Snake in Resort Room?

when I lived in VA snakes would get in the house all the time ya know there not so bad just drop the garbage can on top and call the desk.... lol

I've had a few close encounters - walking to my Dessert Party in Epcot after my wedding there was a huge orange snake in the middle of the World Showcase - my best friend and I screamed our heads off at that one! At CBR in 2010 I was walking along the path near the pool and a HUGE black snake came FLYING down the stairs (not slithering, more like a series of bizarre sideways leaps) from the pool area, landed on the path right in front of me. I'm amazed that I didn't have a stroke on the spot.

A snake in my ROOM however... no no no no no. Hard to come back from a snake in the curtains!!
Oh how I wish I didn't look at this thread...yikes snakes will be visiting me in my nightmares tonight!

My snake story....but not at Disney...

I was at work on a Friday just before 5pm - everyone was getting ready to go home for the evening. Our office suite was on the lower level and down the common hall was the ladies room, which I went to use just before leaving. I walked in and over to the toilet, turned around and glanced at the door and noticed it had not closed all the way. There was a snake caught in the door...heading inside. Im not sure how I did not pee my pants right then! I did however jump up on the toilet and start yelling. After a few minutes I realized no one could hear me...and then had the fear that everyone might have left for the weekend. My then boyfriend (now husband) and I didnt have plans untill the next night, I lived alone...I just knew I was stuck standing on a toilet for the next 2 days. I am petrified of way was I going to be able to get past it. :sad: Luckily one of my co-workers noticed my purse on my desk...came looking for me. I think it was about 15 minutes- but felt like hours. I screamed to her not to open the door -I just knew that snake would come right for me :scared: She got a couple of guys from the office with a broom and a waste basket and somehow they caught the snake. The snake had escaped from the petstore upstairs...they did not notice it was missing! I worked there for about a year longer...but never did I go to the ladies room without checking the hall, the bathroom or without telling someone where I was going!

I've been to Disney many times and I have yet to see one.. It's been many since the last time I was there. So how is it now? Are there more snakes now at the resorts than ever before? I was thinking of POR next year, but with so many trees and the place is very lush, I'm thinking that the chances of having more snakes there would be high, vs. the ASR where it has more concrete and less bushes and less trees. What do you guys think?
I had a cute lizard sit beside me at the Poly, and he scared me when he first climbed up the railing:scared: .. can only imagine seeing a snake that close to me. Last one I saw at home I did the snake dance..sort of like the spider web dance :dancer: and ran screaming
This thread pops back up from time to time and foolish me is always so compelled to read it - and of course, get freaked out. We arrive the end of June, and already worried about it!

So the latest stories on here that really got me were the bobcat - what!?? and the snake at Cbr by the pool... and the big one they couldn't catch at POR... and oh, my... I gotta stop looking at these posts!

Bobcat - now, that's a new one to me. always out late walking around with my son to tire him out - geez, would hate to think we could be out there and encounter a bobcat!
Ugh, I HATE snakes! One time, a few years earlier, we found one in our first floor room bathroom at CBR (no more first floor rooms for us!) and I didn't even care how ridiculous I looked-I took off faster than I ever had in my life (and I did track for quite a few years). I'm sure I was quite a sight, running through the property like a crazy woman.

On the subject of animals at WDW, we saw an armadillo when we were at All Star Sports (I'm trying to think of an acronym that won't be bleeped...) last summer! :lmao:
I had a cute lizard sit beside me at the Poly, and he scared me when he first climbed up the railing:scared: .. can only imagine seeing a snake that close to me. Last one I saw at home I did the snake dance..sort of like the spider web dance :dancer: and ran screaming

Oh, I'm dying to see this dance.
here is an quote from a thread I posted regarding a short review of our visit to Blizzard Beach this past spring break - after reading this thread and being afraid for years of seeing a snake, it was finally my turn. I ended up not totally freaking out, but then again, it was not really close to me....

"Snake sightings: I am very afraid of snakes, phobic really, but I have decided that it comes with the territory of my favorite place - WDW!!! So, deal with it right~ So on the path from Ski Patrol back toward the front of the park, right next to the chair lift area, we are walking and about 20 ft. in front of us - big mama (about 3-4 ft long and about 2-3 inches in diameter) brown and yellowish snake comes crawling across. Here is the cast member story that really deserves attention. A custodial services cast member, in all white carrying the garbage picking up tool, calmly walks over to the snake, picks it up, puts it in the bushes, and stands there and watches it and encourages us to all pass by. In the meantime, a manager that was behind me notices the situation and is on walkie talkie mode with snake patrol immediately. I felt safe, they handled it so well, my guess from research is a large corn snake.

When telling this story moments later in line for donuts (so yummy), another family said that they were in the lazy river just an hour earlier and a huge black snake swam up next to them - I must admit this would have sent me into cardiac arrest, but again, they said the cast members handled it quickly.

It's Florida, snakes are there, and so is WDW. I know of terrible things that have happened there to families with snake issues, so this in no way takes away from the seriousness of these creatures, however, I was impressed with how it was handled and proud of myself for not freaking out in front of my kids and strangers!!! We will be going back to visit Blizzard Beach and the snake friends that live there again!:
I wish you all would STOP posting on this thread. I can't stop reading it and obsessing over the snakes in Florida. Just stop it already! :rotfl:
Ugh, I HATE snakes! One time, a few years earlier, we found one in our first floor room bathroom at CBR (no more first floor rooms for us!) and I didn't even care how ridiculous I looked-I took off faster than I ever had in my life (and I did track for quite a few years). I'm sure I was quite a sight, running through the property like a crazy woman.

On the subject of animals at WDW, we saw an armadillo when we were at All Star Sports (I'm trying to think of an acronym that won't be bleeped...) last summer! :lmao:

OMG!!!! I will NOT stay on the 1st floor at CBR anymore!!!!!! Its my favorite resort and we've always stayed on the 1st floor!!!!
We saw a rather large snake this past trip. Get wasn't at our resort. It was in MouseGears in Epcot! We couldn't believe it when our son and son-in-law came up to us and told us about it. The snake slithered right past them and lots of other folks during one of the busiest times of the day....right after Illuminations. The snake's presence was brought to a castmember's attention and there were soon about half a dozen castmembers surrounding the area. Animal Control came in about 20-30 minutes later and removed the snake. I asked animal control what kind of snake it was and she said a corn snake. I have pictures that we took and I'll post them later if anyone wants to see them.
We saw a rather large snake this past trip. Get wasn't at our resort. It was in MouseGears in Epcot! We couldn't believe it when our son and son-in-law came up to us and told us about it. The snake slithered right past them and lots of other folks during one of the busiest times of the day....right after Illuminations. The snake's presence was brought to a castmember's attention and there were soon about half a dozen castmembers surrounding the area. Animal Control came in about 20-30 minutes later and removed the snake. I asked animal control what kind of snake it was and she said a corn snake. I have pictures that we took and I'll post them later if anyone wants to see them.

Your trip keeps getting more and more exciting, lol.

I expect to hear more snake stories now that we've had so much rain in central FL. But you were here before all that rain.

Corn snakes are good. They eat the mice and rats and they aren't poisonous.

But inside MouseGears!? I'd freak if I saw it. Last one I saw at Disney was at the TTC.
Okay. I saw this thread in the recent post thingy and dumb dumb me actually clicked on it (major fear of snakes -- I can't breathe just posting this). So at least I know, no first floor requests for me!! If these things can climb walls or stairs - I beg of you, don't tell me!!
I didn't have a snake, but a few days into my stay at CSR (first floor room), I found a dead lizard on the the counter top right by the long was that thing in my room:scared1:

And why wasn't it removed before you got there? wow the countertop?? geez.

We had the same thing ... a "petrified" dead, dried up, lizard on the floor, hidden back in the corner of our room. Didn't cause us any distress. Just tossed him away.



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