Request from PO3

thanks everyone. it's been a terrible night. i went to see her and she was so out of it one minute and with me the next. i hate to see her like this.
and bubba had a 103 temp and was so out of it. he coughed all night long. the dr said that this virus that he has will make his asthma act up and she was not kiddin! i spent most of the night trying to cool him down. the motrin was taking forever to work. he looks like crap. my poor little man. i don't know who i'm supposed to be thinkin' about at what time. i'm with my mom and i'm thinking about bubba. i'm with bubba and i'm thinking about my mom.

thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers but please still keep them with you.

i love you guys!
What did the doctor say Bubba has?

I am sorry that you are being pulled in so many different directions. It is always harder on the caregiver. :hug:
PO3 do the motrin/tylenol every 4 hours.. sounds like Bubba had what Bear had earlier in Feb.. end up due to not getting the fever under control he also got an ear infection...
be consistent w/ the every 4.. it will help break it... so sorry it's screwing w/ his asthma on top of it... If you go back to the doctor today, have them check his ears...

Hugs to your mom....Continued prayers/pixie dust, love and support from our house to yours!!!
Oh Holly...:hug:

I don't need to be with my mom today, can I come bring you and Bubba lunch? What has he got? Poor pet :(

Seriously, I'm home ALL day today, call me, text me, email me, send up a smoke signal, I can come over.
Hugs Holly. I am so sorry you are being pulled in so many directions. I hope Bubba starts feeling better soon! Poor little man. Continued prayers for all of you!:hug:
I'm sorry to hear about all your problems and will be thinking of you and your family.
Just received txt from Holls.. She says it does NOT look good.. she is asking for prayers/thoughts for her mom.

All I can tell you from our conversation yesterday (very brief) was that on top of the kidney had been dx with pneumonia.. been in and out during visits... :(
Bubba is still under the weather too...

I'll let you know if I... hold on..
ok, it was Holly.. mom is in emergency surgery....
Oh no! Prayers being sent right now Holly! :hug:
ETA: Update:
Emergency surgery to remove tumor.. according to Holly if they don't she may not make it thru the weekend...
Holly, I'm so sorry to hear about all that's going on with your mother and little guy. Haven't been able to read the whole thread, but I can tell you're going through a lot.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Ok, been checking on Holly this evening.. mom is out of surgery.. they are taking her of course to ICU....they are hoping to see her shortly.....they told Holly the next 24 hours are critical...


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