Support group for us no pin people!?


Aug 2, 2005

So... here is where you will get comfort and consolation if you have tried absolutely everything in your power, your but is fused to the computer chair, fingers glued to the keyboard, flipping back and forth from DIS to Disney website to email #1, email #2, email #3, email #4.... and so on

You could List things like
WHEN you first started becoming addicted to trying the infamous PIN METHOD STEPS!
WHAT you have done.... oh and ...
(((( How much neglect your husband, kids, dogs, work, housework... have suffered ))))....:sad:

I will promise do my very best to keep the hope alive because of OP like ZAMBONIMAN and others that we witnessed and are witnessing every day going through the daily Disney grind to obtain the all powerful holy grail to unlock the door to our dream discounts!

I know its all cheesy... just THINK I am dyin here... life needs to go on soon, and I am an addict now.... in the black hole of the internet.

HHHHMMM.... Now that I think of my own experience...
I ONLY JUST started getting hooked on Saturday morning...
I was a doubting Thomas, at that point who had just ONE EMAIL AND ONE PROFILE with Disney... thats when it all started for me... YUP It was...Saturday Morning... from there I am pretty sure I have created aprox ONE account and profile PER DAY... Totalling 10 accounts... ((( all lined up neatly in a row on my iphone, checking them obsessively by the hour, errrr .... minute! )))
THREE of the nine I had my friend sign up for, they go with us each year ... some are in my DH's name, we have called, a few times... some are in kids names... I will possibly post more antics later... I have an appointment this aft... which I am sure I will be late for because of my OBVIOUS obsession!

Sorry for the lengthy post....


Losing Hope... yes, I would like cheese with my whining.... :sad1:
here i am...

I actually do have one pin from one account but it is worse than the public offer but does go longer I guess....

But it isn't the pin I want :) and i haven't gotten one since I started obsessing! I have been obsessing for a couple of weeks. Once someone started getting my hopes up that they might give out another summer offer - which they did - and it wasn't what I wanted :rotfl: Also started seeing all these FQSD pins going out and out and out and i want one darnit!!!

So i started with one old account that I never got emails from disney in so I set up a new account through gmail when we decided to go and I was pricing and pricing and pricing.

Then I set up an account for my husband a couple of weeks ago. A couple of days ago I set up one with his other account. HE does still have a work account I haven't used :rotfl2:

I also have an account for my DSD who is 14 just hoping - that goes to my yahoo inbox. I have AT&T and my old yahoo email and my new email come to the same box - so those are both used with Disney Accts.

I have a gmail account - that actually has 3 accounts that come through it. A work one, a personal one and an old work one that I still get emails through - right now 2 of the 3 have disney accounts.

Last night I set up an account with my name to my bosses email that I manage :laughing: kinda embarassed at the lengths I will go for a darn pin. If they only knew... All these people that get them and don't use them.

DEAR DISNEY I promise if you give me the FQSD pin I will use it AND UPGRADE!! and i have a DD who is 3 1/2 and hasn't been there before TRUST ME we will be spending MONEY!!!
here i am...

I actually do have one pin from one account but it is worse than the public offer but does go longer I guess....

But it isn't the pin I want :) and i haven't gotten one since I started obsessing! I have been obsessing for a couple of weeks. Once someone started getting my hopes up that they might give out another summer offer - which they did - and it wasn't what I wanted :rotfl: Also started seeing all these FQSD pins going out and out and out and i want one darnit!!!

So i started with one old account that I never got emails from disney in so I set up a new account through gmail when we decided to go and I was pricing and pricing and pricing.

Then I set up an account for my husband a couple of weeks ago. A couple of days ago I set up one with his other account. HE does still have a work account I haven't used :rotfl2:

I also have an account for my DSD who is 14 just hoping - that goes to my yahoo inbox. I have AT&T and my old yahoo email and my new email come to the same box - so those are both used with Disney Accts.

I have a gmail account - that actually has 3 accounts that come through it. A work one, a personal one and an old work one that I still get emails through - right now 2 of the 3 have disney accounts.

Last night I set up an account with my name to my bosses email that I manage :laughing: kinda embarassed at the lengths I will go for a darn pin. If they only knew... All these people that get them and don't use them.

DEAR DISNEY I promise if you give me the FQSD pin I will use it AND UPGRADE!! and i have a DD who is 3 1/2 and hasn't been there before TRUST ME we will be spending MONEY!!!

AWE... Me too... I have the FQSD... I want to 40% one.
I am scheming and plotting but I think I might have figured something out, cracked another code as it were? All these profiles and emails and updating etc...

COULD one not trade a pin offer?

COULD ONE NOT forward the email to a 'said' party, then go in and update all of the profile information to match the person whom you are trading pins with??????


Please don't flame me for bad thoughts... just obsessed. And cross eyed thinking!.....
:rotfl: I'm sorry for laughing at your thread but it was so funny because a lot of us are in the same predicament. Count me in on joining your "pinless club." Thanks to the Disney discounts from last year we did get to visit. Here's hoping for more discounts or pins.:wizard:

So... here is where you will get comfort and consolation if you have tried absolutely everything in your power, your but is fused to the computer chair, fingers glued to the keyboard, flipping back and forth from DIS to Disney website to email #1, email #2, email #3, email #4.... and so on

You could List things like
WHEN you first started becoming addicted to trying the infamous PIN METHOD STEPS!
WHAT you have done.... oh and ...
(((( How much neglect your husband, kids, dogs, work, housework... have suffered ))))....:sad:

I will promise do my very best to keep the hope alive because of OP like ZAMBONIMAN and others that we witnessed and are witnessing every day going through the daily Disney grind to obtain the all powerful holy grail to unlock the door to our dream discounts!

I know its all cheesy... just THINK I am dyin here... life needs to go on soon, and I am an addict now.... in the black hole of the internet.

HHHHMMM.... Now that I think of my own experience...
I ONLY JUST started getting hooked on Saturday morning...
I was a doubting Thomas, at that point who had just ONE EMAIL AND ONE PROFILE with Disney... thats when it all started for me... YUP It was...Saturday Morning... from there I am pretty sure I have created aprox ONE account and profile PER DAY... Totalling 10 accounts... ((( all lined up neatly in a row on my iphone, checking them obsessively by the hour, errrr .... minute! )))
THREE of the nine I had my friend sign up for, they go with us each year ... some are in my DH's name, we have called, a few times... some are in kids names... I will possibly post more antics later... I have an appointment this aft... which I am sure I will be late for because of my OBVIOUS obsession!

Sorry for the lengthy post....


Losing Hope... yes, I would like cheese with my whining.... :sad1:
I wanna join the pity party! I thought I had a pin. I called and asked and they said yes....oh but wait.....I said I needed to talk to DH to verify dates (this was a couple weeks ago) when I called back they said I didn't have one!! I'm since been going crazy trying to get it back! You'd think they'd feel sorry for me by now! lol
I've been going at this since last Wednesday, April 7th. I have 4 email accounts going, 3 of which are brand new to the Disney site. One of the new one's is in dw's name, who was never registered before.

I started out with two accounts saving one itinerary with need accomodations and one with non disney hotel in each account. I added two more accounts and have tried EVERYTHING since.

This morning, I went in and fiddled, futzed and just plain messed around with all of them as was just recently suggested to hopefully trigger something in the afternoon. Nothing yet. :confused3

I'm going to throw some pixie dust into this this thread while we wait!

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
I wanna join the pity party! I thought I had a pin. I called and asked and they said yes....oh but wait.....I said I needed to talk to DH to verify dates (this was a couple weeks ago) when I called back they said I didn't have one!! I'm since been going crazy trying to get it back! You'd think they'd feel sorry for me by now! lol

Did you call back and ask another CM?
Count me in! I'm actually glad to see some others aren't getting it - misery loves company after all!

The other couple of threads on this are making me crazy, because it seems like more and more people are getting a pin every day, and I can't figure out why I'm not! I actually only have three emails with accounts at Disney (2 more than I did last week!), but I was sure one of them would trigger this darn thing!

I wouldn't be too concerned if you're trying for free dining, and there seems to be a good chance that that's coming out as a public offer soon. What I really wanted was the 30/35/40 code. Without it, I can't see us doing Fort Wilderness again (which the whole family wants). With FD, we'd have to do two rooms at a value and I'm not sure we'd even go.

So, yes, my work, my kids, my house - everything has suffered this past week (a bit longer actually) since this all started. DH doesn't understand either - although he's the first one to ask "What kind of deal did we get for this trip?"

Oh, the angst.....

And good luck to everyone - I hope everyone eventually gets the deal they want :wizard:
Oh pinless tribe, I'm here for you. I've had pins arrive here by snail mail, quite a few. Some of them have been truly kickin' offers. The kind of offers I'd be all over like wet on a t-shirt. Alas, these pins are not for me, DH, DD or DS. They have all been for a lovely young lady, one of DD's BFF's, that we took to WDW back in 2004.:confused3
Sigh. Does this qualify as a prime example of no good deed goes unpunished?
Oh pinless tribe, I'm here for you. I've had pins arrive here by snail mail, quite a few. Some of them have been truly kickin' offers. The kind of offers I'd be all over like wet on a t-shirt. Alas, these pins are not for me, DH, DD or DS. They have all been for a lovely young lady, one of DD's BFF's, that we took to WDW back in 2004.:confused3
Sigh. Does this qualify as a prime example of no good deed goes unpunished?

Have you ever called to see if they can be used? Your probably a pro at it, been there done that kinda gal...

We got mailed a post card in January for 40% off ( it is expired now though )
and it was in my son's BFF 's name, we called and they said we could use it.
This is hilarious! :lmao:

You guys completely made my week! I am so, so, so very sorry I got a great laugh over your misery. I hope all the best for all of you.

If you decide not to go to Disney, maybe you should think about taking some of that vacation money and purchase some Yahoo stock :confused3
Count me in! I'm actually glad to see some others aren't getting it - misery loves company after all!

The other couple of threads on this are making me crazy, because it seems like more and more people are getting a pin every day, and I can't figure out why I'm not! I actually only have three emails with accounts at Disney (2 more than I did last week!), but I was sure one of them would trigger this darn thing!

I wouldn't be too concerned if you're trying for free dining, and there seems to be a good chance that that's coming out as a public offer soon. What I really wanted was the 30/35/40 code. Without it, I can't see us doing Fort Wilderness again (which the whole family wants). With FD, we'd have to do two rooms at a value and I'm not sure we'd even go.

So, yes, my work, my kids, my house - everything has suffered this past week (a bit longer actually) since this all started. DH doesn't understand either - although he's the first one to ask "What kind of deal did we get for this trip?"

Oh, the angst.....

And good luck to everyone - I hope everyone eventually gets the deal they want :wizard:

HOPING FOR THE 40% off... to jump at the chance to stay in :cloud9: Club Level at one of fave resorts!
Every day at 12:30 I frantically check all 87 of my email accounts.
I ordered the vacation planning video.
I ordered maps.
I call and check to see if I have a pin (and get cranky CMs on the phone who tell me to check the web site for the best deals..

I get nothing. Nada. zip :(

Poooor me :(

My New occupation when I SHOULD BE :laundy:

:worship: PLease Disney Pin Gods give me the 40 % PIN :worship:


This is hilarious! :lmao:

You guys completely made my week! I am so, so, so very sorry I got a great laugh over your misery. I hope all the best for all of you.

If you decide not to go to Disney, maybe you should think about taking some of that vacation money and purchase some Yahoo stock :confused3
Every day at 12:30 I frantically check all 87 of my email accounts.
I ordered the vacation planning video.
I ordered maps.
I call and check to see if I have a pin (and get cranky CMs on the phone who tell me to check the web site for the best deals..

I get nothing. Nada. zip :(

Poooor me :(

LOL! :lmao::rotfl:
AND our Support Group Prayer will be the wonderful poem that another poster made up.... WHERE IS THAT PIN POEM? Can anyone find it?

We could add that to our list of daily rituals!

5:00 am Check emails

5:30 am Recite PIN POEM

5:32 am Check emails

5:35 am Go back to bed
Dream of getting the coveted pin of choice

6:00 am awaken to the buzzing of mail box from iphone on night table, only to be disappointed that it is 'junk mail' from fellow dis'ers glowing from excitement of news of the arrivals of THEIR PINS...

6:30 lay in bed wondering why I subscribed to that darn thread

6:35 Dreaming again...

7:00 BUZZ BUZZ oh ... another email.... GRRRRR MORE HAPPY PEOPLE...

by 8:00 it is time to get up with the kids and get them off to school
(((( yup.... they will be late, because I log back onto the ole computer now, to reread all the HAPPY POSTS! )))) LIKE ITS BETTER IN BIGGER PRINT!

9:00 am Kids are gone to school, ( yes they are late for that too ) MY BAD Now it is just me and my dogs and my coffee, I PROMISE TO BATH THE DOGS TODAY, DO THE LAUNDRY, CLEAN THE BATHROOMS... JUST AS SOON AS I AM DONE MY COFFEE I WILL LOG OFF..



Check all 10 emails again, there are lots... MORE HAPPY PEOPLE with MORE HAPPY PIN NEWS. (((( I AM happy for you... really... and cannot wait to be worthy enough to come out of the 'dark side' with my own news )))) and this thread is to be a support for those who we are cheering on to get one... but
it's just "PIN ENVY" :)

yes it goes on and on... the antics... put me out of my misery already!

Okay NOW I am definitely logging out to clean ... a bit!:rolleyes1
I'm joining too! Everyday the dinner conversation with DH starts off with so, have you checked all the emails? We have done iternaries and ordered maps. The worst part is that we have received pins in the past and have not been able to use them. Now that we really want one; no pixie dust coming our way. Here's hoping we all get what we want.pixiedust:
Hi my name is Krista and I am pincode loser. I have 4 different email accounts I check daily and I am contemplating signing up another profile under my dh's work email address.

My house is a mess, my laundry is piled up, my kids are hungery and I haven't showered in days. I drink coffee and sit on my computer chair all day long checking emails and ignoring the rest of my life......................:rotfl:

Okay my kids are fed and I have showered, but my house really is a mess ;)

And here is the best part of all! I told my sister about signing up to get pincodes (she goes to Disney every other year, had never heard of pincodes) so she signs up on the site and within a day get's the free dining code! :headache:


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