Roll call for MVMCP - December 8, 2002

Hey - August 10th is our 17th wedding anniversary!!! :)
(I may be too preoccupied to make a PS)
TC...last check you were at my table....

Does it matter how many at a table or are we just going to make one PS? Would someone like me to call and see how many people they book on one PS??? I would be more than happy to do that.
Chef Mickey's - Contemporary Resort - Relocated during 1996 to the Contemporary , Chef Mickey's now serves breakfast and dinner with Chef Mickey, Chip, Dale and Chef Goofy . The breakfast buffet offers the usual items - eggs, breads, meats, fresh fruit, etc. At dinner there is a salad bar, peel and eat shrimp, soups, hot entrees, breads, carved meats, vegetables, desserts and an ice cream bar with a great variety of toppings. All characters visit guests tables except Goofy who seems to holds court in the waiting area. Breakfast $15.95-A and $8.95-C. Dinner $21.95-A/$9.95-C. Priority seating is recommended.

Courtesy of & Deb Wills

Chris - As far as I know, I'm still at your table.
I can't wait to meet all you guys, and I'll go with the disneycub table.

You can tentatively put us down for the Dec. 8 MVMCP. That will be a party of 2 (Linda and JamesD.)
We're considering eating at the Liberty Tree Tavern beforehand. Thanks and we look forward to seeing some familiar faces.
I just got off the phone with Chef Mickey's and this will be easy. We can make the reservation at least 60 days in advance (sooner if needed). They can hold up to 373 people (so no maximum on one PS). They require a credit card just to hold the ressie (no problem) and they can only do one seating - 5:00pm!!!!

If you ask me...this is almost too perfect! We can add or take off the original ressie up to 48 hours before the dinner.

So...I am still thinking that Chef Mickey's is the place to go!!!!!


Just an FYI - I am in the process of calling and finding out information about making a PS at Chef Mickey's for Dec. 8 and how we go about doing it for such a large group. We currently have approximately 40 people right now on the list above (I've added a few to the count that I know are unsures). I will post about anything that we need to do.

I first called Disney Dining, they gave me the number for Group Dining who I just called and they in turn gave me the number directly to Chef Mickey's and told me they can give me all the information as some restaurants have their own policies. So I will be calling Chef Mickey's in a bit to gather as much "group dining" info as I can....I'll post as I get info!!!!
I'm sorry...I hope I didn't just take this over. It definitely wasn't my intent. I meant to post that and forgot. Hope I'm not stepping on any toes or anything by doing this and checking this out.
Absolutely not, December99. Speaking for myself, I like information. And I really, really appreciate that you are taking the tim to do all this research. It's going to be so cool for all of us to be together. And since it looks like Crystal Palace may be closed, we need more options.

Anyway, we can't make Priority Seatings until 60 days before December 8, 2002 or about October 8, 2002.

I get the feeling that the Crystal Palace may be mostly torn down and completely rebuilt even bigger and fancier. Maybe that is why the rehab is taking six months.

Anyway, I'm still keeping Crystal Palace in the back of my mind, just in case it reopens early.

And with the information that you gave it's good to know that you can cancel and change things up to 48 hours.

I think that it's important to plan, because we won't be the only ones calling for ps that day.

I hope that no one thinks that you are stepping on toes. I sure don't think that of you. I think that you'll find some pretty nice folks here. If someone is so petty and high schoolish to pick on just let me know and I'll....I'll...I'll do

Thanks Ray...I just didn't want to be stepping in and "taking" over on this.

I can call tomorrow and make the ressie, with group ressies you can call up until 60 days out. They want the ressie made by 60 days out so we can't wait until October to make it. I think what I'll do is go ahead and call and make the ressie tomorrow and hold it. If we decide to cancel it, then we decide to cancel it. At least we will have a place held for us and I would think that by 60 days out, we will have a more accurate count also, not that we would need one.

This IS gonna be fun!!!!! Not that it wasn't but just imagining 50 or DISers flying their napkins in the air...there's just something about it that makes me all fuzzy!!!! :D :D :D :D
Yey for Chris

Chris, what a sweetie you are. You are not "taking over" at all. This is great news!! Thanks for doing this. You're heading for "commando" status at an alarming rate! LOL :D
Not all of us can make the phone calls or arrangements, so by you doing this, it really helps out the group. We love that! :D :D
I think this will a rip-roaring fun time, for sure!! It will be a great way to start off the evening! :D :D
Way to go, Chris! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Ray, you don't fool me, you're too nice to "do something". You're just a big teddy bear in red white and blue. :D :D :D
Chris: You go, girl! How many are you gonna make the ressie for? I had twelve or thirteen that were part of my table.

Thanks for taking this on. I'd say you've gone commando. :rolleyes:

And Ray: EXACTLY what Barb said. You don't fool me either. ;)
I love coming to this thread.......makes me :) :) :)

Chris, please add me to your Chef Mickey's list. :) Thanks. :) I'm part of Steve's table, so don't add me extra if you're just going to add Steve's table. :)
Ray-ROTFLMBO!!!!!:p :p :p :p :p I got a Big Dog's email selling stuff for Father's Day and I just about fell on the floor laughing! :D :D That's our Ray, a teddy bear in....well, you know! ;) LOL
Chris, I think we already had about 4 or 5 tables in progress. Most tables were for 10, give or take. So I think you're estimate of 50 (to start) is pretty good.
Thanks, again, for taking the reigns on this one. :D :D :D
Okay...I'm going to call this afternoon and start the ressie at 50. I was going by the roll-call list that TC has on the first page. That has 36 people and I added 4 to that I think might be joining us but are waiting for the "official" word (mainly my roomies and a couple of other people :D :D ). I will post later today after I get the call made - this morning is just a pain in the butt and I know I won't get it done until later this afternoon.

Oh by the way...did you know that....

<b><FONT COLOR=RED><FONT SIZE=10>I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!</B></font></font>

:D :D :D :D :D

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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