Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning all! Another weekend is upon us. I'm going to do my weekly chores today and then relax for the evening.

Have a great day!

Hey Todd...... :wave2:

Always good to have company this time of the day.......

Have a good one and yes, enjoy that relaxation after the jobs!

My goodness it`s warm here considering how dull it is, well, half in half.....our walk was lovely as we walked in a little fog for a while which helped keep us cooler, but so eerie as it was so still. The foghorn was sounding for a little time before it began to clear which I love to hear and passing ships were also sounding theirs. I did take a picture, but you couldn`t see

BLT`s for lunch soon.........🥓🥓🥓
I like BLTs except for the "T" I'm fine with the "B" and "L". :rotfl:

B&L for Todd then......will add extra B to make up for it.......Tom loves extra tomato, so he can have yours ::yes::

How early is it acceptable to have`s only 11.15 here but my tummy is grumbling.....loud! Over an hour till chow time.......⏱
B&L for Todd then......will add extra B to make up for it.......Tom loves extra tomato, so he can have yours ::yes::

How early is it acceptable to have`s only 11.15 here but my tummy is grumbling.....loud! Over an hour till chow time.......⏱
Throw some ham on there and I'm good! :D

Go ahead and eat...I always listen to my stomach.
Hehe, little one enjoys a BLT, but dry, no mayo for her.

Good morning Metro and good afternoon to Schumi.

Relaxing day for us too, and hoping a late night at HHN. Fell asleep before little one, but that is mostly routine, as much as me making tea this morning. A mostly sunny day, saying high temp is 90 today, so I can see more pool time in today. But for now, enjoying some tea, and headphones on to watch the screen. I assume like most days, little one will be up around lunchtime. And that’s fine with me. I’d rather relax, as going to be a long day. Yay for that, and hooking up with others for HHN fun, wahoo!

Super happy Saturday homies. Hope it includes some relaxing, and Mac gets her mobile accounts fixed without taking the whole day up. Hope an hour or less.
Pool is hopping today, got here early enough for good chairs. Nachos are enough for 4 people!
grandson pauses long enough from slide runs to eat and then
Back he goes!
Hope everyone’s weekends are off to good start, meeting up with Lynne and Patty for tour in few hours!


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:wave2: Friday morning stop in

TGIF :woohoo: It feels like it was a long week. I'm just glad the weekend is here! Not sure what's happening yet this weekend. But it will probably include for puttering around, meal prep a couple of things, and maybe a movie night or two.

I am usually hanging on for my life - screaming/laughing like a fool - and LOVING every minute of it!!!!!!! sister has already been commenting about us talking about and planning a vacation. I work outside in the public EVERYDAY. My perspective of this whole thing is vastly different from hers. Oh well, each to their own :rolleyes1 Did you bring out the suitcases yet? I know your countdown i must be in the single digits.

As much as that sucks, it's a blessing in disguise. I can't tell you how many jobs dh has " fixed" over the years because of sub-par work. I hope your able to find a replacement contractor soon.

YUM!!! Those raspberries looked amazing!!!! I love a good raspberry - especially as part of a yogurt parfait for breakfast!

Some days, it feels good to do that. I love to putter and clean (at my own pace) the house. It is also great to sit with a beverage after to enjoy the look of all the work

Well, I should shuffle a few more papers. I'm thinking of leaving a little early today. It's pretty slow today, and there is not much left for me to do.

Have a great day everyone...and stay safe!!!!
A raspberry almond yogurt parfait was for breakfast this morning!!

The kitchen paint project is complete. Yay! I’ll post before and after pictures once the countertops and are installed, but until then this will give you an idea.


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Our painter was a bit of a perfectionist, but we appreciate his attention to detail.

Sounds yummy.

I hate that day too. Why can’t we just leave time alone?

We think we made a great choice. I have already had a neighbor ask me who we used. She says her kitchen looks like ours used to. (Dark and stuck in the 80’s.)

Those look really good. Raspberry pairs really well with chocolate.

No need. The owner finished the job himself. I just hope he is able to find a reliable replacement painter. I know he has been swamped with work lately.

Tonight is going to be another football night, but this time I am actually going to watch the game.
Very nice Charade!!

The last 2 days went so fast with little to show for it. The car got a flat/nail yesterday, so I had to take it to the tire place for repair. I had to wait 4 hours :( Luckily, I suspected it was going to be a long day, especially since DH had non-stop meetings all day until 6pm. So, I brought a camping chair, book, water, and snacks. No charge for the fix though, since we had the hazard insurance. When I got home last night after picking up DS from school, I realized the I had gotten sunburned:mad: I sat in the shade the whole time outside. I didn't want to sit inside with the maskless. Plus, the weather was beautiful. It must have been due to reflections from the road or something. My arms, neck, and tops of my legs are lobstered. That basically took up all day yesterday.

I don't know where today went. I guess I talked a while with my the friend from work who stopped by to pick up the MotoGP parking passes. We won't be in town, so we gave the tickets to him. Had to pick up groceries. However, I think I spent most of the day picking out camera equipment. I almost finished reading one of my photography books, and I think it encouraged me to get some equipment for HHN photos. I bought a new tripod; ours was cheap and ancient. Got a new card reader, because DS doesn't like me borrowing his. I also picked up some new filters: polarizing and gradient ND. I had to pay extra for faster shipping to get it here before I leave. I had to buy the stuff online from a photography store; Amazon didn't have any of it. Amazon did have the photography books I wanted, but they won't come in until later next month. Hopefully I can get more done this weekend with DH gone.

Also got notified that DS has half days next Friday and the following Friday due to the Austin City Limits music festival. It's across the river from his school, and people try to park near his school and walk across the bridge. I was really worried about the 2nd Friday, because DH was going to have to get him and get to the airport for them to fly to Orlando. We had decided he should probably pick him up a little early, but no need now.

@schumigirl Added all of the ingredients to make an authentic as possible Vesper for the release of the latest Bond film. Need to go buy it now.

Hope everyone in Orlando or heading there soon has a great trip. Have a good weekend everyone.
Can't wait to see photos from your upcoming trip!
Do you do photography professionally, or as a hobby?

A great beef filet dinner, and more night time pool time. Had a good day, and enjoyed park time and burger lunch. Now relaxing after a refreshing hot shower.

Little one a MIB fan, so first ride of our day:
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The sound and some of the aliens were not working, but always a fun ride.

And I always enjoy when characters are out:
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Have a good night, and yay the weekend is coming tomorrow.
Who won MIB, you or DD?

I am way behind in being organized or set up for my trip

Life has gotten in the way and now I have to hustle this weekend to be ready to fly out next week

I hate stress

Mr Mac and I have an appointment with T-Mobile tomorrow late afternoon to straighten out our iPhone accounts
Was told it would take an hour to get things redone
I have had sprint since they became a company and have to switching over to the new set up

long story about this “mess” for another time

Hope all have sweet dreams tonight!
Tucking all the homies to bed now ..
Hope it all gets sorted quickly, so you can get ready for your trip!!

I`ve been a day behind all week for some reason, so my week feels longer than usual.....but I think that`s good as weeks just seem to be disappearing....

Hope you did finish early and have a great weekend.......

The doors look beautiful made a good choice, what a difference it`ll make to the room, you must be so pleased already!

Hope your son`s sunburn is better, ouch!

Oh nice cocktail! I`ve never used Kina Lillet, Vermouth usually works as a good stand in, don`t think I`ve ever seen it for sale here unless in a specialist company. Although of course it`s now called just lillet but I remember a bottle of the old named stuff hanging around my parent`s drinks cabinet for a few years! For medicinal reasons

Lovely pictures Monyk......gald you`re having such a lovely time.

Oh I hope the appointment goes well today and not too time consuming!

Not sure about the new show on Netflix. Very slow and dreary start, but reviews say a little like Haunting of Hill House, give it a couple of episodes and it`ll get better. I think I guessed the twist though, or one of them.

Had a couple of pink gins last night, small ones of course and was in bed fairly early and slept like a rock.

Going to be dull today but around mid to high 60`s which will be nice for walking this morning, supposed to be meeting some friends for a mid afternoon glass of wine in our village, will see how we feel later. Will catch the qualifying for the Russian GP unless it gets rained off, and doing spicy chicken stir fries tonight.

Breakfast first though, then out walking, thrilled with the new walking shoes, they are very comfortable thankfully.

And Saturday again........




Have a lovely weekend 😁
Nothing nicer than a comfy pair of shoes!
Oh god, just reading that back to myself.....sounds like something my grandma would have said, lol!

Pool is hopping today, got here early enough for good chairs. Nachos are enough for 4 people!
grandson pauses long enough from slide runs to eat and then
Back he goes!
Hope everyone’s weekends are off to good start, meeting up with Lynne and Patty for tour in few hours!
Love a pool day! Super pics!

Speaking of pools, I have always wanted one....but could never justify it for the Wisconsin climate.
Lucky if we'd get 3 months a year use. And I know some people say they are money pits, or just a lot of work, but I'd get so much enjoyment out of one.
If DH and I ever end up as snowbirds in retirement, we will surely have a pool!

DH and I are meeting friends at a local Oktoberfest tonight. We went last year and had a blast, so we figured why not go again? Must be in my Germanic DNA, but I do enjoy a good polka band!!

Weather back up to 77 for a high tomorrow. Think we will go golfing, since those days are numbered for this season...

Happy Saturday!!

I guess we could give this a try!!
Pumpkin.....where did your quote go??

Yes, thank you......all being well (still not sure) we have about a 60 day countdown which isn`t bad.......

Our lamps in the dining room are on when we eat now, if we eat in the kitchen all the undercabinet lamps are on and little cosy lamps around too, so yes, the change in light is obvious now. It`s dark enough now to need lamps on in every room just after 7, completely dark by 7.45. I agree, I love that cosy autumn/winter feeling when you`re in and having something nice like that.

Do you have the photopass Lynne or do you just buy all the pictures individually?

Other cousin has asked me what I think of it now??

Same, never raise our hands if someone is behind us. On our very first trip in 2007 we came off Splash Mountaiin and a lady said I had covered her daughter`s face in the picture.....oops. I had no idea. I did tell her it was so quiet she could go round again, place was deserted in September back then.....she wasn`t happy.....

I`m glad it`s cooling down for you, I remember you prefer that cooler weather. 60`s is what we had earlier, pleasant. I`m desperately trying to cling on to warmer weather!!

We need full service too. I want shuttles and restaurants too. The Radisson is ideal as we can walk down to either terminal and yes, I`m sure it`ll be deep cleaned, so will maybe book a cancellable room and wait to see how it goes when it does open, it`ll be neat but we might manage it.

Not much within walking distance of Manchester Airport and we use a car service to take us up there, so no use of our car, so yes, restaurants in the hotel are essential.

If this trip happens of course!!

I stayed twice at the Doubletree Suites in NYC, just mum and I, but the space was lovely.

Sounds like lovely weather Charade, I think you said you like it cooler too rather than blazing hot. I hope you get some perfect weather for your trip, and it`s so close now!! You must be getting excited.

lol.....I used to grip on the first time on a ride......but then I liked to relax some and not have that vice like grip on the much fun!

Getting so much darker in the mornings now. I wonder when our walks will start a little later as I don`t fancy starting in the dark once it`s much colder than now. We are being spoiled with some lovely September warmth, but the chill is there in the mornings too. But, there`s something quite lovely about autumn.

Although we did notice that lovely change in colours in the trees hasn`t been as slow this year and some trees have changed very quickly to a rather miserable and dank winter brown.

Made some breakfast muffins last night with bacon to give them a try, they look nice and the aroma was very tempting last night as they were baking.

Bit of shopping to do in a couple of places, need to pop to another village as we like their deli better than the one in the town closest to us, they have olives stuffed with the hottest chillies! We do usually take the chillies out and chop them into salads or dishes. But the flavour of the spice is still there.

And it`s Friday........




Have a wonderful Friday folks :flower1:
yay for 60 day countdown! That meme could be my neighbour 2 houses down I’ve seen him out shoveling snow with shorts on lol!

Yeah Charade. She loves sweatshirts, but rarely wears a long sleeve, even in the coldest winters. Yay for a week countdown today. Had a very nice meal at Amatista, so looking forward to enjoying another with you next week.

Our hallway has been very noisy. A few toss and turns, but no little one up yet. I do agree with her, our shower has not a lot of power. And with the soft water, eh. Don’t have that issue at home. But at home or not, I’m enjoying my tea, and a small screen. Good thing both of us brought headphones.
I had long sleeve tee on today, 75 out according to patio thermometer lol! I’m looking forward to Amatista too! New one for me.
Why is hall noisy? Are you near elevator?

We have had some drama this morning. Our painters are R (owns the company), J, and other guy. I don’t know his name so I will call him OG. R and OG showed up this morning and were arguing about another job. They bring in my cabinet doors and then OG tells R he needs to talk to him outside. They go outside and are gone for about 10 minutes. R come back and tells me that OG has just quit. It seems that OG has been taking too many shortcuts and R was not happy with him. OG doesn’t want to do the job to R’s standards, so he quit. Unfortunately our house is one of the places OG took some shortcuts, so R will be repainting a couple of walls today too.

I think I might add ear plugs to my packing list.
Wow! Well on the bright side the owner noticed the workers shabby job and is making it right!

Lots of fuss about the Hoka shoes. I don't own them, wasn't sure if I'd like the soles. You'll have to let me know what you think of the New Balance version.

Yes, we love our girl...shedding and all! Our cat is a big shedder as well. The vacuum rarely gets put away, it's used so often!!

I had a vodka tonic last night, mostly because I was too lazy to go downstairs to the basement bar and get the gin. Very refreshing!!

I don't like the earlier darkness either. My least favorite day of the year is when we turn the clocks back, and have another hour of dark.

Sorry to hear your DD was fun...

ONE WEEK!!!! :yay: :cheer2::banana::bounce:

Another ONE WEEK person!!! :cool1::Pinkbounc:woohoo::jumping1:

Your last meme!!! That is every single teenage boy in Wisconsin the majority of the winter!!

Have a super time with your DD!!

Hopefully getting rid of OG will be better for your project. Sounds like R is making sure all is done correctly!!

I've decided I'm going raspberry picking today. All 3 of us adore raspberries, and there is a place to pick your own about 10 minutes from me.
The only bummer is there are usually a fair amount of mosquitos to deal with....but I found our bug spray, and will wear long pants and sleeves. Hopefully that will do the trick!
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I will let you know! Haven’t worn them yet but think I will tomorrow if rain holds off on dog walk. They felt very cushy in the store, I’d say as cushy as the Hoka, but better width for me. I am on the narrower side.

:wave2: Friday morning stop in

TGIF :woohoo: It feels like it was a long week. I'm just glad the weekend is here! Not sure what's happening yet this weekend. But it will probably include for puttering around, meal prep a couple of things, and maybe a movie night or two.

I am usually hanging on for my life - screaming/laughing like a fool - and LOVING every minute of it!!!!!!! sister has already been commenting about us talking about and planning a vacation. I work outside in the public EVERYDAY. My perspective of this whole thing is vastly different from hers. Oh well, each to their own :rolleyes1 Did you bring out the suitcases yet? I know your countdown i must be in the single digits.

As much as that sucks, it's a blessing in disguise. I can't tell you how many jobs dh has " fixed" over the years because of sub-par work. I hope your able to find a replacement contractor soon.

YUM!!! Those raspberries looked amazing!!!! I love a good raspberry - especially as part of a yogurt parfait for breakfast!

Some days, it feels good to do that. I love to putter and clean (at my own pace) the house. It is also great to sit with a beverage after to enjoy the look of all the work

Well, I should shuffle a few more papers. I'm thinking of leaving a little early today. It's pretty slow today, and there is not much left for me to do.

Have a great day everyone...and stay safe!!!!
Pumpkin, I’ve had my suitcases out since Aug trip lol. Never bothered putting them away! You’ll have to report on any reaction with 3rd vaccine!

The kitchen paint project is complete. Yay! I’ll post before and after pictures once the countertops and are installed, but until then this will give you an idea.


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Our painter was a bit of a perfectionist, but we appreciate his attention to detail.

Sounds yummy.

I hate that day too. Why can’t we just leave time alone?

We think we made a great choice. I have already had a neighbor ask me who we used. She says her kitchen looks like ours used to. (Dark and stuck in the 80’s.)

Those look really good. Raspberry pairs really well with chocolate.

No need. The owner finished the job himself. I just hope he is able to find a reliable replacement painter. I know he has been swamped with work lately.

Tonight is going to be another football night, but this time I am actually going to watch the game.
Love the cabinets!

A great beef filet dinner, and more night time pool time. Had a good day, and enjoyed park time and burger lunch. Now relaxing after a refreshing hot shower.

Little one a MIB fan, so first ride of our day:
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The sound and some of the aliens were not working, but always a fun ride.

And I always enjoy when characters are out:
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Have a good night, and yay the weekend is coming tomorrow.
Where did you have the filet? Fun pics! I emailed Amazing pics and they said renewal in park is $99! I don’t know how strict they are with renewal, as I didn’t renew last Dec, no point with masks on rides.

very late start to today, little park time-DH wanted to get on velocicoaster again. I’m absolutely wiped out so we headed back for a rest, then dinner at Anojitos with family. I took leftovers back to resort then HHN for a couple houses. Came back early but Paige decided to do a few herself. DH and I were tired. Pool day tomorrow to rest the legs before final nite of HHN and RiP tour!
some random HHN pics, the Kitty Kat club from UtH tour from Case Files:Legendary truth house, and the Velocioaster! Missed Lynne and her dd today as we didn’t really do too much lol!
How did you like Anojitos? We must be the only ones that didn’t enjoy our meals there. How was the queue on Velocicoster? Long? What did you think of it? So sorry to miss you on this trip!
Beautiful day today. My club was hosting a race, The Poker Paddle. Just a fun end of season race. Was 75 in the shade, probably 80 in the sunshine! I was down to help. Did race registration and helped move boats around. Then did timing for last heat.

Daughter & fiancé coming over for dinner tonight, bbqing steaks. They’ve been marinating all day.

Busy week coming up, with hair, Covid testing, packing, and have to make my yam/pineapple Thanksgiving dish to take over for dinner the day I return. Family friend is having the dinner this year. I’ll make it Monday, and freeze it. But will have to remind DH to take it out of freezer before I fly home. The day before I guess.

We aren’t eatting outside tonight,gets dark too early, and the wasps are vicious this time of year. The moment they smell food they suddenly appear. And I’m allergic.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Another pic of today. Boats holding on start line. This is the Burrard inlet. To the left is Vancouver and past that open(ish) ocean. Actually Vancouver Island is past so the Strait of Georgia is between us and Vancouver Island. The opposite shore past tanker in photo is North Vancouver.
Good evening. We have had a very productive day. First Dh and I (mostly Dh) assembled our rolling kitchen island/cabinet. I swore we would never assemble furniture again, but I had not been able to find one that liked until this one.

After lunch we went to both Home Depot and Lowe’s. Dh bought a new cordless drill and I got some pull out drawers for our cabinets.

I had to buy the stuff online from a photography store; Amazon didn't have any of it. Amazon did have the photography books I wanted, but they won't come in until later next month.
Do you ever shop at B & H? I bought a lot of stuff from them ages ago when I was taking photography classes.

And I always enjoy when characters are out:
Cool! I’m hoping to see the Scooby gang again.

Mr Mac and I have an appointment with T-Mobile tomorrow late afternoon to straighten out our iPhone accounts
Hope you got everything worked out.

The doors look beautiful made a good choice, what a difference it`ll make to the room, you must be so pleased already!
Thank you. I can’t wait to get the countertops and flooring.

BLT`s for lunch soon...
I love a good BLT.

Nothing nicer than a comfy pair of shoes!
Oh god, just reading that back to myself.....sounds like something my grandma would have said, lol!
Comfy shows are a must. My FIL used to say “if your feet hurt then all of you hurts.”

I’m looking forward to Amatista too! New one for me.
I’ve never eaten there either.

MonyK - Thanks for the park pictures. The nachos look so good.

Sue - Beautiful pictures.

Dh is watching college football. I think I will just sit here and do nothing for the rest of the evening.
Came back to add, your rolling island cabinet is sweet!

I have one so much like yours
My kitchen is small and I can put mine by the wall so it is out of the way when I don’t need to use the top for food prepping
Came back to add, your rolling island cabinet is sweet!

I have one so much like yours
My kitchen is small and I can put mine by the wall so it is out of the way when I don’t need to use the top for food prepping
Thanks. I also have a small kitchen and not a lot of counter space. This cart will give me a little more room for food prep and a little extra storage.
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Hope your son`s sunburn is better, ouch!

Oh nice cocktail! I`ve never used Kina Lillet, Vermouth usually works as a good stand in, don`t think I`ve ever seen it for sale here unless in a specialist company. Although of course it`s now called just lillet but I remember a bottle of the old named stuff hanging around my parent`s drinks cabinet for a few years! For medicinal reasons

Unfortunately, it was me who got sunburned :( It's finally feeling better today, but I still have to keep the heat down in the shower.

A lot of people will substitute Lillet Blanc, since Kina Lillet isn't made anymore. However, Lillet Blanc is supposed to be sweeter than the original Kina. I have read that Cocchi Americano is a better substitute. They also recommend 100 proof vodka.

Can't wait to see photos from your upcoming trip!
Do you do photography professionally, or as a hobby?

Just a hobby. I am actually just kind of getting back into more seriously, now that I am not working. I used to love doing it all of the time, even developing my own film and prints in high school. However, I kind of got out of it in the early digital years. I have been playing around some, but I want to get back to doing less snapshotty stuff and learning Lightroom/Photoshop. I will probably be experimenting a lot on my solo days. I hate to make DH and DS wait around for me as I wait for just the right moment, set up stuff, or walk around looking for the right angle.

Another pic of today. Boats holding on start line. This is the Burrard inlet. To the left is Vancouver and past that open(ish) ocean. Actually Vancouver Island is past so the Strait of Georgia is between us and Vancouver Island. The opposite shore past tanker in photo is North Vancouver.
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Do you ever shop at B & H? I bought a lot of stuff from them ages ago when I was taking photography classes.

Kitchen looks like it is coming along nicely.

That's who I bought from. We have one locally that's pretty good that we usually use, but I wasn't sure if they would have what I wanted. Plus, we are still in stage 5, so I am trying to avoid going into places.
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Nothing nicer than a comfy pair of shoes!
Oh god, just reading that back to myself.....sounds like something my grandma would have said, lol!

DH and I are meeting friends at a local Oktoberfest tonight. We went last year and had a blast, so we figured why not go again? Must be in my Germanic DNA, but I do enjoy a good polka band!!

Weather back up to 77 for a high tomorrow. Think we will go golfing, since those days are numbered for this season...

Happy Saturday!!

I guess we could give this a try!!
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lol....I say that too now......comfort is all important!

Enjoy golfing today and hope last night was fabulous!

Good evening. We have had a very productive day. First Dh and I (mostly Dh) assembled our rolling kitchen island/cabinet. I swore we would never assemble furniture again, but I had not been able to find one that liked until this one.
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After lunch we went to both Home Depot and Lowe’s. Dh bought a new cordless drill and I got some pull out drawers for our cabinets.
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Ideal for more space Charade, it looks good. Oh I can imagine how keen you are to get it all done......

And your trip is ever closer too......

Unfortunately, it was me who got sunburned :( It's finally feeling better today, but I still have to keep the heat down in the shower.

A lot of people will substitute Lillet Blanc, since Kina Lillet isn't made anymore. However, Lillet Blanc is supposed to be sweeter than the original Kina. I have read that Cocchi Americano is a better substitute. They also recommend 100 proof vodka.

Glad it`s doing better, sunburn is so painful!

I have no real memory of the Kina Lillet, it`s been too many years since they made it, but the lillet Blanc is quite sweet. I prefer Noilly Prat vermouth, not fancy but works well. Belsazar is a good one too.

Not using 100% proof anything in drinks, I would imagine Belvedere, Lillet and any good non generic gin would work. I`ve never tried Cocchi Americano though.

So, apparently we`re doing a 10 mile walk this morning. I`d never have had that 2nd large red wine last night if I`d known. Tom reminded me as my head hit the pillow....I don`t even remember it being arranged...but friend just sent a txt see you in half an hour???? Er, make it an hour!

Will head out soon as it`s not even sunrise yet.

Then a little shopping for fresh and the Russian GP this afternoon on the tv. Doing a roast chicken in the Aga today, then maybe chicken noodle soup for lunch tomorrow.

Boring breakfast as it`s so early to eat, but I`d never last too long walking without something, so will grab some toast, marmalade and tea.




Happy Sunday 😁


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