Roll call for the 10/23/2004 Western Magic. Who's with us?

Worked last night 7 PM to 7 AM. The maternity unit is busting at the seams. Then I slept two hours & got up to take my Mom to her 11 AM Dr.'s appointment. I did have time to get a pedicure, eyebrow & upper lip waxing (aren't you glad I shared this?) before heading home. My long black gloves have been purchased along with a fancy black shawl & I am borrowing a tiara. Claire's had tiara's for as cheap as $10.00 so if the borrowing doesn't come through I'll buy myself a CROWN because we all know "ALL GIRLS ARE PRINCESSES"princess: princess: princess:

Now I am getting set to work four 12's in a row:earseek: :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: . I hope I survive! Do you think I'll be ready for a cruise:boat: after this stretch?

Getting VERY excited:jumping1: Can't wait to meet you all & see some of my dear friends again:grouphug:. Can you feel the love? Toodles:wave2: :earsgirl: JEANNE
Beano- send some of that Kona heaven over to the Animal Kingdom, please.

Dana- you can just get your buns up on stage with me ("Redneck Women")! I forgot to mention that I can't sing at all.

Hey did anyone notice on the documents that it says "no personal coolers"? So, can I just carry the case of wine aboard in the box it comes in :hyper: ? How strict do you think they are?

oh, and Jeanne, I don't want to be a princess... I want to be Queen:teeth:

:drinking1 practice makes perfect. All together now: lift -1, sip-2, swallow-3, repeat as necessary :drinking1

:cool1: it's soooooo close! Woo Hoo!!!!
Whew...glad to be home. It was a crazy day at work today. Now if only the next week will go by just I can get out of here and see all of you!

Okay...Cheri....All us Redneck Women will just have to sing it together! I'm in! :) LOL We can clear the place out together. :)

Well, thanks everyone for the wishes and prayers for Steve. It would really help to have "normal" hours. I'll keep you posted when and if we hear anything.

Well, gotta go...lots to do!
OMG get me out of here!!!! :mad:

Geez, what a day!! Work was beyond crazy, so the next few days before we leave, I will be SWAMPED.

Then, DW called me...

Our SUV needed to go into the dealer because the rear axle is puking oil all over the place. It has 16K miles on it, and the tires are shot too. And since we have to drive to L.A. (200 miles) to catch our plane, we need it fixed NOW.

Then I came home...

The 52" DLP Mitsubishi TV I bought less than 2 months ago DIED. Dead as hell. And since today is friday, I can't get a technician until monday, so we are without our TV all weekend, and probably longer. Hey, whattya want for $4500 anyway? :mad:

These things happen... but NOW?? :(

We are trying to get organized to leave for this cruise, and all hell is breaking loose! :crazy:

Who's got a beer for Beano?????:cool:
:drinking1 for beano :drinking1 for me
:drinking1 :drinking1 for beano :drinking1 for me...wait a minute, i don't like this pattern that is going on.

4 more 8 hour workdays for me...;)

have a good weekend everyone, i will be practicing drinking all weekend, chili cookoff then a country concert....sounds like alot of good practicing for me.

:wave: Good Early Saturday Morining to Everyone!

Well today my DS (14yrs) is in an all-day marching band competition for high school! Had to get him to school by 7am and he competes ALL DAY and doesn't get home until 11:30pm tonight!!

Here's to to the KHS Viking band and Color Guard kicking some b*tt today!!!:Pinkbounc

Stuck without a car today.......hope the dealer fixes it soon:crazy:

Happy Weekend to All!!

closer and closer we get...WOO-HOO!!!


What instrument does your son play, RonnieJo (Renee?, I'm confused)? Hope they have a good time! Hope your car is an easy fix.

We will be on the ship ONE WEEK from today!

Pixie dust needed here. Both my boys, their Grandma and I all have cold-mild flu and feel like garbage. I had intended to get the ironing done. My Mom first, she leaves the day before us to visit my SIL and DN in Phoenix, as does DH to give a talk in Tampa. DH has to read a bunch of grants for NSF reviews the week after our cruise. Kids are back in school next week, so I have to WORK at the school. Yuk, not looking forward to the next week.

Hi Carla!!:wave:

My son plays the trumpet in his high school marching band.

My name is Renee......RonnieJo is a nickname I was given like 20 years ago and it stuck.
I been called many things ...LMAO!! I will answer to both though.....yeah I'm a little kooky


Hope you feel better!!!!! pixie dust coming your way


Hi everyone!

I've been off-line for a couple of days since I was working at a trade show Wed-Fri. I always forget how exhausting that is!

Just to let everyone know, I'm going to print the nametags based on the "Who's going" list on Monday. However your name is written/spelled there is how it will be on the nametag. If you want any changes, let me know now!

Have a great weekend :) I'm going to be packing and cleaning and cleaning and packing ....

OK, everyone ... DH is catching up on the past postings. So, everyone say "Hi, Chris." and do play nice, ya' here? (He's much more well behaved than I am.) :teeth:

anyone know anything about the gym on board? Are there treadmills for running? (No, really I'm serious. Gotta get rid of those Rum Runners somehow.):confused3

RonnieJo: how did the band comp go? I did color guard for a while and remember having a blast..
OK, I tried to post this two or three times and got kicked off ..

(insert redneck word): impotent

this is an impo-tent question: did you all read in your docs where it said "no personal coolers allowed"?( It also said in the docs that we were going to Grand Cayman.) So, is it a generic statement that Disney prints but largely ignores? Does this mean I carry the case of wine on board in the cardboard box it comes in?:hyper: Enquiring minds want to know ....
Hi all...

Well, we are without our car until Tuesday night, and we leave for vacation Wednesday!:o

Here's hoping they fix it right! LOL

Cheri - the gym on board is pretty nice. There are about 6 treadmills and 3 or 4 bikes, as I recall. Also weight machines and free weights. There are TV's above the treadmills, or you can just look out at the water! I plan to hit the treadmill at least 3 or 4 times during the cruise, early in the mornings. I figure, to burn off the previous day's calories, I'll only need to run the treadmill for, oh, 7 hours or so. ::yes::

I still can't figure out why they don't serve beer in the gym. :p

I'll tell ya, we will ALL be ready for some R&R come Wednesday night! Between now and then we have dr.'s appts., dentist appts., broken cars to fix, broken tv's to fix, and 5 funerals!! :crazy:

(I just love the smell of formaldahyde in the morning!!)

'Beano' :cool:
Hey All, this is DMoss3377(Dana)

I finally got my DH(Steve's) login activated and working!

It's about time! Woohoo!

He's sleeping now, gotta go to work in a couple hours, but when he gets home I'll have him post...finally, he's been wanting to ever since we registered him. :) LOL

Ok...logging him off and loggin myself back on. :)
Hey Beano & Renee...

Wow, sounds like you guys have your hands full between now and Wednesday. Hang in there...all that matters is that you make it to WDW/DCL!

Renee - How did the Band Comp go? I'm interested in knowing too...I did color guard and flag corp for a couple years in high school. Loved the competitions but Choir took over and was more my passion, so dropped out to focus more on that. I remember our director use to tell us that when you're on the field during a competition, if a judge gets in your way during a formation change....MOW HIM/HER OVER! It's their fault anyway...always wanted one to get in my way just so I could smack them in the head with my flag happend, but a friend of mine on bass got to roll right over one judge during one competition, it was the funniest thing. :):rotfl:

Okay, I know I said I wouldn't do anymore shopping for the cruise, but I just HAD to find one more thing and got lucky with a couple more clearance items! :) Although, spent all day out shopping with a friend, and didn't get anything done at cleaning, no packing...ugh, now I'm going to have to do it all Sunday...oh, that's I'd better get to sleep!
:rockband: WOO-HOO!!!

DS's marching band and color guard placed FIRST in the marching competition and SECOND for their field show (which happens to be the music from The Pirates of the Carribbean) :).......and in the process endured a 17 hour day!!!!! I think that shows a lot of commitment on their part!

The next few days are gonna be nuts with all that needs to happen , but we'll git r dun!!!!

Thanks for asking about how competition went:hyper:


good mooning, good moonin...i woke up and just had to ask everyone a question....ARE WE GETTING EXCITING YET!

Geesh, seems like everyone is busy with important stuff, i just have a country concert to go to today, softball games tomorrow night, going to get some wine for dana, don't worry, i still have 3 good days dana..;). Still need to do shopping, geesh...the life if a bachelor.

Congrats to you son renee.

Well everyone i gotta do some work before the concert, so i will be looking for the posts, and lets break in steve slowly, he is a virgin. You know i love you man, anyone bringing a PS2 so i can whoop up on steve at some madden.

patrick :cool:
OK i have a challenge for everyone who wants it:

Who wants to get up early every morning and walk :scared1: the mile (I think it's 4x's around) deck 4 with Kristy and I? :cheer2:

Please let me know and we can all meet and have some fun doing it.

Faith :wave:

:jumping1: :cool1: COME ON YOU GUYS IT WILL BE LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!:rockband:
Hello all!!

Faith/Kristy - If I can get up early enough, I will walk the mile with you, but I need my beauty sleep so it may only happen a few times!! I was actually telling Kristy that I was thinking about trying Yoga on the ship one of those mornings.
Just doing a quick check in, before I work some more on packing.

DD had her 2nd gymnastics state qualifier this morning. Forgive this proud mom, but I have to boast.........she took over all 1st place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (over all score 36.75!)

GO KELLY!!!!:cheer2:

We can rest and relax while on the cruise!

HAve a great Sunday...........Go pack something!!!!!!!


PS.......Way to go Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::yes::
WALKING, are you ladies nuts!, oh wait, i was gonna try to run at least a mile, i know that sounds ambitious, but we have to have goals right, just hopefully my beer doesn't spill from my hat as i am running. Vacations are supposed to be relaxing, but that seems to be about the only time that i can get to the gym or run. Usually only run 60 feet at a time, sometimes 120, or 180, or if i am really lucky all 240 at once. Well going to sit down and fill out forms and make a list, and check it twice. Also is everyone getting dressed up for mnsshp, was thinking about some costumes, but not quite sure of what the final product will be yet. Have a great sunday everyone



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