Riddle me this!

<marquee direction="right">
To the tune of Mission Impossible...

Duct tape,
we'll use duct tape.
We'll get Yepod
Using duct tape.

Get him now.
Angels go.
Get him now.
Where's the duct tape?

Duct tape,
we'll use duct tape.
We'll get Yepod
Using duct tape.

He can't hide!
He'll be found.
We'll get him
to post!

Duct tape,
we'll use duct tape.
We'll get Yepod
Using duct tape.
And I have too much free time?!?!?!?!!?

Great little ditty OK.
I've never heard the term "split heat" before. Good, I've learned something today, and now I can go back to sleep.
LOL! I always have to remember not to use too many terms that we use in everyday language around here. Some are considered not for use in good company, but they are really serious terms we use everyday to determine which canine we are talking about! I can't quite bring myself to call them "girls and boys"!:rolleyes: It is kind of like calling a bull a cow....Just doesn't quite do it!:p
Bernie - EXCELLENT song!!!!!!!! ROFLMthongO!!

Now I'll have that tune in my head all day long...

I'm armed and ready for duty.....but I don't think my uniform is clean:rolleyes: ;)
Lars - your uniform isn't clean? Better jump in the shower...

Diane - maybe we need to call up Bernie's Band of Butt Kickin' Broads to take care of those darn roofers for you.:mad:

Looks like a yucky, rainy day here. That sort of fits my mood, as I have to go to work today.

Oh John! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Have you mooned, er... I mean met my sister Shamrock Bunch yet? You need to send her a greeting as only you can...:rolleyes:

Good news for Sunday - the Laura's are finally getting to meet! Lars and I are going to meet for breakfast on Sunday morning since I will be visiting my sister in northern Ohio.:Pinkbounc
So when are any riddlers coming to Minnesota so we can have a meeting?
BTW, Gail is having serious computer problems and won't be on for a while.:(

anyone have any dirt on her that they want to share today? ;) :teeth:
Speaking of computer problems...Our cable modem was down all day yesterday. The road work caused a cable problem, and they didn't get it fixed until late afternoon.
Good morning all. It's supposed to be another beautiful day out today. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have to work.

Hi Ellen, welcome to the Riddle :)

I must admit I am feeling rather stupid... I think I ought to know this one, but as it happens many mornings, my brain hasn't turned on yet :p

Diane, sorry you had such a cruddy day yesterday. I do hope things go better for you today and that the dang roofers show!

Loved the song Bernie!!!

I wonder if we threaten to not come to any more meets that John is at that he will come out of hiding!!

L4 & L6, I hope you have a great time on Sunday... if it weren't so far away and if I didn't have so much to do between now and my sister's wedding, I'd be there in a heart beat. Have a great time and I swear I will meet you both some day soon!

Off to ponder that riddle and get some work done :)
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....


I feel another song coming on...

"Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's off to work I go...":D
Good Morning Riddlemeister and Fellow Riddlers!!

Geesh! Every time I get down reading a page, another is added!

I'm gonna be late!

Golfing (or fishing) Diane.

Have a great day all!
Plain white vanilla curtain today! Off to do dogs. Have a great day folks!
Originally posted by dianeschlicht
So when are any riddlers coming to Minnesota so we can have a meeting?

as soon as your house is done!!!!


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