Riddle me this!

We have had plenty of sunny days! We just don't have roofers who work on sunny days!
You want me to come out there & get mean with em????;)
I betcha the roofers were golfing, Diane....:)

'Morning, Glo! Yep -that's the ER guy! :) {{hugs}} for first day back. Take deep breaths and baby steps! :)

Steph - that character would certainly fit right it! :p :p

"Split Heat"???? Man - I don't even like the sound of that!!! :eek:
Does anyone else here have the Manheim Meets the Mouse CD? It is DH's favorite. I love their version of Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho. I have it playing right now. :)

sunny and warm ahhh what a lovely phrase:)

Ellen aka Snow White welcome to the fun

pm on the way
Diane! For your DH! :)
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I betcha the roofers were golfing, Diane....
LOL! That is EXACTLY what happened the first day they came to roof! They came out there and looked around and told the carpentry foreman it was too nice a day, so they were going golfing!:rolleyes:
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You do fit right in on this one, Glo!!! :p :p :p
Good morning everyone. Gosh everyone seems to be getting today's riddle and I have NO clue!!!:rolleyes: :jester: But then, I guess, what's new!?:teeth:
Drastic times call for drastic measures...I hereby am issuing the following:


Be on the lookout for one missing DISer, John aka Yepod. Subject is a white male, with a know fetish for all things "butt related". Last seen on 4/25. Subject has been warned that unexcused absences over 48 hours will result in a "call to the Angels rescue team".

Angels, we your assignment, if you choose to accept it......find the missing Yepod, and return him safely to the bat-cave.

One final note, subject should be considered armed and dangerous...as he is known to have in his possession a new roll of duct tape!!
Maybe it is our fault for building between two fairly new and lovely golf courses! They can't go out there without driving by at least one of them!
LOL...Boo's MOm...he best be careful...he can be overpowered and that duct tape used against ;)
Hiya, Len! :wave:
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Yepod - you can run, but you can't hide!!!

Ya know - I betcha he's loving it - having the angels chasing after him!!! :p :p :p

Good morning, Kitty! :)
Originally posted by glo
LOL...Boo's MOm...he best be careful...he can be overpowered and that duct tape used against ;)

I'm counting on that!
Has anyone heard how Rob's closing went? I supose he is too busy to post now!
Well, it's nice that my PANTS are raring to go. We have a beautiful, but cool, day in store for us. Hoping that the teenage stressors are GOOD today. :rolleyes:

glo, have a good first day back after 10 days. At least you are one day closer to the weekend than yesterday. :p

be forewarned....it's addicting
Ain't that the truth?

I've never heard the term "split heat" before. Good, I've learned something today, and now I can go back to sleep. Could someone tell the first graders to please be quiet so I don't wake up?

Have a great one!


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