Something About Nothing............ #14

Super bored at work again today. This has been the slowest week ever. I went to the mailbox to see if we had any claim checks I could enter, but the box was empty. I can’t remember a week when we have had so little mail, phone calls, and email.

The countertop people cam came by today to measure our kitchen. Now I just need to get an install date. The painters will be back tomorrow to finish the cabinets.

I am sitting here trying to stay awake. I need to find something to do.
So behind, again!

Paris what a beautiful pup! We had 2 yellow labs, I’ve had many pups but I think labs are the best! It’s unfortunate they shed like crazy!
I don’t know what’s with dogs loving cold! And snow!
Welcome to the HNN chicken club lol!

Schumi sorry about the cottage. That’s unfortunate. I know it is difficult to book airport hotels now. I spent a few hours and phone calls to check. Their websites haven’t caught up to current conditions. My go to hotel it turned out doesn’t have an airport shuttle now, another the restaurant is temporarily closed. Finally decided on the Hilton Doubletree. Called to make sure the restaurant and shuttle still a go.
Did you manage to get a decent car rental price? I was going to leave a week early to visit with cousins in Ft. Lauderdale area for a week pre Universal. But car rentals were $1000/week. Usually under $200! So not doing.

Lynne loving your Uni photos! I’m getting clothing washed and ready to pack. A combo of shorts and capris. My long pants (jeans) will be worn on flight.
Can‘t believe next Thursday I arrive!

Charade sorry to hear of delays. But yay for us being single digits! Do you arrive the same day as me?
I think we’ll all going to be needing boosters, yearly. I think in my province they’re saying at least 6 mos after last shot. So that would be late winter/early spring for most here. We got our vaccine later than US. I hope booster will have something in it for the variants.

Metro love Chick-FiL-A, their waffle fries, lemonade, dipping sauce…..yum. It is a diet killer, lol! Probably a good thing they’re not in Canada!

Soniam very disappointing about The Palm. Lack of service when you’re paying top dollar isn’t right at all.
Yay for getting WDW dining. I’m on Pacific time, it’s no fun making those res! I liked it better the old way when res could be made at midnight EST which was 9:00 for me! Much more civilized.

Real 5 days till Caravan! Very exciting. I think I have at least a 6mo wait for my SUV ugh
I had ordered the Ruby Red Flair but husband was saying he really liked the Blueprint colour,, which is a deep blue metallic. Since I like that too I phoned to change order :rolleyes: I don’t know why because I’m the one driving it! Ha. But if it keeps him happy!

Yesterday did some errands and ended up buying new runners. They have the rocker sole and lots of cushion like the Hoka ones, but this is made by New Balance. Tried both on but NB fit better. Hoka a little too wide.

Then came home to throw shorts and capris in wash to pack. Met friends at local park that has beautiful trails and we went for a 7km walk before dinner at a new pizza place. They have the authentic Italian pizza style. I cheated! We shared a pear and arugula salad and a charcuterie board, then each ordered a pizza of choice. My daughter will enjoy the leftover pizza today!

Bummer, I didn’t realize Survivor started last night or I would have recorded. Missed first 15 min, then fell asleep before end :sad2: Then of course I was awake at 3am.

Today meeting the neighbourhood ladies for lunch at Joey Tomatoes.
Looks like it will be nice enough to eat on the patio. Last night was first time to show vaccine passport for restaurant. I had forgot and left phone in car, so had to run out to get it. Will have to get used to new rules.

Getting to be time to pack away summer clothes :worried: and bring out fall/winter clothing so sad. I should do before I leave, but don’t think I’ll have time. It’s a good time to weed out clothes for donation bin so want to take time. Guess it will have to wait till I get home.

Have a great Thirsty Thursday everyone
Schumi sorry about the cottage. That’s unfortunate. I know it is difficult to book airport hotels now. I spent a few hours and phone calls to check. Their websites haven’t caught up to current conditions. My go to hotel it turned out doesn’t have an airport shuttle now, another the restaurant is temporarily closed. Finally decided on the Hilton Doubletree. Called to make sure the restaurant and shuttle still a go.
Did you manage to get a decent car rental price? I was going to leave a week early to visit with cousins in Ft. Lauderdale area for a week pre Universal. But car rentals were $1000/week. Usually under $200! So not doing.

We discovered the Radisson where we always used to stay will be available for our overnight now as it opens back up to the public Nov 1st, but it`s been used as quarantine hotel for several months, so not sure if we want to stay there now. Might just keep the hotel we have now as a back up and see what the early reviews for the Radisson are like.

As for rental car....ouch! We are paying more for two weeks this upcoming trip than we usually pay for a month`s stay. But, we like a car as we do wander off site a lot. We did book a full size SUV. At least it wasn`t £4,000 as we were being quoted earlier this year for September! But, it is what it is.

Glad you got the Doubletree sorted.

One of our ladies has decided to leave our Book Club. I knew she might be, she was the last to join and I think she feels we don`t meet enough, but some of our group actually work for a living and are busy. She also didn`t like we were choosing a movie of the month to chat about....fair enough.

Dishwasher empty, might pop the tv on later and find something on the planner to watch.

Tonic water time.
:wave2: Afternoon stop in!

Busy morning shuffling papers. They front staff are closing out sales preparing for month end. I usually expect those piles later next week. But got through most of what I needed today. I have a few papers left...but not much. Trying to stretch it out now. These ones don't have a time limit of when they are expected .

Cool/windy day here again today. Hoping to head out for a quick walk tonight after dinner. It gets dark much earlier more heading out at 7:30 or 8:00 thinking it's going to be light until I get home. Sadly, it's dark here by 8:30. I already need to start turning on lights shortly after supper already :sad1: It takes me a little bit of time to embrace the darkness. I do like being able to snuggle in with a blanket, warm beverage when it's darker outside.

@Sue M I'm glad you got your hotel stay sorted. I also told hubby the same thing starwind stated on the Canadian boards. Dh (he's very much your type A planner to the extreme) and wouldn't rest knowing that there could be a small chance that we would be turned away somewhere in our travels due to us because of our vaccinations. If it makes him feel better, then I'll do it :rolleyes1

@schumigirl It sounds like things are all liming up for you guys to travel!!!! Yay. Your countdown won't even be too big!!!!!

@Charade 67 It's great when the planned contractors come. Hopefully soon your counters will be installed too.

@soniam I'm glad you don't have much pain. I give you credit for staying diligent and eat a keto lifestyle. I know it's not for me.

Well...I should really try to look like I'm a little busy.

Have a great day everyone...please stay safe!!!!!!!!!!
Poor little one, delayed 4 hours. Have to pick her up this evening, instead of mid afternoon.

Did have fun at the parks, then pool time as weather today was mostly sunny.

Hehe, you know those in the front row were slackers, as I got a wahoo from Will Smith for my score, yeah, I’m locked and loaded with gun ready

What? Am I the only one likes to raise hands on that last downhill, look at my not enthused riders:
I never raise my hands on rides after some told me off
it ruined their picture they had planned to buy…

Lynne the only decent thing about your daughter having a later arrival is you will miss rush hour traffic to pick her up

I bet she is thrilled to join you in the parks !
Some people, Mac. I think it’s fine to raise your hands, as happy to feel that speed. Sorry someone ruined your fun. At least I was on the back row this time, with no one behind me. But I’ve never had anyone say that to me. And yep, after a 4 hour delay, she’s really ready for a good meal and some fun. Traffic should be light.
Afternoon all...just stopping by having had dinner. I finished watching the first part of AHS called Red Tide and I actually liked it. It wasn't as gory as Hotel or Roanoke which really put me off. Part 2 starts next week called Death Valley and has to do with aliens. Should be interesting.

It's supposed to get down to the 60s tonight and I'm ready!

Have a good night!
Schumi yes, that might give pause, a quarantine hotel. I’m sure its been totally disinfected, but still…..
Yes Doubletree was one of the few to have full service now. We’ve stayed there before. They’re all 1 or 2 bedrooms. Just me, I don’t need that much room, but do need the shuttle and a restaurant. Dinner I can go out, plenty of restaurants around within walking distance. But at 7am I don’t want to be walking around looking for breakfast. Hotel restaurant is essential.
My youngest daughter joined a book club this summer!

Pumpkin, you may as well, we’ll all have to get a booster at some point anyway! Went out to lunch with friends this afternoon. Some gave me a hard time about traveling. They can, we’ve all known each other 25-30 yrs so they allowed! I know they are just concerned about my safety.

Mac I do raise my hands, but more like jazz hands lol. Just not over my head so I’m not blocking someone behind me.

Lynne so sorry daughter was held up. 4 hrs is a long wait at the airport! I hope they at least gave her meal vouchers! Hope you’re having a fun evening together! Where was dinner?

Metro 60’s? :scared: Yikes. I had hopes of having a dip in the pool to relax after my long flight arrival evening. Flight lands at 5:50pm. So probably not arriving at hotel till 7:30ish. Parks close early:worried: hoping for warm arrival evening.

Had nice lunch with friends today. It was a nice day so we enjoyed the patio. I enjoyed it until the wasps came out! Ugh. Late afternoon went out for dog walk with my neighbour and daughter while sun was still out. It’s 7:30 now and almost dark. Husband packed away patio table and chairs. Left a few out cause afternoon Is still quiet pleasant.

Tomorrow is mani day! Did I mention it’s one week today? Lol
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Good evening everyone. We had a gorgeous fall day today. It was sunny, no humidity, light breeze.....When I got home from work I turned off the a/c and opened the windows.

Just in time for dinner! I arrive evening of 30th!
I wish I could come on the 30th, but that's my anniversary. I would have liked to have 3 full days in the parks. Maybe next time.

@Charade 67 It's great when the planned contractors come. Hopefully soon your counters will be installed too.
I'm hoping it won't be too much longer. I will post full before and after pictures once the counter is installed.

Poor little one, delayed 4 hours. Have to pick her up this evening, instead of mid afternoon.
Ugh. No fun being stuck in an airport for that long. I assume she got in safely tonight.

I never raise my hands on rides after some told me off
it ruined their picture they had planned to buy…
I have never been one to raise my arms on a ride. I'm usually holding on like my life depends on it.

Did I mention it’s one week today?
Tomorrow will be one week for me.
Pumpkin.....where did your quote go??

Yes, thank you......all being well (still not sure) we have about a 60 day countdown which isn`t bad.......

Our lamps in the dining room are on when we eat now, if we eat in the kitchen all the undercabinet lamps are on and little cosy lamps around too, so yes, the change in light is obvious now. It`s dark enough now to need lamps on in every room just after 7, completely dark by 7.45. I agree, I love that cosy autumn/winter feeling when you`re in and having something nice like that.

Poor little one, delayed 4 hours. Have to pick her up this evening, instead of mid afternoon.

Did have fun at the parks, then pool time as weather today was mostly sunny.

Hehe, you know those in the front row were slackers, as I got a wahoo from Will Smith for my score, yeah, I’m locked and loaded with gun ready
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What? Am I the only one likes to raise hands on that last downhill, look at my not enthused riders:
View attachment 606907

Do you have the photopass Lynne or do you just buy all the pictures individually?

Other cousin has asked me what I think of it now??

I never raise my hands on rides after some told me off
it ruined their picture they had planned to buy…

Lynne the only decent thing about your daughter having a later arrival is you will miss rush hour traffic to pick her up

I bet she is thrilled to join you in the parks !

Same, never raise our hands if someone is behind us. On our very first trip in 2007 we came off Splash Mountaiin and a lady said I had covered her daughter`s face in the picture.....oops. I had no idea. I did tell her it was so quiet she could go round again, place was deserted in September back then.....she wasn`t happy.....

Afternoon all...just stopping by having had dinner. I finished watching the first part of AHS called Red Tide and I actually liked it. It wasn't as gory as Hotel or Roanoke which really put me off. Part 2 starts next week called Death Valley and has to do with aliens. Should be interesting.

It's supposed to get down to the 60s tonight and I'm ready!

Have a good night!

I`m glad it`s cooling down for you, I remember you prefer that cooler weather. 60`s is what we had earlier, pleasant. I`m desperately trying to cling on to warmer weather!!

Schumi yes, that might give pause, a quarantine hotel. I’m sure its been totally disinfected, but still…..
Yes Doubletree was one of the few to have full service now. We’ve stayed there before. They’re all 1 or 2 bedrooms. Just me, I don’t need that much room, but do need the shuttle and a restaurant. Dinner I can go out, plenty of restaurants around within walking distance. But at 7am I don’t want to be walking around looking for breakfast. Hotel restaurant is essential.

We need full service too. I want shuttles and restaurants too. The Radisson is ideal as we can walk down to either terminal and yes, I`m sure it`ll be deep cleaned, so will maybe book a cancellable room and wait to see how it goes when it does open, it`ll be neat but we might manage it.

Not much within walking distance of Manchester Airport and we use a car service to take us up there, so no use of our car, so yes, restaurants in the hotel are essential.

If this trip happens of course!!

I stayed twice at the Doubletree Suites in NYC, just mum and I, but the space was lovely.

Good evening everyone. We had a gorgeous fall day today. It was sunny, no humidity, light breeze.....When I got home from work I turned off the a/c and opened the windows.

I wish I could come on the 30th, but that's my anniversary. I would have liked to have 3 full days in the parks. Maybe next time.

I'm hoping it won't be too much longer. I will post full before and after pictures once the counter is installed.

Ugh. No fun being stuck in an airport for that long. I assume she got in safely tonight.

I have never been one to raise my arms on a ride. I'm usually holding on like my life depends on it.

Tomorrow will be one week for me.

Sounds like lovely weather Charade, I think you said you like it cooler too rather than blazing hot. I hope you get some perfect weather for your trip, and it`s so close now!! You must be getting excited.

lol.....I used to grip on the first time on a ride......but then I liked to relax some and not have that vice like grip on the much fun!

Getting so much darker in the mornings now. I wonder when our walks will start a little later as I don`t fancy starting in the dark once it`s much colder than now. We are being spoiled with some lovely September warmth, but the chill is there in the mornings too. But, there`s something quite lovely about autumn.

Although we did notice that lovely change in colours in the trees hasn`t been as slow this year and some trees have changed very quickly to a rather miserable and dank winter brown.

Made some breakfast muffins last night with bacon to give them a try, they look nice and the aroma was very tempting last night as they were baking.

Bit of shopping to do in a couple of places, need to pop to another village as we like their deli better than the one in the town closest to us, they have olives stuffed with the hottest chillies! We do usually take the chillies out and chop them into salads or dishes. But the flavour of the spice is still there.

And it`s Friday........




Have a wonderful Friday folks :flower1:
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Yay, a Friday.

Yay for MonyK and her DD, an HHN evening that was a very nice, cooler weather and not a stitch of rain last night. Though it was raining at the airport when I picked up little one.

Was easy, knew when that oh so late arrival was, had just parked at the cell lot, and ooh, bathrooms were there. Went in, was just finished washing my hands, and she calls and at the number I thought she would be. A quick half loop from that lot, and hey, you it’s me in this black suv. Since she had only carry on, and in the third row, she was motoring, as our airport, there is not much food places she would eat at, as very picky eater. And since the USO is not back to most hot food, more like snacks, all she had for the 6 and a half hours she was in the airport, she had enough drink, as USO always has cold water bottles, but she ended up only snacking, and I know she did not eat much before she came to the the airport. But you know was not busy at the airport last night, as she said they were saying the baggage number as they were strolling off the plane. Took the 528 both ways, and fast ride both ways. We were going to eat off site, but she was so hungry, we parked, she dumped her bag in our room, and promptly took the stairs to Jakes. Not the best waiter, but the food came out fast, and we were seated right away, next to the windows, and we ate almost all the food. As both of us were full, we caught a boat and walked around City Walk. I showed her a shirt I thought she would like, that I had seen before, but was hesitant to buy it. Glad I did not, as she did not want a long sleeve shirt it was, but agreed she would have wanted it if was short sleeve. With that, quick boat ride, and back to room, laptop came out, and we enjoyed some electronic viewing until both went to bed.

Schumi, yes I have a photo pass. I tend to see more of the photographers in the mornings, but I get a kick out of all the ride pictures. From their website, and in the stores, you can buy prints. Other than the prints that came with the pass I bought, I just download the pictures for free, mostly from their app I have, and once in awhile on their website. Then I can do whatever I want with that picture. I have printed some myself, but more keep them in my online albums. over the years, I’ve got so many pictures.

Gorgeous sunny morning. And yep, I’m awake and little one is fast asleep. Late start for us, and that’s fine with me. Hoping to have a nice dinner and relaxing day.

Fabulous Friday homies. Yay, a Friday is here. Tomorrow, we are HHN going. Yay to meeting up with friends to enjoy scares.
Happy Friday morning. It looks like today is going to be a beautiful fall day.

Sounds like lovely weather Charade, I think you said you like it cooler too rather than blazing hot. I hope you get some perfect weather for your trip, and it`s so close now!! You must be getting excited.
Yes, I love cool, but not cold weather. In my ideal world the temperature would always be between 65 and 80 degrees.

I showed her a shirt I thought she would like, that I had seen before, but was hesitant to buy it. Glad I did not, as she did not want a long sleeve shirt it was, but agreed she would have wanted it if was short sleeve.
Does she wear short sleeves in the winter too? B will rarely ever wear anything with long sleeves even when it is freezing out.

By this time next week I should be on a plane I. Roanoke waiting to take off. I’m wearing a Universal t-shirt today. It’s a 3/4 sleeve, but on me it’s more like a 7/8.
Yeah Charade. She loves sweatshirts, but rarely wears a long sleeve, even in the coldest winters. Yay for a week countdown today. Had a very nice meal at Amatista, so looking forward to enjoying another with you next week.

Our hallway has been very noisy. A few toss and turns, but no little one up yet. I do agree with her, our shower has not a lot of power. And with the soft water, eh. Don’t have that issue at home. But at home or not, I’m enjoying my tea, and a small screen. Good thing both of us brought headphones.
We have had some drama this morning. Our painters are R (owns the company), J, and other guy. I don’t know his name so I will call him OG. R and OG showed up this morning and were arguing about another job. They bring in my cabinet doors and then OG tells R he needs to talk to him outside. They go outside and are gone for about 10 minutes. R come back and tells me that OG has just quit. It seems that OG has been taking too many shortcuts and R was not happy with him. OG doesn’t want to do the job to R’s standards, so he quit. Unfortunately our house is one of the places OG took some shortcuts, so R will be repainting a couple of walls today too.

Our hallway has been very noisy. A few toss and turns, but no little one up yet. I do agree with her, our shower has not a lot of power. And with the soft water, eh. Don’t have that issue at home. But at home or not, I’m enjoying my tea, and a small screen. Good thing both of us brought headphones.
I think I might add ear plugs to my packing list.


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