that one-

So I have to laugh this week as when 2 of my coworkers gave up sugary treats for Lent I thought that would be a good challenge also (though I don't observe Lent) and all have done quite well- well the group we have in house at the convention center this week will be the DEATH of us... There are more M &Ms, Snickers and Skittles to feed an ARMY (and the rest of the Military!) due to having the MARS company here than we know what to do with... Sigh

Well I've been away - more or less. It was our spring break. SO I was home all week w/ the kids, totally hormonal. we went out to the zoo, arboretum, planetarium, aquarium, museum of science, and then out w/ friends and lunch/playdates. I was eating out every day!!! I made lots of bad choices esp due to the hormones :scared1: School was back in today so I'm back on track and feeling good!

He's being a real stickler about not wanting to eat out and I'm trying to convince him it's FINE to do, you just can't go out and eat junk. Didn't think it was rocket science but he's still not willing. :rolleyes: Anyone else have a straight-laced, stickler for a dieting pal?

I get like that too. When I'm feeling really focused on keeping on track I just really don;t want that temptation. I get a little stressed when I 'have' to go out w/ my girlfriends for our girls night. Sort of sad I stress over going out to have fun. I try to get them to decide on where we're eating and then chek the online menu and decide before I go. maybe you two can pick before and have him check out the menu before hand.

I hope to fit into my future wedding dress because...I got engaged this weekend! :banana::cool1::banana:


Congrats!!! That's too funny you got upset with him and he already had the ring!! :rotfl:

Not having a great day today. The boys are fighting, DH is miserable because he's stuck in DC, and I'm so checked out it's not even funny.
I'm ready to throw in the towel.
I thought I was having a good food day but man, the stress is throwing me over the edge.

:grouphug: hang in there!! I know those days well!! When everything goes wrong and the stress brings you to the edge! I have such urges to stress eat too. I just find myself standing w/ the pantry door open. Have a small snack, a yogurt, carrots and hummus, a few chocolate chips or granola bar if you need something sweet and 'sinful'. Walk away, get on the boards here, take a walk, read a magazine, go paint your toenails away from the kids in the quiet bathroom!

Do your best and tomorrow is a new day. Remember this is not all about what you do or mistakes you make in one day but rather over a lifetime. Mess up today - its fine! I screwed up all of sbring break , hormonal and home w/ my kids - NOT PRETTY - while out and about w/ bad tempations.

I accepted it and now back on track and have lost the couple pounds I gained.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Good Tuesday morning Team Donald. Our last few days as our own team. I will miss being Team Donald but I have a lot of friends on the other thread that I miss. You will enjoy meeting them.

I did very little last night. I didn't even knit last night. Had a pretty good night sleep until 2:30 when I had to go to the bathroom. I tried to get back to sleep but dh was snoring a little too loud. If I am asleep he really has to be snoring pretty bad but it is hard for me to get to sleep if he snoring too hard when I am trying to get to sleep. I finally did and I woke up just as the alarm went off. Woke up not feeling tired and I am happy about that. I didn't work out this morning so I need to make time for it this afternoon.

princess_reject Congrats on getting engaged. My nephew got engaged in Feb. We just learned that he will be getting married next June 1st, 2012. We just found out that ds1 is going to be an usher inthe wedding.

Missoutandabout It must be tough with someone who is so gunho but at least he is with you on it. I wish my dh was doing something to get rid of some of his weight. Maybe we wouldn't have the snoring issue.

mom2knk The local high school finished their show last weekend. I know what you mean about the after show let down. Good luck

SettinSail that is so exciting about coming back to the states. I would feel a little dissappointed that I didn't get to do al the things I had hoped to do but excited to be coming back..Good luck with the decision.

pjlla good luck with your week. You are the busy one this week.

BernardandMissBianca Don't give up. Send them both to their room get a cup of tea and breath deeply for 5 minutes.

lovetoscrap Hope the hip is feeling better today.

Disneyland_emily I hate being around snacks when I have given them up.

DisFam95 welcome back. I don't get spring break until the middle of April TOO long.

One last thought for today.

What is one piece of advice, inspiration or information that you will take away from Team Donald?

Just keep swimming.

Have a happy and healthy day.


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