Snake in Resort Room?

Yes and all the considerate posters who keep quoting the pic have caused this snake to jump out at us several times when scrolling down the page

Would someone please explain how these threads pop up from time to time?

Here is what bothers me more:
Heavy snowfall blanketed parts of the US Midwest on Monday, prompting hundreds of cancelled flights and icy conditions for road travelers, officials warned, with the northeast bracing for the system as it rolled towards the Atlantic.

Blizzard warnings were issued for parts of the Dakotas and the north central state of Minnesota as an Arctic airmass brought a cold front and localized heavy snowfall from Illinois to New York state, the National Weather Service said in a statement early Monday.
Cottonmouth is the more appropriate name for this poisonous snake, as it describes the inside white color of his mouth. However, you sure don't want to get close enough to this poisonous snake to find out if it's mouth is white inside.

The Juevenile cotton mouth looks totally different from the mature one.

So very true about not wanting to get that close. We are pretty sure my son was bitten my a juevenile, but it was still a pretty darn big snake. Certainly not somehting to be messed with.
Most snakes have a triangular shape head, and water moccasins do too. Water Moccasin is a generic name for it, as it actually means water snake. Cottonmouth is the more appropriate name for this poisonous snake, as it describes the inside white color of his mouth. However, you sure don't want to get close enough to this poisonous snake to find out if it's mouth is white inside. They look fairly similar to the indigo snake or black racer, which are not poisonous. Can really only tell them apart if you are close up to the snake.

The Juevenile cotton mouth looks totally different from the mature one.

Thank you for your help. I eventually plucked up the courage to google them and have a good look. My DD nearly stood on a snake in October. What worried me more than anything was that I had no idea what it was. I know it's a bit late if you step on one, but I would have felt better if I knew for some reason. Your info was very helpful. :goodvibes
A while back, someone posted a saying that had to do with poisonous snakes. It went something like '_____________ into _____________ kills a fellow......" Does anyone know exactly how it goes? TIA!
I'm not sure if I'm remembering it right, but I think it's "Yellow next to black is a friend of Jack." and "Yellow next to red, Fred is dead."

I'm not sure on that, though.
I learned it this way: "Red and Yellow, kill a fellow; red and black, venom lack."
well, we did raise Corn snakes at one time, and were card-carrying members of the Chicago Herpetological Society. (yes, I knew this about him when I married him:rotfl:)
I'm not sure if I'm remembering it right, but I think it's "Yellow next to black is a friend of Jack." and "Yellow next to red, Fred is dead."

I'm not sure on that, though.

Red to yellow kills a fellow, red to black friend of jack

I learned it this way: "Red and Yellow, kill a fellow; red and black, venom lack."

Thanks for these responses! I heard the guys on Swamp Wars talking about these sayings the other night!

Happy to report that I was at POR for 5 nights in June and no snake sightings!
My grandson caught a small gators on his fishing line last month, when we were at Fort Wilderness fishing. the gator was a little bit over a foot long. Guess who had to cut it off the line... That's right me... At first the lady who worked over by the pond want me to see if I could get the line off without cutting it.. I said no as it's too close to his mouth. There was no way I was going to try to take it out of the side of his mouth. It's bad enough I had to pick him up in the first place. LOL I must say that it made my grandson day, as thats all he talked about.
We had a snake slither out in front of us as we were coming off the Kali River Rapids. I picked my daughter up by her arm, poor thing, so that she would not step on him. That seemed to scare the snake and he slithered back into the brush. A CM came up right away to make sure that it was a harmless snake...I didn't stick around to find out!:eek:
My grandson caught a small gators on his fishing line last month, when we were at Fort Wilderness fishing. the gator was a little bit over a foot long. Guess who had to cut it off the line... That's right me... At first the lady who worked over by the pond want me to see if I could get the line off without cutting it.. I said no as it's too close to his mouth. There was no way I was going to try to take it out of the side of his mouth. It's bad enough I had to pick him up in the first place. LOL I must say that it made my grandson day, as thats all he talked about.

Wow, gators are hard to catch! Are you sure he didn't catch a Gator Gar? Their head looks just like a small gator, but they are actually a fish. My son has caught them many times in lakes in central FL.
:sick: Thanks everyone for turning me into a VERY paranoid 1st time WDW vacationer! :scared: I may miss some things while scouting for snakes to run away from lol =) but seriously
No it was a gator as everyone was looking at him, it just happen that he liked the New foam bobber that the kids were using as the bobbers were bright pink and bright orange. He kept going for them. We took him out of the water, he was walking. No it was a gator. lol
No it was a gator as everyone was looking at him, it just happen that he liked the New foam bobber that the kids were using as the bobbers were bright pink and bright orange. He kept going for them. We took him out of the water, he was walking. No it was a gator. lol

Wow! You were lucky a Mama gator wasn't there to protect him!
Thank you all I am going to be so paranoid the whole 10 days I'm at WDW!! At least we are at AK and there haven't been a lot of reports there. I see one I might die of a heart attack or I'll need meds to calm me down. Either way it wouldn't be pretty.

We found one in our garage last year. I was walking out to get something and it crawled in front of me. I ran out of the house screaming and crying hysterically. My neighbors thought something was seriously wrong. I called 911 and much to my dismay they don't deal with snakes...and yes that seems a little much but in my defense I had no clue what to do... I had just moved south so hadn't seen many snakes and I am DEATHLY afraid. Long story short a neighbor down the road came a killed it and I cried hysterically. I'm still afraid and to the point of tears even thinking about it. Ugh...maybe we won't be going to Disney anymore. I head this thread!
I never want a 1st floor room lol. We were 2nd floor at POFQ this past March and I was leaning on balcony looking at the pool and this giant 5foot black snack slithered its nasty rotten self out of the bushes and onto the walkway! Then it put its rotten self right into the bush right in front of a room!
Can you request no 1st floor rooms??!? :lmao:


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