Sabrina & Jim's PJ: 05/26 Please don't ask....

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work with your MOH and have fun planning

Thanks! I'll do my best to help plan but I was told a couple of months ago that I would have nothing to do with it. haha. I'm too much of a planner so I can never get surprised and I think my MOH wants to surprise me.
I was just thinking about something, since I'm having a destination wedding and probably won't be inviting everybody in DFs family or mine, is it ok to have a bridal shower and invite them? Actually is it even ok for me to have a bridal shower in the first place? I'm really apprehensive about this. I've already been living with DF for 1.5 years and w pretty much have everything we need so I don't want people to think we're having a shower as some sort of cash/gift grab.
My MOH wants to make me one and I feel weird about the whole thing. Any thoughts?

P.S. Don't worry Belle091507, you don't need to show up ;)

Of course i would show up!!!!!!!!! :goodvibes I think you should have a shower but keep it small and only invite the people you are inviting to the wedding....if you go with your earlier idea of inviting more people than you think will come then you could still invite those people to the shower even though they will say no to the wedding...this way they might feel like they can participate in part of your special time! That is just my idea but we could go over the pro's and con's to really decide if it is workable. As for having everything you need...why not register for things you don't need ie: fun stuff that is out of your general price range that would be nice to have but not absolutly nescesary? Or you could do a Honeymoon gift registry where people could buy you things for your treatments or anything else that you might be interested in! What do you think?
Of course i would show up!!!!!!!!! :goodvibes I think you should have a shower but keep it small and only invite the people you are inviting to the wedding....if you go with your earlier idea of inviting more people than you think will come then you could still invite those people to the shower even though they will say no to the wedding...this way they might feel like they can participate in part of your special time! That is just my idea but we could go over the pro's and con's to really decide if it is workable. As for having everything you need...why not register for things you don't need ie: fun stuff that is out of your general price range that would be nice to have but not absolutly nescesary? Or you could do a Honeymoon gift registry where people could buy you things for your treatments or anything else that you might be interested in! What do you think?

You made it on!!!!!! Exciting!!!!! I was making a joke about you not coming to my shower since I didn't make it to yours. Yeah the Bay keeps calling me to register for more stuff and I'm also going to open a Disneymoon registry so people can buy us stuff that we can use while we are at disney. Kristina is planning the shower so I have no idea what she wants to do. As far as the guest list, still not sure. Have to talk it over with Jim. I want to invite more and he wants the least amount of people as possible. you know him ;)
Yeah i made it!!! it al of a sudden said i could post....don't know what i did but i'm not complaining!!!! :) i know you were kidding!!! :flower3: i think nailing the list down is one of the hardest things but also the most important...once that is done you can move forward in the planning(scary but worth it)! When we planned sonia's shower we asked her for a general outline of what she would want and that was all the input she gave so she was still surprised but we didn't plan anything that was over the top or out of her confort zone...maybe you should do the same? Anyways i gotta go for now i'm off to dinner for my aunts bday! See you on here later!
Welcome ot the Planning Journals....They are soo much fun!!!!
My MOH and I were talking this past tuesday and we are thinking of "faking it up" for my wedding. It's the one time we get to get all dressed up and feel princess-y and we want to go all out. Now, I know most girls want to stay as natural as possible with the make up and do up-dos but my MOH and I, we need to do our own thing. I already have long hair, but my MOH has shorter hair and we want to get extensions. I want some for my vavoom factor. We want to get the fake lashes put in and the fake nails and of course, we cannot forget the fake spray tan. My MOH literally needs spf 50 in order to go outside and we don't want to be all pale showing up in Florida. For some reason I'm really looking forward to this. Is this normal or am I actually losing my mind? We're going to do it in a classy way. I still want to look like me but with more of a "photo shoot" look.

Hey pinktink! Congrats! We are hopefully getting married in Dec 2009 and I have already bought some stuff (including dress!) so it's never too early to start planning - or buying!!

Your post above made me smile as I am exactly the same. I am going for hair extensions but it is partly to cover my tattoo on my back. I want the big, semi-curled hair and also the tan. I have the typical English rose skin and complexion and need a bit of a helping hand, especially as I have ordered a brilliant white dress.

I want more of the photo shoot look too with the false lashes. I have been in touch with Ana at Beaute Speciale as she does magazine photo shoots and I think we have the look sorted out between us.

Good luck with your planning, keep posting and keep us up to date with everything!

Alex x
Hey pinktink! Congrats! We are hopefully getting married in Dec 2009 and I have already bought some stuff (including dress!) so it's never too early to start planning - or buying!!

Your post above made me smile as I am exactly the same. I am going for hair extensions but it is partly to cover my tattoo on my back. I want the big, semi-curled hair and also the tan. I have the typical English rose skin and complexion and need a bit of a helping hand, especially as I have ordered a brilliant white dress.

I want more of the photo shoot look too with the false lashes. I have been in touch with Ana at Beaute Speciale as she does magazine photo shoots and I think we have the look sorted out between us.

Good luck with your planning, keep posting and keep us up to date with everything!

Alex x

Thank you so much! It sounds like we are going for the same look! I want the curls too. I'll post a pic of what I'm going for when I can add attachments. I love the English rose skin! It's going to be so beautifully enhanced with the tan. I have an olive complexion, not that I'm complaining it's nice too and will also be enhanced with the "tan". Actually, any body's complexion could benefit from a "tan" ;)
Just got all caught up on reading your PJ. Love all the ideas so far! I do agree on the shower invite issue. Don't invite them unless they're going to the wedding. But there's nothing wrong with having a Disneymoon registry and accidentally telling people about it :rolleyes1 ;)
Just got all caught up on reading your PJ. Love all the ideas so far! I do agree on the shower invite issue. Don't invite them unless they're going to the wedding. But there's nothing wrong with having a Disneymoon registry and accidentally telling people about it :rolleyes1 ;)

HAHAHA! that was hilarious :rotfl: I'm not sure about the guest list yet but people not invited to the wedding will definitely not be invited to the shower.
hey pink_tink :love: :flower3:

I think you could have a decent size shower with the people we want to invite. You already covered the debate about inviting people to be polite or not inviting people as to not make them uncomfortable and feel guilty for not being able to come to our wedding because of distance and cost...but I think people would get that we want a smaller wedding if we're having a destination wedding and wouldn't mind coming to your shower as a way of seeing you before the wedding and celebrating with you a little.
so is the Wedding Pavillion most people's favorite spot for the ceremony? I'm worried about it being somewhat too big for the amount of guests we're having (I'm expecting 10-12 guests). It will look pretty empty. It's also hard to tell how the view is from the pictures. I get the A/C benefit but would rather sacrifice being really hot for a little bit and have nice pictures.

I like Sea Breeze Point for the view with the water behind the gazebo. I don't mind if people are watching the wedding too much...unless they'll interfere with the photographer or get in the way.

Epcot has some nice places but we're limited to an early wedding...I don't midn too much but afternoon would probably be better.
To be a brace-face or not to be, that is the question (and my dilemma). I'm having a smile dilemma. When I do my wedding pics I'm obviously going to be smiling a lot and I want to have a PERFECT smile :teeth: (mine is nice but not perfect) so I'm thinking about getting braces before I get married. DF thinks I'm nuts. Firstly he thought I meant I'm not getting married until after they come off (which he thinks will be 4 years from now :rolleyes2), but I'm totally thinking of having them while I get married. The photog. can just photoshop them out and even if they didn't I don't really care. Is that ugly?
hey pink_tink :love: :flower3:

I think you could have a decent size shower with the people we want to invite. You already covered the debate about inviting people to be polite or not inviting people as to not make them uncomfortable and feel guilty for not being able to come to our wedding because of distance and cost...but I think people would get that we want a smaller wedding if we're having a destination wedding and wouldn't mind coming to your shower as a way of seeing you before the wedding and celebrating with you a little.

Hello my prince! true but I think people will be outraged by that (you know how my family is).
so is the Wedding Pavillion most people's favorite spot for the ceremony? I'm worried about it being somewhat too big for the amount of guests we're having (I'm expecting 10-12 guests). It will look pretty empty. It's also hard to tell how the view is from the pictures. I get the A/C benefit but would rather sacrifice being really hot for a little bit and have nice pictures.

I like Sea Breeze Point for the view with the water behind the gazebo. I don't mind if people are watching the wedding too much...unless they'll interfere with the photographer or get in the way.

Epcot has some nice places but we're limited to an early wedding...I don't midn too much but afternoon would probably be better.

WP seems to be pretty popular but so does SBP. If that many (I mean, few) people show up then no matter where we are it will look empty. I'm not going to use that as something to worry about. I don't mind epcot but I'm just worried about finding things to do to make our wedding a full day event and so far I'm stumped for ideas.
Actually, I wanted to invite everybody to not make anybody feel left out. It was you who only wanted a few because you didn't want people to feel pressure about not being able to come because of cost ;)
Since I was looking at invitations for inspiration today I was reminded of something. When I made my engagement party invitations I jokingly said that when I made my wedding invitations I was doing to add "Dr." to DF's name. I thought DF's mom would get a kick out of it because she loves to tell people that her son is a doctor but she was kind of appalled. She thought it was very pretentious. DF and I aren't into titles but her response really shocked me. I've never heard of anybody being offended over a title before. Would she of had the same reaction if DF was a reverend, judge or in the military or is it just because it's Dr.? Would she still be insulted if We wrote titles in our parent's names? Don't people do that sometimes? what if we wanted them. Does that make us pretentious? I just thought that was odd.

Hey Sabrina! I subscribed awhile ago but I just caught up :)

We're using titles on our invitations. My DF is a Dr. and his mother wouldn't have it any other way. I'll be a Dr. when we get married, but I'm not using my title. I think it sounds cute and looks nice, plus he busted his butt for the title, so why not use it? My cousins have done it, and I really don't think it's pretentious.

here is our invitation:

I also love your idea about "faking it" for the wedding. Your best friend sounds like she has the same complexion as me so I will be fake tanning. I also want long extensions with lots of curls! That part I'm really excited about! hah
To be a brace-face or not to be, that is the question (and my dilemma). I'm having a smile dilemma. When I do my wedding pics I'm obviously going to be smiling a lot and I want to have a PERFECT smile :teeth: (mine is nice but not perfect) so I'm thinking about getting braces before I get married. DF thinks I'm nuts. Firstly he thought I meant I'm not getting married until after they come off (which he thinks will be 4 years from now :rolleyes2), but I'm totally thinking of having them while I get married. The photog. can just photoshop them out and even if they didn't I don't really care. Is that ugly?

What about checking out Invisalign?

I thought about using them for some teeth that I had shift after getting my wisdom teeth :goodvibes
About the shower.....

We are planning to have one even though we aren't inviting 99% of the people to the wedding itself because when we get back home (about a month later) we are going to have a reception (nothing fancy) with the photo album and dvd playing of the wedding for the guests to feel like they were there. It is going to be explained that we are only having immediate family due to the cost for them and us, and we want it intimate. My family would probably love to go , but also will be glad we didn't expect them to fork over vacation $$ to go.

So my thoughts are it isn't such a bad idea ;)


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