September 2011 Challenge ~ Winner: Jeniferdwn

did 2 pagestoday....not getting into the groove yet...hope next week will be better!
Well I counted my MK album - I have 72 pages complete (with photos & what journeling I do) I found a counter that says I have 186 pages done so I figure I could add counts after I hit that point
I think I'll run out of photo paper sometime today so I hope payday comes soon so I can get some more (it is enough to get some - only 4 days will be on it)
I got 36 pages done in the AK book before I ran out of photo paper for those that are wondering. as soon as the total hits 190 I'll start counting for this again ;) - might need to check on how many of the 190 weren't for my Disney books

does the Disney online book count?? since I finished that 20 page book & got it order (with my photopass CD that I pre-ordered)
10 for me today!! For some reason, it won't let me change the color on my number tonight...I'm sorry!!
Please add 12 more to my total! So happy to have spent time in my craft room this weekend...yesterday was a lazy day after the total chaos of Saturday, so my room is my oasis!

Almost halfway to my goal of 50 for the month. I'm hoping to steal one night out of my schedule this week to work on some of the kits I have done...I have the rest of 2010 all kitted up and ready to go! Only about 6 more events to put together for the yearbook, then I can jump to another huge project - my niece's book...should be fun!

Very pleased with myself 8 of the 15 I pledged are now complete and got a workshop all day sunday so hope to be very near my total.

Also have just tried added some different designs to normal with I'm very happy with x
Please bring my total up to 27 (plus 1 card LOL)

UPS should be delivering more photos today so I hope to get the last 11 pages of my goal done by tomorrow.

Thanks for keeping count
8 for me today, plus I got 2 swap groups done! Yay! Hoping to get a few more done tomorrow!!
I'm a little late to the party, but I have got to get back to scrappin'. I basically did nothing all summer. I went to one crop but only got 3 pages done in July. I am hoping to get at least 15 done this month. Half the battle is getting my scrapping room back in order. It looks like it exploded! I do have an all day crop to go to next weekend and DS4 starts preschool this week, so I will have a little more time.
Sorry ladies.. it's been completely nuts on the homefront.. will update tonight when I return from DS10's soccer game.. thanks for your patiences in getting this updated.. I'm not ignoring just swamped...
Please bring my total up to 38 pages..Yep that means I hit my monthly page goal already.

Thanks for keeping count..


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